package hudson.plugins.growl;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.Functions;
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.model.BuildListener;
import hudson.model.Result;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.model.Hudson;
import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor;
import hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor;
import hudson.tasks.Notifier;
import hudson.tasks.Publisher;
import hudson.tasks.Mailer;
import hudson.plugins.growl.growler.Growler;
import hudson.plugins.growl.util.Cleaner;
import hudson.plugins.growl.util.Message;
import hudson.plugins.growl.util.Pinger;
* @author srb55
public class GrowlPublisher extends Notifier {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GrowlPublisher.class.getName());
private String IP;
private Boolean onlyOnFailureOrRecovery;
private GrowlPublisher(String IP, Boolean onlyOnFailureOrRecovery) {
this.onlyOnFailureOrRecovery = onlyOnFailureOrRecovery;
this.IP = IP;
public GrowlPublisher(String IP,String onlyOnFailureOrRecovery) {
this(Cleaner.toString(IP), Cleaner.toBoolean(onlyOnFailureOrRecovery));
public String getIP() {
return IP;
public Boolean getOnlyOnFailureOrRecovery() {
return onlyOnFailureOrRecovery;
public BuildStepMonitor getRequiredMonitorService() {
return BuildStepMonitor.BUILD;
private Message createGrowlMessage(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build){
return new Message(build, (DescriptorImpl)getDescriptor());
public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) {
if (!shouldGrowl(build)) {
return true;
String password = ((DescriptorImpl) getDescriptor()).password;
Message message = createGrowlMessage(build);
try {
String [] clients = IP.replace(" ","").split(",");
for(String clientIp : clients) {
if ( {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Sending Growl to " + clientIp + "...");
new Growler().send(clientIp, password, message);
} else {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Cannot send Growl to " + clientIp + ", host is down.");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to send growl.", e);
return false;
return true;
* Determine if this build results should be growled. Uses the local
* settings if they are provided, otherwise the global settings.
* @param build the Build object
* @return true if we should growl this build result
protected boolean shouldGrowl(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) {
if (onlyOnFailureOrRecovery == null) {
if (((DescriptorImpl) getDescriptor()).onlyOnFailureOrRecovery) {
return isFailureOrRecovery(build);
} else {
return true;
} else if (onlyOnFailureOrRecovery.booleanValue()) {
return isFailureOrRecovery(build);
} else {
return true;
* Determine if this build represents a failure or recovery. A build failure
* includes both failed and unstable builds. A recovery is defined as a
* successful build that follows a build that was not successful. Always
* returns false for aborted builds.
* @param build the Build object
* @return true if this build represents a recovery or failure
protected boolean isFailureOrRecovery(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) {
if (build.getResult() == Result.FAILURE || build.getResult() == Result.UNSTABLE) {
return true;
if (build.getResult() != Result.SUCCESS) {
return false;
AbstractBuild<?, ?> previousBuild = build.getPreviousBuild();
if (previousBuild != null && previousBuild.getResult() != Result.SUCCESS) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static class DescriptorImpl extends BuildStepDescriptor<Publisher> {
public String password;
public boolean onlyOnFailureOrRecovery;
public String hudsonUrl;
public DescriptorImpl() {
public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData)
throws FormException {
// set the booleans to false as defaults
onlyOnFailureOrRecovery = false;
req.bindParameters(this, "growl.");
hudsonUrl = Hudson.getInstance().getRootUrl();
return super.configure(req, formData);
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Growl";
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public String getUrl() {
return hudsonUrl;
public boolean isOnlyOnFailureOrRecovery() {
return onlyOnFailureOrRecovery;
public boolean isApplicable(
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class<? extends AbstractProject> jobType) {
return true;
public Publisher newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData)
throws FormException {
if (hudsonUrl == null) {
// if Hudson URL is not configured yet, infer some default
hudsonUrl = Functions.inferHudsonURL(req);
return super.newInstance(req, formData);