package tv.porst.swfretools.parser.structures;
import static tv.porst.swfretools.parser.SWFParserHelpers.parseFlag;
import static tv.porst.swfretools.parser.SWFParserHelpers.parseUBits;
import static tv.porst.swfretools.parser.SWFParserHelpers.parseUBitsIf;
import tv.porst.splib.binaryparser.Flag;
import tv.porst.splib.binaryparser.UBits;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.SWFBinaryParser;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.SWFParserException;
* Used to parse Matrix structures.
* @author sp
public final class MatrixParser {
* Parses a Matrix structure.
* @param parser Provides the input data.
* @param fieldName Name of the matrix field that is parsed.
* @return The parsed Matrix value.
* @throws SWFParserException Thrown if parsing the Matrix value failed.
public static Matrix parse(final SWFBinaryParser parser, final String fieldName) throws SWFParserException {
if (parser == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parser argument must not be null");
if (fieldName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field name argument must not be null");
final Flag hasScale = parseFlag(parser, 0x00006, fieldName + "::HasScale");
final UBits nScaleBits = parseUBitsIf(parser, 5, 0x00006, hasScale.value(), fieldName + "::NScaleBits");
final UBits scaleX = parseUBitsIf(parser, nScaleBits == null ? 0 : nScaleBits.value(), 0x00006, hasScale.value(), fieldName + "::ScaleX");
final UBits scaleY = parseUBitsIf(parser, nScaleBits == null ? 0 : nScaleBits.value(), 0x00006, hasScale.value(), fieldName + "::ScaleY");
final Flag hasRotate = parseFlag(parser, 0x00006, fieldName + "::HasRotate");
final UBits nRotateBits = parseUBitsIf(parser, 5, 0x00006, hasRotate.value(), fieldName + "::NRotateBits");
final UBits rotateSkew0 = parseUBitsIf(parser, nRotateBits == null ? 0 : nRotateBits.value(), 0x00006, hasRotate.value(), fieldName + "::rotateSkew0");
final UBits rotateSkew1 = parseUBitsIf(parser, nRotateBits == null ? 0 : nRotateBits.value(), 0x00006, hasRotate.value(), fieldName + "::rotateSkew1");
final UBits nTranslateBits = parseUBits(parser, 5, 0x00006, fieldName + "::NTranslateBits");
final UBits translateX = parseUBits(parser, nTranslateBits == null ? 0 : nTranslateBits.value(), 0x00006, fieldName + "::TranslateX");
final UBits translateY = parseUBits(parser, nTranslateBits == null ? 0 : nTranslateBits.value(), 0x00006, fieldName + "::TranslateY");
return new Matrix(hasScale, nScaleBits, scaleX, scaleY, hasRotate, nRotateBits, rotateSkew0, rotateSkew1, nTranslateBits, translateX, translateY);
* Parses a Matrix structure.
* @param parser Provides the input data.
* @param condition The condition to be met for the structure to be parsed.
* @param fieldName Name of the matrix field that is parsed.
* @return The parsed Matrix value or null if the condition was true.
* @throws SWFParserException Thrown if parsing the Matrix value failed.
public static Matrix parseIf(final SWFBinaryParser parser, final boolean condition, final String fieldName) throws SWFParserException {
return condition ? parse(parser, fieldName) : null;
* Parses a Matrix structure.
* @param parser Provides the input data.
* @param condition The condition to be met for the structure to be parsed.
* @param fieldName Name of the matrix field that is parsed.
* @return The parsed Matrix value or null if the condition was true.
* @throws SWFParserException Thrown if parsing the Matrix value failed.
public static Matrix parseIf(final SWFBinaryParser parser, final Flag condition, final String fieldName) throws SWFParserException {
return condition.value() ? parse(parser, fieldName) : null;