* Copyright (c) 2012 EclipseSource and others. All rights reserved. This
* program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of
* the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
* available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
package com.eclipsesource.tabris.demos.entrypoints;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.application.EntryPoint;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.PaintEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.PaintListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolBar;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.widgets.ClientCanvas;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.widgets.ClientDrawListener;
public class DrawDemo implements EntryPoint {
private static final List<int[]> ERNIE = new ArrayList<int[]>();
* includes labels for already connected dots
private static final boolean LABEL_ALL_DOTS = false;
* ignore labels in the dot info
private static final boolean RENUMBER_LABELS = true;
* original Ernie!
private static final boolean SHOW_BLUE_PRINT = false;
private static final int[] HAIR = new int[]{
22, 93
private static final int[] LEFT_EYE = new int[]{
163, 168
private static final int[] RIGHT_EYE = new int[]{
158, 162
private static final int[] NECK = new int[]{
169, 178
private static final int[] MOUTH = new int[]{
108, 118
private static final List<int[]> ALLREADY_DRAWN_SUBSETS = new ArrayList<int[]>();
static {
addToErnie( 0, 95, 125 );
addToErnie( 1, 81, 166 );
addToErnie( 2, 61, 194 );
addToErnie( 3, 55, 233 );
addToErnie( 4, 82, 286 );
addToErnie( 5, 108, 315 );
addToErnie( 6, 123, 332 );
addToErnie( 7, 139, 342 );
addToErnie( 8, 158, 354 );
addToErnie( 9, 184, 363 );
addToErnie( 10, 218, 372 );
addToErnie( 11, 249, 369 );
addToErnie( 12, 280, 361 );
addToErnie( 13, 310, 350 );
addToErnie( 14, 326, 333 );
addToErnie( 15, 342, 324 );
addToErnie( 16, 368, 298 );
addToErnie( 17, 381, 282 );
addToErnie( 18, 391, 267 );
addToErnie( 19, 401, 242 );
addToErnie( 20, 399, 221 );
addToErnie( 21, 387, 198 );
addToErnie( 22, 362, 150 );
addToErnie( 179, 362, 150 );
addToErnie( 23, 332, 135 );
addToErnie( 24, 305, 121 );
addToErnie( 25, 281, 116 );
addToErnie( 26, 258, 115 );
addToErnie( 27, 244, 121 );
addToErnie( 28, 221, 114 );
addToErnie( 29, 191, 113 );
addToErnie( 30, 163, 121 );
addToErnie( 31, 131, 127 );
addToErnie( 32, 95, 125 );
addToErnie( 33, 76, 109 );
addToErnie( 34, 96, 108 );
addToErnie( 35, 82, 94 );
addToErnie( 36, 79, 73 );
addToErnie( 37, 106, 85 );
addToErnie( 38, 99, 74 );
addToErnie( 39, 98, 66 );
addToErnie( 40, 110, 71 );
addToErnie( 41, 129, 71 );
addToErnie( 42, 123, 61 );
addToErnie( 43, 115, 56 );
addToErnie( 44, 132, 51 );
addToErnie( 45, 151, 50 );
addToErnie( 46, 141, 38 );
addToErnie( 47, 156, 38 );
addToErnie( 48, 174, 43 );
addToErnie( 49, 162, 30 );
addToErnie( 50, 149, 29 );
addToErnie( 51, 165, 22 );
addToErnie( 52, 185, 27 );
addToErnie( 53, 183, 14 );
addToErnie( 54, 186, 2 );
addToErnie( 55, 197, 13 );
addToErnie( 56, 211, 24 );
addToErnie( 57, 215, 15 );
addToErnie( 58, 209, 8 );
addToErnie( 59, 224, 11 );
addToErnie( 60, 233, 18 );
addToErnie( 61, 248, 16 );
addToErnie( 62, 266, 6 );
addToErnie( 63, 276, 1 );
addToErnie( 64, 275, 9 );
addToErnie( 65, 272, 20 );
addToErnie( 66, 294, 12 );
addToErnie( 67, 322, 8 );
addToErnie( 68, 307, 15 );
addToErnie( 69, 299, 26 );
addToErnie( 70, 315, 26 );
addToErnie( 71, 326, 26 );
addToErnie( 72, 311, 35 );
addToErnie( 73, 340, 35 );
addToErnie( 74, 331, 50 );
addToErnie( 75, 353, 50 );
addToErnie( 76, 368, 54 );
addToErnie( 77, 350, 58 );
addToErnie( 78, 379, 62 );
addToErnie( 79, 396, 70 );
addToErnie( 80, 378, 72 );
addToErnie( 81, 368, 81 );
addToErnie( 82, 388, 84 );
addToErnie( 83, 369, 93 );
addToErnie( 84, 383, 102 );
addToErnie( 85, 410, 101 );
addToErnie( 86, 394, 109 );
addToErnie( 87, 379, 113 );
addToErnie( 88, 394, 125 );
addToErnie( 89, 410, 122 );
addToErnie( 90, 405, 133 );
addToErnie( 91, 386, 133 );
addToErnie( 92, 395, 143 );
addToErnie( 93, 365, 155 );
addToErnie( 100, 58, 157 );
addToErnie( 101, 31, 170 );
addToErnie( 102, 22, 207 );
addToErnie( 103, 35, 227 );
addToErnie( 104, 407, 194 );
addToErnie( 105, 433, 211 );
addToErnie( 106, 436, 241 );
addToErnie( 107, 417, 267 );
addToErnie( 108, 74, 217 );
addToErnie( 109, 85, 229 );
addToErnie( 110, 102, 239 );
addToErnie( 111, 152, 255 );
addToErnie( 112, 178, 261 );
addToErnie( 113, 226, 269 );
addToErnie( 114, 276, 271 );
addToErnie( 115, 315, 268 );
addToErnie( 116, 352, 257 );
addToErnie( 117, 375, 250 );
addToErnie( 118, 387, 240 );
addToErnie( 119, 340, 278 );
addToErnie( 120, 317, 297 );
addToErnie( 121, 276, 322 );
addToErnie( 122, 230, 332 );
addToErnie( 123, 182, 323 );
addToErnie( 124, 154, 306 );
addToErnie( 125, 132, 285 );
addToErnie( 126, 112, 260 );
addToErnie( 127, 103, 244 );
addToErnie( 128, 178, 265 );
addToErnie( 129, 195, 287 );
addToErnie( 130, 228, 301 );
addToErnie( 131, 253, 295 );
addToErnie( 132, 270, 282 );
addToErnie( 133, 226, 281 );
addToErnie( 134, 188, 228 );
addToErnie( 135, 191, 201 );
addToErnie( 136, 209, 184 );
addToErnie( 137, 234, 180 );
addToErnie( 138, 257, 189 );
addToErnie( 139, 269, 217 );
addToErnie( 140, 258, 248 );
addToErnie( 141, 242, 259 );
addToErnie( 142, 170, 198 );
addToErnie( 143, 152, 186 );
addToErnie( 144, 152, 156 );
addToErnie( 145, 167, 144 );
addToErnie( 146, 191, 131 );
addToErnie( 147, 215, 136 );
addToErnie( 148, 225, 154 );
addToErnie( 149, 221, 176 );
addToErnie( 150, 243, 166 );
addToErnie( 151, 254, 148 );
addToErnie( 152, 271, 135 );
addToErnie( 153, 294, 138 );
addToErnie( 154, 317, 165 );
addToErnie( 155, 316, 191 );
addToErnie( 156, 300, 204 );
addToErnie( 157, 282, 207 );
addToErnie( 158, 273, 184 );
addToErnie( 159, 289, 181 );
addToErnie( 160, 295, 169 );
addToErnie( 161, 281, 158 );
addToErnie( 162, 265, 168 );
addToErnie( 163, 189, 181 );
addToErnie( 164, 176, 172 );
addToErnie( 165, 180, 155 );
addToErnie( 166, 195, 153 );
addToErnie( 167, 203, 167 );
addToErnie( 168, 202, 178 );
addToErnie( 169, 120, 346 );
addToErnie( 170, 131, 366 );
addToErnie( 171, 150, 380 );
addToErnie( 172, 182, 397 );
addToErnie( 173, 217, 404 );
addToErnie( 174, 249, 405 );
addToErnie( 175, 285, 396 );
addToErnie( 176, 309, 382 );
addToErnie( 177, 332, 363 );
addToErnie( 178, 344, 343 );
private static float scaleFactor = 1f;
private static Point ernieDimensions;
private static Point ernieMinima;
private Image bgPatternImage;
protected int currentColor = SWT.COLOR_DARK_RED;
protected int currentLineWidth = 8;
protected int alpha = 255;
private ClientCanvas canvas;
private ToolItem redoToolItem;
private ToolItem undoToolItem;
private ToolItem clearToolItem;
public int createUI() {
final Display display = new Display();
bgPatternImage = new Image( display, DrawDemo.class.getResourceAsStream( "/ernie.png" ) );
final Shell shell = new Shell( display, SWT.NO_TRIM );
shell.setMaximized( true );
shell.setLayout( new FillLayout() );
Composite mainComp = new Composite( shell, SWT.NONE );
mainComp.setLayout( createGridLayout( 1, false ) );
createToolbar( mainComp );
createClientCanvas( display, mainComp );
return 0;
private static void determineErnieDimensions() {
int minX = -1;
int minY = -1;
int maxX = 0;
int maxY = 0;
for( int[] dotInfo : ERNIE ) {
int x = dotInfo[ 1 ];
int y = dotInfo[ 2 ];
if( x > maxX ) {
maxX = x;
if( y > maxY ) {
maxY = y;
if( minX == -1 || x < minX ) {
minX = x;
if( minY == -1 || y < minY ) {
minY = y;
ernieDimensions = new Point( maxX - minX, maxY - minY );
ernieMinima = new Point( minX, minY );
private static void addToErnie( int index, int x, int y ) {
ERNIE.add( new int[]{
index, x, y
} );
private void createClientCanvas( final Display display, Composite mainComp ) {
canvas = new ClientCanvas( mainComp, SWT.NONE );
canvas.setLayoutData( createFill() );
if( bgPatternImage != null ) {
canvas.setBackgroundImage( bgPatternImage );
} else {
canvas.setBackground( display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_WHITE ) );
canvas.addPaintListener( new PaintListener() {
public void paintControl( PaintEvent e ) {
e.gc.setLineWidth( currentLineWidth );
e.gc.setLineCap( SWT.CAP_ROUND );
e.gc.setLineJoin( SWT.JOIN_ROUND );
e.gc.setForeground( display.getSystemColor( currentColor ) );
e.gc.setAlpha( alpha );
} );
canvas.addClientDrawListener( new ClientDrawListener() {
public void receivedDrawing() {
redoToolItem.setEnabled( canvas.hasRedo() );
undoToolItem.setEnabled( canvas.hasUndo() );
clearToolItem.setEnabled( canvas.hasUndo() );
} );
canvas.addPaintListener( new PaintListener() {
public void paintControl( PaintEvent event ) {
GC gc = event.gc;
Color oldForeground = gc.getForeground();
Color oldBackground = gc.getBackground();
gc.setForeground( event.display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_BLACK ) );
gc.setBackground( event.display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_BLACK ) );
drawErnie( gc );
gc.setForeground( oldForeground );
gc.setBackground( oldBackground );
private void drawErnie( GC gc ) {
int oldLineWidth = currentLineWidth;
gc.setLineWidth( 8 );
gc.fillPolygon( transform( getHair( ERNIE ) ) );
gc.drawPolyline( transform( getNeck( ERNIE ) ) );
gc.fillPolygon( transform( getRightEye( ERNIE ) ) );
gc.fillPolygon( transform( getLeftEye( ERNIE ) ) );
gc.drawPolyline( transform( getMouth( ERNIE ) ) );
drawDots( gc, ERNIE );
gc.setLineWidth( oldLineWidth );
private int[] getLeftEye( List<int[]> dotInfos ) {
return getDotsAsPoly( dotInfos, LEFT_EYE[ 0 ], LEFT_EYE[ 1 ] );
private int[] getRightEye( List<int[]> dotInfos ) {
return getDotsAsPoly( dotInfos, RIGHT_EYE[ 0 ], RIGHT_EYE[ 1 ] );
private int[] getNeck( List<int[]> dotInfos ) {
return getDotsAsPoly( dotInfos, NECK[ 0 ], NECK[ 1 ] );
private int[] getHair( List<int[]> dotInfos ) {
return getDotsAsPoly( dotInfos, HAIR[ 0 ], HAIR[ 1 ] );
private int[] getMouth( List<int[]> dotInfos ) {
return getDotsAsPoly( dotInfos, MOUTH[ 0 ], MOUTH[ 1 ] );
private boolean isAlreadyDrawn( int dotLable ) {
for( int[] interval : ALLREADY_DRAWN_SUBSETS ) {
if( dotLable >= interval[ 0 ] && dotLable <= interval[ 1 ] ) {
return true;
return false;
private int[] getDotsAsPoly( List<int[]> dotInfos, int startLable, int endLable ) {
List<int[]> dotInfoSubset = getDots( dotInfos, startLable, endLable );
int[] coordSubset = new int[ dotInfoSubset.size() * 2 ];
int coordIndex = 0;
for( int[] dotInfo : dotInfoSubset ) {
coordSubset[ coordIndex ] = dotInfo[ 1 ];
coordSubset[ coordIndex + 1 ] = dotInfo[ 2 ];
coordIndex += 2;
return coordSubset;
private List<int[]> getDots( List<int[]> dotInfos, int startLable, int endLable ) {
List<int[]> result = new ArrayList<int[]>();
int currentLable = startLable;
for( int[] dotInfo : dotInfos ) {
int dotLable = dotInfo[ 0 ];
if( dotLable == currentLable ) {
result.add( dotInfo );
if( currentLable > endLable ) {
return result;
private void drawDots( GC gc, List<int[]> dotInfos ) {
int dotLable = 0;
for( int[] dotInfo : dotInfos ) {
if( LABEL_ALL_DOTS || !isAlreadyDrawn( dotInfo[ 0 ] ) ) {
} else {
dotLable = dotInfo[ 0 ];
drawDot( gc, dotLable, dotInfo[ 1 ], dotInfo[ 2 ] );
private void drawDot( GC gc, int dotLabel, int x, int y ) {
Point dot = transform( new Point( x, y ) );
int lableInterval = 1;
if( dotLabel % lableInterval == 0 ) {
Color oldBackground = gc.getBackground();
gc.setBackground( gc.getDevice().getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_WHITE ) );
gc.drawString( Integer.toString( dotLabel ), dot.x + 5, dot.y + 5 );
gc.setBackground( oldBackground );
gc.fillOval( dot.x, dot.y, 5, 5 );
Point transform( Point coord ) {
Point centerDelta = calculateCenterDelta();
Point inTopLeft = translate( coord, -ernieMinima.x, -ernieMinima.y );
Point scaledInTopLeft = scale( inTopLeft, scaleFactor );
translate( scaledInTopLeft, centerDelta.x, centerDelta.y );
return scaledInTopLeft;
Point scale( Point coord, float factor ) {
coord.x = ( int )( coord.x * factor );
coord.y = ( int )( coord.y * factor );
return coord;
Point translate( Point coord, int deltaX, int deltaY ) {
coord.x = coord.x + deltaX;
coord.y = coord.y + deltaY;
return coord;
int[] transform( int[] coords ) {
Point centerDelta = calculateCenterDelta();
int[] inTopLeft = translate( coords, -ernieMinima.x, -ernieMinima.y );
int[] scaledInTopLeft = scale( inTopLeft, scaleFactor );
translate( scaledInTopLeft, centerDelta.x, centerDelta.y );
return scaledInTopLeft;
Point calculateCenterDelta() {
int canvasCenterX = canvas.getBounds().width / 2;
int canvasCenterY = canvas.getBounds().height / 2;
int ernieCenterX = ( ( int )( ( ernieDimensions.x / 2 ) * scaleFactor ) );
int ernieCenterY = ( ( int )( ( ernieDimensions.y / 2 ) * scaleFactor ) );
Point result = new Point( canvasCenterX - ernieCenterX, canvasCenterY - ernieCenterY );
return result;
int[] scale( int[] coords, float factor ) {
for( int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++ ) {
coords[ i ] = ( int )( coords[ i ] * factor );
return coords;
int[] translate( int[] coords, int deltaX, int deltaY ) {
for( int i = 0; i < coords.length; i += 2 ) {
coords[ i ] += deltaX;
coords[ i + 1 ] += deltaY;
return coords;
} );
private void fitErnieToCanvas() {
Rectangle bounds = canvas.getBounds();
if( bounds.width >= bounds.height ) {
scaleFactor = ( float )bounds.height / ernieDimensions.y;
} else {
scaleFactor = ( float )bounds.width / ernieDimensions.x;
private GridData createFill() {
return new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true );
private GridData createFillHori() {
return new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP, true, false );
private GridLayout createGridLayout( int cols, boolean equalWidth ) {
GridLayout layout = new GridLayout( cols, equalWidth );
layout.marginHeight = 0;
layout.marginWidth = 0;
layout.verticalSpacing = 0;
layout.horizontalSpacing = 0;
return layout;
private void createToolbar( Composite parent ) {
final ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar( parent, SWT.HORIZONTAL );
toolBar.setLayoutData( createFillHori() );
ToolItem widthThinToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
widthThinToolItem.setImage( new Image( parent.getDisplay(),
DrawDemo.class.getResourceAsStream( "/line-width-thin.png" ) ) );
widthThinToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
currentLineWidth = 1;
} );
ToolItem widthMediumToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
widthMediumToolItem.setImage( new Image( parent.getDisplay(),
DrawDemo.class.getResourceAsStream( "/line-width-medium.png" ) ) );
widthMediumToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
currentLineWidth = 8;
} );
ToolItem widthThickToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
widthThickToolItem.setImage( new Image( parent.getDisplay(),
DrawDemo.class.getResourceAsStream( "/line-width-thick.png" ) ) );
widthThickToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
currentLineWidth = 16;
} );
new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.SEPARATOR );
final ToolItem opacityToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
opacityToolItem.setText( "Opaque" );
opacityToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
if( alpha == 255 ) {
alpha = 128;
opacityToolItem.setText( "Transparent" );
} else {
alpha = 255;
opacityToolItem.setText( "Opaque" );
} );
new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.SEPARATOR );
ToolItem colorRedToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
colorRedToolItem.setText( "Red" );
colorRedToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
currentColor = SWT.COLOR_DARK_RED;
} );
ToolItem colorGreenToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
colorGreenToolItem.setText( "Green" );
colorGreenToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
currentColor = SWT.COLOR_DARK_GREEN;
} );
ToolItem colorBlueToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
colorBlueToolItem.setText( "Blue" );
colorBlueToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
currentColor = SWT.COLOR_DARK_BLUE;
} );
new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.SEPARATOR );
undoToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
undoToolItem.setImage( new Image( parent.getDisplay(),
DrawDemo.class.getResourceAsStream( "/undo.png" ) ) );
undoToolItem.setEnabled( false );
undoToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
undoToolItem.setEnabled( canvas.hasUndo() );
clearToolItem.setEnabled( canvas.hasUndo() );
} );
redoToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
redoToolItem.setImage( new Image( parent.getDisplay(),
DrawDemo.class.getResourceAsStream( "/redo.png" ) ) );
redoToolItem.setEnabled( false );
redoToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
redoToolItem.setEnabled( canvas.hasRedo() );
} );
new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.SEPARATOR );
clearToolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.PUSH );
clearToolItem.setText( "Clear" );
clearToolItem.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent( Event event ) {
} );