* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.script.python;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Lists;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.MapBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.script.ExecutableScript;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ElasticsearchTestCase;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf;
public class PythonScriptEngineTests extends ElasticsearchTestCase {
private PythonScriptEngineService se;
public void setup() {
se = new PythonScriptEngineService(ImmutableSettings.Builder.EMPTY_SETTINGS);
public void close() {
// We need to clear some system properties
public void testSimpleEquation() {
Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Object o = se.execute(se.compile("1 + 2"), vars);
assertThat(((Number) o).intValue(), equalTo(3));
public void testMapAccess() {
Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> obj2 = MapBuilder.<String, Object>newMapBuilder().put("prop2", "value2").map();
Map<String, Object> obj1 = MapBuilder.<String, Object>newMapBuilder().put("prop1", "value1").put("obj2", obj2).put("l", Lists.newArrayList("2", "1")).map();
vars.put("obj1", obj1);
Object o = se.execute(se.compile("obj1"), vars);
assertThat(o, instanceOf(Map.class));
obj1 = (Map<String, Object>) o;
assertThat((String) obj1.get("prop1"), equalTo("value1"));
assertThat((String) ((Map<String, Object>) obj1.get("obj2")).get("prop2"), equalTo("value2"));
o = se.execute(se.compile("obj1['l'][0]"), vars);
assertThat(((String) o), equalTo("2"));
public void testObjectMapInter() {
Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> obj1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
obj1.put("prop1", "value1");
ctx.put("obj1", obj1);
vars.put("ctx", ctx);
se.execute(se.compile("ctx['obj2'] = { 'prop2' : 'value2' }; ctx['obj1']['prop1'] = 'uvalue1'"), vars);
ctx = (Map<String, Object>) se.unwrap(vars.get("ctx"));
assertThat(ctx.containsKey("obj1"), equalTo(true));
assertThat((String) ((Map<String, Object>) ctx.get("obj1")).get("prop1"), equalTo("uvalue1"));
assertThat(ctx.containsKey("obj2"), equalTo(true));
assertThat((String) ((Map<String, Object>) ctx.get("obj2")).get("prop2"), equalTo("value2"));
public void testAccessListInScript() {
Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> obj2 = MapBuilder.<String, Object>newMapBuilder().put("prop2", "value2").map();
Map<String, Object> obj1 = MapBuilder.<String, Object>newMapBuilder().put("prop1", "value1").put("obj2", obj2).map();
vars.put("l", Lists.newArrayList("1", "2", "3", obj1));
// Object o = se.execute(se.compile("l.length"), vars);
// assertThat(((Number) o).intValue(), equalTo(4));
Object o = se.execute(se.compile("l[0]"), vars);
assertThat(((String) o), equalTo("1"));
o = se.execute(se.compile("l[3]"), vars);
obj1 = (Map<String, Object>) o;
assertThat((String) obj1.get("prop1"), equalTo("value1"));
assertThat((String) ((Map<String, Object>) obj1.get("obj2")).get("prop2"), equalTo("value2"));
o = se.execute(se.compile("l[3]['prop1']"), vars);
assertThat(((String) o), equalTo("value1"));
public void testChangingVarsCrossExecution1() {
Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<String, Object>();
vars.put("ctx", ctx);
Object compiledScript = se.compile("ctx['value']");
ExecutableScript script = se.executable(compiledScript, vars);
ctx.put("value", 1);
Object o = script.run();
assertThat(((Number) o).intValue(), equalTo(1));
ctx.put("value", 2);
o = script.run();
assertThat(((Number) o).intValue(), equalTo(2));
public void testChangingVarsCrossExecution2() {
Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Object compiledScript = se.compile("value");
ExecutableScript script = se.executable(compiledScript, vars);
script.setNextVar("value", 1);
Object o = script.run();
assertThat(((Number) o).intValue(), equalTo(1));
script.setNextVar("value", 2);
o = script.run();
assertThat(((Number) o).intValue(), equalTo(2));