Package com.codahale.shore.test

Source Code of com.codahale.shore.test.CommandFactoryTest$Server_With_A_Missing_Config_File

package com.codahale.shore.test;

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;


import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import com.codahale.shore.AbstractConfiguration;
import com.codahale.shore.CommandFactory;
import com.codahale.shore.HelpCommand;
import com.codahale.shore.SchemaCommand;
import com.codahale.shore.ServerCommand;

public class CommandFactoryTest {
  private static final AbstractConfiguration config = new AbstractConfiguration() {
    protected void configure() {

    public String getExecutableName() {
      return "shoretest";
  private static Runnable parse(String... args) {
    return new CommandFactory(config).getCommand(args);
  public static class No_Arguments {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithASubcommandList() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse();
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));
      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest <subcommand> [options]\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Available subcommands:\n" +
        "   server    Run shoretest as an HTTP server.\n" +
        "   schema    Generate a database schema for shoretest.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Type 'shoretest <subcommand> --help' for help on a specific subcommand."
  public static class A_Short_Help_Command {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithASubcommandList() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("-h");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest <subcommand> [options]\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Available subcommands:\n" +
        "   server    Run shoretest as an HTTP server.\n" +
        "   schema    Generate a database schema for shoretest.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Type 'shoretest <subcommand> --help' for help on a specific subcommand."

  public static class A_Long_Help_Command {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithASubcommandList() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("--help");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest <subcommand> [options]\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Available subcommands:\n" +
        "   server    Run shoretest as an HTTP server.\n" +
        "   schema    Generate a database schema for shoretest.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Type 'shoretest <subcommand> --help' for help on a specific subcommand."

  public static class Server_Without_Args {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithServerOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("server");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest server -c <file> -p <port>\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   -h, --host=HOST      Which hostname to listen on\n" +
        "   -p, --port=PORT      Which port to bind to"
  public static class Server_With_A_Short_Help_Flag {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithServerOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("server", "-h");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest server -c <file> -p <port>\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   -h, --host=HOST      Which hostname to listen on\n" +
        "   -p, --port=PORT      Which port to bind to"
  public static class Server_With_A_Long_Help_Flag {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithServerOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("server", "--help");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest server -c <file> -p <port>\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   -h, --host=HOST      Which hostname to listen on\n" +
        "   -p, --port=PORT      Which port to bind to"

  public static class Server_With_No_Config_File {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithServerOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("server", "--port=8080");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "Error: Missing required option: c\n" +
        "\n" +
        "usage: shoretest server -c <file> -p <port>\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   -h, --host=HOST      Which hostname to listen on\n" +
        "   -p, --port=PORT      Which port to bind to"

  public static class Server_With_No_Port {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithServerOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("server", "--config=src/test/resources/");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "Error: Missing required option: p\n" +
        "\n" +
        "usage: shoretest server -c <file> -p <port>\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   -h, --host=HOST      Which hostname to listen on\n" +
        "   -p, --port=PORT      Which port to bind to"

  public static class Server_With_A_Missing_Config_File {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithServerOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("server", "--config=src/test/resources/", "--port=8080");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "Error: Config file does not exist\n" +
        "\n" +
        "usage: shoretest server -c <file> -p <port>\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   -h, --host=HOST      Which hostname to listen on\n" +
        "   -p, --port=PORT      Which port to bind to"

  public static class Server_With_Malformed_Arguments {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithServerOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("server", "--ffffuuuuu");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "Error: Unrecognized option: --ffffuuuuu\n" +
        "\n" +
        "usage: shoretest server -c <file> -p <port>\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   -h, --host=HOST      Which hostname to listen on\n" +
        "   -p, --port=PORT      Which port to bind to"

  public static class Server_With_A_Bad_Port_Number {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithServerOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("server", "--config=src/test/resources/", "--port=808f0");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "Error: Invalid port number\n" +
        "\n" +
        "usage: shoretest server -c <file> -p <port>\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   -h, --host=HOST      Which hostname to listen on\n" +
        "   -p, --port=PORT      Which port to bind to"

  public static class Server_With_A_Config_File_And_A_Port {
    public void itReturnsAServerCommand() throws Exception {
        parse("server", "-c", "src/test/resources/", "-p", "8080")

    public void itHandlesALongFileFlag() throws Exception {
        parse("server", "--config", "src/test/resources/", "-p", "8080")

    public void itHandlesALongPortFlag() throws Exception {
        parse("server", "--config", "src/test/resources/", "--port", "8080")

    public void itHandlesAGroupedFileFlag() throws Exception {
        parse("server", "--config=src/test/resources/", "-p", "8080")

    public void itHandlesAGroupedPortFlag() throws Exception {
        parse("server", "--config=src/test/resources/", "--port=8080")

    private void assertCorrectServerCommand(final Runnable runnable) {
      assertThat(runnable, is(ServerCommand.class));

      final ServerCommand cmd = (ServerCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getConfiguration(), is(sameInstance(config)));
      assertThat(cmd.getPort(), is(8080));
      assertThat(cmd.getGracefulShutdown(), is(true));
      assertThat(cmd.getProperties().getProperty(Environment.URL), is("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:ShoreTest"));
  public static class Schema_Without_Args {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithSchemaOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("schema");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest schema -c <file> [--migration]\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   --migration          Generate a migration script"
  public static class Schema_With_A_Short_Help_Flag {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithSchemaOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("schema", "-h");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest schema -c <file> [--migration]\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   --migration          Generate a migration script"
  public static class Schema_With_A_Long_Help_Flag {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithSchemaOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("schema", "--help");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "usage: shoretest schema -c <file> [--migration]\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   --migration          Generate a migration script"
  public static class Schema_With_A_Missing_Config_File {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithSchemaOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("schema", "--config=src/test/resources/");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "Error: Config file does not exist\n" +
        "\n" +
        "usage: shoretest schema -c <file> [--migration]\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   --migration          Generate a migration script"

  public static class Schema_With_Malformed_Arguments {
    public void itReturnsAHelpCommandWithSchemaOptions() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("schema", "--ffffuuuuu");
      assertThat(runnable, is(HelpCommand.class));

      final HelpCommand cmd = (HelpCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getText(), is(
        "Error: Unrecognized option: --ffffuuuuu\n" +
        "\n" +
        "usage: shoretest schema -c <file> [--migration]\n" +
        "   -c, --config=FILE    Which Hibernate config file to use\n" +
        "   --migration          Generate a migration script"
  public static class Schema_With_A_Config_File {
    public void itReturnsAFullSchemaCommand() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("schema", "-c", "src/test/resources/");
      assertThat(runnable, is(SchemaCommand.class));
      final SchemaCommand cmd = (SchemaCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getConfiguration(), is(sameInstance(config)));
      assertThat(cmd.isMigration(), is(false));
      assertThat(cmd.getProperties().getProperty(Environment.URL), is("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:ShoreTest"));
  public static class Schema_With_A_Config_File_And_Migration {
    public void itReturnsAMigrationSchemaCommand() throws Exception {
      final Runnable runnable = parse("schema", "-c", "src/test/resources/", "--migration");
      assertThat(runnable, is(SchemaCommand.class));
      final SchemaCommand cmd = (SchemaCommand) runnable;
      assertThat(cmd.getOutputStream(), is(sameInstance((OutputStream) System.out)));
      assertThat(cmd.getConfiguration(), is(sameInstance(config)));
      assertThat(cmd.isMigration(), is(true));
      assertThat(cmd.getProperties().getProperty(Environment.URL), is("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:ShoreTest"));

Related Classes of com.codahale.shore.test.CommandFactoryTest$Server_With_A_Missing_Config_File

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