* This file is part of Vanilla.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Spout LLC <http://www.spout.org/>
* Vanilla is licensed under the Spout License Version 1.
* Vanilla is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* In addition, 180 days after any changes are published, you can use the
* software, incorporating those changes, under the terms of the MIT license,
* as described in the Spout License Version 1.
* Vanilla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
* the MIT license and the Spout License Version 1 along with this program.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for the GNU Lesser General Public
* License and see <http://spout.in/licensev1> for the full license, including
* the MIT license.
package org.spout.vanilla.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.spout.api.geo.World;
import org.spout.api.geo.cuboid.Block;
import org.spout.api.material.BlockMaterial;
import org.spout.api.material.block.BlockFace;
import org.spout.api.material.block.BlockFaces;
import org.spout.vanilla.data.RailsState;
import org.spout.vanilla.material.block.rail.Rail;
import org.spout.vanilla.material.block.rail.RailBase;
public class MinecartTrackLogic {
public final Block block;
public final RailBase rails;
public boolean isPowered;
public BlockFace direction;
public boolean changed = false;
public MinecartTrackLogic parent = null;
public final List<MinecartTrackLogic> neighbours = new ArrayList<MinecartTrackLogic>();
private MinecartTrackLogic(Block block, RailBase material) {
this.block = block;
this.rails = material;
this.isPowered = false;
if (this.rails instanceof Rail) {
this.isPowered = ((Rail) material).isReceivingPower(block);
this.direction = BlockFace.THIS;
public static MinecartTrackLogic create(Block block) {
BlockMaterial mat = block.getMaterial();
if (!(mat instanceof RailBase)) {
return null;
return new MinecartTrackLogic(block, (RailBase) mat);
public static MinecartTrackLogic create(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
return create(world.getBlock(x, y, z));
* Generates all neighbours around this rail
* @param deep whether to perform a deep search
public void genNeighbours(boolean deep) {
if (deep) {
for (BlockFace direction : BlockFaces.NESW) {
MinecartTrackLogic logic = this.getLogic(direction);
if (logic != null) {
logic.parent = this;
logic.direction = direction;
//find out what connections this rail has
if (logic.neighbours.size() >= 2) {
continue; //already connected to two misc track pieces
MinecartTrackLogic self = logic.getLogic(logic.direction.getOpposite());
self.parent = logic;
self.direction = logic.direction.getOpposite();
} else {
for (BlockFace direction : this.getState().getDirections()) {
if (direction == this.direction.getOpposite()) {
MinecartTrackLogic logic = this.getLogic(direction);
if (logic != null) {
logic.parent = this;
logic.direction = direction;
if (logic.getState().isConnected(direction.getOpposite())) {
public boolean setState(RailsState state) {
if (state == this.getState()) {
return false;
this.rails.setState(this.block, state);
this.changed = true;
return true;
public RailsState getState() {
return this.rails.getState(this.block);
* Tries to find a neighbour in the direction given. Returns null if none was found
public MinecartTrackLogic getNeighbour(BlockFace direction) {
for (MinecartTrackLogic logic : this.neighbours) {
if (logic.direction == direction) {
return logic;
return null;
public MinecartTrackLogic getLogic(BlockFace direction) {
Block block = this.block.translate(direction);
MinecartTrackLogic logic;
logic = create(block);
if (logic != null) {
return logic;
logic = create(block.translate(BlockFace.TOP));
if (logic != null) {
return logic;
logic = create(block.translate(BlockFace.BOTTOM));
return logic;
public boolean setDirection(BlockFace dir1, BlockFace dir2) {
return this.setState(RailsState.get(dir1, dir2));
public boolean setDirection(BlockFace direction, boolean sloped) {
return this.setState(RailsState.get(direction, sloped));
public String toString() {
return this.block.toString() + " neighbours: " + this.neighbours.size();
* Connects the two neighbouring rail using this piece of track It is allowed to pass in null for the rail to connect to one rail, or to none
public void connect(MinecartTrackLogic rails1, MinecartTrackLogic rails2) {
if (rails1 == null || rails1 == rails2) {
rails1 = rails2;
rails2 = null;
if (rails1 == null) {
//both rail null - switch to default
} else if (rails2 == null) {
//connect to rail 1
this.setDirection(rails1.direction, rails1.block.getY() > this.block.getY());
} else if (rails1.direction == rails2.direction.getOpposite()) {
//connect the two rail, sloped if needed
if (rails1.block.getY() > this.block.getY()) {
this.setDirection(rails1.direction, true);
} else if (rails2.block.getY() > this.block.getY()) {
this.setDirection(rails2.direction, true);
} else {
this.setDirection(rails1.direction, false);
} else if (this.rails.canCurve()) {
this.setDirection(rails1.direction, rails2.direction);
} else {
this.setDirection(rails1.direction, rails1.block.getY() > this.block.getY());
* Connects this neighbour to it's parent automatically
public void connect() {
* Tries to connect this rail to the given direction
public void connect(BlockFace direction) {
if (this.neighbours.isEmpty()) {
MinecartTrackLogic from = this.getNeighbour(direction);
if (from == null) {
from = this.neighbours.get(0);
direction = from.direction;
//try to find a rail on a 90-degree angle
for (BlockFace face : BlockFaces.NESW) {
if (face != direction && face != direction.getOpposite()) {
MinecartTrackLogic logic = this.getNeighbour(face);
if (logic != null) {
this.connect(from, logic);
//try to use the opposite, null is handled
this.connect(from, this.getNeighbour(direction.getOpposite()));
public void refresh() {
//Update this track piece based on environment
if (this.neighbours.size() == 1) {
//align tracks straight to face this direction
MinecartTrackLogic to = this.neighbours.get(0);
this.connect(to, null);
} else if (this.neighbours.size() == 2 || this.neighbours.size() == 4) {
//try to make a fixed curve
MinecartTrackLogic r1 = this.neighbours.get(0);
MinecartTrackLogic r2 = this.neighbours.get(1);
this.connect(r1, r2);
} else if (this.neighbours.size() == 3) {
//sort neighbours: middle at index 1
BlockFace middle = this.neighbours.get(1).direction.getOpposite();
if (middle == this.neighbours.get(2).direction) {
//dirs[1] need to be swapped with dirs[0]
Collections.swap(this.neighbours, 1, 0);
} else if (middle == this.neighbours.get(0).direction) {
//dirs[1] need to be swapped with dirs[2]
Collections.swap(this.neighbours, 1, 2);
//this will ALWAYS be a curve leading to [1]
//pick [0] or [2]?
MinecartTrackLogic from = this.neighbours.get(1);
MinecartTrackLogic to;
if (this.isPowered) {
to = this.neighbours.get(0);
} else {
to = this.neighbours.get(2);
this.connect(from, to);