Package com.github.variety.test

Source Code of com.github.variety.test.SampleData

package com.github.variety.test;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import org.bson.types.Binary;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

class SampleData {

     * Ascii table representation of sample data results. It should be possible to verify actual output of Variety
     * against this table, to check correct formatting.
    public static final String EXPECTED_DATA_ASCII_TABLE =
            "+------------------------------------------------------------+\n" +
            "| key                | types        | occurrences | percents |\n" +
            "| ------------------ | ------------ | ----------- | -------- |\n" +
            "| _id                | ObjectId     | 5           | 100      |\n" +
            "| name               | String       | 5           | 100      |\n" +
            "| bio                | String       | 3           | 60       |\n" +
            "| pets               | String,Array | 2           | 40       |\n" +
            "| birthday           | String       | 2           | 40       |\n" +
            "| someBinData        | BinData-old  | 1           | 20       |\n" +
            "| someWeirdLegacyKey | String       | 1           | 20       |\n" +

     * Java representation of sample collection provided in variety README:<p>
     * {name: "Tom", bio: "A nice guy.", pets: ["monkey", "fish"], someWeirdLegacyKey: "I like Ike!"}<p>
     * {name: "Dick", bio: "I swordfight.", birthday: new Date("1974/03/14")}<p>
     * {name: "Harry", pets: "egret", birthday: new Date("1984/03/14")}<p>
     * {name: "Geneviève", bio: "Ça va?"}<p>
     * {name: "Jim", someBinData: new BinData(2,"1234")}<p>
    public static List<DBObject> getDocuments() {
        final List<DBObject> examples = new ArrayList<>();
            new BasicDBObjectBuilder()
                .add("name", "Tom")
                .add("bio", "A nice guy.")
                .add("pets", Arrays.asList("monkey", "fish"))
                .add("someWeirdLegacyKey", "I like Ike!")
            new BasicDBObjectBuilder()
                .add("name", "Dick")
                .add("bio", "I swordfight.")
                .add("birthday", LocalDate.of(1974, 3, 14).toString())
            new BasicDBObjectBuilder()
                .add("name", "Harry")
                .add("pets", "egret")
                .add("birthday", LocalDate.of(1984, 3, 14).toString())
            new BasicDBObjectBuilder()
                .add("name", "Geneviève")
                .add("bio", "Ça va?")
            new BasicDBObjectBuilder()
                .add("name", "Jim")
                .add("someBinData", new Binary((byte) 0x02, new byte[]{1,2,3,4}))

        return examples;

Related Classes of com.github.variety.test.SampleData

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