package tv.porst.swfretools.minimizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import tv.porst.splib.arrays.ArrayHelpers;
import tv.porst.splib.file.FileHelpers;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.SWFParser;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.SWFParserException;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.actions.as3.AS3InstructionList;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.actions.as3.AS3Nop;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.structures.AS3Code;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.structures.MethodBody;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.structures.SWFFile;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.structures.TagList;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.tags.DoABCTag;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.tags.RawABCTag;
import tv.porst.swfretools.parser.tags.Tag;
import tv.porst.swfretools.utils.TagNames;
* This program can be used to minimize crashing SWF files. It does so by removing
* tags from an input SWF file until the crash disappears and then returning to the
* last known crash state. It also NOPs ActionScript code to remove all the code that
* is not related to the crash.
public final class Minimizer {
* Executes a SWF file identified by its file name and waits for a given amount
* of time to see whether the SWF file makes Flash Player crash.
* @param flashPlayer The Flash Player executable to be used to execute the file.
* @param filename The name of the SWF file to execute.
* @param waitPeriod Number of milliseconds to wait for a crash.
* @return A value that determines
private static ExecutionResult executeFile(final String flashPlayer, final String filename, final int waitPeriod) {
assert flashPlayer != null : "Path to Flash Player executable must not be null";
assert filename != null : "Path to SWF file must not be null";
final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
final ExecuterThread thread = new ExecuterThread(flashPlayer, filename);
while (!thread.isDone()) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > time + waitPeriod) {
return ExecutionResult.NoCrash;
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
// Swallow this in good conscience
return thread.exitValue() == 0 ? ExecutionResult.NoCrash : ExecutionResult.Crashed;
* Finds all ActionScript 3 code fragments in a SWF file.
* @param file The SWF file to look through.
* @return The list of found code fragments.
private static List<AS3Code> findAS3Code(final SWFFile file) {
assert file != null : "File argument must not be null";
final List<AS3Code> codeFragments = new ArrayList<AS3Code>();
for (final Tag tag : file.getTags()) {
if (tag instanceof DoABCTag) {
final DoABCTag dtag = (DoABCTag) tag;
for (final MethodBody methodBody : dtag.getAbcData().getMethodBodies()) {
else if (tag instanceof RawABCTag) {
final RawABCTag dtag = (RawABCTag) tag;
for (final MethodBody methodBody : dtag.getAbcData().getMethodBodies()) {
return codeFragments;
* Determines the filename of a minimizer iteration output file.
* @param parentDirectory Parent directory where the file is placed.
* @param filename Name of the original input file.
* @param iterationCounter Number of successful iterations.
* @return The filename of the minimizer iteration output file.
private static String getIterationFilename(final File parentDirectory, final String filename, final int iterationCounter) {
assert parentDirectory != null : "Parent directory must not be null";
assert parentDirectory.isDirectory() : "Parent directory must be a directory";
assert filename != null : "File name must not be null";
assert iterationCounter > 0 : "Iteration counter must be positive";
return parentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + filename + "." + iterationCounter;
* Determines the output directory used by the Minimizer to write the final
* result to.
* @param inputFile The input file to be minimized.
* @return The output directory.
private static File getOutputDirectory(final File inputFile) {
return inputFile.getParentFile() == null ? new File(".") : inputFile.getParentFile();
* Determines whether an ActionScript 3 code fragment is noppable or not. A
* code fragment is noppable if it has at least two instructions (one plus the
* return instruction) and has not been nopped yet.
* @param code The code fragment to check.
* @return True, if the code fragment is noppable. False if it is not.
private static boolean isNoppable(final AS3Code code) {
assert code != null : "Code fragment must not be null";
return code.getInstructions().size() > 1 && !isNopped(code);
* Determines whether an ActionScript 3 code fragment is already nopped.
* This is the case if all instructions but the final return instructions
* are AS3 NOP instructions.
* @param code The code fragment to check.
* @return True, if the code fragment is nopped. False, otherwise.
private static boolean isNopped(final AS3Code code) {
assert code != null : "Code fragment must not be null";
final AS3InstructionList instructions = code.getInstructions();
for (int i=0;i<instructions.size() - 2; i++) {
if (!(instructions.get(i) instanceof AS3Nop)) {
return false;
return true;
* Replaces the code of an ActionScript 3 function with NOP instructions.
* All code is replaced with NOPs except for the final return.
* @param fileData The file data that contains the code.
* @param code The code object to NOP.
* @return A copy of the file data with the nopped code fragment.
private static byte[] nopCode(final byte[] fileData, final AS3Code code) {
assert fileData != null : "File data must not be null";
assert code != null : "Code must not be null";
final int SIZE_RETURN_INSTRUCTION = 1; // All return instructions are 1 byte
final int startOffset = code.getBitPosition() / 8;
final int length = (code.getBitLength() - SIZE_RETURN_INSTRUCTION) / 8;
return ArrayHelpers.replaceData(fileData, startOffset, length, (byte) 0x02);
* Overwrites a list of code fragments with NOP instructions.
* @param fileData The file data that contains the code.
* @param codeToRemove The code fragments to NOP.
* @return A copy of the file data with the nopped code fragments.
private static byte[] nopCode(final byte[] fileData, final List<AS3Code> codeToRemove) {
assert fileData != null : "File data must not be null";
assert codeToRemove != null : "Code to remove list most not be null";
assert !codeToRemove.isEmpty() : "Code to remove list must not be empty";
byte[] newData = fileData;
for (final AS3Code code : codeToRemove) {
newData = nopCode(newData, code);
return newData;
* Removes ActionScript 3 code from the input file until no more code can be removed.
* @param flashPlayer The Flash Player executable to be used to execute the file.
* @param flashFile The name of the SWF file to execute.
* @param waitPeriod Number of milliseconds to wait for a crash.
* @param lastIteration The number of previously completed minimizer iterations.
* @throws MinimizerException Thrown if removing the tags failed.
private static void removeAS3Code(final String flashPlayer, final String flashFile, final int waitPeriod, final int lastIteration) throws MinimizerException {
assert flashPlayer != null : "Flash Player must not be null";
assert flashFile != null : "Flash file must not be null";
assert waitPeriod >= 0 : "Wait period must not be negative";
assert lastIteration >= 0 : "Last iteration must not be negative";
File inputFile = new File(flashFile);
final File parentDirectory = getOutputDirectory(inputFile);
final String filename = FileHelpers.extractFilename(inputFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (lastIteration != 0) {
// There exists a modified input file with some tags removed already.
inputFile = new File(getIterationFilename(parentDirectory, filename, lastIteration));
boolean hasChanged = true;
int iterationCounter = lastIteration;
// Outer loop: Repeat until any change produces a crash
while (hasChanged)
SWFFile parsedFile;
try {
parsedFile = SWFParser.parse(inputFile);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new MinimizerException("SWF input file could not be read");
} catch (final SWFParserException e) {
throw new MinimizerException("SWF input file could not be parsed");
final byte[] fileData = parsedFile.getDecompressedData();
// For each run of the minimizer loop, this list stores
// the functions that can be removed with the input file
// crashing.
final List<AS3Code> removableCode = new ArrayList<AS3Code>();
int codeSectionCounter = 1;
final List<AS3Code> codeSections = findAS3Code(parsedFile);
// Inner loop: Remove one function at a time and then check
// whether the modified file still crashes.
for (final AS3Code code : codeSections) {
if (!isNoppable(code)) {
// This code fragment can not be nopped, so just ignore it.
System.out.printf("Trying to remove method body (%d of %d) at offset %08X ... ", codeSectionCounter, codeSections.size(), code.getBitPosition() / 8);
final byte[] modifiedData = nopCode(fileData, code);
// Write modified file to temp file
String tempFilename;
try {
tempFilename = writeTempFile(modifiedData);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new MinimizerException("SWF input file could not be written");
// Execute modified file
final ExecutionResult executionResult = executeFile(flashPlayer, tempFilename, waitPeriod);
if (executionResult == ExecutionResult.Crashed) {
else {
if (removableCode.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No more code could be removed.");
else {
System.out.printf("Iteration %d complete\n", iterationCounter);
System.out.println("The following method bodies will be removed in this iteration:");
for (final AS3Code code : removableCode) {
System.out.printf("\t%08X\n", code.getBitPosition() / 8);
final byte[] iterationData = nopCode(fileData, removableCode);
// Write the result of the first iteration to the original
// directory. This file is the input file for the next iteration.
try {
final String newFilename = saveIterationResult(iterationData, parentDirectory, filename, iterationCounter);
inputFile = new File(newFilename);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new MinimizerException("Iteration result file could not be saved");
// TODO: Confirm that this file crashes too.
hasChanged = !removableCode.isEmpty();
* Removes a list of tags from a SWF file.
* @param fileData The binary data of the whole SWF file.
* @param tagsToRemove The tags to remove.
* @return The binary data with the tags removed.
private static byte[] removeTags(final byte[] fileData, final List<Tag> tagsToRemove) {
assert fileData != null : "File data must not be null";
assert tagsToRemove != null : "Tags to remove list most not be null";
assert !tagsToRemove.isEmpty() : "Tags to remove list must not be empty";
byte[] newData = fileData;
// Remove all removable tags. We are doing this in reverse order
// so that we do not have to take care of changing offsets.
final ArrayList<Tag> reversedList = new ArrayList<Tag>(tagsToRemove);
for (final Tag tag : reversedList) {
final int bytePosition = tag.getBitPosition() / 8;
final int byteLength = tag.getHeader().getHeaderLength() + tag.getHeader().getNormalizedLength();
newData = ArrayHelpers.removeData(newData, bytePosition, byteLength);
return newData;
* Removes tags from the input file until no more tags can be removed.
* @param flashPlayer The Flash Player executable to be used to execute the file.
* @param flashFile The name of the SWF file to execute.
* @param waitPeriod Number of milliseconds to wait for a crash.
* @return The number of completed iterations.
* @throws MinimizerException Thrown if removing the tags failed.
private static int removeTags(final String flashPlayer, final String flashFile, final int waitPeriod) throws MinimizerException {
assert flashPlayer != null : "Flash Player must not be null";
assert flashFile != null : "Flash file must not be null";
assert waitPeriod >= 0 : "Wait period must not be negative";
File inputFile = new File(flashFile);
final File parentDirectory = getOutputDirectory(inputFile);
final String filename = FileHelpers.extractFilename(inputFile.getAbsolutePath());
boolean hasChanged = true;
int iterationCounter = 0;
// Outer loop: Repeat until any change produces a crash
while (hasChanged)
SWFFile parsedFile;
try {
parsedFile = SWFParser.parse(inputFile);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new MinimizerException("SWF input file could not be read");
} catch (final SWFParserException e) {
throw new MinimizerException("SWF input file could not be parsed");
final byte[] fileData = parsedFile.getDecompressedData();
// For each run of the minimizer loop, this list stores
// the tags that can be removed without the input file
// crashing.
final List<Tag> removableTags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
final TagList tags = parsedFile.getTags();
int tagCounter = 1;
// Inner loop: Remove one tag at a time and then check
// whether the modified file still crashes.
for (final Tag tag : tags) {
System.out.printf("Trying to remove tag %s (%d of %d) at offset %08X ... ", TagNames.getPrintableTagName(tag.getHeader().getTagCode()), tagCounter, tags.size(), tag.getBitPosition() / 8);
final int startOffset = tag.getBitPosition() / 8;
final int length = tag.getHeader().getHeaderLength() + tag.getHeader().getNormalizedLength();
final byte[] modifiedData = ArrayHelpers.removeData(fileData, startOffset, length);
// Write modified file to temp file
String tempFilename;
try {
tempFilename = writeTempFile(modifiedData);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new MinimizerException("SWF input file could not be written");
// Execute modified file
final ExecutionResult executionResult = executeFile(flashPlayer, tempFilename, waitPeriod);
if (executionResult == ExecutionResult.Crashed) {
else {
if (removableTags.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No more tags could be removed.");
else {
System.out.printf("Iteration %d complete\n", iterationCounter);
System.out.println("The following tags will be removed in this iteration:");
for (final Tag tag : removableTags) {
System.out.printf("\t%08X: %s\n", tag.getBitPosition() / 8, TagNames.getPrintableTagName(tag.getHeader().getTagCode()));
final byte[] iterationData = removeTags(fileData, removableTags);
// Write the result of the first iteration to the original
// directory. This file is the input file for the next iteration.
try {
final String newFilename = saveIterationResult(iterationData, parentDirectory, filename, iterationCounter);
inputFile = new File(newFilename);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new MinimizerException("Iteration result file could not be saved");
// TODO: Confirm that this file crashes too.
hasChanged = !removableTags.isEmpty();
return iterationCounter;
* Saves the result of one successful tag removal iteration to a new file.
* @param fileData The binary file data to write to the file.
* @param parentDirectory The directory where the new file will be placed.
* @param filename The name of the new file.
* @param iterationCounter The iteration counter.
* @return The name of the new file.
* @throws IOException Thrown if the iteration file could not be saved.
private static String saveIterationResult(final byte[] fileData, final File parentDirectory, final String filename, final int iterationCounter) throws IOException {
assert fileData != null : "File data must not be null";
assert parentDirectory != null : "Parent directory must not be null";
assert parentDirectory.isDirectory() : "Parent directory must be a directory";
assert filename != null : "File name must not be null";
assert iterationCounter > 0 : "Iteration counter must be positive";
final String newFilename = getIterationFilename(parentDirectory, filename, iterationCounter);
FileHelpers.writeFile(newFilename, fileData);
return newFilename;
* Writes binary data to a temp file.
* @param fileData The data to write to the temp file.
* @return The name of the temp file.
* @throws IOException Thrown if the data could not be written to the temp file.
private static String writeTempFile(final byte[] fileData) throws IOException {
assert fileData != null : "File data must not be null";
final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("minimizer", "swf");
FileHelpers.writeFile(tempFile, fileData);
return tempFile.getAbsolutePath();
* Main function of the Minimizer program. The program requires at least two arguments.
* The first argument must be the path to the Flash Player executable that is used
* to determine whether a given SWF file crashes or not. The second argument must be
* the path to the SWF file to be minimized. Additional optional arguments are also
* available.
* @param args The command line arguments passed to the program.
public static void main(final String[] args) {
if (args.length != 2) {
System.out.println("Usage: minimizer <flashplayer.exe> <flashfile.swf>");
final String flashPlayer = args[0];
final String flashFile = args[1];
final int waitPeriod = 5000;
System.out.printf("Minimizing SWF file %s with player %s\n", flashPlayer, flashFile);
try {
final int lastIteration = removeTags(flashPlayer, flashFile, waitPeriod);
removeAS3Code(flashPlayer, flashFile, waitPeriod, lastIteration);
// TODO: Remove AS2 code
System.out.println("Minimization complete");
} catch (final MinimizerException e) {
System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
* Thread that is used to execute the Flash Player executable.
private static class ExecuterThread extends Thread {
* The Flash Player executable to be used to execute the file.
private final String flashPlayer;
* The name of the SWF file to execute.
private final String filename;
* The Flash Player process.
private Process process;
* Flag that indicates whether Flash Player has terminated or not.
private boolean isDone = false;
* Creates a new executer thread.
* @param flashPlayer The Flash Player executable to be used to execute the file.
* @param filename The name of the SWF file to execute.
public ExecuterThread(final String flashPlayer, final String filename) {
assert flashPlayer != null : "Path to Flash Player executable must not be null";
assert filename != null : "Path to SWF file must not be null";
this.flashPlayer = flashPlayer;
this.filename = filename;
* Tells the thread to shut down Flash Player.
public void close() {
* Returns the exit value of the Flash Player process.
* @return The exit value of the Flash Player process.
public int exitValue() {
return process.exitValue();
* Returns whether the Flash Player process has terminated or not.
* @return True, if the Flash Player process has terminated. False, otherwise.
public boolean isDone() {
return isDone;
public void run() {
final ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(flashPlayer, filename);
try {
process = builder.start();
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
// Silently swallow this
} catch (final IOException e) {
isDone = true;
* Enum used to signal the execution result of a Flash Player run.
private enum ExecutionResult {
* Flash Player crashed.
* Flash Player did not crash.
* Exception class used to signal problems during minimization.
private static class MinimizerException extends Exception {
* Creates a new exception object.
* @param msg The exception message.
public MinimizerException(final String msg) {