* This file is part of NixNote
* Copyright 2009 Randy Baumgarte
* This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
* GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL'').
* Software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
* express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language
* governing rights and limitations.
* You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this
* program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package cx.fbn.nevernote.sql;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.evernote.edam.type.Data;
import com.evernote.edam.type.Resource;
import com.evernote.edam.type.ResourceAttributes;
import com.trolltech.qt.core.QByteArray;
import cx.fbn.nevernote.sql.driver.NSqlQuery;
import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.ApplicationLogger;
public class NoteResourceTable {
// private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final ApplicationLogger logger;
private final DatabaseConnection db;
// Constructor
public NoteResourceTable(ApplicationLogger l, DatabaseConnection d) {
logger = l;
db = d;
// Create the table
public void createTable() {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
// Create the NoteResource table
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Creating table NoteResource...");
if (!query.exec("Create table NoteResources (guid varchar primary key, " +
"noteGuid varchar, updateSequenceNumber integer, dataHash varchar, "+
"dataSize integer, dataBinary blob, "+
"mime varchar, width integer, height integer, duration integer, "+
"active integer, recognitionHash varchar, recognitionSize integer, " +
"recognitionBinary varchar, attributeSourceUrl varchar, attributeTimestamp timestamp, " +
"attributeLatitude double, attributeLongitude double, "+
"attributeAltitude double, attributeCameraMake varchar, attributeCameraModel varchar, "
+"attributeClientWillIndex varchar, attributeRecoType varchar, attributeFileName varchar,"+
"attributeAttachment boolean, isDirty boolean, indexNeeded boolean)"))
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Table NoteResource creation FAILED!!!");
if (!query.exec("CREATE INDEX unindexed_resources on noteresources (indexneeded desc, guid);"))
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Noteresources unindexed_resources index creation FAILED!!!");
if (!query.exec("CREATE INDEX resources_dataheshhex on noteresources (datahash, guid);"))
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Noteresources resources_datahash index creation FAILED!!!");
if (!query.exec("create index RESOURCES_GUID_INDEX on noteresources (noteGuid, guid);"))
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Noteresources resources_datahash index creation FAILED!!!");
// Drop the table
public void dropTable() {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.exec("Drop table NoteResources");
// Reset the dirty flag
public void resetDirtyFlag(String guid) {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("Update noteresources set isdirty=false where guid=:guid");
query.bindValue(":guid", guid);
if (!query.exec())
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Error resetting noteresource dirty field. " +query.lastError());
// Set if the resource should be indexed
public void setIndexNeeded(String guid, Boolean indexNeeded) {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("Update noteresources set indexNeeded=:needed where guid=:guid");
query.bindValue(":needed", indexNeeded);
query.bindValue(":guid", guid);
if (!query.exec())
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Error setting noteresource indexneeded field: " +query.lastError());
// get any unindexed resource
public List<String> getNextUnindexed(int limit) {
List<String> guids = new ArrayList<String>();
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
if (!query.exec("Select guid from NoteResources where indexNeeded = true limit " +limit))
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteResources SQL retrieve has failed on getNextUnindexed(): " +query.lastError());
// Get a list of the notes
String guid;
while (query.next()) {
guid = new String();
guid = query.valueString(0);
return guids;
// get any unindexed resource
public List<String> getUnindexed() {
List<String> guids = new ArrayList<String>();
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
if (!query.exec("Select guid from NoteResources where indexNeeded = true"))
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteResources SQL retrieve has failed on getUnindexed(): " +query.lastError());
// Get a list of the notes
String guid;
while (query.next()) {
guid = new String();
guid = query.valueString(0);
return guids;
public List<String> getAll() {
List<String> guids = new ArrayList<String>();
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("Select guid from noteresources;");
if (!query.exec())
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Error getting all note resource guids. " +query.lastError());
while (query.next()) {
return guids;
public List<String> findInkNotes() {
List<String> guids = new ArrayList<String>();
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("Select guid from noteresources where mime='application/vnd.evernote.ink'");
if (!query.exec())
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Error searching for ink notes. " +query.lastError());
while (query.next()) {
return guids;
public void saveNoteResource(Resource r, boolean isDirty) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering saveNoteResources: isDirty " +isDirty);
boolean check;
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Note: " +r.getNoteGuid());
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Resource: " +r.getGuid());
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
SimpleDateFormat simple = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
query.prepare("Insert Into NoteResources ("
+"guid, noteGuid, dataHash, dataSize, dataBinary, updateSequenceNumber, "
+"mime, width, height, duration, active, recognitionHash, "
+"recognitionSize, recognitionBinary, attributeSourceUrl, attributeTimestamp, "
+"attributeLatitude, attributeLongitude, attributeAltitude, attributeCameraMake, "
+"attributeCameraModel, "
+"attributeClientWillIndex, attributeRecoType, attributeFileName, attributeAttachment, isDirty, "
+"indexNeeded) Values("
+":guid, :noteGuid, :dataHash,:dataSize, :dataBody, :updateSequenceNumber, "
+":mime, :width, :height, :duration, :active, :recognitionHash, "
+":recognitionSize, :recognitionBody, :attributeSourceUrl, :attributeTimestamp, "
+":attributeLatitude, :attributeLongitude, :attributeAltitude, :attributeCameraMake, "
+":attributeCameraModel, "
+":attributeClientWillIndex, :attributeRecoType, :attributeFileName, :attributeAttachment, "
+":isDirty, true)");
query.bindValue(":guid", r.getGuid());
query.bindValue(":noteGuid", r.getNoteGuid());
if (r.getData() != null) {
query.bindValue(":dataHash", byteArrayToHexString(r.getData().getBodyHash()));
// query.bindValue(":dataHash", "c0369123fe9871d675ae456fd056ba33");
query.bindValue(":dataSize", r.getData().getSize());
query.bindBlob(":dataBody", r.getData().getBody());
query.bindValue(":updateSequenceNumber", r.getUpdateSequenceNum());
query.bindValue(":mime", r.getMime());
query.bindValue(":width", new Integer(r.getWidth()));
query.bindValue(":height", new Integer(r.getHeight()));
query.bindValue(":duration", new Integer(r.getDuration()));
query.bindValue(":active", r.isActive());
if (r.getRecognition() != null) {
query.bindValue(":recognitionHash", r.getRecognition().getBodyHash());
query.bindValue(":recognitionSize", r.getRecognition().getSize());
if (r.getRecognition().getBody() != null)
query.bindValue(":recognitionBody", new String(r.getRecognition().getBody()));
query.bindValue(":recognitionBody", "");
} else {
query.bindValue(":recognitionHash", "");
query.bindValue(":recognitionSize", 0);
query.bindValue(":recognitionBody", "");
if (r.getAttributes() != null) {
query.bindValue(":attributeSourceUrl", r.getAttributes().getSourceURL());
StringBuilder ts = new StringBuilder(simple.format(r.getAttributes().getTimestamp()));
query.bindValue(":attributeTimestamp", ts.toString());
query.bindValue(":attributeLatitude", r.getAttributes().getLatitude());
query.bindValue(":attributeLongitude", r.getAttributes().getLongitude());
query.bindValue(":attributeAltitude", r.getAttributes().getAltitude());
query.bindValue(":attributeCameraMake", r.getAttributes().getCameraMake());
query.bindValue(":attributeCameraModel", r.getAttributes().getCameraModel());
query.bindValue(":attributeClientWillIndex", r.getAttributes().isClientWillIndex());
query.bindValue(":attributeRecoType", r.getAttributes().getRecoType());
query.bindValue(":attributeFileName", r.getAttributes().getFileName());
query.bindValue(":attributeAttachment", r.getAttributes().isAttachment());
query.bindValue(":isDirty", isDirty);
check = query.exec();
if (!check) {
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "*** NoteResource Table insert failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
} else
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving DBRunner.saveNoteResources");
// delete an old resource
public void expungeNoteResource(String guid) {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("delete from NoteResources where guid=:guid");
query.bindValue(":guid", guid);
NSqlQuery query2 = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection());
query2.prepare("Delete from InkImages where guid=:guid");
query2.bindValue(":guid", guid);
// Get a note resource from the database by it's hash value
public String getNoteResourceGuidByHashHex(String noteGuid, String hash) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering DBRunner.getNoteResourceGuidByHashHex");
boolean check;
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
check = query.prepare("Select guid from NoteResources " +
"where noteGuid=:noteGuid and dataHash=:hash");
if (check)
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteResource SQL select prepare was successful.");
else {
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteResource SQL select prepare has failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
query.bindValue(":noteGuid", noteGuid);
query.bindValue(":hash", hash);
check = query.exec();
if (!check) {
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "dbRunner.getNoteResourceGuidByHashHex Select failed." +
"Note Guid:" +noteGuid+
"Data Body Hash:" +hash);
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
if (!query.next()) {
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note Resource not found.");
return null;
return query.valueString(0);
// Get a note resource from the database by it's hash value
public Resource getNoteResourceDataBodyByHashHex(String noteGuid, String hash) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering DBRunner.getNoteResourceDataBodyByHash");
boolean check;
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
check = query.prepare("Select guid, mime, from NoteResources " +
"where noteGuid=:noteGuid and dataHash=:hash");
if (!check) {
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteResource SQL select prepare has failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
query.bindValue(":noteGuid", noteGuid);
query.bindValue(":hash", hash);
if (!query.exec()) {
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "NoteResource Select failed." +
"Note Guid:" +noteGuid+
"Data Body Hash:" +hash);
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
if (!query.next()) {
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note Resource not found.");
return null;
Resource r = new Resource();
NSqlQuery binary = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
if (!binary.prepare("Select databinary from NoteResources " +
"where guid=:guid")) {
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Prepare for NoteResources Binary failed");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, binary.lastError());
if (!binary.exec()) {
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "NoteResources Binary Select failed." +
"Note Guid:" +noteGuid+
"Data Body Hash:" +hash);
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, binary.lastError());
if (!binary.next()) {
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note Resource Binary not found.");
return null;
Data d = new Data();
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving DBRunner.getNoteResourceDataBodyByHash");
return r;
// Get a note's resourcesby Guid
public Resource getNoteResource(String guid, boolean withBinary) {
if (guid == null)
return null;
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
String queryString;
queryString = new String("Select guid, noteGuid, mime, width, height, duration, "
+"active, updateSequenceNumber, dataHash, dataSize, "
+"recognitionHash, recognitionSize, "
+"attributeLatitude, attributeLongitude, attributeAltitude, "
+"attributeCameraMake, attributeCameraModel, attributeClientWillIndex, "
+"attributeRecoType, attributeFileName, attributeAttachment, attributeSourceUrl "
+" from NoteResources where guid=:guid");
query.bindValue(":guid", guid);
if (!query.exec()) {
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteResources SQL select has failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
return null;
Resource r = null;
if (query.next()) {
r = new Resource();
r.setGuid(query.valueString(0)); // Resource Guid
r.setNoteGuid(query.valueString(1)); // note Guid
r.setMime(query.valueString(2)); // Mime Type
r.setWidth(new Short(query.valueString(3))); // Width
r.setHeight(new Short(query.valueString(4))); // Height
r.setDuration(new Short(query.valueString(5))); // Duration
r.setActive(new Boolean(query.valueString(6))); // active
r.setUpdateSequenceNum(new Integer(query.valueString(7))); // update sequence number
Data d = new Data();
byte[] h = query.valueString(8).getBytes(); // data hash
QByteArray hData = new QByteArray(h);
QByteArray bData = new QByteArray(QByteArray.fromHex(hData));
d.setSize(new Integer(query.valueString(9)));
Data rec = new Data();
if (query.valueObject(10) != null)
rec.setBodyHash(query.valueString(10).getBytes()); // Recognition Hash
if (query.valueObject(11) != null)
rec.setSize(new Integer(query.valueString(11)));
ResourceAttributes a = new ResourceAttributes();
if (!query.valueString(12).equals("")) // Latitude
a.setLatitude(new Float(query.valueString(12)));
if (!query.valueString(13).equals("")) // Longitude
a.setLongitude(new Float(query.valueString(13)));
if (!query.valueString(14).equals("")) // Altitude
a.setAltitude(new Float(query.valueString(14)));
a.setCameraMake(stringValue(query.valueString(15))); // Camera Make
a.setClientWillIndex(booleanValue(query.valueString(17).toString(),false)); // Camera Model
a.setRecoType(stringValue(query.valueString(18))); // Recognition Type
a.setFileName(stringValue(query.valueString(19))); // File Name
if (withBinary) {
query.prepare("Select dataBinary from NoteResources where guid=:guid");
query.bindValue(":guid", r.getGuid());
if (query.next()) {
byte[] b = query.getBlob(0);
return r;
// Get a note's resourcesby Guid
public List<Resource> getNoteResources(String noteGuid, boolean withBinary) {
if (noteGuid == null)
return null;
List<Resource> res = new ArrayList<Resource>();
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("Select guid"
+" from NoteResources where noteGuid = :noteGuid");
query.bindValue(":noteGuid", noteGuid);
if (!query.exec()) {
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteResources SQL select has failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
return null;
while (query.next()) {
String guid = (query.valueString(0));
res.add(getNoteResource(guid, withBinary));
return res;
// Get all of a note's recognition data by the note guid
public List<Resource> getNoteResourcesRecognition(String noteGuid) {
if (noteGuid == null)
return null;
boolean check;
List<Resource> res = new ArrayList<Resource>();
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
check = query.prepare("Select "
+"recognitionHash, recognitionSize, recognitionBinary "
+" from NoteResources where noteGuid=:guid");
if (!check) {
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteTable.getNoteRecognition SQL prepare has failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
return null;
query.bindValue(":guid", noteGuid);
if (!check) {
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteTable.getNoteRecognition exec has failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
return null;
while (query.next()) {
Resource r = new Resource();
Data rec = new Data();
String x = new String(query.valueString(1));
if (!x.equals("")) {
rec.setSize(new Integer(x));
} else
return res;
// Get a note's recognition data by it's guid.
public Resource getNoteResourceRecognition(String guid) {
if (guid == null)
return null;
boolean check;
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
check = query.prepare("Select "
+"recognitionHash, recognitionSize, recognitionBinary, noteGuid "
+" from NoteResources where guid=:guid");
if (!check) {
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteTable.getNoteRecognition SQL prepare has failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
return null;
query.bindValue(":guid", guid);
if (!check) {
logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "NoteTable.getNoteRecognition exec has failed.");
logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError());
return null;
Resource r = null;
while (query.next()) {
r = new Resource();
Data rec = new Data();
String x = new String(query.valueString(1));
if (!x.equals("")) {
rec.setSize(new Integer(x));
} else
return r;
// Save Note Resource
public void updateNoteResource(Resource r, boolean isDirty) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering ListManager.updateNoteResource");
saveNoteResource(r, isDirty);
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving RNoteResourceTable.updateNoteResource");
// Update note resource GUID
public void updateNoteResourceGuid(String oldGuid, String newGuid, boolean isDirty) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering RNoteResourceTable.updateNoteResourceGuid");
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("update NoteResources set guid=:newGuid, isDirty=:isDirty where guid=:oldGuid");
query.bindValue(":newGuid", newGuid);
query.bindValue(":isDirty", isDirty);
query.bindValue(":oldGuid", oldGuid);
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving RNoteResourceTable.updateNoteResourceGuid");
// Update note resource GUID
public void resetUpdateSequenceNumber(String guid, boolean isDirty) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering RNoteResourceTable.updateNoteResourceGuid");
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("update NoteResources set updateSequenceNumber=0, isDirty=:isDirty where guid=:guid");
query.bindValue(":isDirty", isDirty);
query.bindValue(":guid", guid);
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving RNoteResourceTable.updateNoteResourceGuid");
// Drop the table
public void reindexAll() {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.exec("Update NoteResources set indexneeded=true");
// Count attachments
public int getResourceCount() {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.exec("select count(*) from noteresources");
int returnValue = new Integer(query.valueString(0));
return returnValue;
// Count unindexed notes
public int getUnindexedCount() {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.exec("select count(*) from noteresources where indexneeded=true");
int returnValue = new Integer(query.valueString(0));
return returnValue;
//** Utility Functions
// Convert a byte array to a hex string
private static String byteArrayToHexString(byte data[]) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (byte element : data) {
int halfbyte = (element >>> 4) & 0x0F;
int two_halfs = 0;
do {
if ((0 <= halfbyte) && (halfbyte <= 9))
buf.append((char) ('0' + halfbyte));
buf.append((char) ('a' + (halfbyte - 10)));
halfbyte = element & 0x0F;
} while(two_halfs++ < 1);
return buf.toString();
private String stringValue(Object value) {
if (value != null && value.toString() != null)
return value.toString();
return null;
private boolean booleanValue(Object value, boolean unknown) {
if (value != null && value.toString() != null) {
try {
if ((Integer)value > 0)
return true;
return false;
} catch (java.lang.ClassCastException e) {
try {
String stringValue = (String)value;
if (stringValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
return true;
return false;
} catch (java.lang.ClassCastException e1) {
return unknown;
return unknown;
// Update note source url.
public void updateNoteSourceUrl(String guid, String url, boolean isDirty) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering RNoteResourceTable.updateNoteSourceUrl()");
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("update NoteResources set attributesourceurl=:url, isDirty=:isDirty where guid=:guid");
query.bindValue(":guid", guid);
query.bindValue(":isDirty", isDirty);
query.bindValue(":url", url);
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving RNoteResourceTable.updateNoteSourceUrl()");
// Get note source
public String getNoteSourceUrl(String guid) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering RNoteResourceTable.getNoteSourceUrl()");
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.prepare("Select attributesourceurl from noteresources where guid=:guid");
query.bindValue(":guid", guid);
if (query.next()) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving RNoteResourceTable.getNoteSourceUrl()");
return query.valueString(0);
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving RNoteResourceTable.getNoteSourceUrl() - no value found");
return null;
// Get note source
public List<String> getDistinctNoteGuids() {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteResourceTable.getDistinctNoteGuids()");
List<String> guids = new ArrayList<String>();
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.exec("select distinct noteguid from noteresources");
if (query.next()) {
logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteResourceTable.getDistinctNoteGuids()");
return guids;
public void resetAllDirty() {
NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection());
query.exec("update noteresources set isdirty=false");