Package prefuse.action.layout

Source Code of prefuse.action.layout.CollapsedStackLayout

package prefuse.action.layout;

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.Iterator;

import prefuse.Constants;
import prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer;
import prefuse.visual.VisualItem;

* Layout Action that updates the outlines of polygons in a stacked line chart,
* properly setting the coordinates of "collapsed" stacks.
* @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a>
public class CollapsedStackLayout extends Layout {

    private String    m_polyField;
    private int       m_orientation = Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP;
    private boolean   m_horiz = false;
    private boolean   m_top = false;
     * Create a new CollapsedStackLayout. The polygon field is assumed to be
     * {@link prefuse.render.PolygonRenderer#POLYGON}.
     * @param group the data group to layout
    public CollapsedStackLayout(String group) {
        this(group, PolygonRenderer.POLYGON);
     * Create a new CollapsedStackLayout.
     * @param group the data group to layout
     * @param field the data field from which to lookup the polygons
    public CollapsedStackLayout(String group, String field) {
        m_polyField = field;
     * Returns the orientation of this layout. One of
     * {@link Constants#ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP} (to grow bottom-up),
     * {@link Constants#ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM} (to grow top-down),
     * {@link Constants#ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT} (to grow left-right), or
     * {@link Constants#ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT} (to grow right-left).
     * @return the orientation of this layout
    public int getOrientation() {
        return m_orientation;
     * Sets the orientation of this layout. Must be one of
     * {@link Constants#ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP} (to grow bottom-up),
     * {@link Constants#ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM} (to grow top-down),
     * {@link Constants#ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT} (to grow left-right), or
     * {@link Constants#ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT} (to grow right-left).
     * @param orient the desired orientation of this layout
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the orientation value
     * is not a valid value
    public void setOrientation(int orient) {
        if ( orient != Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM &&
             orient != Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP &&
             orient != Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT &&
             orient != Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Invalid orientation value: "+orient);
        m_orientation = orient;
        m_horiz = (m_orientation == Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT ||
                   m_orientation == Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT);
        m_top   = (m_orientation == Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM ||
                   m_orientation == Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT);
     * @see prefuse.action.Action#run(double)
    public void run(double frac) {
        VisualItem lastItem = null;
        Rectangle2D bounds = getLayoutBounds();
        float floor = (float)
            (m_horiz ? (m_top?bounds.getMaxX():bounds.getMinX())
                     : (m_top?bounds.getMinY():bounds.getMaxY()));
        int bias = (m_horiz ? 0 : 1);
        // TODO: generalize this -- we want tuplesReversed available for general sets
        Iterator iter = ((Table)m_vis.getGroup(m_group)).tuplesReversed();
        while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
            VisualItem item = (VisualItem);
            boolean prev = item.isStartVisible();
            boolean cur = item.isVisible();
            if ( !prev && cur ) {
                // newly visible, update contour
                float[] f = (float[])item.get(m_polyField);
                if ( f == null ) continue;
                if ( lastItem == null ) {
                    // no previous items, smash values to the floor
                    for ( int i=0; i<f.length; i+=2 )
                        f[i+bias] = floor;
                } else {
                    // previous visible item, smash values to the
                    // visible item's contour
                    float[] l = (float[])lastItem.get(m_polyField);
                    for ( int i=0; i<f.length/2; i+=2 )
                        f[i+bias] = f[f.length-2-i+bias]
                                  = l[i+bias];
            } else if ( prev && cur ) {
                // this item was previously visible, remember it
                lastItem = item;
} // end of class CollapsedStackAction

Related Classes of prefuse.action.layout.CollapsedStackLayout

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