// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Clark & Parsia, LLC. <http://www.clarkparsia.com>
// This source code is available under the terms of the Affero General Public
// License v3.
// Please see LICENSE.txt for full license terms, including the availability of
// proprietary exceptions.
// Questions, comments, or requests for clarification: licensing@clarkparsia.com
package pellet;
import static pellet.PelletCmdOptionArg.NONE;
import static pellet.PelletCmdOptionArg.REQUIRED;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.mindswap.pellet.KnowledgeBase;
import org.mindswap.pellet.taxonomy.POTaxonomyBuilder;
import org.mindswap.pellet.taxonomy.SubsumptionComparator;
import org.mindswap.pellet.taxonomy.Taxonomy;
import org.mindswap.pellet.taxonomy.printer.ClassTreePrinter;
import org.mindswap.pellet.utils.ATermUtils;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEntity;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectProperty;
import aterm.AFun;
import aterm.ATermAppl;
import com.clarkparsia.owlapiv3.OntologyUtils;
import com.clarkparsia.pellet.owlapiv3.OWLAPILoader;
* <p>
* Title: PelletTransTree
* </p>
* <p>
* Description: Compute the hierarchy for part-of classes (or individuals) given
* a (transitive) property.
* </p>
* <p>
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008
* </p>
* <p>
* Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC. <http://www.clarkparsia.com>
* </p>
* @author Markus Stocker
public class PelletTransTree extends PelletCmdApp {
private String propertyName;
private boolean showClasses;
private boolean showIndividuals;
public PelletTransTree() {
super( );
public String getAppId() {
return "PelletTransTree: Compute a transitive-tree closure";
public String getAppCmd() {
return "pellet trans-tree " + getMandatoryOptions() + "[options] <file URI>...";
public PelletCmdOptions getOptions() {
showClasses = true;
showIndividuals = false;
PelletCmdOptions options = getGlobalOptions();
PelletCmdOption option = new PelletCmdOption( "property" );
option.setShortOption( "p" );
option.setType( "<URI>" );
option.setDescription( "The part-of (transitive) property" );
option.setIsMandatory( true );
option.setArg( REQUIRED );
options.add( option );
option = new PelletCmdOption( "classes" );
option.setShortOption( "c" );
option.setDescription( "Show parts hierarchy for classes" );
option.setDefaultValue( showClasses );
option.setIsMandatory( false );
option.setArg( NONE );
options.add( option );
option = new PelletCmdOption( "individuals" );
option.setShortOption( "i" );
option.setDescription( "Show parts hierarchy for individuals" );
option.setDefaultValue( showIndividuals );
option.setIsMandatory( false );
option.setArg( NONE );
options.add( option );
option = new PelletCmdOption( "filter" );
option.setShortOption( "f" );
option.setType( "<URI>" );
option.setDescription( "The class to filter" );
option.setIsMandatory( false );
option.setArg( REQUIRED );
options.add( option );
return options;
public void run() {
propertyName = options.getOption( "property" ).getValueAsString();
OWLAPILoader loader = new OWLAPILoader();
KnowledgeBase kb = loader.createKB( getInputFiles() );
OWLEntity entity = OntologyUtils.findEntity( propertyName, loader.getAllOntologies() );
if( entity == null )
throw new PelletCmdException( "Property not found: " + propertyName );
if( !(entity instanceof OWLObjectProperty) )
throw new PelletCmdException( "Not an object property: " + propertyName );
if( !((OWLObjectProperty) entity).isTransitive( loader.getAllOntologies() ) )
throw new PelletCmdException( "Not a transitive property: " + propertyName );
ATermAppl p = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( entity.getIRI().toString() );
ATermAppl c = null;
boolean filter = false;
if(options.getOption( "filter" ).exists())
String filterName = options.getOption( "filter" ).getValueAsString();
OWLEntity filterClass = OntologyUtils.findEntity( filterName, loader.getAllOntologies() );
if(filterClass == null)
throw new PelletCmdException( "Filter class not found: " + filterName );
if(!(filterClass instanceof OWLClass))
throw new PelletCmdException( "Not a class: " + filterName );
c = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl( filterClass.getIRI().toString() );
filter = true;
POTaxonomyBuilder builder = null;
// Test first the individuals parameter, as per default the --classes
// option is true
if( options.getOption( "individuals" ).getValueAsBoolean() ) {
// Parts for individuals
builder = new POTaxonomyBuilder( kb, new PartIndividualsComparator( kb, p ) );
Set<ATermAppl> individuals;
individuals = kb.getInstances(c);
individuals = kb.getIndividuals(); // Note: this is not an optimal solution
for( ATermAppl individual : individuals)
if (!ATermUtils.isBnode( individual ))
builder.classify( individual );
else {
builder = new POTaxonomyBuilder( kb, new PartClassesComparator( kb, p ) );
for(ATermAppl cl: getDistinctSubclasses(kb, c))
Taxonomy<ATermAppl> taxonomy = builder.getTaxonomy();
ClassTreePrinter printer = new ClassTreePrinter();
printer.print( taxonomy );
publicTaxonomy = taxonomy;
/** Unit testing access only*/
public Taxonomy<ATermAppl> publicTaxonomy;
private Set<ATermAppl> getDistinctSubclasses(KnowledgeBase kb, ATermAppl c){
Set<ATermAppl> filteredClasses = new HashSet<ATermAppl>();
Set<Set<ATermAppl>> subclasses = kb.getSubClasses(c);
for(Set<ATermAppl> s: subclasses)
//Remove not(TOP), since taxonomy builder complains otherwise...
return filteredClasses;
private static class PartClassesComparator extends SubsumptionComparator {
private ATermAppl p;
public PartClassesComparator(KnowledgeBase kb, ATermAppl p) {
super( kb );
this.p = p;
protected boolean isSubsumedBy(ATermAppl a, ATermAppl b) {
ATermAppl someB = ATermUtils.makeSomeValues( p, b );
return kb.isSubClassOf( a, someB );
private static class PartIndividualsComparator extends SubsumptionComparator {
private ATermAppl p;
public PartIndividualsComparator(KnowledgeBase kb, ATermAppl p) {
super( kb );
this.p = p;
protected boolean isSubsumedBy(ATermAppl a, ATermAppl b) {
return kb.hasPropertyValue( a, p, b );