// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
// at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
// the License for the specific language governing rights and
// limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.rabbitmq.client.test.functional;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP;
import com.rabbitmq.client.GetResponse;
import com.rabbitmq.client.test.BrokerTestCase;
// Functional test demonstrating use of an internal exchange in an exchange to
// exchange routing scenario. The routing topology is:
// ------- -------
// -/ \- -/ \-
// / \ / \ +-------------+
// | e0 +------| e1 +-----------+ q1 |
// \ / \ / +-------------+
// -\ /- -\ /-
// ------- -------
// (internal)
// Where a non-internal exchange is bound to an internal exchange, which in
// turn is bound to a queue. A client should be able to publish to e0, but
// not to e1, and publications to e0 should be delivered into q1.
public class InternalExchange extends BrokerTestCase
private final String[] queues = new String[] { "q1" };
private final String[] exchanges = new String[] { "e0", "e1" };
protected void createResources() throws IOException
// The queues and exchange we create here are all auto-delete, so we
// don't need to override releaseResources() with their deletions...
for (String q : queues)
channel.queueDeclare(q, false, true, true, null);
// The second exchange, "e1", will be an 'internal' one.
for ( String e : exchanges )
channel.exchangeDeclare(e, "direct",
false, true,
channel.exchangeBind("e1", "e0", "");
channel.queueBind("q1", "e1", "");
public void testTryPublishingToInternalExchange()
throws IOException
byte[] testDataBody = "test-data".getBytes();
// We should be able to publish to the non-internal exchange as usual
// and see our message land in the queue...
channel.basicPublish("e0", "", null, testDataBody);
GetResponse r = channel.basicGet("q1", true);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(r.getBody(), testDataBody));
// Publishing to the internal exchange will not be allowed...
channel.basicPublish("e1", "", null, testDataBody);