Package weave.servlets

Source Code of weave.servlets.RServiceUsingRserve$RserveConnectionException

  Weave (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment)
  Copyright (C) 2008-2011 University of Massachusetts Lowell
  This file is a part of Weave.
  Weave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3,
  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  Weave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with Weave.  If not, see <>.

package weave.servlets;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.script.ScriptException;

import org.rosuda.REngine.REXP;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPDouble;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPInteger;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPList;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPLogical;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPMismatchException;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPNull;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPString;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPUnknown;
import org.rosuda.REngine.RFactor;
import org.rosuda.REngine.RList;
import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.RConnection;
import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.RserveException;

import weave.beans.ClassDiscriminationResult;
import weave.beans.HierarchicalClusteringResult;
import weave.beans.LinearRegressionResult;
import weave.beans.RResult;
import weave.config.WeaveConfig;
import weave.utils.ListUtils;
import weave.utils.MapUtils;

public class RServiceUsingRserve
  public RServiceUsingRserve()

  private static String rFolderName = "R_output";
  protected static RConnection getRConnection() throws RemoteException
    RConnection rConnection = null; // establishing R connection   
      rConnection = new RConnection();
    catch (RserveException e)
      throw new RserveConnectionException(e);
    return rConnection;
  public static class RserveConnectionException extends RemoteException
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public RserveConnectionException(Exception e){
      super("Unable to connect to RServe",e);

   * Use this as a security measure. This will fail if Rserve has file access to sqlconfig.xml.
  private static void requestScriptAccess(RConnection rConnection) throws RemoteException
    if (!WeaveConfig.getPropertyBoolean(WeaveConfig.ALLOW_R_SCRIPT_ACCESS))
      rConnection.close(); // must close before throwing exception
      throw new RemoteException("R script access is not permitted on this server.");
    if (WeaveConfig.getPropertyBoolean(WeaveConfig.ALLOW_RSERVE_ROOT_ACCESS))
      rConnection.assign(".tmp.", WeaveConfig.getConnectionConfigFilePath());
      REXP result = rConnection.eval("length(readLines(.tmp.))");
      rConnection.assign(".tmp.", new REXPNull());
      rConnection.close(); // must close before throwing exception
      if (result.isNumeric())
        throw new RemoteException("R script access is not allowed because it is unsafe (The user running Rserve has file read/write access).");
      throw new RemoteException("Unexpected result in requestScriptAccess(): " + result);
    catch (RserveException e)
      // this exception is desired because we don't want users to be able to read or write files.
  protected static String plotEvalScript(RConnection rConnection,String docrootPath , String script, boolean showWarnings) throws RserveException, REXPMismatchException, RemoteException
    String file = String.format("user_script_%s.jpg", UUID.randomUUID());
    String dir = docrootPath + rFolderName + "/";
    (new File(dir)).mkdirs();
    String str = null;
      str = String.format("jpeg(\"%s\")", dir + file);
      evalScript(rConnection, str, showWarnings);
      rConnection.eval(str = script);
      rConnection.eval(str = script);
      rConnection.eval(str = "");
    catch (RserveException e)
      throw e;
    catch (REXPMismatchException e)
      throw e;
    return rFolderName + "/" + file;
  private static REXP evalScript(RConnection rConnection, String script, boolean showWarnings) throws REXPMismatchException,RserveException
    int warn = showWarnings ? 2 : 1;
    REXP evalValue = rConnection.eval("try({ options(warn=" + warn + ") \n" + script + "},silent=TRUE)");
    return evalValue;
   * This will wrap an object in an REXP object.
   * @param object
   * @return
   * @throws RemoteException if the object type is unsupported
  private static REXP getREXP(Object object) throws RemoteException
     * <p><table>
     *  <tr><td> null  <td> REXPNull
     *  <tr><td> boolean, Boolean, boolean[], Boolean[]  <td> REXPLogical
     *  <tr><td> int, Integer, int[], Integer[]  <td> REXPInteger
     *  <tr><td> double, Double, double[], double[][], Double[]  <td> REXPDouble
     *  <tr><td> String, String[]  <td> REXPString
     *  <tr><td> byte[]  <td> REXPRaw
     *  <tr><td> Enum  <td> REXPString
     *  <tr><td> Object[], List, Map  <td> REXPGenericVector
     *  <tr><td> RObject, java bean (experimental)  <td> REXPGenericVector
     *  <tr><td> ROpaque (experimental)  <td> only function arguments (REXPReference?)
     *  </table>
    // if it's an array...
    if (object instanceof Object[])
      Object[] array = (Object[])object;
      if (array.length == 0)
        return new REXPList(new RList());
      else if (array[0] instanceof String)
        String[] strings = ListUtils.copyStringArray(array, new String[array.length]);
        return new REXPString(strings);
      else if (array[0] instanceof Number)
        double[] doubles = ListUtils.copyDoubleArray(array, new double[array.length]);
        return new REXPDouble(doubles);
      else if (array[0] instanceof Object[]) // 2-d matrix
        // handle 2-d matrix
        RList rList = new RList();
        for (Object item : array)

        try {
          return REXP.createDataFrame(rList);
        } catch (REXPMismatchException e) {
          throw new RemoteException("Failed to Create Dataframe",e);
        throw new RemoteException("Unsupported value type");
    // handle non-array by wrapping it in an array
    return getREXP(new Object[]{object});

  protected static void assignNamesToVector(RConnection rConnection,String[] inputNames,Object[] inputValues) throws RserveException, RemoteException
    for (int i = 0; i < inputNames.length; i++)
      String name = inputNames[i];
      rConnection.assign(name, getREXP(inputValues[i]));
  private static void evaluateInputScript(RConnection rConnection,String script,Vector<RResult> resultVector,boolean showIntermediateResults,boolean showWarnings ) throws ScriptException, RserveException, REXPMismatchException
    /* REXP evalValue = */ evalScript(rConnection, script, showWarnings);
    if (showIntermediateResults)
      Object storedRdatas = evalScript(rConnection, "ls()", showWarnings);
      if (storedRdatas instanceof REXPString)
        String[] Rdatas =((REXPString) storedRdatas).asStrings();
        for (int i = 0; i < Rdatas.length; i++)
          String scriptToAcessRObj = Rdatas[i];
          if (scriptToAcessRObj.compareTo("mycache") == 0)
          REXP RobjValue = evalScript(rConnection, scriptToAcessRObj, false);
          //When function reference is called returns null
          if (RobjValue == null)
          resultVector.add(new RResult(scriptToAcessRObj, rexp2javaObj(RobjValue)))
    //To do find a better way of doing this
//    if(evalValue.isList())
//    {
//      Vector<String> names = evalValue.asList().names;
//      resultVector.add(new RResult("columnNames" ,names ));
//      resultVector.add(new RResult("columnValues" ,rexp2javaObj(evalValue) ));   
//    }
  public static RResult[] runScript( String docrootPath, String[] inputNames, Object[] inputValues, String[] outputNames, String script, String plotScript, boolean showIntermediateResults, boolean showWarnings) throws RemoteException
    RConnection rConnection = null;
    Vector<RResult> resultVector = new Vector<RResult>();
      rConnection = getRConnection()
      requestScriptAccess(rConnection); // important to run this before allowing end-user scripting
      // ASSIGNS inputNames to respective Vector in R "like x<-c(1,2,3,4)"     
      evaluateInputScript(rConnection, script, resultVector, showIntermediateResults, showWarnings);
      if (plotScript != "")
        // R Script to EVALUATE plotScript
        String plotEvalValue = plotEvalScript(rConnection,docrootPath, plotScript, showWarnings);
        resultVector.add(new RResult("Plot Results", plotEvalValue));
      for (int i = 0; i < outputNames.length; i++){// R Script to EVALUATE output Script
        String name = outputNames[i];           
        REXP evalValue = evalScript(rConnection, name, showWarnings)
        resultVector.add(new RResult(name, rexp2javaObj(evalValue)));         
      // clear R objects
      evalScript(rConnection, "rm(list=ls())", false);
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run R script", e);
      if (rConnection != null)
    return resultVector.toArray(new RResult[resultVector.size()]);
   * Taken from rJava Opensource code and
   * added support for Rlist
   * added support for RFactor(REngine)
  protected static Object rexp2javaObj(REXP rexp) throws REXPMismatchException {
    if(rexp == null || rexp.isNull() || rexp instanceof REXPUnknown) {
      return null;
    if(rexp.isVector()) {
      int len = rexp.length();
      if(rexp.isString()) {
        return len == 1 ? rexp.asString() : rexp.asStrings();
        return rexp.asFactor();
      if(rexp.isInteger()) {
        return len == 1 ? rexp.asInteger() : rexp.asIntegers();
      if(rexp.isNumeric()) {
        int[] dim = rexp.dim();
        return (dim != null && dim.length == 2) ? rexp.asDoubleMatrix() :
          (len == 1) ? rexp.asDouble() : rexp.asDoubles();
      if(rexp.isLogical()) {
        boolean[] bools = ((REXPLogical)rexp).isTRUE();
        return len == 1 ? bools[0] : bools;
      if(rexp.isRaw()) {
        return rexp.asBytes();
      if(rexp.isList()) {
        RList rList = rexp.asList();
        Object[] listOfREXP = rList.toArray();
        //convert object in List as Java Objects
        // eg: REXPDouble as Double or Doubles
        for(int i = 0; i < listOfREXP.length; i++){
          REXP obj = (REXP)listOfREXP[i];
          Object javaObj =  rexp2javaObj(obj);
          if (javaObj instanceof RFactor)
            RFactor factorjavaObj = (RFactor)javaObj;
            String[] levels = factorjavaObj.asStrings();
            listOfREXP[i] = levels;
            listOfREXP[i] =  javaObj;
        return listOfREXP;
      return rexp.toDebugString();
    return rexp;
  public static double[][] normalize(String docrootPath, Object[][] data) throws RemoteException
    RConnection rConnection = null;
    double[][] result;
      rConnection = getRConnection();
      rConnection.assign("data", getREXP(data));
      String script = "normalized <- t(as.matrix(sapply(data, function(x) {(x - min(x, na.rm=TRUE))/(max(x, na.rm=TRUE)- min(x, na.rm=TRUE))})))";
      REXP evalValue = rConnection.eval("normalized");
      result = evalValue.asDoubleMatrix();

    catch (Exception e)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run R normalize script", e);
      if (rConnection != null)
    return result;
  public static ClassDiscriminationResult doClassDiscrimination(String docrootPath, double[] dataX, double[] dataY, boolean flag) throws RemoteException
    RConnection rConnection = null;
    ClassDiscriminationResult result = new ClassDiscriminationResult();
      rConnection = getRConnection();
      String script = "";
      rConnection.assign("x", dataX);
      rConnection.assign("y", dataY);
        script = "obj <- try(t.test(x, y, var.equal = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE), silent=TRUE)\n" +
            "if(is(obj, \"try-error\")) { statistic <- 0 \n  pvalue <- 0} else { cdoutput <- obj\n" +
            "statistic <- cdoutput$statistic\n" +
            "pvalue <- cdoutput$p.value}";
      } else {
        script = "obj <- try(t.test(x, y, var.equal = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE), silent=TRUE)\n" +
            "if(is(obj, \"try-error\")) { statistic <- 0 \n  pvalue <- 0} else { cdoutput <- obj\n" +
            "statistic <- cdoutput$statistic\n" +
            "pvalue <- cdoutput$p.value}";
      result.pvalue = rConnection.eval("pvalue").asDouble();
      result.statistic = rConnection.eval("statistic").asDouble();
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run Class Discrimination Layout", e);
      if (rConnection != null)
    return result;
  // This function computes the regression models in R
  public static LinearRegressionResult linearRegression(String docrootPath, String method, double[] dataX, double[] dataY, int polynomialDegree) throws RemoteException
    if (dataX.length == 0 || dataY.length == 0)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run computation on zero-length arrays.");
    if (dataX.length != dataY.length)
      throw new RemoteException(String.format(
          "Unable to run computation on two arrays with different lengths (%s != %s).",
    RConnection rConnection = null;
    LinearRegressionResult result = new LinearRegressionResult();
      rConnection = getRConnection();
      String equation = (String)MapUtils.fromPairs(
          "Linear", "y~x",
          "Polynomial", "y ~ poly(x, deg, raw = TRUE)",
          "Logarithmic", "y ~ log(x)",
          "Exponential", "log(y) ~ x",
          "Power", "log(y) ~ log(x)"
      String script = String.format(
        "fit <- lm(%s)\n"
        + "coef <- coefficients(fit)\n"
        + "rSquared <- summary(fit)$r.squared\n",
      // Push the data to R
      rConnection.assign("x", dataX);
      rConnection.assign("y", dataY);
      rConnection.assign("deg", new int[]{polynomialDegree});

      // Perform the calculation

      // option to draw the plot, regression line and store the image
      rConnection.assign(".tmp.", docrootPath + rFolderName + "/Linear_Regression.jpg");

      // Get the data from R
      result.coefficients = rConnection.eval("coef").asDoubles();
      result.rSquared = rConnection.eval("rSquared").asDouble();
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run R regression script", e);
      if (rConnection != null)
    return result;

  public static RResult[] kMeansClustering( String[] inputNames, Object[][] inputValues, boolean showWarnings, int numberOfClusters, int iterations)throws RemoteException
    RResult [] kClusteringResult = null;
    RConnection rConnection = null;
      rConnection = getRConnection()
      requestScriptAccess(rConnection); // doing this because the eval() call below is not safe
      int []noOfClusters = new int [1];
      noOfClusters[0] = numberOfClusters;
      int[]iterationNumber = new int[1];
      iterationNumber[0] = iterations;
      rConnection.assign("clusternumber", noOfClusters);
      //storing column length
      int columnLength = inputValues[0].length;
      //to check if columns are not empty and if all columns are of the same length
      for (int j = 1; j < inputValues.length; j++)
        if (columnLength == 0 || inputValues[j].length == 0)
        throw new RemoteException("Unable to run computation on zero-length arrays.");
        if (inputValues[j].length != columnLength)
        throw new RemoteException("Unable to run computation on two arrays with different lengths (" + columnLength
          + " != " + inputValues[j].length + ").");
      REXP evalValue; 
      String names = "";
//      We have to send columns to R and receive them back to be sent once again to R
      //enables 'n' number of columns to be sent
      for (int i = 0; i < inputNames.length; i++)
        String name = inputNames[i];
        if(names.length() != 0){
          names = names + "," + name;}
          names = name;
        double[] value = ListUtils.copyDoubleArray(inputValues[i], new double[inputValues[i].length]);
        rConnection.assign(name, value)
      evalValue = rConnection.eval("data.frame(" + names + ")"); // NOT SAFE - script was built using user-specified strings
      rConnection.assign("clusternumber", noOfClusters);

      //String script = "Clus <- kmeans(frame, "+numberOfClusters+","+iterations+")";
//    String clusteringScript = "Clustering <- function(dframe, clusternumber, iterations)\n" +
//                    "{result1 <- kmeans(dframe, clusternumber, iterations)\n " +
//                    "result2 <- kmeans(dframe, clusternumber, (iterations - 1))\n " +
//                    "while(result1$totss != result2$totss)\n"+
//                    "{iterations <- iterations + 1 \n " +
//                    "result1 <- kmeans(dframe, clusternumber, iterations)\n " +
//                    "result2 <- kmeans(dframe, clusternumber, (iterations - 1))\n }" +
//                    "print(result1)" +
//                    "print(result2)" +
//                    "}" +
//                    "KCluResult <- Clustering(frame,clusternumber, iterations)";
      String clusteringScript = "KClusResult <- kmeans(frame, clusternumber,iterations)";
      int i = 0;
      String[] outputNames = {"KClusResult$cluster", "KClusResult$centers"};
      evalScript(rConnection, clusteringScript, showWarnings);
      int iterationTimes = outputNames.length;
      kClusteringResult = new RResult[outputNames.length];
      for (; i < iterationTimes; i++)
        String name;
        // Boolean addedTolist = false;
        if (iterationTimes == outputNames.length + 1){
          name = outputNames[i - 1];
          name = outputNames[i];
        // Script to get R - output
        evalValue = evalScript(rConnection, name, showWarnings);       
//        System.out.println(evalValue);
        if (evalValue.isVector()){
          if (evalValue instanceof REXPString)
            kClusteringResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.asStrings());
          else if (evalValue instanceof REXPInteger)
            kClusteringResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.asIntegers());
          else if (evalValue instanceof REXPDouble){
            if (evalValue.dim() == null)
              kClusteringResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.asDoubles());
              kClusteringResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.asDoubleMatrix());
            // if no previous cases were true, return debug String
            kClusteringResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.toDebugString());
          kClusteringResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.toDebugString());
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run R K-Means Clustering script", e);
      if (rConnection != null)
    return kClusteringResult;

  public static HierarchicalClusteringResult hierarchicalClustering(String docrootPath,double[] dataX, double[] dataY) throws RemoteException
    if (dataX.length == 0 || dataY.length == 0)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run computation on zero-length arrays.");
    if (dataX.length != dataY.length)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run computation on two arrays with different lengths (" + dataX.length
          + " != " + dataY.length + ").");
    RConnection rConnection = null;
    HierarchicalClusteringResult hclresult = new HierarchicalClusteringResult();
      rConnection = getRConnection()
      String[] agglomerationMethod = new String[7];
      agglomerationMethod[0] = "ward";
      agglomerationMethod[1] = "average";
      agglomerationMethod[2] = "centroid";
      agglomerationMethod[3] = "single";
      agglomerationMethod[4] = "complete";
      agglomerationMethod[5] = "median";
      agglomerationMethod[6] = "mcquitty";
      String agglomerationMethodType = new String("ward");
      // Push the data to R
      rConnection.assign("x", dataX);
      rConnection.assign("y", dataY);

      // checking for user method match
      for (int j = 0; j < agglomerationMethod.length; j++)
        if (agglomerationMethod[j].equals(agglomerationMethodType))
          rConnection.assign("method", agglomerationMethod[j]);

      // Performing the calculations
      rConnection.eval("dataframe1 <- data.frame(x,y)");
      rConnection.eval("HCluster <- hclust(d = dist(dataframe1), method)");

      // option for drawing the hierarchical tree and storing the image
      rConnection.assign(".tmp.", docrootPath + rFolderName + "/Hierarchical_Clustering.jpg");
      rConnection.eval("plot(HCluster, main = \"Hierarchical Clustering\")");

      // Get the data from R
      // hclresult.setClusterLabels(rConnection.eval("HCluster$labels").asStrings());

    catch (Exception e)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run R Hierarchical Clustering script", e);
      if (rConnection != null)
    return hclresult;

  //this function does not take in a script from the as3 side for imputation, but the script is built in
  public static RResult[] handlingMissingData(String[] inputNames, Object[][] inputValues, String[] outputNames, boolean showIntermediateResults, boolean showWarnings, boolean completeProcess) throws RemoteException
    RConnection rConnection = null;
    RResult[] mdResult = null;
      rConnection = getRConnection()
      requestScriptAccess(rConnection); // doing this because the eval() call below is not safe
      String script= "";
      REXP evalValue;
      String names = "";
//      We have to send columns to R and receive them back to be sent once again to R
      for (int i = 0; i < inputNames.length; i++)
        String name = inputNames[i];
        if(names.length() != 0){
          names = names + "," + name;}
          names = name;
        double[] value = ListUtils.copyDoubleArray(inputValues[i], new double[inputValues[i].length]);
        rConnection.assign(name, value)
      evalValue = rConnection.eval("Bind <- cbind(" + names + ")"); // NOT SAFE - bindingInput was built with string concat using user-specified strings
      //Built in script
      if(completeProcess = false)
        script = "library(norm) \n pre <- prelim.norm(Bind)";
        script = "library(norm) \n pre <- prelim.norm(Bind) \n eeo <- em.norm(pre) \n rngseed(12345) \n" +
        "imputed <- imp.norm(pre, eeo,Bind)";
      evalScript(rConnection, script, showWarnings);
      int i = 0;
      int iterationTimes = outputNames.length;
      mdResult = new RResult[outputNames.length];
      for (; i < iterationTimes; i++)
        String name;
        // Boolean addedTolist = false;
        if (iterationTimes == outputNames.length + 1){
          name = outputNames[i - 1];
          name = outputNames[i];
        // Script to get R - output
        evalValue = evalScript(rConnection, name, showWarnings);       
//        System.out.println(evalValue);
        if (evalValue.isVector()){
          if (evalValue instanceof REXPString)
            mdResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.asStrings());
          else if (evalValue instanceof REXPInteger)
            mdResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.asIntegers());
          else if (evalValue instanceof REXPDouble){
            if (evalValue.dim() == null)
              mdResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.asDoubles());
              mdResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.asDoubleMatrix());
            // if no previous cases were true, return debug String
            mdResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.toDebugString());
          mdResult[i] = new RResult(name, evalValue.toDebugString());
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new RemoteException("Unable to run R imputation script", e);
      if (rConnection != null)
    return mdResult;


Related Classes of weave.servlets.RServiceUsingRserve$RserveConnectionException

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