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import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import prefuse.util.PrefuseConfig;
import prefuse.util.collections.IntIterator;

* <p>Graph subclass that models a tree structure of hierarchical
* parent-child relationships. For each edge, the source node is considered
* the parent, and the target node is considered the child. For the tree
* structure to be valid, each node can have at most one parent, and hence
* only one edge for which that node is the target. In addition to the methods
* of the Graph class, the tree also supports methods for navigating the tree
* structure, such as accessing parent or children nodes and next or previous
* sibling nodes (siblings are children nodes with a shared parent). Unlike the
* graph class, the default source and target key field names are renamed to
* Like the {@link Graph} class, Trees are backed by node and edge
* tables, and use {@link} and
* {@link} instances to provide object-oriented access
* to nodes and edges.</p>
* <p>The Tree class does not currently enforce that the graph structure remain
* a valid tree. This is to allow a chain of editing operations that may break
* the tree structure at some point before repairing it. Use the
* {@link #isValidTree()} method to test the validity of a tree.</p>
* <p>By default, the {@link #getSpanningTree()} method simply returns a
* reference to this Tree instance. However, if a spanning tree is created at a
* new root u sing the {@link #getSpanningTree(Node)} method, a new
* {@link SpanningTree} instance is generated.</p>
* @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a>
public class Tree extends Graph {

    private static final Logger s_logger
        = Logger.getLogger(Tree.class.getName());
    /** Default data field used to denote the source node in an edge table */
    public static final String DEFAULT_SOURCE_KEY
        = PrefuseConfig.get("data.tree.sourceKey");
    /** Default data field used to denote the target node in an edge table */
    public static final String DEFAULT_TARGET_KEY
        = PrefuseConfig.get("data.tree.targetKey");
    // implement as graph with limitations on edge settings
    // catch external modification events and throw exceptions as necessary
    /** The node table row number for the root node of the tree. */
    protected int m_root = -1;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Constructors
     * Create a new, empty Tree.
    public Tree() {
        super(new Table(), false);
     * Create a new Tree.
     * @param nodes the backing table to use for node data.
     * Node instances of this graph will get their data from this table.
     * @param edges the backing table to use for edge data.
     * Edge instances of this graph will get their data from this table.
    public Tree(Table nodes, Table edges) {
        this(nodes, edges, DEFAULT_SOURCE_KEY, DEFAULT_TARGET_KEY);

     * Create a new Tree.
     * @param nodes the backing table to use for node data.
     * Node instances of this graph will get their data from this table.
     * @param edges the backing table to use for edge data.
     * Edge instances of this graph will get their data from this table.
     * @param sourceKey data field used to denote the source node in an edge
     * table
     * @param targetKey data field used to denote the target node in an edge
     * table
    public Tree(Table nodes, Table edges, String sourceKey, String targetKey) {
        this(nodes, edges, DEFAULT_NODE_KEY, sourceKey, targetKey);
     * Create a new Tree.
     * @param nodes the backing table to use for node data.
     * Node instances of this graph will get their data from this table.
     * @param edges the backing table to use for edge data.
     * Edge instances of this graph will get their data from this table.
     * @param nodeKey data field used to uniquely identify a node. If this
     * field is null, the node table row numbers will be used
     * @param sourceKey data field used to denote the source node in an edge
     * table
     * @param targetKey data field used to denote the target node in an edge
     * table
    public Tree(Table nodes, Table edges, String nodeKey,
            String sourceKey, String targetKey)
        super(nodes, edges, false, nodeKey, sourceKey, targetKey);
        for ( IntIterator rows = nodes.rows(); rows.hasNext(); ) {
            int n = rows.nextInt();
            if ( getParent(n) < 0 ) {
                m_root = n;
     * Internal method for setting the root node.
     * @param root the root node to set
    void setRoot(Node root) {
        m_root = root.getRow();
     * @see
    protected Table createLinkTable() {
        Table links = super.createLinkTable();
        return links;
     * @see, int, int, int)
    protected void updateDegrees(int e, int s, int t, int incr) {
        super.updateDegrees(e, s, t, incr);
        int od = getOutDegree(s);
        if ( incr > 0 ) {
            // if added, child index is the last index in child array
            m_links.setInt(t, CHILDINDEX, od-1);
        } else if ( incr < 0 ) {
            // if removed, we renumber each child in the array
            int[] links = (int[])m_links.get(s, OUTLINKS);
            for ( int i=0; i<od; ++i ) {
                int n = getTargetNode(links[i]);
                m_links.setInt(n, CHILDINDEX, i);
            m_links.setInt(t, CHILDINDEX, -1);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Tree Mutators
     * Add a new root node to an empty Tree.
     * @return the node id (node table row number) of the new root node.
    public int addRootRow() {
        if ( getNodeCount() != 0 ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Can only add a root node to an empty tree");
        return (m_root = addNodeRow());
     * Add a new root node to an empty Tree.
     * @return the newly added root Node
    public Node addRoot() {
        return getNode(addRootRow());
     * Add a child node to the given parent node. An edge between the two
     * will also be created.
     * @param parent the parent node id (node table row number)
     * @return the added child node id
    public int addChild(int parent) {
        int child = super.addNodeRow();
        addChildEdge(parent, child);
        return child;
     * Add a child node to the given parent node. An edge between the two
     * will also be created.
     * @param parent the parent node
     * @return the added child node
    public Node addChild(Node parent) {
        nodeCheck(parent, true);
        return getNode(addChild(parent.getRow()));
     * Add a child edge between the given nodes.
     * @param parent the parent node id (node table row number)
     * @param child the child node id (node table row number)
     * @return the added child edge id
    public int addChildEdge(int parent, int child) {
        return super.addEdge(parent, child);

     * Add a child edge between the given nodes.
     * @param parent the parent node
     * @param child the child node
     * @return the added child edge
    public Edge addChildEdge(Node parent, Node child) {
        nodeCheck(parent, true);
        nodeCheck(child, true);
        return getEdge(addChildEdge(parent.getRow(), child.getRow()));
     * Remove a child edge from the Tree. The child node and its subtree
     * will also be removed from the Tree.
     * @param edge the edge id (edge table row number) of the edge to remove
     * @return true if the edge and attached subtree is successfully removed,
     * false otherwise
    public boolean removeChildEdge(int edge) {
        return removeChild(getTargetNode(edge));

     * Remove a child edge from the Tree. The child node and its subtree
     * will also be removed from the Tree.
     * @param e the edge to remove
     * @return true if the edge and attached subtree is successfully removed,
     * false otherwise
    public boolean removeChildEdge(Edge e) {
        edgeCheck(e, true);
        return removeChild(getTargetNode(e.getRow()));
     * Remove a node and its entire subtree rooted at the node from the tree.
     * @param node the node id (node table row number) to remove
     * @return true if the node and its subtree is successfully removed,
     * false otherwise
    public boolean removeChild(int node) {
        while ( getChildCount(node) > 0 ) {
        return removeNode(node);
     * Remove a node and its entire subtree rooted at the node from the tree.
     * @param n the node to remove
     * @return true if the node and its subtree is successfully removed,
     * false otherwise
    public boolean removeChild(Node n) {
        nodeCheck(n, true);
        return removeChild(n.getRow());
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Tree Accessors
     * Get the root node id (node table row number).
     * @return the root node id
    public int getRootRow() {
        return m_root;
     * Get the root node.
     * @return the root Node
    public Node getRoot() {
        return (Node)m_nodeTuples.getTuple(m_root);

     * Get the child node id at the given index.
     * @param node the parent node id (node table row number)
     * @param idx the child index
     * @return the child node id (node table row number)
    public int getChildRow(int node, int idx) {
        int cc = getChildCount(node);
        if ( idx < 0 || idx >= cc ) return -1;
        int[] links = (int[])m_links.get(node, OUTLINKS);
        return getTargetNode(links[idx]);
     * Get the child node at the given index.
     * @param node the parent Node
     * @param idx the child index
     * @return the child Node
    public Node getChild(Node node, int idx) {
        int c = getChildRow(node.getRow(), idx);
        return ( c<0 ? null : getNode(c) );
     * Get the child index (order number of the child) for the given parent
     * node id and child node id.
     * @param parent the parent node id (node table row number)
     * @param child the child node id (node table row number)
     * @return the index of the child, or -1 if the given child node is not
     * actually a child of the given parent node, or either node is
     * invalud.
    public int getChildIndex(int parent, int child) {
        if ( getParent(child) != parent )
            return -1;
        return m_links.getInt(child, CHILDINDEX);
     * Get the child index (order number of the child) for the given parent
     * and child nodes.
     * @param p the parent Node
     * @param c the child Node
     * @return the index of the child, or -1 if the given child node is not
     * actually a child of the given parent node, or either node is
     * invalud.
    public int getChildIndex(Node p, Node c) {
        return getChildIndex(p.getRow(), c.getRow());
     * Get the node id of the first child of the given parent node id.
     * @param node the parent node id (node table row number)
     * @return the node id of the first child
    public int getFirstChildRow(int node) {
        return getChildRow(node, 0);

     * Get the first child node of the given parent node.
     * @param node the parent Node
     * @return the first child Node
    public Node getFirstChild(Node node) {
        return getChild(node, 0);
     * Get the node id of the last child of the given parent node id.
     * @param node the parent node id (node table row number)
     * @return the node id of the last child
    public int getLastChildRow(int node) {
        return getChildRow(node, getChildCount(node)-1);
     * Get the last child node of the given parent node.
     * @param node the parent Node
     * @return the last child Node
    public Node getLastChild(Node node) {
        return getChild(node, node.getChildCount()-1);
     * Get the node id of the previous sibling of the given node id.
     * @param node a node id (node table row number)
     * @return the node id of the previous sibling, or -1 if there
     * is no previous sibling.
    public int getPreviousSiblingRow(int node) {
        int p = getParent(node);
        if ( p < 0 )
            return -1;
        int[] links = (int[])m_links.get(p, OUTLINKS);
        int idx = m_links.getInt(node, CHILDINDEX);
        return ( idx<=0 ? -1 : getTargetNode(links[idx-1]));
     * Get the previous sibling of the given node.
     * @param node a node
     * @return the previous sibling, or null if there is no previous sibling
    public Node getPreviousSibling(Node node) {
        int n = getPreviousSiblingRow(node.getRow());
        return ( n<0 ? null : getNode(n) );
     * Get the node id of the next sibling of the given node id.
     * @param node a node id (node table row number)
     * @return the node id of the next sibling, or -1 if there
     * is no next sibling.
    public int getNextSiblingRow(int node) {
        int p = getParent(node);
        if ( p < 0 )
            return -1;
        int[] links = (int[])m_links.get(p, OUTLINKS);
        int idx = m_links.getInt(node, CHILDINDEX);
        int max = getChildCount(p)-1;
        return ( idx<0 || idx>=max ? -1 : getTargetNode(links[idx+1]));
     * Get the next sibling of the given node.
     * @param node a node
     * @return the next sibling, or null if there is no next sibling
    public Node getNextSibling(Node node) {
        int n = getNextSiblingRow(node.getRow());
        return ( n<0 ? null : getNode(n) );
     * Get the depth of the given node id in the tree.
     * @param node a node id (node table row number)
     * @return the depth of the node in tree. The root node
     * is at a depth level of 0, with each child at a greater
     * depth level. -1 is returned if the input node id is not
     * in the tree.
    public int getDepth(int node) {
        if ( !getNodeTable().isValidRow(node) )
            return -1;
        int depth = 0;
        if ( node!=m_root && getParent(node) < 0 ) return -1;
        for ( int i=node; i!=m_root && i>=0; ++depth, i=getParent(i) );
        return depth;
     * Get the number of children of the given node id.
     * @param node a node id (node table row number)
     * @return the number of child nodes for the given node
    public int getChildCount(int node) {
        return getOutDegree(node);
     * Get the edge id of the edge to the given node's parent.
     * @param node the node id (node table row number)
     * @return the edge id (edge table row number) of the parent edge
    public int getParentEdge(int node) {
        if ( getInDegree(node) > 0 ) {
            int[] inlinks = (int[])m_links.get(node, INLINKS);
            return inlinks[0];
        } else {
            return -1;
     * Get the edge to the given node's parent.
     * @param n a Node instance
     * @return the parent Edge connecting the given node to its parent
    public Edge getParentEdge(Node n) {
        nodeCheck(n, true);
        int pe = getParentEdge(n.getRow());
        return ( pe < 0 ? null : getEdge(pe) );
     * Get a node's parent node id
     * @param node the child node id (node table row number)
     * @return the parent node id, or -1 if there is no parent
    public int getParent(int node) {
        int pe = getParentEdge(node);
        return ( pe < 0 ? -1 : getSourceNode(pe) );

     * Get a node's parent node
     * @param n the child node
     * @return the parent node, or null if there is no parent
    public Node getParent(Node n) {
        int p = getParent(n.getRow());
        return ( p < 0 ? null : getNode(p) );
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Iterators
     * Get an iterator over the edge ids for edges connecting child nodes to
     * a given parent
     * @param node the parent node id (node table row number)
     * @return an iterator over the edge ids for edges conencting child nodes
     * to a given parent
    public IntIterator childEdgeRows(int node) {
        return super.outEdgeRows(node);
     * Get an iterator over the edges connecting child nodes to a given parent
     * @param n the parent node
     * @return an iterator over the edges connecting child nodes to a given
     * parent
    public Iterator childEdges(Node n) {
        return super.outEdges(n);
     * Get an iterator over the child nodes of a parent node.
     * @param n the parent node
     * @return an iterator over the child nodes of a parent node
    public Iterator children(Node n) {
        return super.outNeighbors(n);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Sanity Test
     * Check that the underlying graph structure forms a valid tree.
     * @return true if this is a valid tree, false otherwise
    public boolean isValidTree() {
        // TODO: write a visitor interface and use that instead?
        int nnodes = getNodeCount();
        int nedges = getEdgeCount();
        // first make sure there are n nodes and n-1 edges
        if ( nnodes != nedges+1 ) {
            s_logger.warning("Node/edge counts incorrect.");
            return false;
        // iterate through nodes, make sure each one has the right
        // number of parents
        int root = getRootRow();
        IntIterator nodes = getNodeTable().rows();
        while ( nodes.hasNext() ) {
            int n = nodes.nextInt();
            int id = getInDegree(n);
            if ( n==root && id > 0 ) {
                s_logger.warning("Root node has a parent.");
                return false;
            } else if ( id > 1 ) {
                s_logger.warning("Node "+n+" has multiple parents.");
                return false;
        // now do a traversal and make sure we visit everything
        int[] counts = new int[] { 0, nedges };
        isValidHelper(getRootRow(), counts);
        if ( counts[0] > nedges ) {
            s_logger.warning("The tree has non-tree edges in it.");
            return false;
        if ( counts[0] < nedges ) {
            s_logger.warning("Not all of the tree was visited. " +
                "Only "+counts[0]+"/"+nedges+" edges encountered");
            return false;
        return true;
     * isValidTree's recursive helper method.
    private void isValidHelper(int node, int[] counts) {
        IntIterator edges = childEdgeRows(node);
        int ncount = 0;
        while ( edges.hasNext() ) {
            // get next edge, increment count
            int edge = edges.nextInt();
            ++ncount; ++counts[0];
            // visit the next edge
            int c = getAdjacentNode(edge, node);
            isValidHelper(c, counts);
            // check the counts
            if ( counts[0] > counts[1] )

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Spanning Tree Methods
     * Returns a spanning tree over this tree. If no spanning tree
     * has been constructed at an alternative root, this method simply returns
     * a pointer to this Tree instance. If a spanning tree rooted at an
     * alternative node has been created, that tree is returned.
     * @return a spanning tree over this tree
     * @see #getSpanningTree(Node)
     * @see Graph#clearSpanningTree()
    public Tree getSpanningTree() {
        return m_spanning==null ? this : m_spanning;
     * Returns a spanning tree over this tree, rooted at the given root. If
     * the given root is not the same as that of this Tree, a new spanning
     * tree instance will be constructed, made the current spanning tree
     * for this Tree instance, and returned.
     * To clear out any generated spanning trees use the clearSpanningTree()
     * method of the Graph class. After calling clearSpanningTree(), the
     * getSpanningTree() method (with no arguments) will return a pointer
     * to this Tree instance instead of any generated spanning trees.
     * @param root the node at which to root the spanning tree.
     * @return a spanning tree over this tree, rooted at the given root
     * @see #getSpanningTree()
     * @see Graph#clearSpanningTree()
    public Tree getSpanningTree(Node root) {
        nodeCheck(root, true);
        if ( m_spanning == null ) {
            if ( m_root == root.getRow() ) {
                return this;
            } else {
                m_spanning = new SpanningTree(this, root);
        } else if ( m_spanning.getRoot() != root ) {
        return m_spanning;
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Tree Linkage Schema (appended to the Graph Linkage Schema)
    /** Links table data field storing the index number of a child node */
    protected static final String CHILDINDEX = "_childIndex";
    /** Schema addition to be added onto {@link Graph#LINKS_SCHEMA}. */
    protected static final Schema TREE_LINKS_SCHEMA = new Schema();
    static {
        TREE_LINKS_SCHEMA.addColumn(CHILDINDEX, int.class, new Integer(-1));
} // end of class Tree

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