* Copyright (C) 2012-14 Manindra Moharana <me@mkmoharana.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package processing.mode.experimental;
import static processing.mode.experimental.ExperimentalMode.log;
import static processing.mode.experimental.ExperimentalMode.logE;
import static processing.mode.experimental.ExperimentalMode.log2;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Element;
import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ExpressionStatement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.FieldDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Javadoc;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.QualifiedName;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleName;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.StructuralPropertyDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Type;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationFragment;
* Wrapper class for ASTNode objects
* @author Manindra Moharana <me@mkmoharana.com>
public class ASTNodeWrapper {
private ASTNode Node;
private String label;
private int lineNumber;
//private int apiLevel;
* TODO: Every ASTNode object in ASTGenerator.codetree is stored as a
* ASTNodeWrapper instance. So how resource heavy would it be to store a
* pointer to ECS in every instance of ASTNodeWrapper? Currently I will rather
* pass an ECS pointer in the argument when I need to access a method which
* requires a method defined in ECS, i.e, only on demand.
* Bad design choice for ECS methods? IDK, yet.
public ASTNodeWrapper(ASTNode node) {
if (node == null){
this.Node = node;
label = getNodeAsString(node);
if (label == null)
label = node.toString();
lineNumber = getLineNumber(node);
label += " | Line " + lineNumber;
//apiLevel = 0;
public ASTNodeWrapper(ASTNode node, String label){
if (node == null){
this.Node = node;
if(label != null)
this.label = label;
label = getNodeAsString(node);
if (label == null)
label = node.toString();
label += " | Line " + lineNumber;
lineNumber = getLineNumber(node);
* For this node, finds various offsets (java code).
* Note that line start offset for this node is int[2] - int[1]
* @return int[]{line number, line number start offset, node start offset,
* node length}
public int[] getJavaCodeOffsets(ErrorCheckerService ecs) {
int nodeOffset = Node.getStartPosition(), nodeLength = Node
log("0.nodeOffset " + nodeOffset);
ASTNode thisNode = Node;
while (thisNode.getParent() != null) {
if (getLineNumber(thisNode.getParent()) == lineNumber) {
thisNode = thisNode.getParent();
} else {
* There's an edge case here - multiple statements in a single line.
* After identifying the statement with the line number, I'll have to
* look at previous tree nodes in the same level for same line number.
* The correct line start offset would be the line start offset of
* the first node with this line number.
* Using linear search for now. P.S: Eclipse AST iterators are messy.
* TODO: binary search might improve speed by 0.001%?
int altStartPos = thisNode.getStartPosition();
log("1.Altspos " + altStartPos);
thisNode = thisNode.getParent();
Javadoc jd = null;
* There's another case that needs to be handled. If a TD, MD or FD
* contains javadoc comments(multi or single line) the starting position
* of the javadoc is treated as the beginning of the declaration by the AST parser.
* But that's clearly not what we need. The true decl begins after the javadoc ends.
* So this offset needs to be found carefully and stored in altStartPos
if (thisNode instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
jd = ((TypeDeclaration) thisNode).getJavadoc();
altStartPos = getJavadocOffset((TypeDeclaration) thisNode);
log("Has t jdoc " + ((TypeDeclaration) thisNode).getJavadoc());
} else if (thisNode instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
altStartPos = getJavadocOffset((MethodDeclaration) thisNode);
jd = ((MethodDeclaration) thisNode).getJavadoc();
log("Has m jdoc " + jd);
} else if (thisNode instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
FieldDeclaration fd = ((FieldDeclaration) thisNode);
jd = fd.getJavadoc();
log("Has f jdoc " + fd.getJavadoc());
altStartPos = getJavadocOffset(fd);
//nodeOffset = ((VariableDeclarationFragment)(fd.fragments().get(0))).getName().getStartPosition();
if(jd == null){
log("Visiting children of node " + getNodeAsString(thisNode));
Iterator<StructuralPropertyDescriptor> it = thisNode
boolean flag = true;
while (it.hasNext()) {
StructuralPropertyDescriptor prop = (StructuralPropertyDescriptor) it
if (prop.isChildListProperty()) {
List<ASTNode> nodelist = (List<ASTNode>) thisNode
log("prop " + prop);
for (ASTNode cnode : nodelist) {
log("Visiting node " + getNodeAsString(cnode));
if (getLineNumber(cnode) == lineNumber) {
if (flag) {
altStartPos = cnode.getStartPosition();
// log("multi...");
flag = false;
} else {
if (cnode == Node) {
// loop only till the current node.
// We've located the first node in the line.
// Now normalize offsets till Node
//altStartPos += normalizeOffsets(cnode);
log("Altspos " + altStartPos);
int pdeoffsets[] = getPDECodeOffsets(ecs);
String pdeCode = ecs.getPDECodeAtLine(pdeoffsets[0],pdeoffsets[1] - 1).trim();
int vals[] = createOffsetMapping(ecs, pdeCode,nodeOffset - altStartPos,nodeLength);
if (vals != null)
return new int[] {
lineNumber, nodeOffset + vals[0] - altStartPos, vals[1] };
else {// no offset mapping needed
log("joff[1] = " + (nodeOffset - altStartPos));
return new int[] { lineNumber, nodeOffset - altStartPos, nodeLength };
* When FD has javadoc attached, the beginning of FD is marked as the
* start of the javadoc. This kind of screws things when trying to locate
* the exact name of the FD. So, offset compensations...
* @param fd
* @return
private int getJavadocOffset(FieldDeclaration fd){
List<ASTNode> list= fd.modifiers();
SimpleName sn = (SimpleName) getNode();
Type tp = fd.getType();
int lineNum = getLineNumber(sn);
log("SN "+sn + ", " + lineNum);
for (ASTNode astNode : list) {
if(getLineNumber(astNode) == lineNum)
log("first node in that line " + astNode);
log("diff " + (sn.getStartPosition() - astNode.getStartPosition()));
return (astNode.getStartPosition());
if(getLineNumber(fd.getType()) == lineNum)
log("first node in that line " + tp);
log("diff " + (sn.getStartPosition() - tp.getStartPosition()));
return (tp.getStartPosition());
return 0;
* When MD has javadoc attached, the beginning of FD is marked as the
* start of the javadoc. This kind of screws things when trying to locate
* the exact name of the MD. So, offset compensations...
* @param md
* @return
private int getJavadocOffset(MethodDeclaration md) {
List<ASTNode> list = md.modifiers();
SimpleName sn = (SimpleName) getNode();
int lineNum = getLineNumber(sn);
log("SN " + sn + ", " + lineNum);
for (ASTNode astNode : list) {
if (getLineNumber(astNode) == lineNum) {
log("first node in that line " + astNode);
log("diff " + (sn.getStartPosition() - astNode.getStartPosition()));
return (astNode.getStartPosition());
if (!md.isConstructor()) {
Type tp = md.getReturnType2();
if (getLineNumber(tp) == lineNum) {
log("first node in that line " + tp);
log("diff " + (sn.getStartPosition() - tp.getStartPosition()));
return (tp.getStartPosition());
return 0;
* When TD has javadoc attached, the beginning of FD is marked as the
* start of the javadoc. This kind of screws things when trying to locate
* the exact name of the TD. So, offset compensations...
* @param td
* @return
private int getJavadocOffset(TypeDeclaration td){
// TODO: This isn't perfect yet. Class \n \n \n className still breaks it.. :'(
List<ASTNode> list= td.modifiers();
list = td.modifiers();
SimpleName sn = (SimpleName) getNode();
int lineNum = getLineNumber(sn);
log("SN "+sn + ", " + lineNum);
for (ASTNode astNode : list) {
if(getLineNumber(astNode) == lineNum)
log("first node in that line " + astNode);
log("diff " + (sn.getStartPosition() - astNode.getStartPosition()));
return (astNode.getStartPosition());
if(td.getJavadoc() != null){
log("diff "
+ (td.getJavadoc().getStartPosition() + td.getJavadoc().getLength() + 1));
return (td.getJavadoc().getStartPosition() + td.getJavadoc().getLength() + 1);
log("getJavadocOffset(TypeDeclaration td) "+sn + ", found nothing. Meh.");
return 0;
* Finds the difference in pde and java code offsets
* @param source
* @param inpOffset
* @param nodeLen
* @return int[0] - difference in start offset, int[1] - node length
private int[] createOffsetMapping(ErrorCheckerService ecs, String source, int inpOffset, int nodeLen) {
int ret[][] = getOffsetMapping(ecs, source);
if(ret == null){
// no offset mapping needed
return null;
int javaCodeMap[] = ret[0];
int pdeCodeMap[] = ret[1];
int pi = 1, pj = 1;
pj = 0;
pi = 0;
int count = 1;
// first find the java code index
pj = inpOffset;
int startIndex = javaCodeMap[pj];
// find beginning
while (pdeCodeMap[pi] != startIndex && pi < pdeCodeMap.length)
int startoffDif = pi - pj;
int stopindex = javaCodeMap[pj + nodeLen - 1];
log(startIndex + "SI,St" + stopindex + "sod " + startoffDif);
// count till stopindex
while (pdeCodeMap[pi] < stopindex && pi < pdeCodeMap.length) {
// log("PDE maps from " + pdeeCodeMap[pi]);
log("pde len " + count);
return new int[] { startoffDif, count };
* Generates offset mapping between java and pde code
* @param source
* @return int[0] - java code offsets, int[1] = pde code offsets
public int[][] getOffsetMapping(ErrorCheckerService ecs, String source){
* This is some tricky shiz. So detailed explanation follows:
* The main issue here is that pde enhancements like color vars, # literals
* and int() type casting deviate from standard java. But I need to exact
* index matching for pde and java versions of snippets.For ex:
* "color col = #ffaadd;" <-PDE version
* "int col = 0xffffaadd;" <-Converted to Java
* For exact index mapping, I need to know at which indices either is
* deviating from the other and by what amount. Turns out, it isn't quite
* easy.(1) First I take the pde version of the code as an argument(pde
* version fetched from the editor directly). I then find all instances
* which need to be converted to pure java, marking those indices and the
* index correction needed. (2) Now all java conversions are applied after
* marking the offsets. This ensures that the index order isn't disturbed by
* one at a time conversions as done in preprocessCode() in ECS. Took me
* sometime to figure out this was a bug. (3) Next I create a table(two
* separate arrays) which allows me to look it up for matching any index
* between pde or java version of the snippet. This also lets me find out
* any difference in length between both versions.
* Keep in mind though, dark magic was involved in creating the final lookup
* table.
* TODO: This is a work in progress. There may be more bugs here in hiding.
log("Src:" + source);
// Instead of converting pde into java, how can I simply extract the same source
// from the java code? Think. TODO
String sourceAlt = new String(source);
String sourceJava = ecs.astGenerator.getJavaSourceCodeLine(lineNumber);
TreeMap<Integer, Integer> offsetmap = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();
if(sourceJava.trim().startsWith("public") && !source.startsWith("public")){
//TODO: This is a temp fix. You GOTTA rewrite offset matching
// Find all #[web color]
// Should be 6 digits only.
final String webColorRegexp = "#{1}[A-F|a-f|0-9]{6}\\W";
Pattern webPattern = Pattern.compile(webColorRegexp);
Matcher webMatcher = webPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
while (webMatcher.find()) {
// log("Found at: " + webMatcher.start());
// log("-> " + found);
offsetmap.put(webMatcher.end() - 1, 3);
// Find all color data types
final String colorTypeRegex = "color(?![a-zA-Z0-9_])(?=\\[*)(?!(\\s*\\())";
Pattern colorPattern = Pattern.compile(colorTypeRegex);
Matcher colorMatcher = colorPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
while (colorMatcher.find()) {
// System.out.print("Start index: " + colorMatcher.start());
// log(" End index: " + colorMatcher.end() + " ");
// log("-->" + colorMatcher.group() + "<--");
offsetmap.put(colorMatcher.end() - 1, -2);
// Find all int(), char()
String dataTypeFunc[] = { "int", "char", "float", "boolean", "byte" };
for (String dataType : dataTypeFunc) {
String dataTypeRegexp = "\\b" + dataType + "\\s*\\(";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(dataTypeRegexp);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
while (matcher.find()) {
// System.out.print("Start index: " + matcher.start());
// log(" End index: " + matcher.end() + " ");
// log("-->" + matcher.group() + "<--");
offsetmap.put(matcher.end() - 1, ("PApplet.parse").length());
sourceAlt = matcher.replaceAll("PApplet.parse"
+ Character.toUpperCase(dataType.charAt(0)) + dataType.substring(1)
+ "(");
log("No offset matching needed.");
return null;
// replace with 0xff[webcolor] and others
webMatcher = webPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
while (webMatcher.find()) {
// log("Found at: " + webMatcher.start());
String found = sourceAlt.substring(webMatcher.start(), webMatcher.end());
// log("-> " + found);
sourceAlt = webMatcher.replaceFirst("0xff" + found.substring(1));
webMatcher = webPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
colorMatcher = colorPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
sourceAlt = colorMatcher.replaceAll("int");
log("From direct source: ");
// sourceAlt = sourceJava;
// Create code map. Beware! Dark magic ahead.
int javaCodeMap[] = new int[source.length() * 2];
int pdeCodeMap[] = new int[source.length() * 2];
int pi = 1, pj = 1;
int keySum = 0;
for (Integer key : offsetmap.keySet()) {
for (; pi < key +keySum; pi++) {
javaCodeMap[pi] = javaCodeMap[pi - 1] + 1;
for (; pj < key; pj++) {
pdeCodeMap[pj] = pdeCodeMap[pj - 1] + 1;
log(key + ":" + offsetmap.get(key));
int kval = offsetmap.get(key);
if (kval > 0) {
// repeat java offsets
for (int i = 0; i < kval; i++, pi++, pj++) {
if (pi > 1 && pj > 1) {
javaCodeMap[pi] = javaCodeMap[pi - 1];
pdeCodeMap[pj] = pdeCodeMap[pj - 1] + 1;
} else {
// repeat pde offsets
for (int i = 0; i < -kval; i++, pi++, pj++) {
if (pi > 1 && pj > 1) {
javaCodeMap[pi] = javaCodeMap[pi - 1] + 1;
pdeCodeMap[pj] = pdeCodeMap[pj - 1];
// after each adjustment, the key values need to keep
// up with changed offset
keySum += kval;
javaCodeMap[pi] = javaCodeMap[pi - 1] + 1;
pdeCodeMap[pj] = pdeCodeMap[pj - 1] + 1;
while (pi < sourceAlt.length()) {
javaCodeMap[pi] = javaCodeMap[pi - 1] + 1;
while (pj < source.length()) {
pdeCodeMap[pj] = pdeCodeMap[pj - 1] + 1;
// debug o/p
for (int i = 0; i < pdeCodeMap.length; i++) {
if (pdeCodeMap[i] > 0 || javaCodeMap[i] > 0 || i == 0) {
if (i < source.length())
log2(pdeCodeMap[i] + " - " + javaCodeMap[i]);
if (i < sourceAlt.length())
log2(" <-[" + i + "]");
return new int[][]{javaCodeMap,pdeCodeMap};
* Highlight the ASTNode in the editor, if it's of type
* SimpleName
* @param astGenerator
* @return - true if highlighting was successful
public boolean highlightNode(ASTGenerator astGenerator){
if(!(Node instanceof SimpleName)){
return false;
SimpleName nodeName = (SimpleName) Node;
try {
//TODO: Redundant code. See ASTGenerator.getJavaSourceCodeline()
int javaLineNumber = getLineNumber(nodeName);
int pdeOffs[] = astGenerator.errorCheckerService
PlainDocument javaSource = new PlainDocument();
javaSource.insertString(0, astGenerator.errorCheckerService.sourceCode, null);
Element lineElement = javaSource.getDefaultRootElement()
if(lineElement == null) {
log(lineNumber + " line element null while highlighting " + nodeName);
return false;
String javaLine = javaSource.getText(lineElement.getStartOffset(),
- lineElement.getStartOffset());
String pdeLine = astGenerator.editor.getLineText(pdeOffs[1]);
String lookingFor = nodeName.toString();
log(lookingFor + ", " + nodeName.getStartPosition());
log(javaLineNumber +" JL " + javaLine + " LSO " + lineElement.getStartOffset() + ","
+ lineElement.getEndOffset());
log(pdeOffs[1] + " PL " + pdeLine);
if (!javaLine.contains(lookingFor) || !pdeLine.contains(lookingFor)) {
logE("Logical error in highLightNode(). Please file a bug report.");
return false;
OffsetMatcher ofm = new OffsetMatcher(pdeLine, javaLine);
int highlightStart = ofm.getPdeOffForJavaOff(nodeName.getStartPosition()
- lineElement.getStartOffset(),
if (highlightStart == -1) {
logE("Logical error in highLightNode() during offset matching. " +
"Please file a bug report.");
return false;
int lso = astGenerator.editor.ta.getLineStartOffset(pdeOffs[1]);
highlightStart += lso;
astGenerator.editor.setSelection(highlightStart, highlightStart
+ nodeName.getLength());
// First find the name in the java line, and marks its index
Pattern toFind = Pattern.compile("\\b" + nodeName.toString() + "\\b");
Matcher matcher = toFind.matcher(javaLine);
int count = 0, index = 0;
int lsto = lineElement.getStartOffset();
//log(matcher.start() + lsto);
if(lsto + matcher.start() == nodeName.getStartPosition())
log("count=" + count);
index = 0;
// find the same name in the pde line by its index and get its offsets
matcher = toFind.matcher(pdeLine);
if(count == 0){
log("Found on pde line lso: " + matcher.start());
index = matcher.end();
log("pde lso " + (index - lookingFor.length()));
int lso = astGenerator.editor.ta.getLineStartOffset(pdeOffs[1]);
astGenerator.editor.setSelection(lso + index - lookingFor.length(), lso
+ index);
return true;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
logE("BLE in highLightNode() for " + nodeName);
return false;
* Gets offset mapping between java and pde code
* int[0][x] stores the java code offset and
* int[1][x] is the corresponding offset in pde code
* @param ecs
* @return int[0] - java code offset, int[1] - pde code offset
public int[][] getOffsetMapping(ErrorCheckerService ecs){
int pdeoffsets[] = getPDECodeOffsets(ecs);
String pdeCode = ecs.getPDECodeAtLine(pdeoffsets[0],pdeoffsets[1] - 1).trim();
return getOffsetMapping(ecs, pdeCode);
* @param ecs
* - ErrorCheckerService instance
* @return int[0] - tab number, int[1] - line number in the int[0] tab, int[2]
* - line start offset, int[3] - offset from line start int[2] and
* int[3] are on TODO
public int[] getPDECodeOffsets(ErrorCheckerService ecs) {
return ecs.JavaToPdeOffsets(lineNumber + 1, Node.getStartPosition());
public int getPDECodeOffsetForSN(ASTGenerator astGen){
if (Node instanceof SimpleName) {
Element lineElement = astGen.getJavaSourceCodeElement(lineNumber);
log("Line element off " + lineElement.getStartOffset());
OffsetMatcher ofm = new OffsetMatcher(
int pdeOffset = ofm.getPdeOffForJavaOff(Node.getStartPosition()
- lineElement.getStartOffset(), Node.toString().length());
return pdeOffset;
return -1;
public String toString() {
return label;
public ASTNode getNode() {
return Node;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public int getNodeType() {
return Node.getNodeType();
public int getLineNumber() {
return lineNumber;
* Applies pde enhancements to code.
* TODO: Code reuse happening here. :\
* @param source
* @return
public static String getJavaCode(String source){
log("Src:" + source);
String sourceAlt = new String(source);
// Find all #[web color]
// Should be 6 digits only.
final String webColorRegexp = "#{1}[A-F|a-f|0-9]{6}\\W";
Pattern webPattern = Pattern.compile(webColorRegexp);
Matcher webMatcher = webPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
while (webMatcher.find()) {
// log("Found at: " + webMatcher.start());
// log("-> " + found);
// Find all color data types
final String colorTypeRegex = "color(?![a-zA-Z0-9_])(?=\\[*)(?!(\\s*\\())";
Pattern colorPattern = Pattern.compile(colorTypeRegex);
Matcher colorMatcher = colorPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
while (colorMatcher.find()) {
// System.out.print("Start index: " + colorMatcher.start());
// log(" End index: " + colorMatcher.end() + " ");
// log("-->" + colorMatcher.group() + "<--");
// Find all int(), char()
String dataTypeFunc[] = { "int", "char", "float", "boolean", "byte" };
for (String dataType : dataTypeFunc) {
String dataTypeRegexp = "\\b" + dataType + "\\s*\\(";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(dataTypeRegexp);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
while (matcher.find()) {
// System.out.print("Start index: " + matcher.start());
// log(" End index: " + matcher.end() + " ");
// log("-->" + matcher.group() + "<--");
sourceAlt = matcher.replaceAll("PApplet.parse"
+ Character.toUpperCase(dataType.charAt(0)) + dataType.substring(1)
+ "(");
// replace with 0xff[webcolor] and others
webMatcher = webPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
while (webMatcher.find()) {
// log("Found at: " + webMatcher.start());
String found = sourceAlt.substring(webMatcher.start(), webMatcher.end());
// log("-> " + found);
sourceAlt = webMatcher.replaceFirst("0xff" + found.substring(1));
webMatcher = webPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
colorMatcher = colorPattern.matcher(sourceAlt);
sourceAlt = colorMatcher.replaceAll("int");
return sourceAlt;
private static int getLineNumber(ASTNode node) {
return ((CompilationUnit) node.getRoot()).getLineNumber(node
/*private static int getLineNumber2(ASTNode thisNode) {
int jdocOffset = 0; Javadoc jd = null;
if(thisNode instanceof TypeDeclaration){
jd = ((TypeDeclaration)thisNode).getJavadoc();
log("Has t jdoc " + ((TypeDeclaration)thisNode).getJavadoc());
} else if(thisNode instanceof MethodDeclaration){
jd = ((MethodDeclaration)thisNode).getJavadoc();
log("Has m jdoc " + jd);
} else if(thisNode instanceof FieldDeclaration){
jd = ((FieldDeclaration)thisNode).getJavadoc();
log("Has f jdoc " + ((FieldDeclaration)thisNode).getJavadoc());
if(jd != null){
jdocOffset = 1+jd.getLength();
log("ln 2 = " + ((CompilationUnit) thisNode.getRoot()).getLineNumber(thisNode
.getStartPosition() + jdocOffset));
return ((CompilationUnit) thisNode.getRoot()).getLineNumber(thisNode
.getStartPosition() + jdocOffset);
static private String getNodeAsString(ASTNode node) {
if (node == null)
return "NULL";
String className = node.getClass().getName();
int index = className.lastIndexOf(".");
if (index > 0)
className = className.substring(index + 1);
// if(node instanceof BodyDeclaration)
// return className;
String value = className;
if (node instanceof TypeDeclaration)
value = ((TypeDeclaration) node).getName().toString() + " | " + className;
else if (node instanceof MethodDeclaration)
value = ((MethodDeclaration) node).getName().toString() + " | "
+ className;
else if (node instanceof MethodInvocation)
value = ((MethodInvocation) node).getName().toString() + " | "
+ className;
else if (node instanceof FieldDeclaration)
value = ((FieldDeclaration) node).toString() + " FldDecl| ";
else if (node instanceof SingleVariableDeclaration)
value = ((SingleVariableDeclaration) node).getName() + " - "
+ ((SingleVariableDeclaration) node).getType() + " | SVD ";
else if (node instanceof ExpressionStatement)
value = node.toString() + className;
else if (node instanceof SimpleName)
value = ((SimpleName) node).getFullyQualifiedName() + " | " + className;
else if (node instanceof QualifiedName)
value = node.toString() + " | " + className;
else if (className.startsWith("Variable"))
value = node.toString() + " | " + className;
else if (className.endsWith("Type"))
value = node.toString() + " |" + className;
value += " [" + node.getStartPosition() + ","
+ (node.getStartPosition() + node.getLength()) + "]";
value += " Line: "
+ ((CompilationUnit) node.getRoot()).getLineNumber(node
return value;