// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Clark & Parsia, LLC. <http://www.clarkparsia.com>
// This source code is available under the terms of the Affero General Public
// License v3.
// Please see LICENSE.txt for full license terms, including the availability of
// proprietary exceptions.
// Questions, comments, or requests for clarification: licensing@clarkparsia.com
package pellet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.mindswap.pellet.KnowledgeBase;
import org.mindswap.pellet.PelletOptions;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.Comparators;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.QNameProvider;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.progress.ProgressMonitor;
import aterm.ATermAppl;
* <p>
* Title: PelletClassify
* </p>
* <p>
* Description:
* </p>
* <p>
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008
* </p>
* <p>
* Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC. <http://www.clarkparsia.com>
* </p>
* @author Markus Stocker
public class PelletUnsatisfiable extends PelletCmdApp {
public PelletUnsatisfiable() {
super( );
public String getAppCmd() {
return "pellet unsatisfiable " + getMandatoryOptions() + "[options] <file URI>...";
public String getAppId() {
return "PelletUnsatisfiable: Find the unsatisfiable classes in the ontology";
public PelletCmdOptions getOptions() {
PelletCmdOptions options = getGlobalOptions();
options.add( getLoaderOption() );
options.add( getIgnoreImportsOption() );
options.add( getInputFormatOption() );
return options;
public void run() {
KnowledgeBase kb = getKB();
startTask( "consistency check" );
boolean isConsistent = kb.isConsistent();
finishTask( "consistency check" );
if( !isConsistent )
throw new PelletCmdException( "Ontology is inconsistent, run \"pellet explain\" to get the reason" );
QNameProvider qnames = new QNameProvider();
Set<String> unsatisfiableClasses = new TreeSet<String>( Comparators.stringComparator );
ProgressMonitor monitor = PelletOptions.USE_CLASSIFICATION_MONITOR.create();
monitor.setProgressTitle( "Finding unsatisfiable" );
monitor.setProgressLength( kb.getClasses().size() );
startTask( "find unsatisfiable" );
Iterator<ATermAppl> i = kb.getClasses().iterator();
while( i.hasNext() ) {
ATermAppl c = i.next();
if( !kb.isSatisfiable( c ) ) {
unsatisfiableClasses.add( qnames.shortForm( c.getName() ) );
finishTask( "find unsatisfiable" );
if( unsatisfiableClasses.isEmpty() ) {
output( "Found no unsatisfiable concepts." );
else {
output( "Found " + unsatisfiableClasses.size() + " unsatisfiable concept(s):" );
for( String c : unsatisfiableClasses ) {
output( c );