Package org.glassfish.jersey.linking

Source Code of org.glassfish.jersey.linking.FieldProcessor

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package org.glassfish.jersey.linking;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.glassfish.jersey.linking.mapping.ResourceMappingContext;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ExtendedUriInfo;

* Utility class that can inject links into {@link com.sun.jersey.server.linking.Link} annotated fields in
* an entity.
* @author Mark Hadley
* @author Gerard Davison (gerard.davison at
class FieldProcessor<T> {

    private EntityDescriptor instanceDescriptor;
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FieldProcessor.class.getName());

    public FieldProcessor(Class<T> c) {
        instanceDescriptor = EntityDescriptor.getInstance(c);

     * Inject any {@link com.sun.jersey.server.linking.Link} annotated fields in the supplied entity and
     * recursively process its fields.
     * @param entity the entity object returned by the resource method
     * @param uriInfo the uriInfo for the request
    public void processLinks(T entity, UriInfo uriInfo, ResourceMappingContext rmc) {
        Set<Object> processed = new HashSet<Object>();
        Object resource = uriInfo.getMatchedResources().get(0);
        processLinks(entity, resource, entity, processed, uriInfo, rmc);

     * Inject any {@link com.sun.jersey.server.linking.Link} annotated fields in the supplied instance. Called
     * once for the entity and then recursively for each member and field.
     * @param entity
     * @param processed a list of already processed objects, used to break
     * recursion when processing circular references.
     * @param uriInfo
    private void processLinks(Object entity, Object resource, Object instance,
                              Set<Object> processed, UriInfo uriInfo,
                              ResourceMappingContext rmc) {

        try {
            if (instance == null || processed.contains(instance))
                return; // ignore null properties and defeat circular references
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // fix for JERSEY-1656
            log.log(Level.INFO, LinkMessages.WARNING_LINKFILTER_PROCESSING(instance.getClass().getName()), e);

        // Process any @Link annotated fields in entity
        for (FieldDescriptor field : instanceDescriptor.getLinkFields()) {
            // TODO replace with properly poly-morphic code
            if (field instanceof InjectLinkFieldDescriptor)
                InjectLinkFieldDescriptor linkField = (InjectLinkFieldDescriptor) field;
                if (ELLinkBuilder.evaluateCondition(linkField.getCondition(), entity, resource, instance)) {
                    URI uri = ELLinkBuilder.buildURI(linkField, entity, resource, instance, uriInfo, rmc);
                    linkField.setPropertyValue(instance, uri);
            } else if (field instanceof InjectLinksFieldDescriptor) {
                InjectLinksFieldDescriptor linksField = (InjectLinksFieldDescriptor) field;
                List<Link> list = new ArrayList<Link>();
                for (InjectLinkFieldDescriptor linkField : linksField.getLinksToInject())
                    if (ELLinkBuilder.evaluateCondition(linkField.getCondition(), entity, resource, instance)) {
                       URI uri = ELLinkBuilder.buildURI(linkField, entity, resource, instance, uriInfo, rmc);
                       Link link = linkField.getLink(uri);
                linksField.setPropertyValue(instance, list);

        // If entity is an array or collection then process members
        Class<?> instanceClass = instance.getClass();
        if (instanceClass.isArray() && Object[].class.isAssignableFrom(instanceClass)) {
            Object array[] = (Object[]) instance;
            for (Object member : array) {
                processMember(entity, resource, member, processed, uriInfo,rmc);
        } else if (instance instanceof Collection) {
            Collection collection = (Collection) instance;
            for (Object member : collection) {
                processMember(entity, resource, member, processed, uriInfo,rmc);

        // Recursively process all member fields
        for (FieldDescriptor member : instanceDescriptor.getNonLinkFields()) {
            processMember(entity, resource, member.getFieldValue(instance), processed, uriInfo,rmc);


    private void processMember(Object entity, Object resource, Object member, Set<Object> processed, UriInfo uriInfo,
      ResourceMappingContext rmc) {
        if (member != null) {
            FieldProcessor proc = new FieldProcessor(member.getClass());
            proc.processLinks(entity, resource, member, processed, uriInfo, rmc);


Related Classes of org.glassfish.jersey.linking.FieldProcessor

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