package logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler;
import gregtechmod.api.interfaces.IDigitalChest;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import logisticspipes.LogisticsPipes;
import logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifier;
import logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifierStack;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
public class DigitalChestHandler extends SpecialInventoryHandler {
private final IDigitalChest _tile;
private final boolean _hideOnePerStack;
private static boolean apiIsBroken = false;
private DigitalChestHandler(IDigitalChest tile, boolean hideOnePerStack, boolean hideOne, int cropStart, int cropEnd) {
_tile = tile;
_hideOnePerStack = hideOnePerStack || hideOne;
public DigitalChestHandler() {
_tile = null;
_hideOnePerStack = false;
public boolean init() {
return true;
public boolean isType(TileEntity tile) {
if(apiIsBroken) return false;
try {
return (tile instanceof IDigitalChest) && ((IDigitalChest)tile).isDigitalChest() && (((IInventory)tile).getSizeInventory() == 3);
} catch (Throwable e) {"Looks like greg broke his API again, disabling Digital/Quantum chest support.");
apiIsBroken = true;
return false;
public SpecialInventoryHandler getUtilForTile(TileEntity tile, ForgeDirection dir, boolean hideOnePerStack, boolean hideOne, int cropStart, int cropEnd) {
return new DigitalChestHandler((IDigitalChest)tile, hideOnePerStack, hideOne, cropStart, cropEnd);
public int itemCount(ItemIdentifier itemIdent) {
ItemIdentifierStack content = getContents();
if(content == null) return 0;
if(!content.getItem().equals(itemIdent)) return 0;
return content.getStackSize() - (_hideOnePerStack?1:0);
public Set<ItemIdentifier> getItems() {
Set<ItemIdentifier> result = new TreeSet<ItemIdentifier>();
ItemIdentifierStack content = getContents();
if(content != null) {
return result;
public HashMap<ItemIdentifier, Integer> getItemsAndCount() {
HashMap<ItemIdentifier, Integer> map = new HashMap<ItemIdentifier, Integer>();
ItemIdentifierStack content = getContents();
if(content != null) {
map.put(content.getItem(), content.getStackSize() - (_hideOnePerStack?1:0));
return map;
public ItemStack getSingleItem(ItemIdentifier itemIdent) {
return getMultipleItems(itemIdent,1);
public boolean containsItem(ItemIdentifier itemIdent) {
ItemIdentifierStack content = getContents();
if(content == null) return false;
return itemIdent.equals(content.getItem());
public boolean containsUndamagedItem(ItemIdentifier itemIdent) {
ItemIdentifierStack content = getContents();
if(content == null) return false;
return itemIdent.getUndamaged().equals(content.getItem().getUndamaged());
public int roomForItem(ItemIdentifier item) {
return roomForItem(item, 0);
public int roomForItem(ItemIdentifier itemIdent, int count) {
ItemIdentifierStack content = getContents();
if(content == null) return 0;
if(!content.getItem().equals(itemIdent)) return 0;
return _tile.getMaxItemCount() + 3 * itemIdent.getMaxStackSize() - content.getStackSize();
public ItemStack getMultipleItems(ItemIdentifier itemIdent, int count) {
//check that we can actually get what we want
ItemIdentifierStack content = getContents();
if(content == null) return null;
if(!content.getItem().equals(itemIdent)) return null;
if(content.getStackSize() < count) return null;
//set up the finished stack to return
ItemStack resultstack = content.makeNormalStack();
resultstack.stackSize = count;
//empty input slots first
for(int i = 1; count > 0 && i < 3; i++) {
ItemStack stack = ((IInventory)_tile).getStackInSlot(i);
if(stack != null && ItemIdentifier.get(stack).equals(itemIdent)) {
int wanted = Math.min(count, stack.stackSize);
stack.stackSize -= wanted;
count -= wanted;
if(count == 0) return resultstack;
//now take from internal storage
ItemStack[] data = _tile.getStoredItemData();
int wanted = Math.min(count, data[0].stackSize);
_tile.setItemCount(data[0].stackSize - wanted);
count -= wanted;
if(count == 0) return resultstack;
//and finally use the output slot
ItemStack stack = ((IInventory)_tile).getStackInSlot(0);
if(stack != null && ItemIdentifier.get(stack).equals(itemIdent)) {
wanted = Math.min(count, stack.stackSize - (_hideOnePerStack?1:0));
stack.stackSize -= wanted;
count -= wanted;
return resultstack;
private ItemIdentifierStack getContents(){
ItemStack[] data = _tile.getStoredItemData();
if(data == null || data.length < 1 || data[0] == null || data[0].getItem() == null) return null;
ItemIdentifierStack dataIdent = ItemIdentifierStack.getFromStack(data[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
ItemStack stack = ((IInventory)_tile).getStackInSlot(i);
if(stack != null && ItemIdentifier.get(stack).equals(dataIdent.getItem())) {
dataIdent.setStackSize(dataIdent.getStackSize() + stack.stackSize);
return dataIdent;
public ItemStack add(ItemStack stack, ForgeDirection from, boolean doAdd) {
ItemIdentifier itemIdent = ItemIdentifier.get(stack);
ItemStack st = stack.copy();
st.stackSize = 0;
ItemIdentifierStack content = getContents();
if(content == null) return st;
if(!content.getItem().equals(itemIdent)) return st;
if(!doAdd) {
int space = _tile.getMaxItemCount() + 3 * itemIdent.getMaxStackSize() - content.getStackSize();
st.stackSize = Math.max(Math.min(space, stack.stackSize), 0);
return st;
//add to output slot first
ItemStack slot = ((IInventory)_tile).getStackInSlot(0);
if(slot == null) {
slot = st.copy();
slot.stackSize = 0;
if(ItemIdentifier.get(slot).equals(itemIdent)) {
int toadd = Math.min(slot.getMaxStackSize() - slot.stackSize, stack.stackSize - st.stackSize);
if(toadd > 0) {
st.stackSize += toadd;
slot.stackSize += toadd;
((IInventory)_tile).setInventorySlotContents(0, slot);
if(stack.stackSize - st.stackSize == 0) return st;
//now internal storage
ItemStack[] data = _tile.getStoredItemData();
int toadd = Math.min(_tile.getMaxItemCount() - data[0].stackSize, stack.stackSize - st.stackSize);
if(toadd > 0) {
st.stackSize += toadd;
_tile.setItemCount(data[0].stackSize + toadd);
if(stack.stackSize - st.stackSize == 0) return st;
//and finally the input slots
for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
slot = ((IInventory)_tile).getStackInSlot(i);
if(slot == null) {
slot = st.copy();
slot.stackSize = 0;
if(ItemIdentifier.get(slot).equals(itemIdent)) {
toadd = Math.min(slot.getMaxStackSize() - slot.stackSize, stack.stackSize - st.stackSize);
if(toadd > 0) {
st.stackSize += toadd;
slot.stackSize += toadd;
((IInventory)_tile).setInventorySlotContents(i, slot);
if(stack.stackSize - st.stackSize == 0) return st;
return st;
public boolean isSpecialInventory() {
return true;
public int getSizeInventory() {
return 1;
public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int i) {
if(i != 0) return null;
return getContents().makeNormalStack();
public ItemStack decrStackSize(int i, int j) {
if(i != 0) return null;
return getMultipleItems(getContents().getItem(), j);