Package net.greghaines.jesque

Source Code of net.greghaines.jesque.DurabilityTest

package net.greghaines.jesque;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import net.greghaines.jesque.json.ObjectMapperFactory;
import net.greghaines.jesque.utils.JesqueUtils;
import net.greghaines.jesque.utils.ResqueConstants;
import net.greghaines.jesque.worker.MapBasedJobFactory;
import net.greghaines.jesque.worker.Worker;
import net.greghaines.jesque.worker.WorkerImpl;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;

import java.util.Arrays;

import static net.greghaines.jesque.utils.ResqueConstants.QUEUE;
import static net.greghaines.jesque.utils.ResqueConstants.QUEUES;

* Test job durability:
* <ul>
* <li>A job should be in the in-flight list while being processed, but not afterwards.</li>
* <li>A job should be re-queued when the worker is shut down immediately.</li>
* <li>A job should <i>not</i> be re-queued when the worker shuts down after completing the job.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Daniël de Kok
public class DurabilityTest {
    private static final Job sleepJob = new Job("SleepAction", 3000L);
    private static final Config config = new ConfigBuilder().build();

    public void resetRedis() {

    public void testNotInterrupted() throws InterruptedException, JsonProcessingException {
        final String queue = "foo";
        TestUtils.enqueueJobs(queue, Arrays.asList(sleepJob), config);

        final Worker worker = new WorkerImpl(config, Arrays.asList(queue),
                new MapBasedJobFactory("SleepAction", SleepAction.class))));
        final Thread workerThread = new Thread(worker);


        final Jedis jedis = TestUtils.createJedis(config);
        Assert.assertEquals("In-flight list should have length one when running the job",
                jedis.llen(inFlightKey(worker, queue)), (Long)1L);
        Assert.assertEquals("Object on the in-flight list should be the first job",
                jedis.lindex(inFlightKey(worker, queue), 0));

        TestUtils.stopWorker(worker, workerThread, false);

        Assert.assertTrue("The job should not be requeued after succesful processing",
                jedis.llen(JesqueUtils.createKey(config.getNamespace(), QUEUE, queue)) == 0L);
        Assert.assertEquals("In-flight list should be empty when finishing a job",
                jedis.llen(inFlightKey(worker, queue)), (Long)0L);

    public void testInterrupted() throws InterruptedException, JsonProcessingException {
        final String queue = "bar";
        TestUtils.enqueueJobs(queue, Arrays.asList(sleepJob), config);

        final Worker worker = new WorkerImpl(config, Arrays.asList(queue),
                new MapBasedJobFactory("SleepAction", SleepAction.class))));
        final Thread workerThread = new Thread(worker);

        TestUtils.stopWorker(worker, workerThread, true);

        final Jedis jedis = TestUtils.createJedis(config);
        Assert.assertTrue("Job should be requeued", jedis.llen(JesqueUtils.createKey(config.getNamespace(), QUEUE, queue)) == 1L);
        Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect job was requeued", ObjectMapperFactory.get().writeValueAsString(sleepJob),
                jedis.lindex(JesqueUtils.createKey(config.getNamespace(), QUEUE, queue), 0));
        Assert.assertTrue("In-flight list should be empty when finishing a job", jedis.llen(inFlightKey(worker, queue)) == 0L);

    public void testJSONException() throws InterruptedException, JsonProcessingException {
        final String queue = "baz";

        final Jedis jedis = TestUtils.createJedis(config);

        // Submit a job containing incorrect JSON.
        String incorrectJson = "{";
        jedis.sadd(JesqueUtils.createKey(config.getNamespace(), QUEUES), queue);
        jedis.rpush(JesqueUtils.createKey(config.getNamespace(), QUEUE, queue), incorrectJson);

        final Worker worker = new WorkerImpl(config, Arrays.asList(queue),
                new MapBasedJobFactory("SleepAction", SleepAction.class))));
        final Thread workerThread = new Thread(worker);


        TestUtils.stopWorker(worker, workerThread, false);

        Assert.assertEquals("In-flight list should have length zero if the worker failed during JSON deserialization",
                jedis.llen(inFlightKey(worker, queue)), (Long) 0L);

    private static String inFlightKey(final Worker worker, final String queue) {
        return JesqueUtils.createKey(config.getNamespace(), ResqueConstants.INFLIGHT, worker.getName(), queue);

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