package com.ontometrics.scraper.extraction;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.htmlparser.jericho.Element;
import net.htmlparser.jericho.HTMLElementName;
import net.htmlparser.jericho.Source;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.jsoup.helper.StringUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.ontometrics.scraper.OutputFormats;
import com.ontometrics.scraper.PairedTags;
import com.ontometrics.scraper.TagOccurrence;
import com.ontometrics.scraper.util.ScraperUtil;
* Does the work of iteratively extracting portions of the page.
* <p>
* Note that once the requested elements are specified, this class is held in
* the scraper and can be successively invoked for jobs that involve iteration
* (e.g. paging).
* @author Rob
public class Extractor {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Extractor.class);
* Raw content source
private URL url;
* The type of output we should return upon extraction.
private OutputFormats outputFormat = OutputFormats.Html;
* Provides means of extracting just an element with a given id.
private String idToGet;
* Provides means of extracting element(s) with a given class.
private String classToGet;
* Which occurrence of the tag should we extract? (Remember it is 0 indexed
* so 1st would be 0.
private int occurrence = 0;
* We collect the desired tags, and whether there is some associate
* occurrence, e.g. in the dsl we might want to support calls like:
* table(3).row(2).cell(3) to get something out of the 3rd table on the
* page, its second row and 3rd cell.
private List<TagOccurrence> tagsToGet;
* Provides a means of defining paired tags that contain fields.
* <p>
* For example, if you have a page where the labels are all wrapped with h4
* and the fields with dd, you would add a pair like this:
* <p>
* <code>
* scraper.extractor().pair(HTMLElementName.H4, HTMLElementName.DD).getFields()
* </code>
* <p>
* Note: The extractor will extract nothing if the pairs are not contiguous
* and matching.
private List<PairedTags> fieldPairs;
* If there is a parameter to be extracted from a link. Eventually, we might
* want to make link extraction its own sub-DSL. If there is a parameter to
* be extracted from a link. Eventually, we might want to make link
* extraction its own sub-DSL.
private String parameter;
private String matchingPattern;
private TagOccurrence afterTagOccurrence;
private List<FieldToGet> fieldsToGet = new ArrayList<FieldToGet>();
private boolean useDefaultFieldExtractor = true;
public Extractor() {
this.tagsToGet = new ArrayList<TagOccurrence>();
this.fieldPairs = new ArrayList<PairedTags>();
public Extractor table(int occurrence) {
addTagToGet(HTMLElementName.TABLE, occurrence);
return this;
* Provides means of matching the table based on a string it contains.
* @param string
* the string to match, case sensitive
* @return the whole table tag with all its contents
public Extractor table(String match) {
addTagToGet(HTMLElementName.TABLE, match);
return this;
public Extractor url(URL url) {
this.url = url;
return this;
public Extractor id(String id) {
this.idToGet = id;
return this;
public Extractor ofClass(String className) {
this.classToGet = className;
return this;
public Extractor ofClass(String className, int occurrence) {
this.classToGet = className;
this.occurrence = occurrence;
return this;
public Extractor links() {
return this;
public Extractor parameter(String parameterName) {
this.parameter = parameterName;
return this;
* Call this method to have the scrape performed and the extractions
* returned in the desired format {@link #outputFormat}.
* @return the items from the {@link #url} that were prescribed by the
* various manipulators
* @throws IOException
public String execute() throws IOException {
String result = "";
Source source = new Source(url);
// log.debug("parsed source: {}", source.toString());
if (idToGet != null) {
result = source.getElementById(idToGet).getTextExtractor().toString();
} else if (classToGet != null) {
List<Element> classElements = source.getAllElementsByClass(classToGet);
if (occurrence > 0) {
result = classElements.get(occurrence).getTextExtractor().toString();
} else {
for (Element element : classElements) {
result += element.getTextExtractor().toString();
log.debug("extracted: {} from class: {}", result, classToGet);
} else {
if (outputFormat == OutputFormats.Text) {
result = source.getTextExtractor().toString();
} else if (outputFormat == OutputFormats.Html) {
result = source.toString();
for (TagOccurrence toGet : tagsToGet) {
if (toGet.getMatching() != null) {
result = extractTagMatching(source.toString(), toGet);
} else {
result = extractTagText(source.toString(), toGet);
return result;
* Prunes the raw URL content down based on the manipulators that have been
* used to specify subelements, then extracts links and potentially
* parameters from them.
* @return a set of extracted elements
* @throws IOException
public List<String> getResults() throws IOException {
log.debug("extracting results from url: {}", url);
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
Source source = new Source(url);
String content = source.toString();
List<Element> currentElements = null;
for (TagOccurrence toGet : tagsToGet) {
log.debug("toGet = {}", toGet);
if (toGet.getOccurrence() > 0) {
content = extractTagText(content, toGet);
} else if (toGet.getMatching() != null) {
content = extractTagMatching(source.toString(), toGet);
} else if (toGet.getTag().equals("a")) {
source = new Source(content);
currentElements = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.A);
for (Element element : currentElements) {
String href = element.getAttributeValue("href");
if (href != null) {
if (matchingPattern == null || href.contains(matchingPattern)) {
if (this.parameter != null) {
List<String> foundIds = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String foundLink : results) {
String found = ScraperUtil.extractParameter(foundLink, parameter);
if (found != null) {
results = foundIds;
return results;
private Source pruneFrom(Source source, TagOccurrence afterTagOccurrence) {
String sourceHtml = source.toString();
String endAfterTag = "</" + afterTagOccurrence.getTag() + ">";
for (int i = 0; i < afterTagOccurrence.getOccurrence(); i++) {
sourceHtml = sourceHtml.substring(sourceHtml.indexOf(endAfterTag) + 1);
String afterSource = sourceHtml;
Source newSource = new Source(afterSource);
return newSource;
public Extractor asText() {
this.outputFormat = OutputFormats.Text;
return this;
public List<Field> getFields() throws IOException {
List<Field> extractedFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
// fill in from the already extracted HTML..
if (isUsingDefaultFieldExtractor()) {
if (this.classToGet != null) {
Source source = new Source(url);
List<Element> elements = source.getAllElementsByClass(classToGet);
String text = elements.get(0).toString();
String[] fields = text.split("<br>");
log.debug("fields: {}", fields);
for (String field : fields) {
Source fieldSource = new Source(field);
field = fieldSource.getTextExtractor().toString();
String[] fieldParts = field.split(":");
log.debug("{} : {}", fieldParts[0], fieldParts[1]);
extractedFields.add(new ScrapedField(fieldParts[0], fieldParts[1]));
Source source = new Source(url);
for (TagOccurrence tagOccurrence : this.tagsToGet) {
// log.debug("extracting fields using tag: {}", tagOccurrence);
if (!(tagOccurrence.getTag().contains(HTMLElementName.TABLE) || tagOccurrence.getTag().contains(
HTMLElementName.A))) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MessageFormat.format(
"Asked to extract tag: {0}, only know how to extract fields from tables.",
} else {
if (isAttemptingToMatchSpecificTable(tagOccurrence)) {
source = new Source(extractTagText(source.toString(), tagOccurrence));
} else if (tagOccurrence.getTag().equals(HTMLElementName.TABLE)) {
} else {
extractedFields = extractLinksFromList(source.toString());
source = new Source(url);
if (this.afterTagOccurrence != null) {
source = pruneFrom(source, afterTagOccurrence);
for (FieldToGet fieldToGet : fieldsToGet) {
String value = "";
if (fieldToGet.getSearchType() == FieldSearchType.Tag) {
value = source.getAllElements(fieldToGet.getLabel()).get(0).getTextExtractor().toString();
extractedFields.add(new ScrapedField(fieldToGet.getFieldname(), value));
for (PairedTags tagPair : this.fieldPairs) {
List<Element> labels = source.getAllElements(tagPair.getLabelTag());
List<Element> fields = source.getAllElements(tagPair.getFieldTag());
int fieldCount = Math.min(labels.size(), fields.size());
for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) {
String label = labels.get(i).getTextExtractor().toString().trim();
String field = "";
if (fieldHasMultipleValues(fields.get(i).toString())) {
field = delimitFieldValues(fields.get(i).toString());
} else {
field = getValueFieldText(fields.get(i));
log.debug("outputting pair: {} : {}", label, field);
extractedFields.add(new ScrapedField(label, field));
return extractedFields;
private boolean isAttemptingToMatchSpecificTable(TagOccurrence tagOccurrence) {
return tagOccurrence.getOccurrence() > 0 || !StringUtils.isEmpty(tagOccurrence.getMatching());
private List<Field> extractLinksFromList(String html) {
log.debug("extracting links...");
List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
Source source = new Source(html);
List<Element> links = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.A);
for (Element a : links) {
String label = a.getTextExtractor().toString();
String href = a.getAttributeValue("href");
if (matchingPattern == null || href.contains(matchingPattern)) {
fields.add(new Link(label, href));
return fields;
public boolean isUsingDefaultFieldExtractor() {
return this.useDefaultFieldExtractor;
public Extractor setUseDefaultFieldExtractor(boolean useDefaultExtractor) {
this.useDefaultFieldExtractor = useDefaultExtractor;
return this;
private boolean fieldHasMultipleValues(String fieldValue) {
Source source = new Source(fieldValue);
return source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.BR).size() > 1;
private String delimitFieldValues(String source) {
Source result = new Source(source.replace("<br>", ";").replace("<br/>", ";"));
return getValueFieldText(result.getFirstElement());
private void removeInvalidFields(List<Element> fields) {
java.util.Iterator<Element> iterator = fields.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element field =;
if (!isAField(field.toString())) {
log.debug("pruning invalid field: {}", field);
private boolean isAField(String extract) {
return !extract.contains(HTMLElementName.TABLE);
public Extractor matching(String pattern) {
this.matchingPattern = pattern;
return this;
private String extractTagText(String html, TagOccurrence tagOccurrence) {
String result = null;
if (StringUtil.isBlank(tagOccurrence.getMatching())) {
result = ScraperUtil.extract(html, tagOccurrence.getTag(), tagOccurrence.getOccurrence());
} else {
result = extractTagMatching(html, tagOccurrence);
return result;
private String extractTagMatching(String html, TagOccurrence toGet) {
log.debug("looking for {} in tags: {}", toGet.getMatching(), toGet.getTag());
String found = null;
Source source = new Source(html);
List<Element> elements = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.TABLE);
for (Element element : elements) {
String elementText = element.getTextExtractor().toString();
if (elementText.contains(toGet.getMatching())) {
found = element.toString();
return found;
private void addTagToGet(String tag, int occurrence, String match) {
tagsToGet.add(new TagOccurrence.Builder().tag(tag).occurrence(occurrence).matching(match).build());
private void addTagToGet(String tag) {
addTagToGet(tag, 0);
private void addTagToGet(String tag, String match) {
addTagToGet(tag, 0, match);
private void addTagToGet(String tag, int occurrence) {
addTagToGet(tag, occurrence, null);
public Extractor pair(String labelTag, String fieldTag) {
this.fieldPairs.add(new PairedTags(labelTag, fieldTag));
return this;
public Extractor after(String tag, int occurrence) {
this.afterTagOccurrence = new TagOccurrence.Builder().tag(tag).occurrence(occurrence).build();
return this;
public Extractor field(String fieldName, String tag) {
this.fieldsToGet.add(new FieldToGet(fieldName, tag));
return this;
public Extractor getFieldFromLabel(String string) {
return this;
* We will refactor this away when we have specialized extractors that are
* chained.
* @return all fields that were found
* @throws IOException
private List<Field> defaultFieldExtractions() throws IOException {
List<Field> extractedFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
Source source = null;
try {
source = new Source(this.url);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"Error while sourcing URL = {}, error description = {}", this.url, e.toString());
return new ArrayList<Field>();
List<Element> tables = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.TABLE);
for (Element table : tables) {
List<Element> dls = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.DL);
for (Element dt : dls) {
return extractedFields;
private List<Field> extractFieldsFromTable(String html) {
// log.debug("extracting fields from table: {}", html);
List<Field> extractedFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
Source source = new Source(html);
List<Element> cells = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.TD);
int rows = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.TR).size();
log.debug("found {} cells in {} rows", cells.size(), rows);
if (cells.size() == (rows * 2)) {
Field lastField = null;
log.debug("cells.size: {}", cells.size());
for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
Element labelElement = cells.get(i);
Element valueElement = cells.get(++i);
String label = labelElement.getTextExtractor().toString().trim().replaceAll(":$", "");
String value = getValueFieldText(valueElement);
log.debug("found field: {}={}", label, value);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(label) && lastField != null) {
} else {
lastField = new ScrapedField(label, value);
return extractedFields;
private String getValueFieldText(Element valueElement) {
String result = "";
List<Element> subElements = valueElement.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.A);
if (subElements.size() > 0) {
log.debug("found a tag inside field!");
for (Element element : subElements) {
if (element.getName().equals(HTMLElementName.A) && element.getAttributeValue("href").contains("mailto")) {
log.debug("found mailto");
result = element.getAttributeValue("href");
} else {
result = element.getTextExtractor().toString();
} else {
result = valueElement.getTextExtractor().toString();
return result;
private List<Field> extractFieldsFromDL(String html) {
List<Field> extractedFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
Source source = new Source(html);
List<Element> labels = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.DT);
List<Element> values = source.getAllElements(HTMLElementName.DD);
int cellCount = Math.min(labels.size(), values.size());
for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
String label = labels.get(i).getTextExtractor().toString().trim().replaceAll(":$", "");
Element valueElement = values.get(i);
log.debug("looking at value element: {}", valueElement);
String value = getValueFieldText(valueElement);
extractedFields.add(new ScrapedField(label, value));
return extractedFields;