package org.tarantool.test;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.tarantool.core.TarantoolConnection;
import org.tarantool.core.Tuple;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Call;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.DMLRequest;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Delete;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Insert;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Ping;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Request;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Response;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Select;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Transport;
import org.tarantool.core.cmd.Update;
import org.tarantool.core.exception.TarantoolException;
import org.tarantool.core.impl.TarantoolConnectionImpl;
import org.tarantool.core.proto.Flags;
import org.tarantool.core.proto.Updates;
import org.tarantool.pool.SingleQueryConnectionFactory;
* InMemory implementation of basic Tarantool Box commands
public class InMemoryTarantoolImpl implements SingleQueryConnectionFactory, Transport {
public interface CallStub {
List<Tuple> call(InMemoryTarantoolImpl impl, String procName, int flags, Tuple args);
Map<String, CallStub> calls = new HashMap<String, CallStub>();
public class Index {
int[] fields;
boolean unique;
private SortedMap<BigInteger, List<Tuple>> idx = new TreeMap<BigInteger, List<Tuple>>();
private Index(boolean unique, int... fields) {
this.unique = unique;
this.fields = fields;
public void put(Tuple t) {
BigInteger key = toKey(copy(t, fields));
List<Tuple> collection = idx.get(key);
if (collection == null) {
idx.put(key, collection = new ArrayList<Tuple>());
if (unique && collection.size() > 0) {
throw new TarantoolException(56, "Duplicate key exists in a unique index");
public List<Tuple> get(Tuple tuple) {
return idx.get(toKey(tuple));
public List<Tuple> head(Tuple tuple) {
return toList(idx.headMap(toKey(tuple)).values());
protected List<Tuple> toList(Collection<List<Tuple>> values) {
List<Tuple> res = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
for (List<Tuple> list : values) {
return res;
public List<Tuple> tail(Tuple tuple) {
return toList(idx.tailMap(toKey(tuple)).values());
public Tuple getOne(Tuple tuple) {
List<Tuple> collection = idx.get(toKey(tuple));
return collection == null || collection.isEmpty() ? null : collection.get(0);
public void remove(Tuple stored) {
BigInteger key = toKey(copy(stored, fields));
Collection<Tuple> collection = idx.get(key);
if (collection != null) {
if (collection.isEmpty()) {
public List<Tuple> all() {
return toList(idx.values());
public class Space {
Map<Integer, Index> indexes = new TreeMap<Integer, InMemoryTarantoolImpl.Index>();
Tuple get(Tuple pk) {
return indexes.get(0).getOne(pk);
Tuple getByValue(Tuple tuple) {
return get(toPK(tuple));
Tuple toPK(Tuple tuple) {
Index index = indexes.get(0);
return copy(tuple, index.fields);
Map<Integer, Space> spaces = new TreeMap<Integer, Space>();
* Creates space with given index and primary key from specified fields
* @param num
* @param pkFields
public void initSpace(int num, int... pkFields) {
Space space = new Space();
if (pkFields == null || pkFields.length == 0) {
pkFields = new int[] { 0 };
space.indexes.put(0, new Index(true, pkFields));
spaces.put(num, space);
* Initializes secondary index on given space
* @param spaceNum
* @param keyNum
* @param unique
* @param fields
public void initSecondaryKey(int spaceNum, int keyNum, boolean unique, int... fields) {
Space space = spaces.get(spaceNum);
space.indexes.put(keyNum, new Index(unique, fields));
public void initProc(String name, CallStub stub) {
calls.put(name, stub);
* <p>
* put.
* </p>
* @param spaceNum
* a int.
* @param tuple
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @param insert
* a boolean.
* @param replace
* a boolean.
* @return a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
public Tuple put(int spaceNum, Tuple tuple, boolean insert, boolean replace) {
Space space = spaces.get(spaceNum);
if (space.getByValue(tuple) != null) {
if (insert) {
throw new TarantoolException(55, "Tuple already exists");
delete(spaceNum, space.toPK(tuple));
} else if (replace) {
throw new TarantoolException(49, "Tuple doesn't exist");
for (Index key : space.indexes.values()) {
BigInteger secondaryKey = toKey(copy(tuple, key.fields));
List<Tuple> collection = key.idx.get(secondaryKey);
if (collection == null) {
key.idx.put(secondaryKey, collection = new ArrayList<Tuple>());
return tuple;
* <p>
* toKey.
* </p>
* @param tuple
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @return a {@link java.math.BigInteger} object.
public BigInteger toKey(Tuple tuple) {
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
BigInteger theKey = new BigInteger(os.toByteArray());
return theKey;
* <p>
* get.
* </p>
* @param spaceNum
* a int.
* @param idx
* a int.
* @param t
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @return a {@link java.util.List} object.
public List<Tuple> get(int spaceNum, int idx, Tuple t) {
Index index = getIndex(spaceNum, idx, t);
List<Tuple> result = index.idx.get(toKey(t));
return result == null ? new ArrayList<Tuple>() : result;
public List<Tuple> head(int spaceNum, int idx, Tuple t) {
Index index = getIndex(spaceNum, idx, t);
List<Tuple> result = index.head(t);
return result == null ? new ArrayList<Tuple>() : result;
public List<Tuple> all(int spaceNum, int idx) {
Index index = getIndexWithoutCheck(spaceNum, idx);
List<Tuple> result = index.all();
return result == null ? new ArrayList<Tuple>() : result;
public List<Tuple> tail(int spaceNum, int idx, Tuple t) {
Index index = getIndex(spaceNum, idx, t);
List<Tuple> result = index.tail(t);
return result == null ? new ArrayList<Tuple>() : result;
public Index getIndex(int spaceNum, int idx, Tuple t) {
Index index = getIndexWithoutCheck(spaceNum, idx);
if (t.size() != index.fields.length) {
throw new TarantoolException(47, String.format("Key part count %d is greater than index part count %d", t.size(), 1));
return index;
public Index getIndexWithoutCheck(int spaceNum, int idx) {
Space space = spaces.get(spaceNum);
if (space == null) {
throw new TarantoolException(52, String.format("Space %d is disabled", spaceNum));
Index index = space.indexes.get(idx);
if (index == null) {
throw new TarantoolException(53, String.format("No index #%u is defined in space %u", idx, spaceNum));
return index;
* <p>
* delete.
* </p>
* @param spaceNum
* a int.
* @param t
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @return a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
public Tuple delete(int spaceNum, Tuple t) {
Space space = spaces.get(spaceNum);
Tuple stored = space.get(t);
if (stored != null) {
for (Index key : space.indexes.values()) {
return stored;
* <p>
* shiftAndLimit.
* </p>
* @param offset
* a int.
* @param limit
* a int.
* @param result
* a {@link java.util.List} object.
* @return a {@link java.util.List} object.
public List<Tuple> shiftAndLimit(int offset, int limit, List<Tuple> result) {
for (int i = 0; i < offset && !result.isEmpty(); i++)
while (result.size() > limit)
result.remove(result.size() - 1);
return result;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public TarantoolConnection getSingleQueryConnection() {
return new TarantoolConnectionImpl(this);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void close() throws IOException {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public synchronized Response execute(Request request) {
int op = request.getOp();
if (op == Ping.OP_CODE) {
return new Response(Ping.OP_CODE, 0, request.getId());
} else if (op == Update.OP_CODE || op == Insert.OP_CODE || op == Delete.OP_CODE) {
return executeDML(request, op);
} else if (op == Select.OP_CODE) {
return executeSelect(request);
} else if (op == Call.OP_CODE) {
return executeCall(request);
throw new TarantoolException(2, String.format("Illegal parameters, %s", "Unknown operation " + op));
private Response executeCall(Request request) {
Call call = (Call) request;
CallStub callStub = calls.get(call.getProcName());
if (callStub == null) {
throw new TarantoolException(50, String.format("Procedure '%s' is not defined", call.getProcName()));
Tuple args = Tuple.create(ByteBuffer.wrap(call.getBody()).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
return packResult(request,, call.getProcName(), call.getFlags(), args), Call.OP_CODE);
private Response executeSelect(Request request) {
Select select = ((Select) request);
List<Tuple> result = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
for (int i = 0; i < select.getBody().length; i++) {
Tuple key = Tuple.create(ByteBuffer.wrap(select.getBody()[i]).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
result.addAll(get(select.getSpace(), select.getIndex(), key));
shiftAndLimit(select.getOffset(), select.getLimit(), result);
return packResult(request, result, Select.OP_CODE);
public Response packResult(Request request, List<Tuple> result, int code) {
byte[][] responseBody = new byte[result.size()][];
int len = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
responseBody[i] = result.get(i).pack();
len += responseBody[i].length + 4;
Response response = new Response(code, len, request.getId());
ByteBuffer bodyBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(len).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putInt(result.size());
for (byte[] tuple : responseBody) {
return response;
private Response executeDML(Request request, int op) {
DMLRequest<?> dmlRequest = (DMLRequest<?>) request;
int spaceNum =;
int flags = dmlRequest.flags();
byte[] body = dmlRequest.getBody();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(body).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
Tuple tuple = Tuple.create(buffer, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
Tuple stored = null;
Space space = spaces.get(spaceNum);
if (op != Insert.OP_CODE && (stored = space.get(tuple)) == null) {
Response response = new Response(op, 4, request.getId());
return response;
if (op == Insert.OP_CODE) {
stored = put(spaceNum, tuple, (flags & Flags.ADD_TUPLE) > 0, (flags & Flags.REPLACE_TUPLE) > 0);
} else if (op == Delete.OP_CODE) {
stored = delete(spaceNum, tuple);
} else if (op == Update.OP_CODE) {
int ops = buffer.getInt();
for (int i = 0; i < ops; i++) {
update(spaceNum, buffer, tuple);
stored = get(spaceNum, 0, new Tuple(1).setBytes(0, tuple.getBytes(0))).get(0);
if ((dmlRequest.getFlags() & Flags.RETURN_TUPLE) > 0) {
byte[] responseBody = stored.pack();
Response response = new Response(op, responseBody.length + 8, request.getId());
response.setBody(ByteBuffer.allocate(responseBody.length + 8).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putInt(1).putInt(responseBody.length)
return response;
} else {
Response response = new Response(op, 4, request.getId());
return response;
private void update(int spaceNum, ByteBuffer buffer, Tuple tuple) {
int fieldNo = buffer.getInt();
Updates up = Updates.valueOf((int) buffer.get());
Tuple args = null;
if (up.args > 0) {
args = Tuple.createFromPackedFields(buffer, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, 1);
if (up.args > 1) {
args = Tuple.createFromPackedFields(ByteBuffer.wrap(args.getBytes(0)), ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, up.args);
Space space = spaces.get(spaceNum);
Index primary = space.indexes.get(0);
Tuple stored = primary.getOne(tuple);
if (stored != null) {
if (stored.size() < fieldNo || fieldNo < 0) {
throw new TarantoolException(54, String.format("Field %d was not found in the tuple", fieldNo));
if (up == Updates.ADD || up == Updates.AND || up == Updates.XOR || up == Updates.OR || up == Updates.MAX || up == Updates.SUB) {
int storedFieldLength = stored.getBytes(fieldNo).length;
if (storedFieldLength == 4) {
stored.setInt(fieldNo, (int) arithmeticUpdate(up, stored.getInt(fieldNo), args.getInt(0)));
} else if (storedFieldLength == 8) {
stored.setLong(fieldNo, arithmeticUpdate(up, stored.getLong(fieldNo), args.getBytes(0).length == 4 ? args.getInt(0) : args.getLong(0)));
} else {
throw new TarantoolException(40, String.format("Field type does not match one required by operation: expected a %s", "NUM or NUM 64"));
} else if (up == Updates.DELETE) {
stored = deleteField(fieldNo, stored);
if (stored.size() < 2) {
throw new TarantoolException(25, "UPDATE error: the new tuple has no fields");
} else if (up == Updates.INSERT) {
stored = insertField(fieldNo, args, stored);
} else if (up == Updates.SPLICE) {
splice(fieldNo, args, stored);
} else if (up == Updates.SET) {
stored.setBytes(fieldNo, args.getBytes(0));
delete(spaceNum, tuple);
put(spaceNum, stored, true, false);
* <p>
* splice.
* </p>
* @param fieldNo
* a int.
* @param args
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @param stored
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
public void splice(int fieldNo, Tuple args, Tuple stored) {
byte[] fieldValue = stored.getBytes(fieldNo);
int from = args.getInt(0);
int len = args.getInt(1);
byte[] insert = args.getBytes(2);
ByteBuffer resultBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(fieldValue.length - len + insert.length).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
resultBuf.put(Arrays.copyOfRange(fieldValue, 0, from)).put(insert).put(Arrays.copyOfRange(fieldValue, from + len, fieldValue.length)).array());
* <p>
* insertField.
* </p>
* @param fieldNo
* a int.
* @param args
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @param stored
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @return a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
public Tuple insertField(int fieldNo, Tuple args, Tuple stored) {
Tuple copy = new Tuple(stored.size() + 1);
for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < stored.size() + 1; i++) {
if (i != fieldNo) {
copy.setBytes(i, stored.getBytes(i - offset));
} else {
copy.setBytes(i, args.getBytes(0));
offset = 1;
return copy;
* <p>
* deleteField.
* </p>
* @param fieldNo
* a int.
* @param stored
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @return a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
public Tuple deleteField(int fieldNo, Tuple stored) {
Tuple copy = new Tuple(stored.size() - 1);
for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < copy.size(); i++) {
if (i == fieldNo) {
offset = 1;
copy.setBytes(i, stored.getBytes(i + offset));
return copy;
* <p>
* arithmeticUpdate.
* </p>
* @param up
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.proto.Updates} object.
* @param value
* a long.
* @param arg
* a long.
* @return a long.
public long arithmeticUpdate(Updates up, long value, long arg) {
if (up == Updates.ADD)
value += arg;
else if (up == Updates.AND)
value &= arg;
else if (up == Updates.XOR)
value ^= arg;
else if (up == Updates.OR)
value |= arg;
else if (up == Updates.SUB)
value -= arg;
else if (up == Updates.MAX)
value = Math.max(value, arg);
return value;
* <p>
* copy.
* </p>
* @param tuple
* a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
* @param fields
* a int.
* @return a {@link org.tarantool.core.Tuple} object.
public Tuple copy(Tuple tuple, int... fields) {
Tuple t = new Tuple(fields.length);
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
t.setBytes(i, tuple.getBytes(fields[i]));
return t;
public Tuple copyExcept(Tuple tuple, Integer... fields) {
Tuple t = new Tuple(tuple.size() - fields.length);
List<Integer> except = Arrays.asList(fields);
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) {
if (!except.contains(i)) {
t.setBytes(j++, tuple.getBytes(i));
return t;
public Map<String, CallStub> getCalls() {
return calls;
public Map<Integer, Space> getSpaces() {
return spaces;