package thaumcraft.api.visnet;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import thaumcraft.api.WorldCoordinates;
import thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
public class VisNetHandler {
* This method drains vis from a relay or source near the passed in
* location. The amount received can be less than the amount requested so
* take that into account.
* @param world
* @param x the x position of the draining block or entity
* @param y the y position of the draining block or entity
* @param z the z position of the draining block or entity
* @param aspect what aspect to drain
* @param amount how much to drain
* @return how much was actually drained
public static int drainVis(World world, int x, int y, int z, Aspect aspect, int amount) {
int drainedAmount = 0;
WorldCoordinates drainer = new WorldCoordinates(x, y, z,
if (!nearbyNodes.containsKey(drainer)) {
calculateNearbyNodes(world, x, y, z);
ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>> nodes = nearbyNodes.get(drainer);
if (nodes!=null && nodes.size()>0)
for (WeakReference<TileVisNode> noderef : nodes) {
TileVisNode node = noderef.get();
if (node == null) continue;
int a = node.consumeVis(aspect, amount);
drainedAmount += a;
amount -= a;
if (a>0) {
int color = Aspect.getPrimalAspects().indexOf(aspect);
generateVisEffect(world.provider.dimensionId, x, y, z, node.xCoord, node.yCoord, node.zCoord, color);
if (amount <= 0) {
return drainedAmount;
static Method generateVisEffect;
public static void generateVisEffect(int dim, int x, int y, int z, int x2, int y2, int z2, int color) {
try {
if(generateVisEffect == null) {
Class fake = Class.forName("thaumcraft.common.lib.Utils");
generateVisEffect = fake.getMethod("generateVisEffect", int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class);
generateVisEffect.invoke(null, dim, x,y,z,x2,y2,z2,color);
} catch(Exception ex) {
FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.lib.Utils method generateVisEffect");
public static HashMap<Integer, HashMap<WorldCoordinates, WeakReference<TileVisNode>>> sources = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<WorldCoordinates, WeakReference<TileVisNode>>>();
public static void addSource(World world, TileVisNode vs) {
HashMap<WorldCoordinates, WeakReference<TileVisNode>> sourcelist = sources
if (sourcelist == null) {
sourcelist = new HashMap<WorldCoordinates, WeakReference<TileVisNode>>();
sourcelist.put(vs.getLocation(), new WeakReference(vs));
sources.put(world.provider.dimensionId, sourcelist);
public static boolean isNodeValid(WeakReference<TileVisNode> node) {
if (node == null || node.get() == null || node.get().isInvalid())
return false;
return true;
public static WeakReference<TileVisNode> addNode(World world, TileVisNode vn) {
WeakReference ref = new WeakReference(vn);
HashMap<WorldCoordinates, WeakReference<TileVisNode>> sourcelist = sources
if (sourcelist == null) {
sourcelist = new HashMap<WorldCoordinates, WeakReference<TileVisNode>>();
return null;
ArrayList<Object[]> nearby = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
for (WeakReference<TileVisNode> root : sourcelist.values()) {
if (!isNodeValid(root))
TileVisNode source = root.get();
float r = inRange(world, vn.getLocation(), source.getLocation(),
if (r > 0) {
nearby.add(new Object[] { source, r - vn.getRange() * 2 });
nearby = findClosestNodes(vn, source, nearby);
float dist = Float.MAX_VALUE;
TileVisNode closest = null;
if (nearby.size() > 0) {
for (Object[] o : nearby) {
if ((Float) o[1] < dist) {// && canNodeBeSeen(vn,(TileVisNode)
// o[0])) {
dist = (Float) o[1];
closest = (TileVisNode) o[0];
if (closest != null) {
return new WeakReference(closest);
return null;
public static ArrayList<Object[]> findClosestNodes(TileVisNode target,
TileVisNode root, ArrayList<Object[]> in) {
TileVisNode closestChild = null;
for (WeakReference<TileVisNode> child : root.getChildren()) {
TileVisNode n = child.get();
if (n != null
&& !n.equals(target)
&& !n.equals(root)
&& (target.getAttunement() == -1 || n.getAttunement() == -1 || n
.getAttunement() == target.getAttunement())) {
float r2 = inRange(n.getWorldObj(), n.getLocation(),
target.getLocation(), target.getRange());
if (r2 > 0) {
in.add(new Object[] { n, r2 });
in = findClosestNodes(target, n, in);
return in;
private static float inRange(World world, WorldCoordinates cc1,
WorldCoordinates cc2, int range) {
float distance = cc1.getDistanceSquaredToWorldCoordinates(cc2);
return distance > range * range ? -1 : distance;
private static HashMap<WorldCoordinates, ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>>> nearbyNodes = new HashMap<WorldCoordinates, ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>>>();
private static void calculateNearbyNodes(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
HashMap<WorldCoordinates, WeakReference<TileVisNode>> sourcelist = sources
if (sourcelist == null) {
sourcelist = new HashMap<WorldCoordinates, WeakReference<TileVisNode>>();
ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>> cn = new ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>>();
WorldCoordinates drainer = new WorldCoordinates(x, y, z,
ArrayList<Object[]> nearby = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
for (WeakReference<TileVisNode> root : sourcelist.values()) {
if (!isNodeValid(root))
TileVisNode source = root.get();
TileVisNode closest = null;
float range = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float r = inRange(world, drainer, source.getLocation(),
if (r > 0) {
range = r;
closest = source;
ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>> children = new ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>>();
children = getAllChildren(source,children);
for (WeakReference<TileVisNode> child : children) {
TileVisNode n = child.get();
if (n != null && !n.equals(root)) {
float r2 = inRange(n.getWorldObj(), n.getLocation(),
drainer, n.getRange());
if (r2 > 0 && r2 < range) {
range = r2;
closest = n;
if (closest != null) {
cn.add(new WeakReference(closest));
nearbyNodes.put(drainer, cn);
private static ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>> getAllChildren(TileVisNode source, ArrayList<WeakReference<TileVisNode>> list) {
for (WeakReference<TileVisNode> child : source.getChildren()) {
TileVisNode n = child.get();
if (n != null) {
list = getAllChildren(n,list);
return list;
// public static boolean canNodeBeSeen(TileVisNode source,TileVisNode
// target)
// {
// double d = Math.sqrt(source.getDistanceFrom(target.xCoord, target.yCoord,
// target.zCoord));
// double xd = (source.xCoord-target.xCoord) / d;
// double yd = (source.yCoord-target.yCoord) / d;
// double zd = (source.zCoord-target.zCoord) / d;
// return source.getWorldObj().rayTraceBlocks(
// Vec3.createVectorHelper(source.xCoord-xd+.5+.5, source.yCoord-yd,
// source.zCoord-zd),
// Vec3.createVectorHelper(target.xCoord+.5, target.yCoord+.5,
// target.zCoord+.5)) == null;
// }
// public static HashMap<WorldCoordinates,WeakReference<TileVisNode>>
// noderef = new HashMap<WorldCoordinates,WeakReference<TileVisNode>>();
// public static TileVisNode getClosestNodeWithinRadius(World world, int x,
// int y, int z, int radius) {
// TileVisNode out = null;
// WorldCoordinates wc = null;
// float cd = Float.MAX_VALUE;
// for (int sx = x - radius; sx <= x + radius; sx++) {
// for (int sy = y - radius; sy <= y + radius; sy++) {
// for (int sz = z - radius; sz <= z + radius; sz++) {
// wc = new WorldCoordinates(sx,sy,sz,world.provider.dimensionId);
// if (noderef.containsKey(wc)) {
// float d = wc.getDistanceSquared(x, y, z);
// if (d<radius*radius && noderef.get(wc).get()!=null &&
// !noderef.get(wc).get().isReceiver() &&
// isNodeValid(noderef.get(wc).get().getParent())
// ) {
// out = noderef.get(wc).get();
// cd = d;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return out;
// }