* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Koji Hisano <hisano@gmail.com> - UBION Inc. Developer
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 UBION Inc. <http://www.ubion.co.jp/>
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Skype Technologies S.A. <http://www.skype.com/>
* Skype4Java is licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or
* the Eclipse Public License v1.0.
* You may use it freely in commercial and non-commercial products.
* You may obtain a copy of the licenses at
* the Apache License - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* the Eclipse Public License - http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* If it is possible to cooperate with the publicity of Skype4Java, please add
* links to the Skype4Java web site <https://developer.skype.com/wiki/Java_API>
* in your web site or documents.
* Contributors:
* Koji Hisano - initial API and implementation
* Fabio D. C. Depin <fabiodepin@gmail.com> - continued implementation API
package com.skype;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import com.skype.connector.AbstractConnectorListener;
import com.skype.connector.Connector;
import com.skype.connector.ConnectorException;
import com.skype.connector.ConnectorListener;
import com.skype.connector.ConnectorMessageEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* The <code>User</code> class contains the skype user's information.
* <p>
* For example, you can show the full name of the 'echo123' user by this code:
* <pre>System.out.println(new User("echo123").getFullName());</pre>
* </p>
* This class implements all features of the SKYPE USER protocol.
* @see <a https://dev.skype.com/desktop-api-reference#OBJECT_USER> Skype API reference - Objects - USER object</a>
public class User extends SkypeObject {
* Collection of User objects.
private static final Map<String, User> users = new HashMap<String, User>();
private static final Object propertyChangeListenerMutex = new Object();
private static ConnectorListener propertyChangeListener;
/** Identifies the status property. */
public static final String STATUS_PROPERTY = "status";
/** Identifies the mood message property. */
public static final String MOOD_TEXT_PROPERTY = "moodText";
/** Identifies the full name property. */
public static final String FULL_NAME = "fullName";
/** Identifies the phone mobile property. */
public static final String PHONE_MOBILE = "phoneMobile";
/** Identifies the phone home property. */
public static final String PHONE_HOME = "phoneHome";
/** Identifies the phone office property. */
public static final String PHONE_OFFICE = "phoneOffice";
/** Identifies the display name property. */
public static final String DISPLAYNAME = "displayname";
/** Identifies the country property. */
public static final String COUNTRY = "country";
/** Identifies the province property. */
public static final String PROVINCE = "province";
/** Identifies the city property. */
public static final String CITY = "city";
/** Identifies the time zone property. */
public static final String TIMEZONE = "timezone";
/** Identifies the sex property. */
public static final String SEX = "sex";
/** Identifies the home page property. */
public static final String HOMEPAGE = "homepage";
/** Identifies the birthday property. */
public static final String BIRTHDAY = "birthday";
/** Identifies the language property. */
public static final String LANGUAGE = "language";
/** Identifies the about property. */
public static final String ABOUT = "about";
/** Previous status. */
private Status oldStatus;
/** Previous sex. */
private Sex oldSex;
/** Previous mood text. */
private String oldMoodText;
/** Previous full name. */
private String oldFullName;
/** Previous phone mobile. */
private String oldPhoneMobile;
/** Previous phone home. */
private String oldPhoneHome;
/** Previous phone office. */
private String oldPhoneOffice;
/** Previous display name. */
private String oldDisplayName;
/** Previous country. */
private String oldCountry;
/** Previous province. */
private String oldProvince;
/** Previous city. */
private String oldCity;
/** Previous time zone. */
private String oldTimeZone;
/** Previous home page. */
private String oldHomePage;
/** Previous birthday. */
private String oldBirthday;
/** Previous language. */
private String oldLanguage;
/** Previous about. */
private String oldAbout;
/** Previous blocked state. */
private boolean oldIsBlocked;
/** Previous authorized state. */
private boolean oldIsAuthorized;
* Returns the User object by the specified id.
* @param id whose associated User object is to be returned.
* @return User object with ID == id.
public static User getInstance(final String id) {
synchronized(users) {
if (!users.containsKey(id)) {
users.put(id, new User(id));
return users.get(id);
* Returns the User object by the specified id.
* @param id whose associated User object is to be returned.
* @param userListener the listener to add.
* @return User object with ID == id.
public static User getInstance(final String id, final UserListener userListener) {
synchronized (users) {
if (!users.containsKey(id)) {
users.put(id, new User(id, userListener));
} else {
return users.get(id);
* Returns the Friend object by the specified id.
* @param id whose associated Friend object is to be returned.
* @return Friend object with ID == id.
static Friend getFriendInstance(String id) {
synchronized(users) {
if (!users.containsKey(id)) {
Friend friend = new Friend(id);
users.put(id, friend);
return friend;
} else {
User user = users.get(id);
if (user instanceof Friend) {
return (Friend)user;
} else {
Friend friend = new Friend(id);
users.put(id, friend);
return friend;
* The <code>Status</code> enum contains the online status constants of the skype user.
* @see User#getOnlineStatus()
public enum Status {
* The <code>UNKNOWN</code> no status information for current user.
* The <code>ONLINE</code> current user is online.
* The <code>OFFLINE</code> current user is offline.
* The <code>SKYPEME</code> current user is in “Skype Me” mode (Protocol 2).
* The <code>AWAY</code> current user is away.
* The <code>NA</code> current user is not available.
* The <code>DND</code> current user is in “Do not disturb” mode.
* The <code>INVISIBLE</code> current user is invisible to others.
* The <code>LOGGEDOUT</code> current user is logged out. Clients are detached.
* The <code>Sex</code> enum contains the sex constants of the skype user.
* @see User#getSex()
public enum Sex {
* The <code>UNKNOWN</code> constant indicates the sex of the skype user is unknown.
* The <code>MALE</code> constant indicates the skype user is male.
* The <code>FEMALE</code> constant indicates the skype user is female.
* The <code>BuddyStatus</code> enum contains the buddy status of the skype user.
public enum BuddyStatus {
* The <code>NEVER_BEEN</code> constant indicates the skype user has never been in contact list.
* The <code>DELETED</code> constant indicates the skype user is deleted from contact list.
* The <code>PENDING</code> constant indicates the skype user is pending authorisation.
* The <code>ADDED</code> constant indicates the skype user is added to contact list.
/** ID of this User. */
private String id;
private PropertyChangeSupport listeners = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
/** List of monitor listeners to USER objects. */
private static final List<UserListener> monitorListeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<UserListener>());
/** Exception handler to USER object. */
private SkypeExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;
* Constructor.
* @param newId The USER ID.
User(String newId) {
this.id = newId;
* Consturctor. Use getInstance instead of constructor.
* @param newId the ID of this USER object.
* @param userListener the monitor listener to add..
private User(final String newId, final UserListener userListener) {
this.id = newId;
* Overridden to provide ID as hashcode.
* @return ID.
public final int hashCode() {
return getId().hashCode();
* Overridden to compare User obejct based on ID.
* @param compared the User to compare to.
* @return true if ID's are equal.
public final boolean equals(Object compared) {
if (compared instanceof User) {
User comparedUser = (User)compared;
return getId().equals(comparedUser.getId());
return false;
* Provide ID as string representation.
* @return ID.
public final String toString() {
return getId();
* Return ID of this User.
* @return ID.
public final String getId() {
return id;
* Add a listener for the monitor field. The listener will be triggered every
* time the properties of this USER object is changed.
* @param listener the listener to add.
static void addUserListener(final UserListener userListener) {
Utils.checkNotNull("listener", userListener);
if (!monitorListeners.contains(userListener)){
* Remove a listener to the monitor of this USER object. If listener is
* already removed nothing happens.
* @param listener the listener to remove.
final void removeUserListener(final UserListener userListener) {
Utils.checkNotNull("listener", userListener);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the status of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param status the new status.
protected void fireStatusMonitor(final Status val) {
if (val.equals(oldStatus)) {
oldStatus = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.statusMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the mood text of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new mood text.
protected void fireMoodTextMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldMoodText)) {
oldMoodText = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.moodTextMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the full name of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new full name.
protected void fireFullNameMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldFullName)) {
oldFullName = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.fullNameMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the phone mobile of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new phone mobile.
protected void firePhoneMobileMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldPhoneMobile)) {
oldPhoneMobile = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.phoneMobileMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the phone home of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new phone home.
protected void firePhoneHomeMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldPhoneHome)) {
oldPhoneHome = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.phoneHomeMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the phone office of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new phone office.
protected void firePhoneOfficeMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldPhoneOffice)) {
oldPhoneOffice = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.phoneOfficeMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the display name of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new display name.
protected void fireDisplayNameMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldDisplayName)) {
oldDisplayName = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.displayNameMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the country of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new country.
protected void fireCountryMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldCountry)) {
oldCountry = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.countryMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the province of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new province.
protected void fireProvinceMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldProvince)) {
oldProvince = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.provinceMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the city of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new city.
protected void fireCityMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldCity)) {
oldCity = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.cityMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the time zone of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new time zone.
protected void fireTimeZoneMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldTimeZone)) {
oldTimeZone = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.timeZoneMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the sex of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new sex.
protected void fireSexMonitor(User.Sex val) {
if (val.equals(oldSex)) {
oldSex = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.sexMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the home page of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new home page.
protected void fireHomePageMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldHomePage)) {
oldHomePage = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.homePageMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the birthday of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new birthday.
protected void fireBirthdayMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldBirthday)) {
oldBirthday = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.birthdayMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the language of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new language.
protected void fireLanguageMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldLanguage)) {
oldLanguage = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.languageMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the about of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new about.
protected void fireAboutMonitor(String val) {
if (val.equals(oldAbout)) {
oldAbout = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.aboutMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the blocked state of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new blocked state.
protected void fireIsBlockedMonitor(boolean val) {
if (val == oldIsBlocked) {
oldIsBlocked = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.isBlockedMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Trigger all Status listeners because the authorized state of this USER object has
* changed.
* @param val the new authorized state.
protected void fireIsAuthorizedMonitor(boolean val) {
if (val == oldIsAuthorized) {
oldIsAuthorized = val;
for (final UserListener listener : monitorListeners) {
try {
listener.isAuthorizedMonitor(val, this);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Return full name of this User.
* @return String with fullname.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getFullName() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("FULLNAME");
* Return the birthdate of this User.
* @return Date of birthday.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final Date getBirthDay() throws SkypeException {
String value = getProperty("BIRTHDAY");
if ("0".equals(value)) {
return null;
} else {
try {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").parse(value);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("library developer should check Skype specification.");
* Return the sex of this User.
* @return Sex of this User.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final Sex getSex() throws SkypeException {
return Sex.valueOf((getProperty("SEX")));
* Return the online status of this User.
* @return Status of this User.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final Status getOnlineStatus() throws SkypeException {
return getStatus();
* Return the online status of this User.
* @return Status of this User.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final Status getStatus() throws SkypeException {
return Status.valueOf(getProperty("ONLINESTATUS"));
* Return last online time (UNIX timestamp).
* @return Time of last online.
* @throws SkypeException when connection has gone bad.
public Date getLastOnlineTime() throws SkypeException {
return Utils.parseUnixTime(getProperty("LASTONLINETIMESTAMP"));
* Return the native language of this User.
* @return String with native language.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getLauguage() throws SkypeException {
return getLanguage();
* Return the native language of this User.
* @return String with native language.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getLanguage() throws SkypeException {
final String value = getProperty("LANGUAGE");
if ("".equals(value)) {
return "";
return value.substring(value.indexOf(' ') + 1);
* Return the native language by ISO code of this User.
* @return String with native language.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getLanguageByISOCode() throws SkypeException {
final String value = getProperty("LANGUAGE");
if ("".equals(value)) {
return "";
return value.substring(0, value.indexOf(' '));
* Return the country the User is based.
* @return String with country.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getCountry() throws SkypeException {
final String value = getProperty("COUNTRY");
if ("".equals(value)) {
return "";
return value.substring(value.indexOf(' ') + 1);
* Return the country by ISO code the User is based.
* @return String with country.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getCountryByISOCode() throws SkypeException {
final String value = getProperty("COUNTRY");
if ("".equals(value)) {
return "";
return value.substring(0, value.indexOf(' '));
* Return the province the user is based.
* @return String with the province the user is based.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getProvince() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("PROVINCE");
* Return the city this User is based in.
* @return String with the city name the User is based in.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getCity() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("CITY");
* Return the home phone number that is in the User profile.
* @return String with Home phone number.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getHomePhone() throws SkypeException {
return getHomePhoneNumber();
* Return the home phone number that is in the User profile.
* @return String with Home phone number.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getHomePhoneNumber() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("PHONE_HOME");
* Return the office phone number that is in the User profile.
* @return String with office phone number.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getOfficePhone() throws SkypeException {
return getOfficePhoneNumber();
* Return the office phone number that is in the User profile.
* @return String with office phone number.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getOfficePhoneNumber() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("PHONE_OFFICE");
* Return the mobile phone number of this User.
* @return String with mobile phone number.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getMobilePhone() throws SkypeException {
return getMobilePhoneNumber();
* Return the mobile phone number of this User.
* @return String with mobile phone number.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getMobilePhoneNumber() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("PHONE_MOBILE");
* Return the homepage URL of this User.
* @return String with URL of homepage.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getHomePageAddress() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("HOMEPAGE");
* Return extra information User has provided in his/her profile.
* @return STring with extra info.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getAbout() throws SkypeException {
return getIntroduction();
* Returns introduction User has provided in his/her profile.
* @return STring with extra info.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getIntroduction() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("ABOUT");
* Return the mood message of this user.
* @return the mood message of this user.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public String getMoodMessage() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("MOOD_TEXT");
* Gets the speed dial of this user.
* @return the speed dial of this user.
* @throws SkypeException when the connection has gone bad or an ERROR message is received.
* @see #setSpeedDial(String)
public String getSpeedDial() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("SPEEDDIAL");
* Sets the speed dial of this user.
* @param newValue the speed dial of this user.
* @throws SkypeException when the connection has gone bad or an ERROR message is received.
* @see #getSpeedDial()
public void getSpeedDial(final String newValue) throws SkypeException {
setProperty("SPEEDDIAL", newValue);
* Gets the time zone of the current user.
* @return the time zone of the current user.
* @throws SkypeException when the connection has gone bad or an ERROR message is received.
* @see #setTimeZone(int)
public int getTimeZone() throws SkypeException {
return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("TIMEZONE"));
* Return the displayname of this User.
* @return String with displayname.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final String getDisplayName() throws SkypeException {
return getProperty("DISPLAYNAME");
* Check if this User has a Skype client that can do video chats.
* @return true if User can do videochats.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final boolean isVideoCapable() throws SkypeException {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("IS_VIDEO_CAPABLE"));
* Returns the buddy status of this user.
* @return Buddy status of this user
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final BuddyStatus getBuddyStatus() throws SkypeException {
return BuddyStatus.values()[Integer.parseInt(getProperty("BUDDYSTATUS"))];
final void askForAuthorization(String messageForAuthorization) throws SkypeException {
try {
String command = "SET " + "USER" + " " + getId() + " " + "BUDDYSTATUS" + " " + (BuddyStatus.PENDING.ordinal() + " " + messageForAuthorization);
String responseHeader = "USER" + " " + getId() + " " + "BUDDYSTATUS";
String response = Connector.getInstance().execute(command, responseHeader);
} catch (ConnectorException e) {
final void removeFromContactList() throws SkypeException {
setProperty("BUDDYSTATUS", "" + BuddyStatus.DELETED.ordinal());
* Check if this User is authorized in your contactlist.
* @return true if User is authorized.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final boolean isAuthorized() throws SkypeException {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("ISAUTHORIZED"));
* Set this user being authorized, or not in your contactlist.
* @param on true if user will be authorized.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final void setAuthorized(boolean on) throws SkypeException {
setProperty("ISAUTHORIZED", on);
* Check if this User is blocked in your contactlist.
* @return true if User is blocked.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final boolean isBlocked() throws SkypeException {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("ISBLOCKED"));
* Indicates whether the current user can leave voice mails to this user.
* @return <code>true</code> if the current user can leave voice mails; <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @throws SkypeException when the connection has gone bad or an ERROR message is received.
public final boolean canLeaveVoiceMail() throws SkypeException {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("CAN_LEAVE_VM"));
* Indicates whether the current user is forwarding calls.
* @return <code>true</code> if the current user is forwarding calls; <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @throws SkypeException when the connection has gone bad or an ERROR message is received.
public final boolean isForwardingCalls() throws SkypeException {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("IS_CF_ACTIVE"));
* Set this user being blocked, or not in your contactlist.
* @param on true if user will be blocked.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final void setBlocked(boolean on) throws SkypeException {
setProperty("ISBLOCKED", on);
* Gets the avatar of this user.
* @return the avatar image of this user.
* @throws SkypeException when the connection has gone bad or an ERROR message is received.
* @since Protocol 7
public BufferedImage getAvatar() throws SkypeException {
try {
final File file = Utils.createTempraryFile("get_avator_", "jpg");
final String command = "GET USER " + getId() + " AVATAR 1 " + file.getAbsolutePath();
final String responseHeader = "USER " + getId() + " AVATAR 1 ";
final String response = Connector.getInstance().execute(command, responseHeader);
final BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(file);
return image;
} catch(ConnectorException e) {
return null;
} catch(IOException e) {
return null;
* Method used by other methods to retrieve a property value from Skype client.
* @param name name of the property.
* @return value of the property.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
private String getProperty(String name) throws SkypeException {
return Utils.getProperty("USER", getId(), name);
private void setProperty(String name, boolean newValue) throws SkypeException {
setProperty(name, ("" + newValue).toUpperCase());
private void setProperty(String name, String newValue) throws SkypeException {
Utils.setProperty("USER", getId(), name, newValue);
* Start a call to this User.
* @return new Call object.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final Call call() throws SkypeException {
return Skype.call(getId());
* Start a chat to this User.
* @return new Chat object.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final Chat chat() throws SkypeException {
return Skype.chat(getId());
* Send this User a chatMessage.
* @param message The message to send.
* @return the new chatMessage object.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final ChatMessage send(String message) throws SkypeException {
return Skype.chat(getId()).send(message);
* Leave a voicemail for this User.
* @return new VoiceMail object.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final VoiceMail voiceMail() throws SkypeException {
return Skype.voiceMail(getId());
* Set a displayname for this User.
* @param newValue the new name to set.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final void setDisplayName(String newValue) throws SkypeException {
Utils.setProperty("USER", getId(), "DISPLAYNAME", newValue);
* Search for all chatMessages to and from this User.
* @return array of Chatmessages found.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final ChatMessage[] getAllChatMessages() throws SkypeException {
String[] ids = getHistory("CHATMESSAGES");
ChatMessage[] messages = new ChatMessage[ids.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
messages[i] = ChatMessage.getInstance(ids[i]);
List<ChatMessage> messageList = Arrays.asList(messages);
return messageList.toArray(new ChatMessage[0]);
* Search all calls to and from this User.
* @return an array of found calls.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
public final Call[] getAllCalls() throws SkypeException {
String[] ids = getHistory("CALLS");
Call[] calls = new Call[ids.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
calls[i] = Call.getInstance(ids[i]);
return calls;
* Search the history with this user.
* @param type Specify which history to search for.
* @return an String array with found events.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
private String[] getHistory(String type) throws SkypeException {
try {
String responseHeader = type + " ";
String response = Connector.getInstance().execute("SEARCH " + type + " " + getId(), responseHeader);
String data = response.substring(responseHeader.length());
return Utils.convertToArray(data);
} catch (ConnectorException e) {
return null;
* Remove this User from the list of watchable Users.
final void dispose() {
private void firePropertyChanged(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
listeners.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
* Adds a PropertyChangeListener to this user.
* <p>
* The listener is registered for all bound properties of this user, including the following:
* <ul>
* <li>this user's status ("status")</li>
* <li>this user's mood message ("moodMessage")</li>
* </ul>
* </p><p>
* If listener is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
* </p>
* @param listener the PropertyChangeListener to be added
* @see #removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
public final void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) throws SkypeException {
synchronized (propertyChangeListenerMutex) {
if (propertyChangeListener == null) {
ConnectorListener connectorListener = new AbstractConnectorListener() {
public void messageReceived(ConnectorMessageEvent event) {
String message = event.getMessage();
if (message.startsWith("USER ")) {
String data = message.substring("USER ".length());
String skypeId = data.substring(0, data.indexOf(' '));
data = data.substring(data.indexOf(' ') + 1);
String propertyName = data.substring(0, data.indexOf(' '));
String propertyValue = data.substring(data.indexOf(' ') + 1);
if (propertyName.equals("ONLINESTATUS")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(STATUS_PROPERTY, null, Status.valueOf(propertyValue));
} else if (propertyName.equals("MOOD_TEXT")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(MOOD_TEXT_PROPERTY, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("FULLNAME")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(FULL_NAME, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("PHONE_MOBILE")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(PHONE_MOBILE, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("PHONE_HOME")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(PHONE_HOME, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("PHONE_OFFICE")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(PHONE_OFFICE, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("DISPLAYNAME")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(DISPLAYNAME, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("COUNTRY")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(COUNTRY, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("PROVINCE")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(PROVINCE, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("CITY")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(CITY, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("TIMEZONE")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(TIMEZONE, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("SEX")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(SEX, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("HOMEPAGE")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(HOMEPAGE, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("BIRTHDAY")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(BIRTHDAY, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("LANGUAGE")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(LANGUAGE, null, propertyValue);
} else if (propertyName.equals("ABOUT")) {
User.getInstance(skypeId).firePropertyChanged(ABOUT, null, propertyValue);
try {
propertyChangeListener = connectorListener;
} catch(ConnectorException e) {
* Removes the PropertyChangeListener from this user.
* <p>
* If listener is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
* </p>
* @param listener the PropertyChangeListener to be removed
* @see #addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
public final void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {