package prefuse.action.layout.graph;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Iterator;
import prefuse.visual.NodeItem;
* <p>Layout that computes a circular "balloon-tree" layout of a tree.
* This layout places children nodes radially around their parents, and is
* equivalent to a top-down flattened view of a ConeTree.</p>
* <p>The algorithm used is that of G. Melan\c{c}on and I. Herman from their
* research paper Circular Drawings of Rooted Trees, Reports of the Centre for
* Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Report Number INS-9817, 1998.</p>
* @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a>
public class BalloonTreeLayout extends TreeLayout {
private int m_minRadius = 2;
* Create a new BalloonTreeLayout
* @param group the data group to layout. Must resolve to a Graph
* or Tree instance.
public BalloonTreeLayout(String group) {
this(group, 2);
* Create a new BalloonTreeLayout
* @param group the data group to layout. Must resolve to a Graph
* or Tree instance.
* @param minRadius the minimum radius to use for a layout circle
public BalloonTreeLayout(String group, int minRadius) {
m_minRadius = minRadius;
* Get the minimum radius used for a layout circle.
* @return the minimum layout radius
public int getMinRadius() {
return m_minRadius;
* Set the minimum radius used for a layout circle.
* @param minRadius the minimum layout radius
public void setMinRadius(int minRadius) {
m_minRadius = minRadius;
* @see prefuse.action.Action#run(double)
public void run(double frac) {
Graph g = (Graph)m_vis.getGroup(m_group);
Point2D anchor = getLayoutAnchor();
NodeItem n = getLayoutRoot();
private void layout(NodeItem n, double x, double y) {
private void firstWalk(NodeItem n) {
Params np = getParams(n);
np.d = 0;
double s = 0;
Iterator childIter = n.children();
while ( childIter.hasNext() ) {
NodeItem c = (NodeItem);
if ( !c.isVisible() ) continue;
Params cp = getParams(c);
np.d = Math.max(np.d,cp.r);
cp.a = Math.atan(((double)cp.r)/(np.d+cp.r));
s += cp.a;
adjustChildren(np, s);
private void adjustChildren(Params np, double s) {
if ( s > Math.PI ) {
np.c = Math.PI/s;
np.f = 0;
} else {
np.c = 1;
np.f = Math.PI - s;
private void setRadius(Params np) {
np.r = Math.max(np.d,m_minRadius) + 2*np.d;
private void setRadius(NodeItem n, ParamBlock np) {
int numChildren = n.getChildCount();
double p = Math.PI;
double fs = (numChildren==0 ? 0 : np.f/numChildren);
double pr = 0;
double bx = 0, by = 0;
Iterator childIter = n.getChildren();
while ( childIter.hasNext() ) {
NodeItem c = (NodeItem);
ParamBlock cp = getParams(c);
p += pr + cp.a + fs;
bx += (cp.r)*Math.cos(p);
by += (cp.r)*Math.sin(p);
pr = cp.a;
if ( numChildren != 0 ) {
bx /= numChildren;
by /= numChildren;
np.rx = -bx;
np.ry = -by;
p = Math.PI;
pr = 0;
np.r = 0;
childIter = n.getChildren();
while ( childIter.hasNext() ) {
NodeItem c = (NodeItem);
ParamBlock cp = getParams(c);
p += pr + cp.a + fs;
double x = cp.r*Math.cos(p)-bx;
double y = cp.r*Math.sin(p)-by;
double d = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y) + cp.r;
np.r = Math.max(np.r, (int)Math.round(d));
pr = cp.a;
if ( np.r == 0 )
np.r = m_minRadius + 2*np.d;
} //
private void secondWalk2(NodeItem n, NodeItem r,
double x, double y, double l, double t)
ParamBlock np = getParams(n);
double cost = Math.cos(t);
double sint = Math.sin(t);
double nx = x + l*(np.rx*cost-np.ry*sint);
double ny = y + l*(np.rx*sint+np.ry*cost);
double dd = l*np.d;
double p = Math.PI;
double fs = np.f / (n.getChildCount()+1);
double pr = 0;
Iterator childIter = n.getChildren();
while ( childIter.hasNext() ) {
NodeItem c = (NodeItem);
ParamBlock cp = getParams(c);
double aa = np.c * cp.a;
double rr = np.d * Math.tan(aa)/(1-Math.tan(aa));
p += pr + aa + fs;
double xx = (l*rr+dd)*Math.cos(p)+np.rx;
double yy = (l*rr+dd)*Math.sin(p)+np.ry;
double x2 = xx*cost - yy*sint;
double y2 = xx*sint + yy*cost;
pr = aa;
secondWalk2(c, n, x+x2, y+y2, l*rr/cp.r, p);
} //
private void secondWalk(NodeItem n, NodeItem r,
double x, double y, double l, double t)
setX(n, r, x);
setY(n, r, y);
Params np = getParams(n);
int numChildren = 0;
Iterator childIter = n.children();
while ( childIter.hasNext() ) {
NodeItem c = (NodeItem);
if ( c.isVisible() ) ++numChildren;
double dd = l*np.d;
double p = t + Math.PI;
double fs = (numChildren==0 ? 0 : np.f/numChildren);
double pr = 0;
childIter = n.children();
while ( childIter.hasNext() ) {
NodeItem c = (NodeItem);
if ( !c.isVisible() ) continue;
Params cp = getParams(c);
double aa = np.c * cp.a;
double rr = np.d * Math.tan(aa)/(1-Math.tan(aa));
p += pr + aa + fs;
double xx = (l*rr+dd)*Math.cos(p);
double yy = (l*rr+dd)*Math.sin(p);
pr = aa;
secondWalk(c, n, x+xx, y+yy, l*np.c/*l*rr/cp.r*/, p);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters
* The data field in which the parameters used by this layout are stored.
public static final String PARAMS = "_balloonTreeLayoutParams";
* The schema for the parameters used by this layout.
public static final Schema PARAMS_SCHEMA = new Schema();
static {
PARAMS_SCHEMA.addColumn(PARAMS, Params.class);
private void initSchema(TupleSet ts) {
try {
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {}
private Params getParams(NodeItem n) {
Params np = (Params)n.get(PARAMS);
if ( np == null ) {
np = new Params();
n.set(PARAMS, np);
return np;
* Wrapper class holding parameters used for each node in this layout.
public static class Params {
public int d;
public int r;
public double rx, ry;
public double a;
public double c;
public double f;
} // end of class BalloonTreeLayout