Weave (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment)
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 University of Massachusetts Lowell
This file is a part of Weave.
Weave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Weave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Weave. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package weave.servlets;
import static weave.config.WeaveConfig.getConnectionConfig;
import static weave.config.WeaveConfig.getDataConfig;
import static weave.config.WeaveConfig.initWeaveConfig;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.security.InvalidParameterException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import org.postgis.Geometry;
import org.postgis.PGgeometry;
import org.postgis.Point;
import weave.beans.AttributeColumnData;
import weave.beans.GeometryStreamMetadata;
import weave.beans.PGGeom;
import weave.beans.WeaveJsonDataSet;
import weave.beans.WeaveRecordList;
import weave.config.ConnectionConfig.ConnectionInfo;
import weave.config.DataConfig;
import weave.config.DataConfig.DataEntity;
import weave.config.DataConfig.DataEntityMetadata;
import weave.config.DataConfig.DataEntityWithRelationships;
import weave.config.DataConfig.DataType;
import weave.config.DataConfig.EntityHierarchyInfo;
import weave.config.DataConfig.EntityType;
import weave.config.DataConfig.PrivateMetadata;
import weave.config.DataConfig.PublicMetadata;
import weave.config.WeaveContextParams;
import weave.geometrystream.SQLGeometryStreamReader;
import weave.utils.CSVParser;
import weave.utils.ListUtils;
import weave.utils.MapUtils;
import weave.utils.SQLResult;
import weave.utils.SQLUtils;
import weave.utils.SQLUtils.WhereClause;
import weave.utils.SQLUtils.WhereClause.ColumnFilter;
import weave.utils.SQLUtils.WhereClause.NestedColumnFilters;
import weave.utils.Strings;
* This class connects to a database and gets data
* uses xml configuration file to get connection/query info
* @author Andy Dufilie
public class DataService extends WeaveServlet implements IWeaveEntityService
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final int MAX_COLUMN_REQUEST_COUNT = 100;
public DataService()
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
public void destroy()
// helper functions
private DataEntity getColumnEntity(int columnId) throws RemoteException
DataEntity entity = getDataConfig().getEntity(columnId);
if (entity == null)
throw new RemoteException("No column with id " + columnId);
String entityType = entity.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE);
if (!Strings.equal(entityType, EntityType.COLUMN))
throw new RemoteException(String.format("Entity with id=%s is not a column (entityType: %s)", columnId, entityType));
return entity;
private void assertColumnHasPrivateMetadata(DataEntity columnEntity, String ... fields) throws RemoteException
for (String field : fields)
if (Strings.isEmpty(columnEntity.privateMetadata.get(field)))
String dataType = columnEntity.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.DATATYPE);
String description = (dataType != null && dataType.equals(DataType.GEOMETRY)) ? "Geometry column" : "Column";
throw new RemoteException(String.format("%s %s is missing private metadata %s", description, columnEntity.id, field));
private boolean assertStreamingGeometryColumn(DataEntity entity, boolean throwException) throws RemoteException
String dataType = entity.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.DATATYPE);
if (dataType == null || !dataType.equals(DataType.GEOMETRY))
throw new RemoteException(String.format("Column %s dataType is %s, not %s", entity.id, dataType, DataType.GEOMETRY));
assertColumnHasPrivateMetadata(entity, PrivateMetadata.CONNECTION, PrivateMetadata.SQLSCHEMA, PrivateMetadata.SQLTABLEPREFIX);
return true;
catch (RemoteException e)
if (throwException)
throw e;
return false;
// DataEntity info
public EntityHierarchyInfo[] getHierarchyInfo(Map<String,String> publicMetadata) throws RemoteException
return getDataConfig().getEntityHierarchyInfo(publicMetadata);
public DataEntityWithRelationships[] getEntities(int[] ids) throws RemoteException
if (ids.length > DataConfig.MAX_ENTITY_REQUEST_COUNT)
throw new RemoteException(String.format("You cannot request more than %s entities at a time.", DataConfig.MAX_ENTITY_REQUEST_COUNT));
// prevent user from receiving private metadata
return getDataConfig().getEntitiesWithRelationships(ids, false);
public int[] findEntityIds(Map<String,String> publicMetadata, String[] wildcardFields) throws RemoteException
int[] ids = ListUtils.toIntArray( getDataConfig().searchPublicMetadata(publicMetadata, wildcardFields) );
return ids;
public String[] findPublicFieldValues(String fieldName, String valueSearch) throws RemoteException
throw new RemoteException("Not implemented yet");
// Columns
private static ConnectionInfo getColumnConnectionInfo(DataEntity entity) throws RemoteException
String connName = entity.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.CONNECTION);
ConnectionInfo connInfo = getConnectionConfig().getConnectionInfo(connName);
if (connInfo == null)
String title = entity.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.TITLE);
throw new RemoteException(String.format("Connection named '%s' associated with column #%s (%s) no longer exists", connName, entity.id, title));
return connInfo;
* This retrieves the data and the public metadata for a single attribute column.
* @param columnId Either an entity ID (int) or a Map specifying public metadata values that uniquely identify a column.
* @param minParam Used for filtering numeric data
* @param maxParam Used for filtering numeric data
* @param sqlParams Specifies parameters to be used in place of '?' placeholders that appear in the SQL query for the column.
* @return The column data.
* @throws RemoteException
public AttributeColumnData getColumn(Object columnId, double minParam, double maxParam, String[] sqlParams)
throws RemoteException
DataEntity entity = null;
if (columnId instanceof Map)
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
Map metadata = (Map)columnId;
metadata.put(PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.COLUMN);
int[] ids = findEntityIds(metadata, null);
if (ids.length == 0)
throw new RemoteException("No column with id " + columnId);
if (ids.length > 1)
throw new RemoteException(String.format(
"The specified metadata does not uniquely identify a column (%s matching columns found): %s",
entity = getColumnEntity(ids[0]);
columnId = cast(columnId, Integer.class);
entity = getColumnEntity((Integer)columnId);
// if it's a geometry column, just return the metadata
if (assertStreamingGeometryColumn(entity, false))
GeometryStreamMetadata gsm = (GeometryStreamMetadata) getGeometryData(entity, GeomStreamComponent.TILE_DESCRIPTORS, null);
AttributeColumnData result = new AttributeColumnData();
result.id = entity.id;
result.metadata = entity.publicMetadata;
result.metadataTileDescriptors = gsm.metadataTileDescriptors;
result.geometryTileDescriptors = gsm.geometryTileDescriptors;
return result;
String query = entity.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLQUERY);
String dataType = entity.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.DATATYPE);
ConnectionInfo connInfo = getColumnConnectionInfo(entity);
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Double> numericData = null;
List<String> stringData = null;
List<Object> thirdColumn = null; // hack for dimension slider format
List<PGGeom> geometricData = null;
// use config min,max or param min,max to filter the data
double minValue = Double.NaN;
double maxValue = Double.NaN;
// server min,max values take priority over user-specified params
if (entity.publicMetadata.containsKey(PublicMetadata.MIN))
try {
minValue = Double.parseDouble(entity.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.MIN));
} catch (Exception e) { }
minValue = minParam;
if (entity.publicMetadata.containsKey(PublicMetadata.MAX))
try {
maxValue = Double.parseDouble(entity.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.MAX));
} catch (Exception e) { }
maxValue = maxParam;
if (Double.isNaN(minValue))
minValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
if (Double.isNaN(maxValue))
maxValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Connection conn = connInfo.getStaticReadOnlyConnection();
// use default sqlParams if not specified by query params
if (sqlParams == null || sqlParams.length == 0)
String sqlParamsString = entity.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLPARAMS);
sqlParams = CSVParser.defaultParser.parseCSVRow(sqlParamsString, true);
SQLResult result = SQLUtils.getResultFromQuery(conn, query, sqlParams, false);
// if dataType is defined in the config file, use that value.
// otherwise, derive it from the sql result.
if (Strings.isEmpty(dataType))
dataType = DataType.fromSQLType(result.columnTypes[1]);
entity.publicMetadata.put(PublicMetadata.DATATYPE, dataType); // fill in missing metadata for the client
if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase(DataType.NUMBER)) // special case: "number" => Double
numericData = new LinkedList<Double>();
else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase(DataType.GEOMETRY))
geometricData = new LinkedList<PGGeom>();
stringData = new LinkedList<String>();
// hack for dimension slider format
if (result.columnTypes.length == 3)
thirdColumn = new LinkedList<Object>();
Object keyObj, dataObj;
double value;
for (int i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++)
keyObj = result.rows[i][0];
if (keyObj == null)
dataObj = result.rows[i][1];
if (dataObj == null)
if (numericData != null)
if (dataObj instanceof String)
dataObj = Double.parseDouble((String)dataObj);
value = ((Number)dataObj).doubleValue();
catch (Exception e)
// filter the data based on the min,max values
if (minValue <= value && value <= maxValue)
else if (geometricData != null)
// The dataObj must be cast to PGgeometry before an individual Geometry can be extracted.
if (!(dataObj instanceof PGgeometry))
Geometry geom = ((PGgeometry) dataObj).getGeometry();
int numPoints = geom.numPoints();
// Create PGGeom Bean here and fill it up!
PGGeom bean = new PGGeom();
bean.type = geom.getType();
bean.xyCoords = new double[numPoints * 2];
for (int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++)
Point pt = geom.getPoint(j);
bean.xyCoords[j * 2] = pt.x;
bean.xyCoords[j * 2 + 1] = pt.y;
// if we got here, it means a data value was added, so add the corresponding key
// hack for dimension slider format
if (thirdColumn != null)
catch (SQLException e)
throw new RemoteException(String.format("Unable to retrieve data for column %s", columnId));
catch (NullPointerException e)
throw new RemoteException("Unexpected error", e);
AttributeColumnData result = new AttributeColumnData();
result.id = entity.id;
result.metadata = entity.publicMetadata;
result.keys = keys.toArray(new String[keys.size()]);
if (numericData != null)
result.data = numericData.toArray();
else if (geometricData != null)
result.data = geometricData.toArray();
result.data = stringData.toArray();
// hack for dimension slider
if (thirdColumn != null)
result.thirdColumn = thirdColumn.toArray();
return result;
* This function is intended for use with JsonRPC calls.
* @param columnIds A list of column IDs.
* @return A WeaveJsonDataSet containing all the data from the columns.
* @throws RemoteException
public WeaveJsonDataSet getDataSet(int[] columnIds) throws RemoteException
if (columnIds == null)
columnIds = new int[0];
if (columnIds.length > MAX_COLUMN_REQUEST_COUNT)
throw new RemoteException(String.format("You cannot request more than %s columns at a time.", MAX_COLUMN_REQUEST_COUNT));
WeaveJsonDataSet result = new WeaveJsonDataSet();
for (Integer columnId : columnIds)
AttributeColumnData columnData = getColumn(columnId, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, null);
catch (RemoteException e)
return result;
// geometry columns
public byte[] getGeometryStreamMetadataTiles(int columnId, int[] tileIDs) throws RemoteException
DataEntity entity = getColumnEntity(columnId);
if (tileIDs == null || tileIDs.length == 0)
throw new RemoteException("At least one tileID must be specified.");
return (byte[]) getGeometryData(entity, GeomStreamComponent.METADATA_TILES, tileIDs);
public byte[] getGeometryStreamGeometryTiles(int columnId, int[] tileIDs) throws RemoteException
DataEntity entity = getColumnEntity(columnId);
if (tileIDs == null || tileIDs.length == 0)
throw new RemoteException("At least one tileID must be specified.");
return (byte[]) getGeometryData(entity, GeomStreamComponent.GEOMETRY_TILES, tileIDs);
private static enum GeomStreamComponent { TILE_DESCRIPTORS, METADATA_TILES, GEOMETRY_TILES };
private Object getGeometryData(DataEntity entity, GeomStreamComponent component, int[] tileIDs) throws RemoteException
assertStreamingGeometryColumn(entity, true);
Connection conn = getColumnConnectionInfo(entity).getStaticReadOnlyConnection();
String schema = entity.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLSCHEMA);
String tablePrefix = entity.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLTABLEPREFIX);
switch (component)
GeometryStreamMetadata result = new GeometryStreamMetadata();
result.metadataTileDescriptors = SQLGeometryStreamReader.getMetadataTileDescriptors(conn, schema, tablePrefix);
result.geometryTileDescriptors = SQLGeometryStreamReader.getGeometryTileDescriptors(conn, schema, tablePrefix);
return result;
return SQLGeometryStreamReader.getMetadataTiles(conn, schema, tablePrefix, tileIDs);
return SQLGeometryStreamReader.getGeometryTiles(conn, schema, tablePrefix, tileIDs);
throw new InvalidParameterException("Invalid GeometryStreamComponent param.");
catch (Exception e)
throw new RemoteException(String.format("Unable to read geometry data (id=%s)", entity.id));
// Row query
public WeaveRecordList getRows(String keyType, String[] keysArray) throws RemoteException
DataConfig dataConfig = getDataConfig();
DataEntityMetadata params = new DataEntityMetadata();
PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.COLUMN,
PublicMetadata.KEYTYPE, keyType
List<Integer> columnIds = new ArrayList<Integer>( dataConfig.searchPublicMetadata(params.publicMetadata, null) );
if (columnIds.size() > MAX_COLUMN_REQUEST_COUNT)
columnIds = columnIds.subList(0, MAX_COLUMN_REQUEST_COUNT);
return DataService.getFilteredRows(ListUtils.toIntArray(columnIds), null, keysArray);
* Gets all column IDs referenced by this object and its nested objects.
private static Collection<Integer> getReferencedColumnIds(NestedColumnFilters filters)
Set<Integer> ids = new HashSet<Integer>();
if (filters.cond != null)
for (NestedColumnFilters nested : (filters.and != null ? filters.and : filters.or))
return ids;
* Converts nested ColumnFilter.f values from a column ID to the corresponding SQL field name.
* @param filters
* @param entities
* @return A copy of filters with field names in place of the column IDs.
* @see ColumnFilter#f
private static NestedColumnFilters convertColumnIdsToFieldNames(NestedColumnFilters filters, Map<Integer, DataEntity> entities)
if (filters == null)
return null;
NestedColumnFilters result = new NestedColumnFilters();
if (filters.cond != null)
result.cond = new ColumnFilter();
result.cond.v = filters.cond.v;
result.cond.r = filters.cond.r;
result.cond.f = entities.get(((Number)filters.cond.f).intValue()).privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLCOLUMN);
NestedColumnFilters[] in = (filters.and != null ? filters.and : filters.or);
NestedColumnFilters[] out = new NestedColumnFilters[in.length];
for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++)
out[i] = convertColumnIdsToFieldNames(in[i], entities);
if (filters.and == in)
result.and = out;
result.or = out;
return result;
private static SQLResult getFilteredRowsFromSQL(Connection conn, String schema, String table, int[] columns, NestedColumnFilters filters, Map<Integer,DataEntity> entities) throws SQLException
String[] quotedFields = new String[columns.length];
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++)
quotedFields[i] = SQLUtils.quoteSymbol(conn, entities.get(columns[i]).privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLCOLUMN));
WhereClause<Object> where = WhereClause.fromFilters(conn, convertColumnIdsToFieldNames(filters, entities));
String query = String.format(
"SELECT %s FROM %s %s",
Strings.join(",", quotedFields),
SQLUtils.quoteSchemaTable(conn, schema, table),
return SQLUtils.getResultFromQuery(conn, query, where.params.toArray(), false);
public static WeaveRecordList getFilteredRows(int[] columns, NestedColumnFilters filters, String[] keysArray) throws RemoteException
if (columns == null || columns.length == 0)
throw new RemoteException("At least one column must be specified.");
if (filters != null)
DataConfig dataConfig = getDataConfig();
WeaveRecordList result = new WeaveRecordList();
Map<Integer, DataEntity> entityLookup = new HashMap<Integer, DataEntity>();
// get all column IDs whether or not they are to be selected.
Set<Integer> allColumnIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
if (filters != null)
for (int id : columns)
// get all corresponding entities
for (DataEntity entity : dataConfig.getEntities(allColumnIds, true))
entityLookup.put(entity.id, entity);
// check for missing columns
for (int id : allColumnIds)
if (entityLookup.get(id) == null)
throw new RemoteException("No column with ID=" + id);
// provide public metadata in the same order as the selected columns
result.attributeColumnMetadata = new Map[columns.length];
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++)
result.attributeColumnMetadata[i] = entityLookup.get(columns[i]).publicMetadata;
String keyType = result.attributeColumnMetadata[0].get(PublicMetadata.KEYTYPE);
// make sure all columns have same keyType
for (int i = 1; i < columns.length; i++)
if (!Strings.equal(keyType, result.attributeColumnMetadata[i].get(PublicMetadata.KEYTYPE)))
throw new RemoteException("Specified columns must all have same keyType.");
if (keysArray == null)
boolean canGenerateSQL = true;
// check to see if all the columns are from the same SQL table.
String connection = null;
String sqlSchema = null;
String sqlTable = null;
for (DataEntity entity : entityLookup.values())
String c = entity.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.CONNECTION);
String s = entity.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLSCHEMA);
String t = entity.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLTABLE);
if (connection == null)
connection = c;
if (sqlSchema == null)
sqlSchema = s;
if (sqlTable == null)
sqlTable = t;
if (!Strings.equal(connection, c) || !Strings.equal(sqlSchema, s) || !Strings.equal(sqlTable, t))
canGenerateSQL = false;
if (canGenerateSQL)
Connection conn = getColumnConnectionInfo(entityLookup.get(columns[0])).getStaticReadOnlyConnection();
result.recordData = getFilteredRowsFromSQL(conn, sqlSchema, sqlTable, columns, filters, entityLookup).rows;
catch (SQLException e)
throw new RemoteException("getFilteredRows() failed.", e);
if (result.recordData == null)
throw new Error("Selecting across tables is not supported yet.");
HashMap<String,Object[]> data = new HashMap<String,Object[]>();
if (keysArray != null)
for (String key : keysArray)
data.put(key, new Object[entities.length]);
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < entities.length; colIndex++)
Object[] filters = fcrs[colIndex].filters;
DataEntity info = entities[colIndex];
String sqlQuery = info.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLQUERY);
String sqlParams = info.privateMetadata.get(PrivateMetadata.SQLPARAMS);
//if (dataWithKeysQuery.length() == 0)
// throw new RemoteException(String.format("No SQL query is associated with column \"%s\" in dataTable \"%s\"", attributeColumnName, dataTableName));
String dataType = info.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.DATATYPE);
// use config min,max or param min,max to filter the data
String infoMinStr = info.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.MIN);
String infoMaxStr = info.publicMetadata.get(PublicMetadata.MAX);
double minValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double maxValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// first try parsing config min,max values
try { minValue = Double.parseDouble(infoMinStr); } catch (Exception e) { }
try { maxValue = Double.parseDouble(infoMaxStr); } catch (Exception e) { }
// override config min,max with param values if given
// * columnInfoArray = config.getDataEntity(params);
// * for each info in columnInfoArray
// * get sql data
// * for each row in sql data
// * if key is in keys array,
// * add this value to the result
// * return result
boolean errorReported = false;
Connection conn = getColumnConnectionInfo(info).getStaticReadOnlyConnection();
String[] sqlParamsArray = null;
if (sqlParams != null && sqlParams.length() > 0)
sqlParamsArray = CSVParser.defaultParser.parseCSV(sqlParams, true)[0];
SQLResult sqlResult = SQLUtils.getResultFromQuery(conn, sqlQuery, sqlParamsArray, false);
//timer.lap("get row set");
// if dataType is defined in the config file, use that value.
// otherwise, derive it from the sql result.
if (Strings.isEmpty(dataType))
dataType = DataType.fromSQLType(sqlResult.columnTypes[1]);
boolean isNumeric = dataType != null && dataType.equalsIgnoreCase(DataType.NUMBER);
Object keyObj, dataObj;
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < sqlResult.rows.length; iRow++)
keyObj = sqlResult.rows[iRow][0];
dataObj = sqlResult.rows[iRow][1];
if (keyObj == null || dataObj == null)
keyObj = keyObj.toString();
if (data.containsKey(keyObj))
// if row has been set to null, skip
if (data.get(keyObj) == null)
// if keys are specified and row is not present, skip
if (keysArray != null)
boolean passedFilters = true;
// convert the data to the appropriate type, then filter by value
if (isNumeric)
if (dataObj instanceof Number) // TEMPORARY SOLUTION - FIX ME
double doubleValue = ((Number)dataObj).doubleValue();
// filter the data based on the min,max values
if (minValue <= doubleValue && doubleValue <= maxValue)
// filter the value
if (filters != null)
passedFilters = false;
for (Object range : filters)
Number min = (Number)((Object[])range)[0];
Number max = (Number)((Object[])range)[1];
if (min.doubleValue() <= doubleValue && doubleValue <= max.doubleValue())
passedFilters = true;
passedFilters = false;
passedFilters = false;
String stringValue = dataObj.toString();
dataObj = stringValue;
// filter the value
if (filters != null)
passedFilters = false;
for (Object filter : filters)
if (filter.equals(stringValue))
passedFilters = true;
Object[] row = data.get(keyObj);
if (passedFilters)
// add existing row if it has not been added yet
if (!data.containsKey(keyObj))
for (int i = 0; i < colIndex; i++)
Object[] prevFilters = fcrs[i].filters;
if (prevFilters != null)
passedFilters = false;
if (passedFilters)
row = new Object[entities.length];
data.put((String)keyObj, row);
if (row != null)
row[colIndex] = dataObj;
// remove existing row if value did not pass filters
if (row != null || !data.containsKey(keyObj))
data.put((String)keyObj, null);
catch (Exception e)
if (!errorReported)
errorReported = true;
catch (SQLException e)
catch (NullPointerException e)
throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
if (keysArray == null)
List<String> keys = new LinkedList<String>();
for (Entry<String,Object[]> entry : data.entrySet())
if (entry.getValue() != null)
keysArray = keys.toArray(new String[keys.size()]);
Object[][] rows = new Object[keysArray.length][];
for (int iKey = 0; iKey < keysArray.length; iKey++)
rows[iKey] = data.get(keysArray[iKey]);
result.recordData = rows;
result.keyType = keyType;
result.recordKeys = keysArray;
return result;
// backwards compatibility
* Use getHierarchyInfo() instead. This function is provided for backwards compatibility only.
* @deprecated
@Deprecated public EntityHierarchyInfo[] getDataTableList() throws RemoteException
return getDataConfig().getEntityHierarchyInfo(MapUtils.<String,String>fromPairs(PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.TABLE));
* Use getEntities() instead. This function is provided for backwards compatibility only.
* @deprecated
@Deprecated public int[] getEntityChildIds(int parentId) throws RemoteException
return ListUtils.toIntArray( getDataConfig().getChildIds(parentId) );
* Use getEntities() instead. This function is provided for backwards compatibility only.
* @deprecated
@Deprecated public int[] getParents(int childId) throws RemoteException
int[] ids = ListUtils.toIntArray( getDataConfig().getParentIds(childId) );
return ids;
* Use findEntityIds() instead. This function is provided for backwards compatibility only.
* @deprecated
public int[] getEntityIdsByMetadata(Map<String,String> publicMetadata, int entityType) throws RemoteException
publicMetadata.put(PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.fromInt(entityType));
return findEntityIds(publicMetadata, null);
* Use getEntities() instead. This function is provided for backwards compatibility only.
* @deprecated
public DataEntity[] getEntitiesById(int[] ids) throws RemoteException
return getEntities(ids);
* @param metadata The metadata query.
* @return The id of the matching column.
* @throws RemoteException Thrown if the metadata query does not match exactly one column.
public AttributeColumnData getColumnFromMetadata(Map<String, String> metadata)
throws RemoteException
if (metadata == null || metadata.size() == 0)
throw new RemoteException("No metadata query parameters specified.");
metadata.put(PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.COLUMN);
final String DATATABLE = "dataTable";
final String NAME = "name";
// exclude these parameters from the query
if (metadata.containsKey(NAME))
String minStr = metadata.remove(PublicMetadata.MIN);
String maxStr = metadata.remove(PublicMetadata.MAX);
String paramsStr = metadata.remove(PrivateMetadata.SQLPARAMS);
DataConfig dataConfig = getDataConfig();
Collection<Integer> ids = dataConfig.searchPublicMetadata(metadata, null);
// attempt recovery for backwards compatibility
if (ids.size() == 0)
if (metadata.containsKey(DATATABLE) && metadata.containsKey(NAME))
// try to find columns sqlTable==dataTable and sqlColumn=name
Map<String,String> privateMetadata = new HashMap<String,String>();
String sqlTable = metadata.get(DATATABLE);
String sqlColumn = metadata.get(NAME);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (i == 1)
sqlTable = sqlTable.toLowerCase();
privateMetadata.put(PrivateMetadata.SQLTABLE, sqlTable);
privateMetadata.put(PrivateMetadata.SQLCOLUMN, sqlColumn);
ids = dataConfig.searchPrivateMetadata(privateMetadata, null);
if (ids.size() > 0)
else if (metadata.containsKey(NAME)
&& Strings.equal(metadata.get(PublicMetadata.DATATYPE), DataType.GEOMETRY))
metadata.put(PublicMetadata.TITLE, metadata.remove(NAME));
ids = dataConfig.searchPublicMetadata(metadata, null);
if (ids.size() == 0)
throw new RemoteException("No column matches metadata query: " + metadata);
// warning if more than one column
if (ids.size() > 1)
String message = String.format(
"WARNING: Multiple columns (%s) match metadata query: %s",
//throw new RemoteException(message);
// return first column
int id = ListUtils.getFirstSortedItem(ids, DataConfig.NULL);
double min = Double.NaN, max = Double.NaN;
try { min = (Double)cast(minStr, double.class); } catch (Throwable t) { }
try { max = (Double)cast(maxStr, double.class); } catch (Throwable t) { }
String[] sqlParams = CSVParser.defaultParser.parseCSVRow(paramsStr, true);
return getColumn(id, min, max, sqlParams);