import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonMoving;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockSnow;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityPiston;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.Facing;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
// TODO 1.7 make sure this class still works (extending behavior)
public class NetherPistonBase extends BlockPistonBase
private IIcon iIcon;
private IIcon bIcon;
private IIcon tIcon;
private boolean sticky;
public NetherPistonBase(boolean sticky)
this.sticky = sticky;
public IIcon getPistonExtensionTexture ()
return this.tIcon;
/*public int getRenderType ()
return PistonRender.model;
public static IIcon getBaseIcon (String par0Str)
return par0Str == "piston_side" ? NContent.piston.blockIcon : (par0Str == "piston_top_normal" ? NContent.piston.tIcon : (par0Str == "piston_top_sticky" ? NContent.piston.tIcon
: (par0Str == "piston_inner" ? NContent.piston.iIcon : null)));
public void registerBlockIcons (IIconRegister par1IconRegister)
this.blockIcon = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("natura:piston_side");
this.tIcon = par1IconRegister.registerIcon(this.sticky ? "natura:piston_top_sticky" : "natura:piston_top_normal");
this.iIcon = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("natura:piston_inner");
this.bIcon = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("natura:piston_bottom");
public IIcon getIcon (int side, int meta)
int k = getOrientation(meta);
return k > 5 ? this.tIcon
: (side == k ? (!isExtended(meta) && this.minX <= 0.0D && this.minY <= 0.0D && this.minZ <= 0.0D && this.maxX >= 1.0D && this.maxY >= 1.0D && this.maxZ >= 1.0D ? this.tIcon
: this.iIcon) : (side == Facing.oppositeSide[k] ? this.bIcon : this.blockIcon));
* Is this block (a) opaque and (b) a full 1m cube? This determines whether or not to render the shared face of two
* adjacent blocks and also whether the player can attach torches, redstone wire, etc to this block.
public boolean isOpaqueCube ()
return false;
* Called upon block activation (right click on the block.)
public boolean onBlockActivated (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer, int par6, float par7, float par8, float par9)
return false;
* Called when the block is placed in the world.
public void onBlockPlacedBy (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, EntityLivingBase par5EntityLivingBase, ItemStack par6ItemStack)
int l = determineOrientation(par1World, par2, par3, par4, par5EntityLivingBase);
par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, l, 2);
if (!par1World.isRemote)
this.updatePistonState(par1World, par2, par3, par4);
* Lets the block know when one of its neighbor changes. Doesn't know which neighbor changed (coordinates passed are
* their own) Args: x, y, z, neighbor blockID
public void onNeighborBlockChange (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5)
if (!par1World.isRemote)
this.updatePistonState(par1World, par2, par3, par4);
* Called whenever the block is added into the world. Args: world, x, y, z
public void onBlockAdded (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4)
if (!par1World.isRemote && par1World.getTileEntity(par2, par3, par4) == null)
this.updatePistonState(par1World, par2, par3, par4);
* handles attempts to extend or retract the piston.
private void updatePistonState (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4)
int l = par1World.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4);
int i1 = getOrientation(l);
if (i1 != 7)
boolean flag = this.isIndirectlyPowered(par1World, par2, par3, par4, i1);
if (flag && !isExtended(l))
if (canExtend(par1World, par2, par3, par4, i1))
par1World.addBlockEvent(par2, par3, par4, this, 0, i1);
else if (!flag && isExtended(l))
par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, i1, 2);
par1World.addBlockEvent(par2, par3, par4, this, 1, i1);
* checks the block to that side to see if it is indirectly powered.
private boolean isIndirectlyPowered (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5)
return par5 != 0 && par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2, par3 - 1, par4, 0) ? true : (par5 != 1 && par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2, par3 + 1, par4, 1) ? true : (par5 != 2
&& par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2, par3, par4 - 1, 2) ? true : (par5 != 3 && par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2, par3, par4 + 1, 3) ? true : (par5 != 5
&& par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2 + 1, par3, par4, 5) ? true : (par5 != 4 && par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2 - 1, par3, par4, 4) ? true : (par1World
.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2, par3, par4, 0) ? true : (par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2, par3 + 2, par4, 1) ? true : (par1World
.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2, par3 + 1, par4 - 1, 2) ? true : (par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2, par3 + 1, par4 + 1, 3) ? true : (par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2 - 1,
par3 + 1, par4, 4) ? true : par1World.getIndirectPowerOutput(par2 + 1, par3 + 1, par4, 5)))))))))));
* Called when the block receives a BlockEvent - see World.addBlockEvent. By default, passes it on to the tile
* entity at this location. Args: world, x, y, z, blockID, EventID, event parameter
public boolean onBlockEventReceived (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6)
if (!par1World.isRemote)
boolean flag = this.isIndirectlyPowered(par1World, par2, par3, par4, par6);
if (flag && par5 == 1)
par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, par6 | 8, 2);
return false;
if (!flag && par5 == 0)
return false;
if (par5 == 0)
if (!this.tryExtend(par1World, par2, par3, par4, par6))
return false;
par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, par6 | 8, 2);
par1World.playSoundEffect(par2 + 0.5D, par3 + 0.5D, par4 + 0.5D, "tile.piston.out", 0.5F, par1World.rand.nextFloat() * 0.25F + 0.6F);
else if (par5 == 1)
TileEntity tileentity = par1World.getTileEntity(par2 + Facing.offsetsXForSide[par6], par3 + Facing.offsetsYForSide[par6], par4 + Facing.offsetsZForSide[par6]);
if (tileentity instanceof TileEntityPiston)
((TileEntityPiston) tileentity).clearPistonTileEntity();
par1World.setBlock(par2, par3, par4, Blocks.piston, par6, 3);
par1World.setTileEntity(par2, par3, par4, BlockPistonMoving.getTileEntity(this, par6, par6, false, true));
if (this.sticky)
int j1 = par2 + Facing.offsetsXForSide[par6] * 2;
int k1 = par3 + Facing.offsetsYForSide[par6] * 2;
int l1 = par4 + Facing.offsetsZForSide[par6] * 2;
Block i2 = par1World.getBlock(j1, k1, l1);
int j2 = par1World.getBlockMetadata(j1, k1, l1);
boolean flag1 = false;
if (i2 == Blocks.piston)
TileEntity tileentity1 = par1World.getTileEntity(j1, k1, l1);
if (tileentity1 instanceof TileEntityPiston)
TileEntityPiston tileentitypiston = (TileEntityPiston) tileentity1;
if (tileentitypiston.getPistonOrientation() == par6 && tileentitypiston.isExtending())
i2 = tileentitypiston.getStoredBlockID();
j2 = tileentitypiston.getBlockMetadata();
flag1 = true;
if (!flag1 && i2 != null && canPushBlock(i2, par1World, j1, k1, l1, false) && (i2.getMobilityFlag() == 0 || i2 == NContent.piston || i2 == NContent.pistonSticky))
par2 += Facing.offsetsXForSide[par6];
par3 += Facing.offsetsYForSide[par6];
par4 += Facing.offsetsZForSide[par6];
par1World.setBlock(par2, par3, par4, Blocks.piston, j2, 3);
par1World.setTileEntity(par2, par3, par4, BlockPistonMoving.getTileEntity(i2, j2, par6, false, false));
par1World.setBlockToAir(j1, k1, l1);
else if (!flag1)
par1World.setBlockToAir(par2 + Facing.offsetsXForSide[par6], par3 + Facing.offsetsYForSide[par6], par4 + Facing.offsetsZForSide[par6]);
par1World.setBlockToAir(par2 + Facing.offsetsXForSide[par6], par3 + Facing.offsetsYForSide[par6], par4 + Facing.offsetsZForSide[par6]);
par1World.playSoundEffect(par2 + 0.5D, par3 + 0.5D, par4 + 0.5D, "", 0.5F, par1World.rand.nextFloat() * 0.15F + 0.6F);
return true;
* Updates the blocks bounds based on its current state. Args: world, x, y, z
public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState (IBlockAccess par1IBlockAccess, int par2, int par3, int par4)
int l = par1IBlockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4);
if (isExtended(l))
float f = 0.25F;
switch (getOrientation(l))
case 0:
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.25F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
case 1:
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 1.0F);
case 2:
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.25F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
case 3:
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.75F);
case 4:
this.setBlockBounds(0.25F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
case 5:
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.75F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
* Sets the block's bounds for rendering it as an item
public void setBlockBoundsForItemRender ()
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
* Adds all intersecting collision boxes to a list. (Be sure to only add boxes to the list if they intersect the
* mask.) Parameters: World, X, Y, Z, mask, list, colliding entity
public void addCollisionBoxesToList (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, AxisAlignedBB par5AxisAlignedBB, List par6List, Entity par7Entity)
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
super.addCollisionBoxesToList(par1World, par2, par3, par4, par5AxisAlignedBB, par6List, par7Entity);
* Returns a bounding box from the pool of bounding boxes (this means this box can change after the pool has been
* cleared to be reused)
public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4)
this.setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(par1World, par2, par3, par4);
return super.getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(par1World, par2, par3, par4);
* If this block doesn't render as an ordinary block it will return False (examples: signs, buttons, stairs, etc)
public boolean renderAsNormalBlock ()
return false;
* returns an int which describes the direction the piston faces
public static int getOrientation (int par0)
return par0 & 7;
* Determine if the metadata is related to something powered.
public static boolean isExtended (int par0)
return (par0 & 8) != 0;
* gets the way this piston should face for that entity that placed it.
public static int determineOrientation (World par0World, int par1, int par2, int par3, EntityLivingBase par4EntityLivingBase)
if (MathHelper.abs((float) par4EntityLivingBase.posX - par1) < 2.0F && MathHelper.abs((float) par4EntityLivingBase.posZ - par3) < 2.0F)
double d0 = par4EntityLivingBase.posY + 1.82D - par4EntityLivingBase.yOffset;
if (d0 - par2 > 2.0D)
return 1;
if (par2 - d0 > 0.0D)
return 0;
int l = MathHelper.floor_double(par4EntityLivingBase.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F + 0.5D) & 3;
return l == 0 ? 2 : (l == 1 ? 5 : (l == 2 ? 3 : (l == 3 ? 4 : 0)));
* returns true if the piston can push the specified block
private static boolean canPushBlock (Block par0, World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, boolean par5)
if (par0 == Blocks.obsidian)
return false;
if (par0 != NContent.piston && par0 != NContent.pistonSticky)
if (par0.getBlockHardness(par1World, par2, par3, par4) == -1.0F)
return false;
if (par0.getMobilityFlag() == 2)
return false;
if (par0.getMobilityFlag() == 1)
if (!par5)
return false;
return true;
else if (isExtended(par1World.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4)))
return false;
return !par1World.getBlock(par2, par3, par4).hasTileEntity(0);
* checks to see if this piston could push the blocks in front of it.
private static boolean canExtend (World par0World, int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4)
int i1 = par1 + Facing.offsetsXForSide[par4];
int j1 = par2 + Facing.offsetsYForSide[par4];
int k1 = par3 + Facing.offsetsZForSide[par4];
int l1 = 0;
while (true)
if (l1 < 13)
if (j1 <= 0 || j1 >= par0World.getHeight() - 1)
return false;
Block i2 = par0World.getBlock(i1, j1, k1);
if (!par0World.isAirBlock(i1, j1, k1))
if (!canPushBlock(i2, par0World, i1, j1, k1, true))
return false;
if (i2.getMobilityFlag() != 1)
if (l1 == 12)
return false;
i1 += Facing.offsetsXForSide[par4];
j1 += Facing.offsetsYForSide[par4];
k1 += Facing.offsetsZForSide[par4];
return true;
* attempts to extend the piston. returns false if impossible.
private boolean tryExtend (World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5)
int newX = par2 + Facing.offsetsXForSide[par5];
int newY = par3 + Facing.offsetsYForSide[par5];
int newZ = par4 + Facing.offsetsZForSide[par5];
int l1 = 0;
while (true)
Block i2;
if (l1 < 13)
if (newY <= 0 || newY >= par1World.getHeight() - 1)
return false;
i2 = par1World.getBlock(newX, newY, newZ);
if (!par1World.isAirBlock(newX, newY, newZ))
if (!canPushBlock(i2, par1World, newX, newY, newZ, true))
return false;
if (i2.getMobilityFlag() != 1)
if (l1 == 12)
return false;
newX += Facing.offsetsXForSide[par5];
newY += Facing.offsetsYForSide[par5];
newZ += Facing.offsetsZForSide[par5];
//With our change to how snowballs are dropped this needs to disallow to mimic vanilla behavior.
float chance = (i2 instanceof BlockSnow ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
i2.dropBlockAsItemWithChance(par1World, newX, newY, newZ, par1World.getBlockMetadata(newX, newY, newZ), chance, 0);
par1World.setBlockToAir(newX, newY, newZ);
l1 = newX;
// TODO check this
i2 = par1World.getBlock(newX, newY, newZ);
int j2 = newZ;
int k2 = 0;
Block[] aint;
int l2;
int i3;
int j3;
for (aint = new Block[13]; newX != par2 || newY != par3 || newZ != par4; newZ = j3)
l2 = newX - Facing.offsetsXForSide[par5];
i3 = newY - Facing.offsetsYForSide[par5];
j3 = newZ - Facing.offsetsZForSide[par5];
Block k3 = par1World.getBlock(l2, i3, j3);
int l3 = par1World.getBlockMetadata(l2, i3, j3);
if (k3 == this && l2 == par2 && i3 == par3 && j3 == par4)
par1World.setBlock(newX, newY, newZ, Blocks.piston, par5 | (this.sticky ? 8 : 0), 4);
par1World.setTileEntity(newX, newY, newZ, BlockPistonMoving.getTileEntity(NContent.pistonExtension, par5 | (this.sticky ? 8 : 0), par5, true, false));
par1World.setBlock(newX, newY, newZ, Blocks.piston, l3, 4);
par1World.setTileEntity(newX, newY, newZ, BlockPistonMoving.getTileEntity(k3, l3, par5, true, false));
aint[k2++] = k3;
newX = l2;
newY = i3;
newX = l1;
i2 = par1World.getBlock(newX, newY, newZ);
newZ = j2;
for (k2 = 0; newX != par2 || newY != par3 || newZ != par4; newZ = j3)
l2 = newX - Facing.offsetsXForSide[par5];
i3 = newY - Facing.offsetsYForSide[par5];
j3 = newZ - Facing.offsetsZForSide[par5];
par1World.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(l2, i3, j3, aint[k2++]);
newX = l2;
newY = i3;
return true;