Weave (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment)
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 University of Massachusetts Lowell
This file is a part of Weave.
Weave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Weave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Weave. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package weave.servlets;
import java.io.File;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.script.Bindings;
import javax.script.ScriptContext;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
import weave.beans.RResult;
import weave.config.WeaveConfig;
public class RServiceUsingJRI
public RServiceUsingJRI()
private static String rFolderName = "R_output";
private static RScriptEngine engine = null;
public static class JRIConnectionException extends RemoteException
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public JRIConnectionException(Throwable e)
super("Unable to initialize REngine",e);
public static RScriptEngine getREngine() throws RemoteException
String extension = "R";
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
RScriptEngine engine = (RScriptEngine)manager.getEngineByExtension(extension);
//Happens when JRI native Library not found - engine will be null
// as We set System.setProperty("jri.ignore.ule", "yes");
// in getScriptEngine method of RScriptFactory class
if(engine == null){
throw new RemoteException( "Native Library not found");
return engine;
catch (Throwable e)
throw new JRIConnectionException(e);
* Use this as a security measure. This will fail if Rserve has file access to sqlconfig.xml.
private static void requestScriptAccess(RScriptEngine engine) throws RemoteException
if (!WeaveConfig.getPropertyBoolean(WeaveConfig.ALLOW_R_SCRIPT_ACCESS))
engine.close(); // must close before throwing exception
throw new RemoteException("R script access is not permitted on this server.");
if (WeaveConfig.getPropertyBoolean(WeaveConfig.ALLOW_RSERVE_ROOT_ACCESS))
assignNamesToVector(new String[]{".tmp"}, new Object[]{WeaveConfig.getConnectionConfigFilePath()}, null, false);
Object result = engine.eval("length(readLines(.tmp.))");
assignNamesToVector(new String[]{".tmp"}, new Object[]{null}, null, false);
engine.close(); // must close before throwing exception
if (result instanceof Number)
throw new RemoteException("R script access is not allowed because it is unsafe (The user running Rserve has file read/write access).");
throw new RemoteException("Unexpected result in requestScriptAccess(): " + result);
catch (ScriptException e)
// this exception is desired because we don't want users to be able to read or write files.
public static RResult[] runScript(String docrootPath, String[] keys,String[] inputNames, Object[] inputValues, String[] outputNames, String script, String plotScript, boolean showIntermediateResults, boolean showWarnings ,boolean useColumnAsList) throws RemoteException
engine = null;
engine = getREngine();
synchronized (engine) {
RResult[] results = null;
Vector<RResult> resultVector = new Vector<RResult>();
assignNamesToVector( inputNames, inputValues, keys, useColumnAsList);
evaluateInputScript( script, resultVector, showIntermediateResults, showWarnings );
if (plotScript != ""){// R Script to EVALUATE plotScript
String plotEvalValue = plotEvalScript(engine,docrootPath, plotScript, showWarnings);
resultVector.add(new RResult("Plot Results", plotEvalValue));
for (int i = 0; i < outputNames.length; i++){// R Script to EVALUATE output Script
String name = outputNames[i];
Object evalValue = evalScript(engine, name, showWarnings);
resultVector.add(new RResult(name, evalValue));
// to clear R objects
evalScript(engine, "rm(list=ls())", false);
//Happens when JRI native Library not found - engine will be null
// as We set System.setProperty("jri.ignore.ule", "yes");
// in getScriptEngine method of RScriptFactory class
catch (Exception e)
throw new RemoteException("Unable to run R script", e);
results = new RResult[resultVector.size()];
return results;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static void assignNamesToVector(String[] inputNames,Object[] inputValues,String[] keys,boolean useColumnAsList)
// ASSIGNS inputNames to respective Vector in R "like x<-c(1,2,3,4)"
Bindings bindedVectors = engine.createBindings();//engine needs to be static , otherwise throws null point error
for (int i = 0; i < inputNames.length; i++){
String name = inputNames[i];
if (useColumnAsList) //if column to consider as list in R
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
//TODO: support more than just vectors
Object[] array = (Object[])inputValues[i];
for(int keyID = 0; keyID < keys.length ;keyID++)
hm.put(keys[keyID], array[keyID]);
bindedVectors.put(name, hm);
bindedVectors.put(name, inputValues[i]);
engine.setBindings(bindedVectors, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
private static void evaluateInputScript(String script,Vector<RResult> resultVector,boolean showIntermediateResults,boolean showWarnings ) throws ScriptException
evalScript(engine, script, showWarnings);
if (showIntermediateResults){
Object storedRdatas = evalScript(engine, "ls()", showWarnings);
if(storedRdatas instanceof String[]){
String[] Rdatas =(String[])storedRdatas;
for(int i=0;i<Rdatas.length;i++){
String scriptToAcessRObj = Rdatas[i];
if(scriptToAcessRObj.compareTo("mycache") == 0)
Object RobjValue = evalScript(engine, scriptToAcessRObj, false);
//When function reference is called returns null
if(RobjValue == null)
resultVector.add(new RResult(scriptToAcessRObj, RobjValue));
private static Object evalScript(ScriptEngine engine, String script, boolean showWarnings) throws ScriptException
Object evalValue = null;
evalValue = engine.eval("try({ options(warn=2) \n" + script + "},silent=TRUE)");
evalValue = engine.eval("try({ options(warn=1) \n" + script + "},silent=TRUE)");
return evalValue;
private static String plotEvalScript(ScriptEngine engine,String docrootPath,String script, boolean showWarnings) throws ScriptException
String file = String.format("user_script_%s.jpg", UUID.randomUUID());
String dir = docrootPath + rFolderName + "/";
(new File(dir)).mkdirs();
String str = null;
str = String.format("jpeg(\"%s\")", dir + file);
evalScript(engine, str, showWarnings);
engine.eval(str = script);
engine.eval(str = "dev.off()");
catch (ScriptException e)
throw e;
return rFolderName + "/" + file;