Package net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test

Source Code of net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test.TestCompilerMojo

* Flexmojos is a set of maven goals to allow maven users to compile, optimize and test Flex SWF, Flex SWC, Air SWF and Air SWC.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2012  Marvin Froeder <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test;

import static com.marvinformatics.kiss.matchers.maven.artifact.ArtifactMatchers.artifactId;
import static com.marvinformatics.kiss.matchers.maven.artifact.ArtifactMatchers.groupId;
import static com.marvinformatics.kiss.matchers.maven.artifact.ArtifactMatchers.scope;
import static com.marvinformatics.kiss.matchers.maven.artifact.ArtifactMatchers.type;
import static com.marvinformatics.kiss.matchers.maven.artifact.ArtifactMatchers.version;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexExtension.ANE;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexExtension.SWC;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexExtension.XML;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexScopes.CACHING;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexScopes.COMPILE;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexScopes.EXTERNAL;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexScopes.INTERNAL;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexScopes.MERGED;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexScopes.RSL;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexScopes.TEST;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.util.PathUtil.existingFiles;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.util.PathUtil.file;
import static net.flexmojos.oss.util.PathUtil.files;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.anyOf;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import net.flexmojos.oss.compiler.IRuntimeSharedLibraryPath;
import net.flexmojos.oss.compiler.MxmlcConfigurationHolder;
import net.flexmojos.oss.compiler.command.Result;
import net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.FlexClassifier;
import net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.common.flexbridge.MavenPathResolver;
import net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.compiler.MxmlcMojo;
import net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.compiler.attributes.MavenRuntimeException;
import net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test.scanners.FlexClassScanner;
import net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.utilities.MavenUtils;
import net.flexmojos.oss.util.CollectionUtils;
import net.flexmojos.oss.util.PathUtil;
import net.flexmojos.oss.util.SocketUtil;

import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.model.FileSet;
import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;

import flex2.compiler.common.SinglePathResolver;

* <p>
* Goal which compiles the Flex test into a runnable application
* </p>
* @author Marvin Herman Froeder (
* @since 1.0
* @goal test-compile
* @requiresDependencyResolution test
* @phase test-compile
* @threadSafe
public class TestCompilerMojo
    extends MxmlcMojo

    public static final String FLEXMOJOS_TEST_CONTROL_PORT = "flexmojos_test_control_port";

    public static final String FLEXMOJOS_TEST_PORT = "flexmojos_test_port";

     * Uses instruments the bytecode (using apparat) to create test coverage report. Only the test-swf is affected by
     * this.
     * @parameter expression="${flex.coverage}"
    private boolean coverage;

     * Classes that shouldn't be include on code coverage analysis.
     * @parameter
    private String[] coverageExclusions;

     * The strategy used by flexmojos do determine which files should be taken into account when calculating code
     * coverage. So far there are 4 valid values: 'all', 'disabled', 'link-report' and 'as3Content' <li>
     * <ul>
     * 'all' is the default implementation, includes all .as and .mxml available on source folders, is the fastest but
     * has potential problems with as3 inclusion. This ensures all classes available on source folder are taken into
     * account when calculating code coverage.
     * </ul>
     * <ul>
     * 'disabled' it will produce wrong coverage reports
     * </ul>
     * <ul>
     * 'link-report' will use the application link-report in other to know which classes need to be included on coverage
     * reports, basically mean that all files on your swf/swc will be on the coverage report, but not necessarily all
     * files present on your source folders.
     * </ul>
     * <ul>
     * 'as3Content' will scan all .as and .mxml file contents and will handle they properly, this ensures all classes
     * available on source folder are taken into account when calculating code coverage.
     * </ul>
     * </li>
     * @parameter default-value="all" expression="${flex.coverageStrategy}"
    private String coverageStrategy;

     * Files to exclude from testing. If not defined, assumes no exclusions
     * @parameter
    private List<String> excludeTestFiles;

     * File to be tested. If not defined assumes Test*.as and *
     * @parameter
    private List<String> includeTestFiles;

     * @readonly
    private FlexClassScanner scanner;

     * @component role='net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test.scanners.FlexClassScanner'
    private Map<String, FlexClassScanner> scanners;

     * Set this to 'true' to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
     * @parameter expression="${maven.test.skip}"
    private boolean skipTests;

     * Specify this parameter to run individual tests by file name, overriding the includes/excludes parameters. Each
     * pattern you specify here will be used to create an include pattern formatted like **\/${test}.as and
     * **\/${test}.mxml, so you can just type "-Dtest=MyTest" to run a single test called "foo/" and
     * "bar/MyTest.mxml".
     * <p>
     * This mimic surefire test configuration. <a
     * href=""
     * ></a>
     * </p>
     * @parameter expression="${test}"
    private String test;

     * The maven compile source roots
     * <p>
     * Equivalent to -compiler.source-path
     * </p>
     * List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class
     * @parameter expression="${project.testCompileSourceRoots}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    private List<String> testCompileSourceRoots;

     * If specified, the testrunner swf will be compiled to use this value as the control port to open during test runs.
     * @parameter expression="${flex.testControlPort}"
    private Integer testControlPort;

     * @parameter expression="${}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    private File testOutputDirectory;

     * If specified, the testrunner swf will be compiled to use this value as the port to open during test runs.
     * @parameter expression="${flex.testPort}"
    private Integer testPort;

     * The maven test resources
     * @parameter expression="${}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    protected List<Resource> testResources;

     * @parameter
    private File testRunnerTemplate;

    public Result buildTest( String testFilename, List<? extends String> testClasses, Integer testControlPort,
                             Integer testPort )
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        getLog().info( "Compiling test class: " + testClasses );

        File testMxml;
            testMxml = generateTester( testClasses, testFilename, testControlPort, testPort );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Unable to generate tester class.", e );

        TestCompilerMojo cfg = this.clone();
        cfg.finalName = testFilename;

        return executeCompiler( new MxmlcConfigurationHolder( cfg, testMxml ), fullSynchronization );

    public void buildTests( List<String> testClasses )
        throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException
        String testFilename = "TestRunner";

        if ( testControlPort == null )
            testControlPort = freePort();
        if ( testPort == null )
            testPort = freePort();
        putPluginContext( FLEXMOJOS_TEST_CONTROL_PORT, testControlPort );
        putPluginContext( FLEXMOJOS_TEST_PORT, testPort );
        getLog().debug( "Flexmojos test port: " + testPort + " - control: " + testControlPort );

        checkResult( buildTest( testFilename, testClasses, testControlPort, testPort ) );

    public TestCompilerMojo clone()
        return (TestCompilerMojo) super.clone();

    public void execute()
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        if ( skipTests )
            getLog().warn( "Skipping test phase." );

        if ( !PathUtil.existAll( testCompileSourceRoots ) )
            getLog().warn( "Skipping compiler, test source path doesn't exist." );


        if ( !testOutputDirectory.exists() )

        List<String> testClasses = getTestClasses();
        if ( testClasses == null || testClasses.isEmpty() )
            getLog().warn( "Skipping test compiler, no test class found." );

        buildTests( testClasses );

    protected Integer freePort()
            return SocketUtil.freePort();
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new MavenRuntimeException( "Failed to allocate socket port", e );

    private File generateTester( List<? extends String> testClasses, String testFilename, Integer testControlPort,
                                 Integer testPort )
        throws Exception
        // can't use velocity, got:
        // org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTprocess; class invalid for
        // deserialization

        StringBuilder imports = getImports( testClasses );
        StringBuilder includes = getExtraIncludes( testOutputDirectory );
        StringBuilder classes = getClasses( testClasses );

        InputStream templateSource = getTemplate();
        String sourceString = IOUtils.toString( templateSource );
        sourceString = sourceString.replace( "$imports", imports );
        sourceString = sourceString.replace( "$includes", includes );
        sourceString = sourceString.replace( "$testClasses", classes );
        sourceString = sourceString.replace( "$port", testPort.toString() );
        sourceString = sourceString.replace( "$controlPort", String.valueOf( testControlPort ) );
        File testSourceFile = new File( testOutputDirectory, testFilename + ".mxml" );
        FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter( testSourceFile );
        IOUtils.write( sourceString, fileWriter );
        return testSourceFile;

    private StringBuilder getClasses( List<? extends String> testClasses )
        StringBuilder classes = new StringBuilder();

        for ( String testClass : testClasses )
            testClass = testClass.substring( testClass.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
            classes.append( "addTest( " );
            classes.append( testClass );
            classes.append( ");" );
            classes.append( '\n' );
        return classes;

    public Boolean getDebug()
        return true;

    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    public File[] getExternalLibraryPath()
        return MavenUtils.getFiles( getGlobalArtifactCollection() );

    private StringBuilder getExtraIncludes( File testOutputDirectory )
        StringBuilder includes = new StringBuilder();
        if ( coverage )
            FlexClassScanner scanner = getFlexClassScanner();
            for ( String snippet : scanner.getAs3Snippets() )
                // as3 include "";
                // includes.append( "include \"" );
                // includes.append( snippets.replace( '\\', '/' ) );
                // includes.append( "\";\n" );

                // mxml <mx:Script source="includes/" />
                includes.append( "<mx:Script source=\"" );
                includes.append( snippet.replace( '\\', '/' ) );
                includes.append( "\" />\n" );

        return includes;

    private FlexClassScanner getFlexClassScanner()
        if ( this.scanner == null )
            File[] sp = existingFiles( getSourcePath() );

            scanner = scanners.get( coverageStrategy );
            if ( scanner == null )
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid coverageFlexClassScanner: '" + coverageStrategy + "'" );

            Map<String, Object> context = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
            // TODO need a better idea to resolve link report file
            context.put( FlexClassifier.LINK_REPORT,
                         file( project.getBuild().getFinalName() + "-" + FlexClassifier.LINK_REPORT + "." + XML,
                               project.getBuild().getDirectory() ) );
            scanner.scan( sp, coverageExclusions, context );
        return scanner;

    protected Artifact getFlexmojosTestArtifact( String artifactId )
        return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( artifactId, null );

    protected Artifact getFlexmojosTestArtifact( String artifactId, String classifier )
        Artifact artifact =
            resolve( "net.flexmojos.oss", artifactId, MavenUtils.getFlexMojosVersion(), classifier, "swc" );

        return artifact;

    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    protected Artifact getFlexmojosUnittestFrameworkIntegrationLibrary()

        if ( getDependency( groupId( "com.adobe.flexunit" ), artifactId( "flexunit" ), version( startsWith( "0" ) ) ) != null )
            return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-unittest-flexunit" );
        else if ( getDependency( groupId( "com.adobe.flexunit" ), artifactId( "flexunit" ) ) != null )
            return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-unittest-flexunit4" );
        else if ( getDependency( groupId( "org.flexunit" ), artifactId( "flexunit" ) ) != null )
            return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-unittest-flexunit4" );
        else if ( getDependency( groupId( "advancedflex" ), artifactId( "debugger" ) ) != null )
            return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-unittest-advancedflex" );
        else if ( getDependency( groupId( "com.asunit" ), artifactId( "asunit" ) ) != null )
            return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-unittest-asunit" );
        else if ( getDependency( groupId( "net.digitalprimates" ), artifactId( "fluint" ) ) != null )
            return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-unittest-fluint" );
        else if ( getDependency( groupId( "org.funit" ), artifactId( "funit" ) ) != null )
            return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-unittest-funit" );
            if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
                getLog().debug( "Unable to find test dependency among this: " + getDependencies() );

            throw new IllegalStateException( "Not found any compatible unit test framework"
                + "\n\t" );

    private Artifact getFlexmojosUnittestSupport()
        return getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-unittest-support", getIsAirProject() ? "air" : "flex" );

    private StringBuilder getImports( List<? extends String> testClasses )
        StringBuilder imports = new StringBuilder();

        for ( String testClass : testClasses )
            imports.append( "import " );
            imports.append( testClass );
            imports.append( "; " );
            if ( testClass.indexOf( '.' ) != -1 )
                imports.append( testClass.substring( testClass.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ) );
                imports.append( testClass );
            imports.append( ";" );
            imports.append( '\n' );
        return imports;

    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    public File[] getIncludeLibraries()
        Collection<Artifact> coverArtifact =
            (Collection<Artifact>) ( coverage ? Collections.singletonList( getFlexmojosTestArtifact( "flexmojos-test-coverage" ) )
                            : Collections.emptyList() );
        return MavenUtils.getFiles( coverArtifact,
                                    Collections.singletonList( getFlexmojosUnittestSupport() ),
                                    Collections.singletonList( getFlexmojosUnittestFrameworkIntegrationLibrary() ),
                                    getDependencies( anyOf( type( SWC ), type( ANE ) ), //
                                                     anyOf( scope( INTERNAL ), scope( RSL ), scope( CACHING ),
                                                            scope( TEST ) ),//
                                                     not( GLOBAL_MATCHER ) ) );

    public List<String> getIncludes()
        if ( !coverage )
            return super.getIncludes();

        List<String> includes = super.getIncludes();
        if ( includes == null )
            includes = new ArrayList<String>();
            includes = new ArrayList<String>( includes );

        FlexClassScanner scanner = getFlexClassScanner();

        for ( String testFile : scanner.getAs3Classes() )
            String include = toClass( testFile );
            includes.add( include );

        return includes;

    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    public File[] getLibraryPath()
        return MavenUtils.getFiles( getDependencies( type( SWC ),//
                                                     anyOf( scope( MERGED ), scope( EXTERNAL ), scope( COMPILE ),
                                                            scope( nullValue( String.class ) ) ),//
                                                     not( GLOBAL_MATCHER ) ),//
                                    getCompiledResouceBundles() );

    public String[] getLoadExterns()
        return null;

    public String[] getLocale()
        return CollectionUtils.merge( super.getLocalesRuntime(), super.getLocale() );

    public String[] getLocalesRuntime()
        return null;

    public SinglePathResolver getMavenPathResolver()
        List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
        resources.addAll( this.testResources );
        resources.addAll( this.resources );
        return new MavenPathResolver( resources );

    public Boolean getOptimize()
        return false;

    public String getOutput()
        return PathUtil.path( new File( getTargetDirectory(), getFinalName() + "." + getProjectType() ) );

    public IRuntimeSharedLibraryPath[] getRuntimeSharedLibraryPath()
        return null;

    protected File getSourceFile()
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public File[] getSourcePath()
        Set<File> files = new LinkedHashSet<File>();

        files.addAll( PathUtil.existingFilesList( testCompileSourceRoots ) );
        files.addAll( Arrays.asList( super.getSourcePath() ) );

        if ( getLocale() != null )
            if ( localesSourcePath.getParentFile().exists() )
                files.add( localesSourcePath );

        return files.toArray( new File[0] );

    public File getTargetDirectory()
        return testOutputDirectory;

    public InputStream getTemplate()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        if ( testRunnerTemplate == null )
            if ( getIsAirProject() )
                return getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/templates/test/Air-TestRunner.vm" );
            return getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/templates/test/TestRunner.vm" );
        else if ( !testRunnerTemplate.exists() )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Template file not found: " + testRunnerTemplate );
                return new FileInputStream( testRunnerTemplate );
            catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
                // Never should happen
                throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error reading template file", e );

    protected List<String> getTestClasses()
        getLog().debug( "Scanning for tests at " + testCompileSourceRoots + " for " + includeTestFiles + " but "
                            + excludeTestFiles );

        FileSet fs = new FileSet();
        fs.setIncludes( includeTestFiles );
        fs.setExcludes( excludeTestFiles );
        List<String> testClasses = filterClasses( asList( fs ), files( testCompileSourceRoots ) );

        getLog().debug( "Test classes: " + testClasses );

        return testClasses;

    protected void initializeIncludes()
        if ( test != null )
            includeTestFiles = asList( test );
            excludeTestFiles = null;

        if ( includeTestFiles == null || includeTestFiles.isEmpty() )
            includeTestFiles = asList( "**/Test*.as", "**/*", "**/Test*.mxml", "**/*Test.mxml" );

    public boolean isUpdateSecuritySandbox()
        // not optional for tests, flexmojos needs sandbox security disabled
        return true;

Related Classes of net.flexmojos.oss.plugin.test.TestCompilerMojo

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