package co.nubetech.crux.server.aggregate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.Batch;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import co.nubetech.crux.model.Alias;
import co.nubetech.crux.model.GroupBys;
import co.nubetech.crux.model.Report;
import co.nubetech.crux.model.ReportDesign;
import co.nubetech.crux.server.FunctionUtil;
import co.nubetech.crux.server.ServerUtil;
import co.nubetech.crux.server.functions.CruxFunction;
import co.nubetech.crux.util.CruxException;
public class GroupingAggregationBatchCallback implements Batch.Callback<List<List>>{
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GroupingAggregationBatchCallback.class);
private List<List> results;
private Report report;
private List<Stack<CruxFunction>> functions;
public GroupingAggregationBatchCallback(Report report) throws CruxException{ = report;
results = new ArrayList<List>();
functions = report.getFunctions();
* See if there is a way to do something with the results as they come by
public synchronized void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, List<List> result) {
try {
if (report.getGroupBys() == null) {
logger.debug("Updating for " + region);
for (List resultRow: result) {
int index = 0;
for (Object val: resultRow) {
Stack<CruxFunction> designFn = functions.get(index++);
logger.debug("Applying aggregate fn for " + val);
FunctionUtil.applyAggregateFunctions(val, designFn);
else {
logger.debug("group by is not supported so far");
catch(Throwable e) {
public List<List> getAggregates() throws CruxException{
GroupBys groupBys = report.getGroupBys();
if (groupBys == null) {
List returnList = new ArrayList();
returnList.add(FunctionUtil.getAggregatedFunctionValueList(report, functions));
return returnList;
else {
return null;