package examples;
import java.util.Calendar;
import org.one2team.highcharts.server.JSMHighchartsFactory;
import org.one2team.highcharts.shared.ChartOptions;
import org.one2team.highcharts.shared.HighchartsFactory;
import org.one2team.highcharts.shared.Point;
import org.one2team.highcharts.shared.Series;
import org.one2team.highcharts.shared.SeriesType;
import org.one2team.highcharts.shared.DateTimeLabelFormats.TimeUnit;
public class SamplesFactory {
public static SamplesFactory getSingleton () {
public ChartOptions createTimeDataWithIrregularIntervals () {
ChartOptions chartOptions = factory.createChartOptions ();
chartOptions.getChart ().setWidth (800).setHeight (600)
.setDefaultSeriesType (SeriesType.spline).setMarginLeft (70)
.setMarginTop (80);
// titles
chartOptions.getTitle ().setText (
"Snow depth in the Vikjafjellet mountain, Norway");
chartOptions.getSubtitle ().setText (
"An example of irregular time data in Highcharts JS");
// axis
chartOptions.getXAxis ().setType ("datetime").getDateTimeLabelFormats ()
.set (TimeUnit.month, "%e. %b").set (TimeUnit.year, "%b");
chartOptions.getYAxis ().setMin (0).getTitle ().setText ("Snow depth (m)");
// plotOptions
.getPlotOptions ()
.getPie ()
.setAllowPointSelect (true)
.getDataLabels ()
.setEnabled (true)
.setColor ("#000000")
.setFormatter (
"function() {return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.y +' %';}");
Series newSeries = factory.createSeries ().setName ("Winter 2007-2008");
chartOptions.getSeries ().pushElement (newSeries);
.getData ()
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 9, 27)).setY (0))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 10, 10)).setY (0.6))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 10, 18)).setY (0.7))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 11, 2)).setY (0.8))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 11, 9)).setY (0.6))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 11, 16)).setY (0.6))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 11, 28)).setY (0.67))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 0, 1)).setY (0.81))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 0, 8)).setY (0.78))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 0, 12)).setY (0.98))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 0, 27)).setY (1.84))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 10)).setY (1.8))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 18)).setY (1.8))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 24)).setY (1.92))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 4)).setY (2.49))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 11)).setY (2.79))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 15)).setY (2.73))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 25)).setY (2.61))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 2)).setY (2.76))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 6)).setY (2.82))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 13)).setY (2.8))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 4, 3)).setY (2.1))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 4, 26)).setY (1.1))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 5, 9)).setY (0.25))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 5, 12)).setY (0));
newSeries = factory.createSeries ().setName ("Winter 2008-2009");
chartOptions.getSeries ().pushElement (newSeries);
.getData ()
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 9, 18)).setY (0))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 9, 26)).setY (0.2))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 11, 1)).setY (0.47))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 11, 11)).setY (0.55))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 11, 25)).setY (1.38))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 0, 8)).setY (1.38))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 0, 15)).setY (1.38))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 1)).setY (1.38))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 8)).setY (1.48))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 21)).setY (1.5))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 12)).setY (1.89))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 25)).setY (2.0))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 4)).setY (1.94))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 9)).setY (1.91))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 13)).setY (1.75))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 19)).setY (1.6))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 4, 25)).setY (0.6))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 4, 31)).setY (0.35))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 5, 7)).setY (0));
newSeries = factory.createSeries ().setName ("Winter 2009-2010");
chartOptions.getSeries ().pushElement (newSeries);
.getData ()
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 9, 9)).setY (0))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 9, 14)).setY (0.15))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 10, 28)).setY (0.35))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1970, 11, 12)).setY (0.46))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 0, 1)).setY (0.59))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 0, 24)).setY (0.58))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 1)).setY (0.62))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 7)).setY (0.65))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 1, 23)).setY (0.77))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 8)).setY (0.77))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 14)).setY (0.79))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 2, 24)).setY (0.86))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 4)).setY (0.8))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 18)).setY (0.94))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 3, 24)).setY (0.9))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 4, 16)).setY (0.39))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setX (getDateUTC (1971, 4, 21)).setY (0));
return chartOptions;
public ChartOptions createPieChart () {
ChartOptions chartOptions = factory.createChartOptions ();
chartOptions.getChart ().setWidth (800).setHeight (600).setMarginLeft (70)
.setMarginTop (80);
// title
chartOptions.getTitle ().setText (
"Browser market shares at a specific website, 2010");
// plotOptions
.getPlotOptions ()
.getPie ()
.setAllowPointSelect (true)
.getDataLabels ()
.setEnabled (true)
.setColor ("#000000")
.setFormatter (
"function() {return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.y +' %';}");
Series newSeries = factory.createSeries ().setName ("Browser share")
.setType ("pie");
chartOptions.getSeries ().pushElement (newSeries);
.getData ()
.pushElement (factory.createPoint ().setName ("Firefox").setY (45))
.pushElement (factory.createPoint ().setName ("IE").setY (26.8))
.pushElement (
factory.createPoint ().setName ("Chrome").setY (12.8)
.setSliced (true).setSelected (true))
.pushElement (factory.createPoint ().setName ("Safari").setY (8.5))
.pushElement (factory.createPoint ().setName ("Opera").setY (6.2))
.pushElement (factory.createPoint ().setName ("Others").setY (0.7));
return chartOptions;
public ChartOptions createColumnBasic () {
ChartOptions chartOptions = factory.createChartOptions ();
chartOptions.getChart ().setDefaultSeriesType (SeriesType.column)
.setWidth (800).setHeight (400).setMarginLeft (70).setMarginTop (80);
// titles
chartOptions.getTitle ().setText ("Monthly Average Rainfall");
chartOptions.getSubtitle ().setText ("Source:");
// xAxis
chartOptions.getXAxis ().getCategories ().pushString ("Jan").pushString ("Feb")
.pushString ("Mar").pushString ("Apr").pushString ("May").pushString ("Jun")
.pushString ("Jul").pushString ("Aug").pushString ("Sep").pushString ("Oct")
.pushString ("Nov").pushString ("Dec");
// yAxis
chartOptions.getYAxis ().setMin (0).getTitle ().setText ("Rainfall (mm)");
// Legend
chartOptions.getLegend ().setLayout ("vertical").setAlign ("left")
.setVerticalAlign ("top").setX (100).setY (70);
// PlotOptions
chartOptions.getPlotOptions ().getColumn ().setBorderWidth (0);
// Several series
addSeries (chartOptions, "Tokyo", new double[] { 49.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2,
144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4 });
addSeries (chartOptions, "New York", new double[] { 83.6, 78.8, 98.5, 93.4,
106.0, 84.5, 105.0, 104.3, 91.2, 83.5, 106.6, 92.3 });
addSeries (chartOptions, "London", new double[] { 48.9, 38.8, 39.3, 41.4,
47.0, 48.3, 59.0, 59.6, 52.4, 65.2, 59.3, 51.2 });
addSeries (chartOptions, "Berlin", new double[] { 42.4, 33.2, 34.5, 39.7,
52.6, 75.5, 57.4, 60.4, 47.6, 39.1, 46.8, 51.1 });
return chartOptions;
public String createJsonColumnBasic () {
return "" +
"{chart: {"
+ " defaultSeriesType: 'column',"
+ " width: 800,"
+ " height: 400"
+ "},"
+ "title: {"
+ " text: 'Monthly Average Rainfall'"
+ "},"
+ "subtitle: {"
+ " text: 'Source:'"
+ "},"
+ "xAxis: {"
+ " categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']"
+ "},"
+ "yAxis: {"
+ " min: 0,"
+ " title: {"
+ " text: 'Rainfall (mm)'"
+ " }"
+ "},"
+ "legend: {"
+ " layout: 'vertical',"
+ " backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',"
+ " align: 'left',"
+ " verticalAlign: 'top',"
+ " x: 100,"
+ " y: 70,"
+ " floating: true,"
+ " shadow: true"
+ "},"
+ "tooltip: {"
+ " formatter: function () {"
+ " return '' + this.x + ': ' + this.y + ' mm';"
+ " }"
+ "},"
+ "plotOptions: {"
+ " column: {"
+ " pointPadding: 0.2,"
+ " borderWidth: 0"
+ " }"
+ "},"
+ "series: [{"
+ " name: 'Tokyo',"
+ " data: [49.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4]"
+ ""
+ "},"
+ "{"
+ " name: 'New York',"
+ " data: [83.6, 78.8, 98.5, 93.4, 106.0, 84.5, 105.0, 104.3, 91.2, 83.5, 106.6, 92.3]"
+ "},"
+ "{"
+ " name: 'London',"
+ " data: [48.9, 38.8, 39.3, 41.4, 47.0, 48.3, 59.0, 59.6, 52.4, 65.2, 59.3, 51.2]"
+ "},"
+ "{"
+ " name: 'Berlin',"
+ " data: [42.4, 33.2, 34.5, 39.7, 52.6, 75.5, 57.4, 60.4, 47.6, 39.1, 46.8, 51.1]"
+ "}]}";
private static long getDateUTC (int year, int month, int day) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance ();
cal.set (Calendar.YEAR, year);
cal.set (Calendar.MONTH, month);
cal.set (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
return cal.getTimeInMillis ();
private void addSeries (ChartOptions chartOptions, String seriesName,
double[] datas) {
Series newSeries = factory.createSeries ().setName (seriesName);
final Array<Point> seriesDatas = newSeries.getData ();
for (double d : datas) {
seriesDatas.pushElement (factory.createPoint ().setY (d));
chartOptions.getSeries ().pushElement (newSeries);
private SamplesFactory() {
factory = new JSMHighchartsFactory ();
private static SamplesFactory SINGLETON = new SamplesFactory ();
private final HighchartsFactory factory;