package logisticspipes.proxy.forestry;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import logisticspipes.Configs;
import logisticspipes.LogisticsPipes;
import logisticspipes.items.ItemModule;
import logisticspipes.proxy.MainProxy;
import logisticspipes.proxy.interfaces.ICraftingParts;
import logisticspipes.proxy.interfaces.IForestryProxy;
import logisticspipes.utils.item.ItemIdentifier;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import forestry.api.apiculture.EnumBeeChromosome;
import forestry.api.apiculture.EnumBeeType;
import forestry.api.apiculture.IAlleleBeeSpecies;
import forestry.api.apiculture.IBeeRoot;
import forestry.api.core.ForestryAPI;
import forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager;
import forestry.api.genetics.IAllele;
import forestry.api.genetics.IAlleleSpecies;
public class ForestryProxy implements IForestryProxy {
public ForestryProxy() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
analyserClass = Class.forName("forestry.core.gadgets.TileAnalyzer");
Class<?> stringUtil = Class.forName("forestry.core.utils.StringUtil");
localize = stringUtil.getDeclaredMethod("localize", new Class[]{String.class});
propolis = GameRegistry.findItem("Forestry", "propolis");
pollen = GameRegistry.findItem("Forestry", "pollen");
honey = FluidRegistry.getFluidStack("honey", 1500);
root = (IBeeRoot) AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getSpeciesRoot("rootBees");
private Class<?> analyserClass;
private Method localize;
private Item propolis;
private Item pollen;
private FluidStack honey;
private IBeeRoot root;
* Checks if item is bee via ItemIdentifier.
* @param item ItemIdentifier to check if is bee.
* @return Boolean, true if item is bee.
public boolean isBee(ItemIdentifier item) {
return isBee(item.unsafeMakeNormalStack(1));
* Checks if item is bee.
* @param item ItemStack to check if is bee.
* @return Boolean, true if item is bee.
public boolean isBee(ItemStack item) {
return root.isMember(item);
* First checks if item is bee, then returns boolean if its analyzed.
* Then it will check if its analyzed.
* @param item ItemIdentifier to check if is analyzed bee.
* @return Boolean, true if item is analyzed bee.
public boolean isAnalysedBee(ItemIdentifier item) {
return isAnalysedBee(item.unsafeMakeNormalStack(1));
* First checks if item is bee, then checks if its analyzed.
* @param item ItemStack to check if is analyzed bee.
* @return Boolean, true if item is analyzed bee.
public boolean isAnalysedBee(ItemStack item) {
if(!isBee(item)) return false;
return root.getMember(item).isAnalyzed();
* Checks if a passed tile entity is a Forestry Analyzer.
* @param tile The TileEntity to check if is Forestry Analyzer.
* @return Boolean, true if tile is a Forestry Analyzer.
public boolean isTileAnalyser(TileEntity tile) {
try {
if(analyserClass.isAssignableFrom(tile.getClass())) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* Checks if passed string allele was discovered by the player in passed world.
* @param allele The allele as a String.
* @param world The world to check in.
* @return Boolean, true if allele was discovered in world.
public boolean isKnownAlleleId(String allele, World world) {
if(!(forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(allele) instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies)) return false;
if(!((IAlleleSpecies)forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(allele)).isSecret()) return true;
return root.getBreedingTracker(world, MainProxy.proxy.getClientPlayer().getGameProfile()).isDiscovered((IAlleleSpecies)forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(allele));
* Returns a String for the uid passed for allele name.
* @param uid The uid as string to get proper name for.
* @return String of the actual user-friendly name for the allele.
public String getAlleleName(String uid) {
if(!(forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(uid) instanceof IAlleleSpecies)) return "";
return ((IAlleleSpecies)forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(uid)).getName();
* Returns the first valid allele uid as String.
* @param world The world to check in.
* @return The first valid allele as uid.
private String getFirstValidAllele(World world) {
for(IAllele allele:AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getRegisteredAlleles().values()) {
if(allele instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies && isKnownAlleleId(allele.getUID(), world)) {
return allele.getUID();
return "";
* Returns the last valid allele uid as String.
* @param world The world to check in.
* @return The last valid allele as uid.
private String getLastValidAllele(World world) {
String uid = "";
for(IAllele allele:AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getRegisteredAlleles().values()) {
if(allele instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies && isKnownAlleleId(allele.getUID(), world)) {
uid = allele.getUID();
return uid;
* Returns a String of a uid after the one passed in.
* @param uid The uid used as a reference.
* @param world The world to check in.
* @return String of uid after the one passed in.
public String getNextAlleleId(String uid, World world) {
if(!(forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(uid) instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies)) {
return getFirstValidAllele(world);
boolean next = false;
for(IAllele allele:AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getRegisteredAlleles().values()) {
if(allele instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies) {
if(next && isKnownAlleleId(allele.getUID(), world)) {
return allele.getUID();
} else if(allele.getUID().equals(uid)) {
next = true;
return "";
* Returns a String of a uid before the one passed in.
* @param uid The uid used as a reference.
* @param world
* @return String of uid before the one passed in.
public String getPrevAlleleId(String uid, World world) {
if(!(forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(uid) instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies)) {
return getLastValidAllele(world);
IAllele lastAllele = null;
for(IAllele allele:AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getRegisteredAlleles().values()) {
if(allele instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies) {
if(allele.getUID().equals(uid)) {
if(lastAllele == null) {
return "";
return lastAllele.getUID();
} else if(isKnownAlleleId(allele.getUID(), world)) {
lastAllele = allele;
return "";
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then returns its first allele.
* @param bee the ItemStack to get the first allele for.
* @return String of the first allele of bee.
public String getFirstAlleleId(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return "";
return root.getMember(bee).getGenome().getPrimary().getUID();
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then returns its second allele.
* @param bee the ItemStack to get the second allele for.
* @return String of the second allele of bee.
public String getSecondAlleleId(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return "";
return root.getMember(bee).getGenome().getSecondary().getUID();
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a drone.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is a drone.
public boolean isDrone(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.isDrone(bee);
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a princess.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is princess.
public boolean isPrincess(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
if(isQueen(bee)) return false;
if(isDrone(bee)) return false;
return true;
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a queen.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is queen.
public boolean isQueen(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.isMated(bee);
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a purebred.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is a purebred bee.
public boolean isPurebred(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.getMember(bee).isPureBred(EnumBeeChromosome.SPECIES.ordinal());
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its nocturnal.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is a nocturnal bee.
public boolean isNocturnal(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.getMember(bee).getGenome().getNocturnal();
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a purebred nocturnal.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is a purebred nocturnal bee.
public boolean isPureNocturnal(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.getMember(bee).getGenome().getNocturnal() && root.getMember(bee).isPureBred(EnumBeeChromosome.NOCTURNAL.ordinal());
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a tolerant flyer.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is a tolerant flyer bee.
public boolean isFlyer(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.getMember(bee).getGenome().getTolerantFlyer();
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a purebred tolerant flyer.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is a purebred tolerant flyer bee.
public boolean isPureFlyer(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.getMember(bee).getGenome().getTolerantFlyer() && root.getMember(bee).isPureBred(EnumBeeChromosome.TOLERANT_FLYER.ordinal());
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a cave dweller.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is a cave dweller bee.
public boolean isCave(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.getMember(bee).getGenome().getCaveDwelling();
* Checks if passed ItemStack is bee, then checks if its a purebred cave dweller.
* @param bee The ItemStack to check.
* @return Boolean, true if passed ItemStack is a purebred cave dweller bee.
public boolean isPureCave(ItemStack bee) {
if(!isBee(bee)) return false;
return root.getMember(bee).getGenome().getCaveDwelling() && root.getMember(bee).isPureBred(EnumBeeChromosome.CAVE_DWELLING.ordinal());
* Returns a special Forestry translation of the passed String.
* @param input The String to translate.
* @return The translated string.
public String getForestryTranslation(String input) {
try {
return (String) localize.invoke(null, new Object[]{input.toLowerCase()});
} catch (Exception e) {
return input;
* Void method, called to initialize LogisticsPipes' Forestry recipes.
public void addCraftingRecipes(ICraftingParts parts) {
/* Carpenter recipes */
RecipeManagers.carpenterManager.addRecipe(25, honey, new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BEEANALYZER), new Object[] {
"r r",
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('G'), parts.getGearTear1(),
RecipeManagers.carpenterManager.addRecipe(25, honey, new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BEEANALYZER), new Object[] {
"r r",
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('G'), parts.getChipTear1(),
RecipeManagers.carpenterManager.addRecipe(25, honey, new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BEESINK), new Object[] {
"r r",
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
RecipeManagers.carpenterManager.addRecipe(25, honey, new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.APIARISTREFILLER), new Object[] {
" p ",
"r r",
Character.valueOf('p'), pollen,
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('w'), parts.getExtractorItem(),
RecipeManagers.carpenterManager.addRecipe(25, honey, new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.APIARISTTERMINUS), new Object[] {
"r r",
Character.valueOf('C'), "dyeBlack",
Character.valueOf('D'), "dyePurple",
Character.valueOf('G'), pollen,
RecipeManagers.carpenterManager.addRecipe(25, honey, new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsBasicPipe, 1, 0), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsApiaristAnalyzerPipe, 1, 0), new Object[] {
"r r",
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('G'), parts.getGearTear1(),
RecipeManagers.carpenterManager.addRecipe(25, honey, new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsBasicPipe, 1, 0), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsApiaristAnalyzerPipe, 1, 0), new Object[] {
"r r",
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('G'), parts.getChipTear1(),
RecipeManagers.carpenterManager.addRecipe(25, honey, new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsBasicPipe, 1, 0), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsApiaristSinkPipe, 1, 0), new Object[] {
"r r",
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
/* Regular recipes */
CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BEEANALYZER), new Object[] {
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('G'), parts.getGearTear1(),
Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK)
CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BEEANALYZER), new Object[] {
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('G'), parts.getChipTear1(),
Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK)
CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BEESINK), new Object[] {
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.ITEMSINK)
CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.APIARISTREFILLER), new Object[] {
" p ",
Character.valueOf('p'), pollen,
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('w'), parts.getExtractorItem(),
Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK),
CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList().add(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.APIARISTTERMINUS), new Object[] {
Character.valueOf('C'), "dyeBlack",
Character.valueOf('D'), "dyePurple",
Character.valueOf('G'), pollen,
Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.ModuleItem, 1, ItemModule.BLANK)
CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsApiaristAnalyzerPipe, 1, 0), new Object[] {
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('G'), parts.getGearTear1(),
Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsBasicPipe, 1, 0)
CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsApiaristAnalyzerPipe, 1, 0), new Object[] {
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('G'), parts.getChipTear1(),
Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsBasicPipe, 1, 0)
CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsApiaristSinkPipe, 1, 0), new Object[] {
Character.valueOf('C'), propolis,
Character.valueOf('B'), new ItemStack(LogisticsPipes.LogisticsBasicPipe, 1, 0)
* Used to get an icon index for a given allele.
* @param uid The uid String of the allele to get icon index for.
* @param phase special phase of the bee.
public IIcon getIconIndexForAlleleId(String uid, int phase) {
IAllele bSpecies = forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(uid);
if (!(bSpecies instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies))
bSpecies = root.getDefaultTemplate()[forestry.api.apiculture.EnumBeeChromosome.SPECIES.ordinal()];
IAlleleBeeSpecies species = (IAlleleBeeSpecies) bSpecies;
return species.getIcon(EnumBeeType.DRONE, phase);
* Used to get an color as int for a given allele.
* @param uid The uid String of the allele to get color for.
* @param phase special phase of the bee.
public int getColorForAlleleId(String uid, int phase) {
if (!(forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(uid) instanceof IAlleleBeeSpecies))
return 16777215;
IAlleleBeeSpecies species = (IAlleleBeeSpecies) forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getAllele(uid);
return species.getIconColour(phase);
* Returns the number of render passes for given allele.
* @param uid The uid of the allele.
* @return The number of render passes for the allele.
public int getRenderPassesForAlleleId(String uid) {
return 3;
public IIcon getIconFromTextureManager(String name) {
return ForestryAPI.textureManager.getDefault(name);