* Copyright 2012-2014 Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA-Lyon)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package gololang;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static fr.insalyon.citi.golo.runtime.TypeMatching.isLastArgumentAnArray;
import static java.lang.System.arraycopy;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.genericMethodType;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType;
* A dynamic object is an object whose properties can be dynamically added, changed and removed. Properties can be any
* object value or a method handle to a closure.
* <p>
* The methods <code>plug</code> and <code>propertyMissing</code> are left undocumented. They are being used
* by the Golo runtime to dispatch method invocations on dynamic objects.
public final class DynamicObject {
private final HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
private boolean frozen = false;
* Defines a property.
* @param name the property name.
* @param value the property value.
* @return the same dynamic object.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the dynamic object is frozen.
public DynamicObject define(String name, Object value) {
properties.put(name, value);
return this;
* @return a view of all properties.
public Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> properties() {
return properties.entrySet();
* @param name the property name.
* @return the property value.
public Object get(String name) {
return properties.get(name);
* Removes a property.
* @param name the property name.
* @return the same dynamic object.
public DynamicObject undefine(String name) {
return this;
* @return a new dynamic object whose properties point to the same objects.
public DynamicObject copy() {
DynamicObject copy = new DynamicObject();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
copy.properties.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return copy;
* Mixes all properties from another dynamic object into this one, overwriting existing properties.
* @param other the dynamic object to mix the properties from.
* @return the same dynamic object.
public DynamicObject mixin(DynamicObject other) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : other.properties.entrySet()) {
properties.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return this;
* Freezes a dynamic object, meaning that its properties cannot be added, updated and removed anymore.
* @return the same dynamic object.
public DynamicObject freeze() {
this.frozen = true;
return this;
* Tells whether the dynamic object is frozen or not.
* @return {@code true} if frozen, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isFrozen() {
return frozen;
* Dispatch dynamic object "methods". The receiver dynamic object is expected to be the first element of {@code args}.
* @param property the method property in the dynamic object.
* @param args the arguments.
* @return the return value.
* @throws Throwable in case everything is wrong.
public static Object dispatchCall(String property, Object... args) throws Throwable {
DynamicObject obj = (DynamicObject) args[0];
Object value = obj.properties.get(property);
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof MethodHandle) {
MethodHandle handle = (MethodHandle) value;
if (handle.isVarargsCollector() && args[args.length - 1] instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] trailing = (Object[]) args[args.length - 1];
Object[] spreadArgs = new Object[args.length + trailing.length - 1];
arraycopy(args, 0, spreadArgs, 0, args.length - 1);
arraycopy(trailing, 0, spreadArgs, args.length - 1, trailing.length);
return handle.invokeWithArguments(spreadArgs);
return handle.invokeWithArguments(args);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There is no dynamic object method defined for " + property);
if (obj.hasFallback()) {
MethodHandle handle = (MethodHandle) obj.properties.get("fallback");
Object[] fallback_args = new Object[args.length + 1];
fallback_args[0] = obj;
fallback_args[1] = property;
arraycopy(args, 1, fallback_args, 2, args.length - 1);
return handle.invokeWithArguments(fallback_args);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("There is neither a dynamic object method defined for " + property + " nor a 'fallback' method");
* Dispatches getter-style dynamic object methods, i.e., methods with a receiver and no argument.
* @param property the method property in the dynamic object.
* @param object the receiver object.
* @return the return value.
* @throws Throwable in case everything is wrong.
public static Object dispatchGetterStyle(String property, DynamicObject object) throws Throwable {
Object value = object.get(property);
if (value != null || object.properties.containsKey(property)) {
if (value instanceof MethodHandle) {
MethodHandle handle = (MethodHandle) value;
if (handle.type().parameterCount() == 1 || handle.isVarargsCollector()) {
return handle.invokeWithArguments(object);
return value;
if (object.hasFallback()) {
MethodHandle handle = (MethodHandle) object.properties.get("fallback");
return handle.invokeWithArguments(object, property);
return null;
* Dispatches setter-style dynamic object methods, i.e., methods with a receiver and exactly 1 argument.
* @param property the method property in the dynamic object.
* @param object the receiver object.
* @param arg the arguments.
* @return the return value.
* @throws Throwable in case everything is wrong.
public static Object dispatchSetterStyle(String property, DynamicObject object, Object arg) throws Throwable {
Object value = object.get(property);
if (value != null || object.properties.containsKey(property)) {
if (value instanceof MethodHandle) {
MethodHandle handle = (MethodHandle) value;
if (handle.type().parameterCount() == 2) {
if (handle.isVarargsCollector() && arg instanceof Object[]) {
return handle.invokeExact((Object) object, (Object[]) arg);
return handle.invokeWithArguments(object, arg);
return object.define(property, arg);
* Gives an invoker method handle for a given property.
* <p>
* While this method may be useful in itself, it is mostly relevant for the Golo runtime internals so as
* to allow calling "methods" on dynamic objects, as in:
* <pre>
* # obj is some dynamic object...
* obj: foo("bar")
* println(foo: bar())
* obj: define("plop", |this| -> "Plop!")
* println(obj: plop())
* </pre>
* @param property the name of a property.
* @param type the expected invoker type with at least one parameter (the dynamic object as a receiver).
* @return a method handle.
public MethodHandle invoker(String property, MethodType type) {
switch (type.parameterCount()) {
case 0:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A dynamic object invoker type needs at least 1 argument (the receiver)");
case 1:
return DISPATCH_GET.bindTo(property).asType(genericMethodType(1));
case 2:
return DISPATCH_SET.bindTo(property).asType(genericMethodType(2));
return DISPATCH_CALL.bindTo(property).asCollector(Object[].class, type.parameterCount());
* Verify if a method is defined for the dynamic object.
* @param method the method name.
* @return {@code true} if method is defined, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean hasMethod(String method) {
Object obj = properties.get(method);
if (obj != null) {
return (obj instanceof MethodHandle);
return false;
* Let the user define a fallback behavior.
* @param value the fallback value
* @return the current object
public DynamicObject fallback(Object value) {
return define("fallback", value);
* Verify a fallback property exists.
* @return {@code true} if a fallback behavior is defined, {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean hasFallback() {
return properties.containsKey("fallback");
public static final MethodHandle DISPATCH_CALL;
public static final MethodHandle DISPATCH_GET;
public static final MethodHandle DISPATCH_SET;
static {
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
try {
DISPATCH_CALL = lookup.findStatic(DynamicObject.class, "dispatchCall", methodType(Object.class, String.class, Object[].class));
DISPATCH_GET = lookup.findStatic(DynamicObject.class, "dispatchGetterStyle", methodType(Object.class, String.class, DynamicObject.class));
DISPATCH_SET = lookup.findStatic(DynamicObject.class, "dispatchSetterStyle", methodType(Object.class, String.class, DynamicObject.class, Object.class));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new Error("Could not bootstrap the required method handles");
private void frozenMutationCheck() {
if (frozen) {
throw new IllegalStateException("the object is frozen");