* Java port of Bullet (c) 2008 Martin Dvorak <jezek2@advel.cz>
* Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Erwin Coumans http://www.bulletphysics.com/
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
* the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
package com.bulletphysics.collision.narrowphase;
import com.bulletphysics.BulletGlobals;
import com.bulletphysics.BulletStats;
import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.Transform;
import com.bulletphysics.linearmath.VectorUtil;
import cz.advel.stack.Stack;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector4f;
* PersistentManifold is a contact point cache, it stays persistent as long as objects
* are overlapping in the broadphase. Those contact points are created by the collision
* narrow phase.<p>
* The cache can be empty, or hold 1, 2, 3 or 4 points. Some collision algorithms (GJK)
* might only add one point at a time, updates/refreshes old contact points, and throw
* them away if necessary (distance becomes too large).<p>
* Reduces the cache to 4 points, when more then 4 points are added, using following rules:
* the contact point with deepest penetration is always kept, and it tries to maximize the
* area covered by the points.<p>
* Note that some pairs of objects might have more then one contact manifold.
* @author jezek2
public class PersistentManifold {
//protected final BulletStack stack = BulletStack.get();
public static final int MANIFOLD_CACHE_SIZE = 4;
private final ManifoldPoint[] pointCache = new ManifoldPoint[MANIFOLD_CACHE_SIZE];
/// this two body pointers can point to the physics rigidbody class.
/// void* will allow any rigidbody class
private Object body0;
private Object body1;
private int cachedPoints;
public int index1a;
for (int i=0; i<pointCache.length; i++) pointCache[i] = new ManifoldPoint();
public PersistentManifold() {
public PersistentManifold(Object body0, Object body1, int bla) {
init(body0, body1, bla);
public void init(Object body0, Object body1, int bla) {
this.body0 = body0;
this.body1 = body1;
cachedPoints = 0;
index1a = 0;
/// sort cached points so most isolated points come first
private int sortCachedPoints(ManifoldPoint pt) {
//calculate 4 possible cases areas, and take biggest area
//also need to keep 'deepest'
int maxPenetrationIndex = -1;
float maxPenetration = pt.getDistance();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (pointCache[i].getDistance() < maxPenetration) {
maxPenetrationIndex = i;
maxPenetration = pointCache[i].getDistance();
float res0 = 0f, res1 = 0f, res2 = 0f, res3 = 0f;
if (maxPenetrationIndex != 0) {
Vector3f a0 = Stack.alloc(pt.localPointA);
Vector3f b0 = Stack.alloc(pointCache[3].localPointA);
Vector3f cross = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
cross.cross(a0, b0);
res0 = cross.lengthSquared();
if (maxPenetrationIndex != 1) {
Vector3f a1 = Stack.alloc(pt.localPointA);
Vector3f b1 = Stack.alloc(pointCache[3].localPointA);
Vector3f cross = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
cross.cross(a1, b1);
res1 = cross.lengthSquared();
if (maxPenetrationIndex != 2) {
Vector3f a2 = Stack.alloc(pt.localPointA);
Vector3f b2 = Stack.alloc(pointCache[3].localPointA);
Vector3f cross = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
cross.cross(a2, b2);
res2 = cross.lengthSquared();
if (maxPenetrationIndex != 3) {
Vector3f a3 = Stack.alloc(pt.localPointA);
Vector3f b3 = Stack.alloc(pointCache[2].localPointA);
Vector3f cross = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
cross.cross(a3, b3);
res3 = cross.lengthSquared();
Vector4f maxvec = Stack.alloc(Vector4f.class);
maxvec.set(res0, res1, res2, res3);
int biggestarea = VectorUtil.closestAxis4(maxvec);
return biggestarea;
//private int findContactPoint(ManifoldPoint unUsed, int numUnused, ManifoldPoint pt);
public Object getBody0() {
return body0;
public Object getBody1() {
return body1;
public void setBodies(Object body0, Object body1) {
this.body0 = body0;
this.body1 = body1;
public void clearUserCache(ManifoldPoint pt) {
Object oldPtr = pt.userPersistentData;
if (oldPtr != null) {
// int i;
// int occurance = 0;
// for (i = 0; i < cachedPoints; i++) {
// if (pointCache[i].userPersistentData == oldPtr) {
// occurance++;
// if (occurance > 1) {
// throw new InternalError();
// }
// }
// }
// assert (occurance <= 0);
if (pt.userPersistentData != null && BulletGlobals.getContactDestroyedCallback() != null) {
pt.userPersistentData = null;
// DebugPersistency();
public int getNumContacts() {
return cachedPoints;
public ManifoldPoint getContactPoint(int index) {
return pointCache[index];
// todo: get this margin from the current physics / collision environment
public float getContactBreakingThreshold() {
return BulletGlobals.getContactBreakingThreshold();
public int getCacheEntry(ManifoldPoint newPoint) {
float shortestDist = getContactBreakingThreshold() * getContactBreakingThreshold();
int size = getNumContacts();
int nearestPoint = -1;
Vector3f diffA = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ManifoldPoint mp = pointCache[i];
diffA.sub(mp.localPointA, newPoint.localPointA);
float distToManiPoint = diffA.dot(diffA);
if (distToManiPoint < shortestDist) {
shortestDist = distToManiPoint;
nearestPoint = i;
return nearestPoint;
public int addManifoldPoint(ManifoldPoint newPoint) {
assert (validContactDistance(newPoint));
int insertIndex = getNumContacts();
if (insertIndex == MANIFOLD_CACHE_SIZE) {
//sort cache so best points come first, based on area
insertIndex = sortCachedPoints(newPoint);
else {
insertIndex = 0;
else {
assert (pointCache[insertIndex].userPersistentData == null);
return insertIndex;
public void removeContactPoint(int index) {
int lastUsedIndex = getNumContacts() - 1;
// m_pointCache[index] = m_pointCache[lastUsedIndex];
if (index != lastUsedIndex) {
// TODO: possible bug
//get rid of duplicated userPersistentData pointer
pointCache[lastUsedIndex].userPersistentData = null;
pointCache[lastUsedIndex].appliedImpulse = 0f;
pointCache[lastUsedIndex].lateralFrictionInitialized = false;
pointCache[lastUsedIndex].appliedImpulseLateral1 = 0f;
pointCache[lastUsedIndex].appliedImpulseLateral2 = 0f;
pointCache[lastUsedIndex].lifeTime = 0;
assert (pointCache[lastUsedIndex].userPersistentData == null);
public void replaceContactPoint(ManifoldPoint newPoint, int insertIndex) {
assert (validContactDistance(newPoint));
int lifeTime = pointCache[insertIndex].getLifeTime();
float appliedImpulse = pointCache[insertIndex].appliedImpulse;
float appliedLateralImpulse1 = pointCache[insertIndex].appliedImpulseLateral1;
float appliedLateralImpulse2 = pointCache[insertIndex].appliedImpulseLateral2;
assert (lifeTime >= 0);
Object cache = pointCache[insertIndex].userPersistentData;
pointCache[insertIndex].userPersistentData = cache;
pointCache[insertIndex].appliedImpulse = appliedImpulse;
pointCache[insertIndex].appliedImpulseLateral1 = appliedLateralImpulse1;
pointCache[insertIndex].appliedImpulseLateral2 = appliedLateralImpulse2;
pointCache[insertIndex].lifeTime = lifeTime;
// clearUserCache(m_pointCache[insertIndex]);
// m_pointCache[insertIndex] = newPoint;
private boolean validContactDistance(ManifoldPoint pt) {
return pt.distance1 <= getContactBreakingThreshold();
/// calculated new worldspace coordinates and depth, and reject points that exceed the collision margin
public void refreshContactPoints(Transform trA, Transform trB) {
Vector3f tmp = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
int i;
// printf("refreshContactPoints posA = (%f,%f,%f) posB = (%f,%f,%f)\n",
// trA.getOrigin().getX(),
// trA.getOrigin().getY(),
// trA.getOrigin().getZ(),
// trB.getOrigin().getX(),
// trB.getOrigin().getY(),
// trB.getOrigin().getZ());
// first refresh worldspace positions and distance
for (i = getNumContacts() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ManifoldPoint manifoldPoint = pointCache[i];
manifoldPoint.distance1 = tmp.dot(manifoldPoint.normalWorldOnB);
// then
float distance2d;
Vector3f projectedDifference = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class), projectedPoint = Stack.alloc(Vector3f.class);
for (i = getNumContacts() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ManifoldPoint manifoldPoint = pointCache[i];
// contact becomes invalid when signed distance exceeds margin (projected on contactnormal direction)
if (!validContactDistance(manifoldPoint)) {
else {
// contact also becomes invalid when relative movement orthogonal to normal exceeds margin
tmp.scale(manifoldPoint.distance1, manifoldPoint.normalWorldOnB);
projectedPoint.sub(manifoldPoint.positionWorldOnA, tmp);
projectedDifference.sub(manifoldPoint.positionWorldOnB, projectedPoint);
distance2d = projectedDifference.dot(projectedDifference);
if (distance2d > getContactBreakingThreshold() * getContactBreakingThreshold()) {
else {
// contact point processed callback
if (BulletGlobals.getContactProcessedCallback() != null) {
BulletGlobals.getContactProcessedCallback().contactProcessed(manifoldPoint, body0, body1);
// DebugPersistency();
//#endif //
public void clearManifold() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cachedPoints; i++) {
cachedPoints = 0;