package de.janthomae.leiningenplugin.module;
import clojure.lang.LazySeq;
import com.intellij.ide.highlighter.ModuleFileType;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ReadAction;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.Result;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.WriteAction;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModifiableModuleModel;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.StdModuleTypes;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ex.ProjectRootManagerEx;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.impl.libraries.ProjectLibraryTable;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.libraries.Library;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.libraries.LibraryTable;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.*;
import de.janthomae.leiningenplugin.leiningen.LeiningenAPI;
import de.janthomae.leiningenplugin.utils.ClassPathUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Chris Shellenbarger
* Date: 12/6/12
* Time: 5:53 AM
* <p/>
* Class used to assist in creation an IDEA module. Extracted out of the project creation for reusability and testing purposes.
public class ModuleCreationUtils {
public final static String LEIN_COMPILE_PATH = "compile-path";
public final static String LEIN_RESOURCE_PATHS = "resource-paths";
public final static String LEIN_SOURCE_PATHS = "source-paths";
public final static String LEIN_JAVA_SOURCE_PATHS = "java-source-paths";
public final static String LEIN_TEST_PATHS = "test-paths";
public final static String LEIN_PROJECT_NAME = "name";
public final static String LEIN_PROJECT_VERSION = "version";
public final static String LEIN_PROJECT_GROUP = "group";
* Default Constructor - intentionally side-effect free.
public ModuleCreationUtils() {
* This function returns a list of virtual files pointing to the paths supporting a particular type (as defined in a leiningen project file: "resource-paths", "test-paths", and "source-paths" are examples).
* It extracts them based off the corresponding values in leinProjectMap.
* @param type The type of paths to extract from the project. Corresponds with the names of the respective keys in a leiningen project file. Examples: "resource-paths", "test-paths", or "source-paths"
* @param leinProjectMap The map to extract values from.
* @return A list of paths to folders of type.
public List<String> getPaths(String type, Map leinProjectMap) {
LazySeq pathStrings = ((LazySeq) leinProjectMap.get(type));
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
if (pathStrings != null) {
for (Object obj : pathStrings) {
String path = (String) obj;
return results;
* Internal method used to add absolute paths to a content entry.
* <p/>
* This is done as part of support for multiple source entries.
* <p/>
* SIDE-EFFECT: Will modify contentEntry
* Note: This function will only add values to the content entry if they exist on the file system. If the path doesn't
* exist on the file system, then it will be ignored.
* @param contentEntry The contentEntry to be updated
* @param paths The list of paths to add. These need to be absolute paths.
* @param isTestSource Indicate if this is a test directory
protected void addSourceFoldersToContentEntry(final ContentEntry contentEntry, final List<String> paths, final boolean isTestSource) {
for (final String path : paths) {
new WriteAction() {
protected void run(Result result) throws Throwable {
VirtualFile directory = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(path);
if (directory != null) {
contentEntry.addSourceFolder(directory, isTestSource);
* Update the contentEntry with the following values from the leinProjectMap added as source directories.
* - "resource-paths"
* - "source-paths"
* - "test-paths"
* @param contentEntry The contentEntry to update.
* @param leinProjectMap The map to extract values from.
* @return The contentEntry updated with the sourcePaths added.
public ContentEntry updateSourceAndResourcesPaths(ContentEntry contentEntry, Map leinProjectMap) {
List<String> resourcePaths = getPaths(LEIN_RESOURCE_PATHS, leinProjectMap);
addSourceFoldersToContentEntry(contentEntry, resourcePaths, false);
List<String> sourcePaths = getPaths(LEIN_SOURCE_PATHS, leinProjectMap);
addSourceFoldersToContentEntry(contentEntry, sourcePaths, false);
List<String> javaSourcePaths = getPaths(LEIN_JAVA_SOURCE_PATHS,leinProjectMap);
List<String> testPaths = getPaths(LEIN_TEST_PATHS, leinProjectMap);
addSourceFoldersToContentEntry(contentEntry, testPaths, true);
return contentEntry;
* Update the compiler extension to have the appropriate paths as configured in the project map.
* <p/>
* SIDE-EFFECT: Changes state of extension
* @param extension The compiler extension.
* @param leinProjectMap The map to extract values from.
* @return The compiler extension updated with the given settings.
public CompilerModuleExtension updateCompilePath(final CompilerModuleExtension extension, Map leinProjectMap) {
final String outputPathString = (String) leinProjectMap.get(LEIN_COMPILE_PATH);
new WriteAction() {
protected void run(Result result) throws Throwable {
try {
VirtualFile outputPath = VfsUtil.createDirectoryIfMissing(outputPathString);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not create output directory" + outputPathString);
return extension;
* Utility method to obtain the root model of the module.
* <p/>
* This performs a read of the iml file so we can reconstruct the state.
* @param module The module to obtain the root model for.
* @return The root model of the module.
public ModifiableRootModel getRootModel(final Module module) {
return new ReadAction<ModifiableRootModel>() {
protected void run(Result<ModifiableRootModel> result) throws Throwable {
* Private utility to create the module manager, which manages the list of modules that this project knows about.
* @param ideaProject The idea project.
* @return The Model for the module manager.
private ModifiableModuleModel createModuleManager(final Project ideaProject) {
return new ReadAction<ModifiableModuleModel>() {
protected void run(Result<ModifiableModuleModel> result) throws Throwable {
* Create or find the modules root model.
* <p/>
* If there exists a module with a matching name, that will be returned.
* <p/>
* Otherwise, we'll create a new module and add it to the moduleManager.
* @param moduleManager The module manager
* @param name The name of the module
* @return The module's modifiable model
public ModifiableRootModel createModule(ModifiableModuleModel moduleManager, String workingDir, String name) {
Module module = moduleManager.findModuleByName(name);
if (module == null) {
// oh-kay we don't have a module yet.
String filePath = workingDir + File.separator + FileUtil.sanitizeFileName(name) + ModuleFileType.DOT_DEFAULT_EXTENSION;
module = moduleManager.newModule(filePath, StdModuleTypes.JAVA.getId());
return getRootModel(module);
* Initialize the source, resources, test, and compile paths on module.
* @param projectMap The leiningen project map.
* @param module The module to update
* @param contentRoot The virtual file pointing to the leiningen project root directory. (Usually where the project.clj file is)
public void initializeModulePaths(Map projectMap, ModifiableRootModel module, VirtualFile contentRoot) {
//Set up the paths
final ContentEntry contentEntry = module.addContentEntry(contentRoot);
//Maven doesn't let you have source files that aren't configured in the pom.xml for consistency reasons.
//We'll apply the same laws to leiningen projects.
//Add the source and resource paths to the module
updateSourceAndResourcesPaths(contentEntry, projectMap);
//Handle the compile path (output)
CompilerModuleExtension compilerExtension = module.getModuleExtension(CompilerModuleExtension.class);
updateCompilePath(compilerExtension, projectMap);
* Initialize the dependencies for the module. This will add any dependencies to the list of project libraries and
* then add those libraries to the module via Order Entries.
* @param module The module to update.
* @param projectLibraries The list of project libraries.
* @param dependencyMaps The list of maps containing the dependency information.
* @return The set of libraries that were created.
private List<LibraryInfo> initializeDependencies(ModifiableRootModel module, LibraryTable.ModifiableModel projectLibraries, List dependencyMaps) {
//Reset them module's library order entries here - this actually happens in org.jetbrains.idea.maven.importing.MavenRootModelAdapter.initOrderEntries()
for (OrderEntry orderEntry : module.getOrderEntries()) {
if (orderEntry instanceof LibraryOrderEntry) {
//Remove any library from the project list so it can be refreshed.
Library library = ((LibraryOrderEntry) orderEntry).getLibrary();
if (library != null) {
//Add the dependencies to the projects's library table - this is how maven does it - but we could put the libraries directly on the module - but maybe it's better if we share a lot of libraries between modules.
List<LibraryInfo> libraries = createLibraries(projectLibraries, dependencyMaps);
//Now add the libraries to the modules.
for (LibraryInfo entry : libraries) {
return libraries;
* This method imports a leiningen module from a leiningen project file and imports it into the idea project.
* <p/>
* Notes:
* <p/>
* Each of the IDEA components has a getModifiableModel on it. This method returns a new instance each time you
* invoke it. Once you have a modifiable model of the component you wish to update, you mutate it to the state
* you wish. Once you're done, you call commit() on the modifiable model and it updates the component it came from.
* <p/>
* Since a lot of the components are persisted in files, commit() updates these files as well. Therefore you need
* to make any calls to commit() from within a WriteAction.
* @param ideaProject The IDEA project to add the leiningen module to.
* @param leinProjectFile The leiningen project file
* @return The leiningen project map.
public Map importModule(Project ideaProject, VirtualFile leinProjectFile) {
Map projectMap = LeiningenAPI.loadProject(leinProjectFile.getPath());
String name = (String) projectMap.get(LEIN_PROJECT_NAME);
final ModifiableModuleModel moduleManager = createModuleManager(ideaProject);
final ModifiableRootModel module = createModule(moduleManager, leinProjectFile.getParent().getPath(), name);
initializeModulePaths(projectMap, module, leinProjectFile.getParent());
ProjectRootManagerEx rootManager = ProjectRootManagerEx.getInstanceEx(ideaProject);
//Setup the dependencies
// Based loosely on org.jetbrains.idea.maven.importing.MavenRootModelAdapter#addLibraryDependency
//We could use the module table here, but then the libraries wouldn't be shared across modules.
final LibraryTable.ModifiableModel projectLibraries = ProjectLibraryTable.getInstance(ideaProject).getModifiableModel();
//Load all the dependencies from the project file
List dependencyMaps = LeiningenAPI.loadDependencies(leinProjectFile.getCanonicalPath());
final List<LibraryInfo> dependencies = initializeDependencies(module, projectLibraries,dependencyMaps);
new WriteAction() {
protected void run(Result result) throws Throwable {
for (LibraryInfo library : dependencies) {
//Save the project libraries
//Save the module itself to the module file.
//Save the list of modules that are in this project to the IDEA project file
return projectMap;
* Create the libraries for the list of dependency maps.
* <p/>
* This will add the libraries to the libraryTable (if they don't already exist) and return a map of libraries mapped to their scopes as used in the module.
* @param libraryTable The library table to add the libraries to.
* @param dependencyMaps The list of dependency maps definining the libraries needed.
* @return A Map of the Libraries which were described in dependencyMaps along with their scope for the module
private List<LibraryInfo> createLibraries(LibraryTable.ModifiableModel libraryTable, List dependencyMaps) {
List<LibraryInfo> result = new ArrayList<LibraryInfo>();
final String LEIN_LIB_PREFIX = "Leiningen";
for (Object obj : dependencyMaps) {
Map dependency = (Map) obj;
//Check if the library already exists
String libraryName = LEIN_LIB_PREFIX + ": " + dependency.get("groupid") + ":" +
dependency.get("artifactid") + ":" + dependency.get("version");
Library library = libraryTable.getLibraryByName(libraryName);
if (library == null) {
library = libraryTable.createLibrary(libraryName);
// Add the library to a library model, which represents the data for a single library.
Library.ModifiableModel libraryModel = library.getModifiableModel();
//Right now only deal with classes - a lot of clojure libraries have the .clj in them and not in a separate file
//Remove existing classes as this is what maven does - you need to declare the dependencies in the project file
for (String url : libraryModel.getUrls(OrderRootType.CLASSES)) {
libraryModel.removeRoot(url, OrderRootType.CLASSES);
File file = ((File) dependency.get("file"));
String path = file.getAbsolutePath();
String url = VirtualFileManager.constructUrl(JarFileSystem.PROTOCOL, path) + JarFileSystem.JAR_SEPARATOR;
libraryModel.addRoot(url, OrderRootType.CLASSES);
DependencyScope scope = determineScope((String) dependency.get("scope"));
LibraryInfo libraryInfo = new LibraryInfo();
libraryInfo.library = library;
libraryInfo.modifiableModel = libraryModel;
libraryInfo.dependencyScope = scope;
return result;
* Do a check to determine the proper scope.
* @param s The string scope.
* @return A DependencyScope object
private DependencyScope determineScope(String s) {
//Issue 35: If the scope that is on the dependency doesn't match one of the DependencyScope types, then default to compile scope.
DependencyScope scope = DependencyScope.COMPILE;
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("compile")) {
scope = DependencyScope.COMPILE;
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("test")) {
scope = DependencyScope.TEST;
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("runtime")) {
scope = DependencyScope.RUNTIME;
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("provided")) {
scope = DependencyScope.PROVIDED;
return scope;
private static class LibraryInfo {
public Library library;
public Library.ModifiableModel modifiableModel;
public DependencyScope dependencyScope;