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import java.util.Random;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;

public class SakuraTreeGen extends WorldGenAbstractTree
    static final byte[] otherCoordPairs = new byte[] {(byte)2, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)1};
    Random rand = new Random();
    World worldObj;
    int[] basePos = new int[] {0, 0, 0};
    int heightLimit;
    int height;
    double heightAttenuation = 0.618D;
    double branchDensity = 1.0D;
    double branchSlope = 0.381D;
    double scaleWidth = 1.0D;
    double leafDensity = 1.0D;
    int trunkSize = 1;
    int heightLimitLimit = 12;
    int leafDistanceLimit = 4;
    int[][] leafNodes;
    int metaWood;
    int metaLeaves;
    boolean dontFindHeight;

    public SakuraTreeGen(boolean par1, int mdwood, int mdleaves)
        dontFindHeight = par1;
        metaWood = mdwood;
        metaLeaves = mdleaves;

    void generateLeafNodeList()
        this.height = (int)((double)this.heightLimit * this.heightAttenuation);

        if (this.height >= this.heightLimit)
            this.height = this.heightLimit - 1;

        int i = (int)(1.382D + Math.pow(this.leafDensity * (double)this.heightLimit / 13.0D, 2.0D));

        if (i < 1)
            i = 1;

        int[][] aint = new int[i * this.heightLimit][4];
        int j = this.basePos[1] + this.heightLimit - this.leafDistanceLimit;
        int k = 1;
        int l = this.basePos[1] + this.height;
        int i1 = j - this.basePos[1];
        aint[0][0] = this.basePos[0];
        aint[0][1] = j;
        aint[0][2] = this.basePos[2];
        aint[0][3] = l;

        while (i1 >= 0)
            int j1 = 0;
            float f = this.layerSize(i1);

            if (f < 0.0F)
                for (double d0 = 0.5D; j1 < i; ++j1)
                    double d1 = this.scaleWidth * (double)f * ((double)this.rand.nextFloat() + 0.328D);
                    double d2 = (double)this.rand.nextFloat() * 2.0D * Math.PI;
                    int k1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d1 * Math.sin(d2) + (double)this.basePos[0] + d0);
                    int l1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d1 * Math.cos(d2) + (double)this.basePos[2] + d0);
                    int[] aint1 = new int[] {k1, j, l1};
                    int[] aint2 = new int[] {k1, j + this.leafDistanceLimit, l1};

                    if (this.checkBlockLine(aint1, aint2) == -1)
                        int[] aint3 = new int[] {this.basePos[0], this.basePos[1], this.basePos[2]};
                        double d3 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((double)Math.abs(this.basePos[0] - aint1[0]), 2.0D) + Math.pow((double)Math.abs(this.basePos[2] - aint1[2]), 2.0D));
                        double d4 = d3 * this.branchSlope;

                        if ((double)aint1[1] - d4 > (double)l)
                            aint3[1] = l;
                            aint3[1] = (int)((double)aint1[1] - d4);

                        if (this.checkBlockLine(aint3, aint1) == -1)
                            aint[k][0] = k1;
                            aint[k][1] = j;
                            aint[k][2] = l1;
                            aint[k][3] = aint3[1];


        this.leafNodes = new int[k][4];
        System.arraycopy(aint, 0, this.leafNodes, 0, k);

    void func_150529_a(int x, int y, int z, float p_150529_4_, byte p_150529_5_, Block block)
        int l = (int)((double)p_150529_4_ + 0.618D);
        byte b1 = otherCoordPairs[p_150529_5_];
        byte b2 = otherCoordPairs[p_150529_5_ + 3];
        int[] aint = new int[] {x, y, z};
        int[] aint1 = new int[] {0, 0, 0};
        int i1 = -l;
        int j1 = -l;

        for (aint1[p_150529_5_] = aint[p_150529_5_]; i1 <= l; ++i1)
            aint1[b1] = aint[b1] + i1;
            j1 = -l;

            while (j1 <= l)
                double d0 = Math.pow((double)Math.abs(i1) + 0.5D, 2.0D) + Math.pow((double)Math.abs(j1) + 0.5D, 2.0D);

                if (d0 > (double)(p_150529_4_ * p_150529_4_))
                    aint1[b2] = aint[b2] + j1;
                    Block block1 = this.worldObj.getBlock(aint1[0], aint1[1], aint1[2]);

                    if (!block1.isAir(worldObj, aint1[0], aint1[1], aint1[2]) && !block1.isLeaves(worldObj, aint1[0], aint1[1], aint1[2]))
                        this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(this.worldObj, aint1[0], aint1[1], aint1[2], block, metaLeaves);

    float layerSize(int par1)
        if ((double)par1 < (double)((float)this.heightLimit) * 0.3D)
            return -1.618F;
            float f = (float)this.heightLimit / 2.0F;
            float f1 = (float)this.heightLimit / 2.0F - (float)par1;
            float f2;

            if (f1 == 0.0F)
                f2 = f;
            else if (Math.abs(f1) >= f)
                f2 = 0.0F;
                f2 = (float)Math.sqrt(Math.pow((double)Math.abs(f), 2.0D) - Math.pow((double)Math.abs(f1), 2.0D));

            f2 *= 0.5F;
            return f2;

    float leafSize(int par1)
        return par1 >= 0 && par1 < this.leafDistanceLimit ? (par1 != 0 && par1 != this.leafDistanceLimit - 1 ? 3.0F : 2.0F) : -1.0F;

    void generateLeafNode(int par1, int par2, int par3)
        int l = par2;

        for (int i1 = par2 + this.leafDistanceLimit; l < i1; ++l)
            float f = this.leafSize(l - par2);
            this.func_150529_a(par1, l, par3, f, (byte)1, NContent.floraLeavesNoColor);

    void func_150530_a(int[] p_150530_1_, int[] p_150530_2_, Block block)
        int[] aint2 = new int[] {0, 0, 0};
        byte b0 = 0;
        byte b1;

        for (b1 = 0; b0 < 3; ++b0)
            aint2[b0] = p_150530_2_[b0] - p_150530_1_[b0];

            if (Math.abs(aint2[b0]) > Math.abs(aint2[b1]))
                b1 = b0;

        if (aint2[b1] != 0)
            byte b2 = otherCoordPairs[b1];
            byte b3 = otherCoordPairs[b1 + 3];
            byte b4;

            if (aint2[b1] > 0)
                b4 = 1;
                b4 = -1;

            double d0 = (double)aint2[b2] / (double)aint2[b1];
            double d1 = (double)aint2[b3] / (double)aint2[b1];
            int[] aint3 = new int[] {0, 0, 0};
            int i = 0;

            for (int j = aint2[b1] + b4; i != j; i += b4)
                aint3[b1] = MathHelper.floor_double((double)(p_150530_1_[b1] + i) + 0.5D);
                aint3[b2] = MathHelper.floor_double((double)p_150530_1_[b2] + (double)i * d0 + 0.5D);
                aint3[b3] = MathHelper.floor_double((double)p_150530_1_[b3] + (double)i * d1 + 0.5D);
                int metadata = metaWood;
                int k = Math.abs(aint3[0] - p_150530_1_[0]);
                int l = Math.abs(aint3[2] - p_150530_1_[2]);
                int i1 = Math.max(k, l);

                if (i1 > 0)
                    if (k == i1)
                        metadata = metaWood + 4;
                    else if (l == i1)
                        metadata = metaWood +  8;

                this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(this.worldObj, aint3[0], aint3[1], aint3[2], block, metadata);

    void generateLeaves()
        int i = 0;

        for (int j = this.leafNodes.length; i < j; ++i)
            int k = this.leafNodes[i][0];
            int l = this.leafNodes[i][1];
            int i1 = this.leafNodes[i][2];
            this.generateLeafNode(k, l, i1);

    boolean leafNodeNeedsBase(int par1)
        return (double)par1 >= (double)this.heightLimit * 0.2D;

    void generateTrunk()
        int i = this.basePos[0];
        int j = this.basePos[1];
        int k = this.basePos[1] + this.height;
        int l = this.basePos[2];
        int[] aint = new int[] {i, j, l};
        int[] aint1 = new int[] {i, k, l};
        this.func_150530_a(aint, aint1, NContent.tree);

        if (this.trunkSize == 2)
            this.func_150530_a(aint, aint1, NContent.tree);
            this.func_150530_a(aint, aint1, NContent.tree);
            aint[0] += -1;
            aint1[0] += -1;
            this.func_150530_a(aint, aint1, NContent.tree);

    void generateLeafNodeBases()
        int i = 0;
        int j = this.leafNodes.length;

        for (int[] aint = new int[] {this.basePos[0], this.basePos[1], this.basePos[2]}; i < j; ++i)
            int[] aint1 = this.leafNodes[i];
            int[] aint2 = new int[] {aint1[0], aint1[1], aint1[2]};
            aint[1] = aint1[3];
            int k = aint[1] - this.basePos[1];

            if (this.leafNodeNeedsBase(k))
                this.func_150530_a(aint, aint2, NContent.tree);

    int checkBlockLine(int[] par1ArrayOfInteger, int[] par2ArrayOfInteger)
        int[] aint2 = new int[] {0, 0, 0};
        byte b0 = 0;
        byte b1;

        for (b1 = 0; b0 < 3; ++b0)
            aint2[b0] = par2ArrayOfInteger[b0] - par1ArrayOfInteger[b0];

            if (Math.abs(aint2[b0]) > Math.abs(aint2[b1]))
                b1 = b0;

        if (aint2[b1] == 0)
            return -1;
            byte b2 = otherCoordPairs[b1];
            byte b3 = otherCoordPairs[b1 + 3];
            byte b4;

            if (aint2[b1] > 0)
                b4 = 1;
                b4 = -1;

            double d0 = (double)aint2[b2] / (double)aint2[b1];
            double d1 = (double)aint2[b3] / (double)aint2[b1];
            int[] aint3 = new int[] {0, 0, 0};
            int i = 0;
            int j;

            for (j = aint2[b1] + b4; i != j; i += b4)
                aint3[b1] = par1ArrayOfInteger[b1] + i;
                aint3[b2] = MathHelper.floor_double((double)par1ArrayOfInteger[b2] + (double)i * d0);
                aint3[b3] = MathHelper.floor_double((double)par1ArrayOfInteger[b3] + (double)i * d1);

                if (!this.isReplaceable(worldObj, aint3[0], aint3[1], aint3[2]))

            return i == j ? -1 : Math.abs(i);

    boolean validTreeLocation()
        int[] aint = new int[] {this.basePos[0], this.basePos[1], this.basePos[2]};
        int[] aint1 = new int[] {this.basePos[0], this.basePos[1] + this.heightLimit - 1, this.basePos[2]};
        Block block = this.worldObj.getBlock(this.basePos[0], this.basePos[1] - 1, this.basePos[2]);

        boolean isSoil = block.canSustainPlant(worldObj, basePos[0], basePos[1] - 1, basePos[2], ForgeDirection.UP, (BlockSapling)Blocks.sapling);
        if (!isSoil)
            return false;
            int i = this.checkBlockLine(aint, aint1);

            if (i == -1)
                return true;
            else if (i < 6)
                return false;
                this.heightLimit = i;
                return true;

    public void setScale(double par1, double par3, double par5)
        this.heightLimitLimit = (int)(par1 * 12.0D);

        if (par1 > 0.5D)
            this.leafDistanceLimit = 5;

        this.scaleWidth = par3;
        this.leafDensity = par5;

    int findGround (World world, int x, int y, int z)
        boolean foundGround = false;
        int height = PHNatura.seaLevel + 64;
            Block underID = world.getBlock(x, height, z);
            if (underID == Blocks.dirt || underID == Blocks.grass || height < PHNatura.seaLevel)
                foundGround = true;
        } while (!foundGround);
        return height + 1;

    public boolean generate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4, int par5)
        this.worldObj = par1World;
        long l = par2Random.nextLong();
        this.basePos[0] = par3;
        if (this.dontFindHeight)
            this.basePos[1] = par4;
            this.basePos[1] = findGround(par1World, par3, par4, par5);
        this.basePos[2] = par5;

        if (this.heightLimit == 0)
            this.heightLimit = 5 + this.rand.nextInt(this.heightLimitLimit);

        if (!this.validTreeLocation())
            return false;
            return true;

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