package org.geoscript.js.feature;
import java.util.List;
import org.geoscript.js.GeoObject;
import org.geoscript.js.geom.Geometry;
import org.geoscript.js.proj.Projection;
import org.geotools.feature.NameImpl;
import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Function;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Wrapper;
import org.mozilla.javascript.annotations.JSConstructor;
import org.mozilla.javascript.annotations.JSFunction;
import org.mozilla.javascript.annotations.JSGetter;
import org.mozilla.javascript.annotations.JSStaticFunction;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType;
import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor;
import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor;
public class Schema extends GeoObject implements Wrapper {
/** serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1823488566532338763L;
private SimpleFeatureType featureType;
* Prototype constructor.
public Schema() {
* Constructor from Scriptable (from Java).
* @param scope
* @param config
public Schema(Scriptable scope, Scriptable config) {
* Constructor from FeatureType (from Java).
* @param scope
* @param featureType
public Schema(Scriptable scope, SimpleFeatureType featureType) {
this.featureType = featureType;
* Constructor from NativeObject (from JavaScript).
* @param config
private Schema(NativeObject config) {
Object fieldsObj = config.get("fields", config);
if (!(fieldsObj instanceof NativeArray)) {
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("Error", "Schema config must have a fields array.");
NativeArray fields = (NativeArray) fieldsObj;
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();
String name = "feature";
if (config.has("name", config)) {
name = Context.toString(config.get("name", config));
builder.setName(new NameImpl(name));
String namespaceUri = (String) getOptionalMember(config, "uri", String.class);
if (namespaceUri == null) {
namespaceUri = "";
for (int i=0; i<fields.size(); ++i) {
Object fieldObj = fields.get(i);
AttributeDescriptor descriptor = null;
if (fieldObj instanceof NativeObject) {
Field field = new Field(getParentScope(), (NativeObject) fieldObj);
descriptor = (AttributeDescriptor) field.unwrap();
} else if (fieldObj instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
descriptor = (AttributeDescriptor) fieldObj;
} else {
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("Error", "Provided fields must be Field instances or config objects.");
if (descriptor instanceof GeometryDescriptor) {
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = ((GeometryDescriptor) descriptor).getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
featureType = builder.buildFeatureType();
public static Object constructor(Context cx, Object[] args, Function ctorObj, boolean inNewExpr) {
if (args.length != 1) {
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("Error", "Constructor takes a single argument");
Schema schema = null;
Object arg = args[0];
if (arg instanceof Scriptable) {
NativeObject config = prepConfig((Scriptable) arg);
if (inNewExpr) {
schema = new Schema(config);
} else {
schema = new Schema(config.getParentScope(), config);
} else {
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("Error", "Could not create schema from argument: " + Context.toString(arg));
return schema;
public String getName() {
return featureType.getName().getLocalPart();
public Field getGeometry() {
Field field = null;
GeometryDescriptor descriptor = featureType.getGeometryDescriptor();
if (descriptor != null) {
field = new Field(getParentScope(), descriptor);
return field;
public NativeArray getFields() {
Scriptable scope = getParentScope();
Context cx = getCurrentContext();
List<AttributeDescriptor> descriptors = featureType.getAttributeDescriptors();
int length = descriptors.size();
NativeArray array = (NativeArray) cx.newArray(scope, length);
for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
array.put(i, array, new Field(scope, descriptors.get(i)));
return array;
public NativeArray getFieldNames() {
Scriptable scope = getParentScope();
Context cx = getCurrentContext();
List<AttributeDescriptor> descriptors = featureType.getAttributeDescriptors();
int length = descriptors.size();
NativeArray array = (NativeArray) cx.newArray(scope, length);
for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
array.put(i, array, descriptors.get(i).getLocalName());
return array;
public Field get(String name) {
Field field = null;
AttributeDescriptor descriptor = featureType.getDescriptor(name);
if (descriptor != null) {
field = new Field(getParentScope(), descriptor);
return field;
public Scriptable getConfig() {
Scriptable config = super.getConfig();
Scriptable scope = getParentScope();
Context cx = getCurrentContext();
List<AttributeDescriptor> descriptors = featureType.getAttributeDescriptors();
int length = descriptors.size();
NativeArray array = (NativeArray) cx.newArray(scope, length);
for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
Field field = new Field(scope, descriptors.get(i));
array.put(i, array, field.getConfig());
config.put("fields", config, array);
config.put("name", config, getName());
return config;
public Object unwrap() {
return featureType;
* Create a config object from an arbitrary object.
* @param obj
static NativeObject prepConfig(Scriptable obj) {
Scriptable scope = ScriptableObject.getTopLevelScope(obj);
Context cx = getCurrentContext();
NativeObject config = null;
if (obj instanceof NativeObject) {
config = (NativeObject) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof NativeArray) {
config = (NativeObject) cx.newObject(scope, "Object");
config.put("fields", config, (NativeArray) obj);
} else {
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("Error", "Could not create config from argument: " + Context.toString(obj));
return config;
public static Schema fromValues(Scriptable scope, NativeObject values) {
Context cx = getCurrentContext();
Object[] names = values.getIds();
Scriptable schemaConfig = cx.newObject(scope);
Scriptable fields = cx.newArray(scope, names.length);
for (int i=0; i<names.length; ++i) {
String name = (String) names[i];
Object jsValue = values.get(name, values);
Object value = jsToJava(jsValue);
String typeName = Field.getTypeName(value);
if (typeName == null) {
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("Error", "Unable to determine type for field: " + name);
Scriptable fieldConfig = cx.newObject(scope);
fieldConfig.put("name", fieldConfig, name);
fieldConfig.put("type", fieldConfig, typeName);
if (jsValue instanceof Geometry) {
Projection projection = ((Geometry) jsValue).getProjection();
if (projection != null) {
fieldConfig.put("projection", fieldConfig, projection.getId());
Field field = new Field(scope, (NativeObject) fieldConfig);
fields.put(i, fields, field);
schemaConfig.put("fields", schemaConfig, fields);
return new Schema(scope, (NativeObject) schemaConfig);
public static Schema from_(Scriptable featureTypeObj) {
SimpleFeatureType featureType = null;
if (featureTypeObj instanceof Wrapper) {
Object obj = ((Wrapper) featureTypeObj).unwrap();
if (obj instanceof SimpleFeatureType) {
featureType = (SimpleFeatureType) obj;
if (featureType == null) {
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("Error", "Cannot create schema from " + Context.toString(featureTypeObj));
return new Schema(getTopLevelScope(featureTypeObj), featureType);
public String toFullString() {
String names = arrayRepr(getFieldNames());
return "name: \"" + getName() + "\" fields: " + names;