* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Concurrent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Project and contact information: http://www.cascading.org/
* This file is part of the Cascading project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cascading.flow.hadoop.util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import cascading.CascadingException;
import cascading.flow.FlowException;
import cascading.flow.planner.BaseFlowStep;
import cascading.flow.planner.PlatformInfo;
import cascading.flow.planner.Scope;
import cascading.pipe.Group;
import cascading.scheme.hadoop.TextLine;
import cascading.tap.hadoop.Hfs;
import cascading.tuple.Fields;
import cascading.util.LogUtil;
import cascading.util.Util;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static cascading.util.Util.invokeInstanceMethod;
public class HadoopUtil
public static final String CASCADING_FLOW_EXECUTING = "cascading.flow.executing";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( HadoopUtil.class );
private static final String ENCODING = "US-ASCII";
private static final Class<?> DEFAULT_OBJECT_SERIALIZER = JavaObjectSerializer.class;
private static PlatformInfo platformInfo;
public static void setIsInflow( Configuration conf )
conf.setBoolean( CASCADING_FLOW_EXECUTING, true );
public static boolean isInflow( Configuration conf )
return conf.getBoolean( CASCADING_FLOW_EXECUTING, false );
public static void initLog4j( JobConf configuration )
initLog4j( (Configuration) configuration );
public static void initLog4j( Configuration configuration )
String values = configuration.get( "log4j.logger", null );
if( values == null || values.length() == 0 )
if( !Util.hasClass( "org.apache.log4j.Logger" ) )
LOG.info( "org.apache.log4j.Logger is not in the current CLASSPATH, not setting log4j.logger properties" );
String[] elements = values.split( "," );
for( String element : elements )
LogUtil.setLog4jLevel( element.split( "=" ) );
// only place JobConf should ever be returned
public static JobConf asJobConfInstance( Configuration configuration )
if( configuration instanceof JobConf )
return (JobConf) configuration;
return new JobConf( configuration );
public static <C> C copyJobConf( C parentJobConf )
return copyConfiguration( parentJobConf );
public static JobConf copyJobConf( JobConf parentJobConf )
if( parentJobConf == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "parent may not be null" );
// see https://github.com/Cascading/cascading/pull/21
// The JobConf(JobConf) constructor causes derived JobConfs to share Credentials. We want to avoid this, in
// case those Credentials are mutated later on down the road (which they will be, during job submission, in
// separate threads!). Using the JobConf(Configuration) constructor avoids Credentials-sharing.
final Configuration configurationCopy = new Configuration( parentJobConf );
final JobConf jobConf = new JobConf( configurationCopy );
jobConf.getCredentials().addAll( parentJobConf.getCredentials() );
return jobConf;
public static JobConf createJobConf( Map<Object, Object> properties, JobConf defaultJobconf )
JobConf jobConf = defaultJobconf == null ? new JobConf() : copyJobConf( defaultJobconf );
if( properties == null )
return jobConf;
return copyConfiguration( properties, jobConf );
public static <C> C copyConfiguration( C parent )
if( parent == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "parent may not be null" );
if( !( parent instanceof Configuration ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "parent must be of type Configuration" );
Configuration conf = (Configuration) parent;
// see https://github.com/Cascading/cascading/pull/21
// The JobConf(JobConf) constructor causes derived JobConfs to share Credentials. We want to avoid this, in
// case those Credentials are mutated later on down the road (which they will be, during job submission, in
// separate threads!). Using the JobConf(Configuration) constructor avoids Credentials-sharing.
Configuration configurationCopy = new Configuration( conf );
Configuration copiedConf = callCopyConstructor( parent.getClass(), configurationCopy );
if( Util.hasInstanceMethod( parent, "getCredentials", null ) )
Object result = invokeInstanceMethod( parent, "getCredentials", null, null );
Object credentials = invokeInstanceMethod( copiedConf, "getCredentials", null, null );
invokeInstanceMethod( credentials, "addAll", new Object[]{result}, new Class[]{credentials.getClass()} );
return (C) copiedConf;
protected static <C extends Configuration> C callCopyConstructor( Class type, Configuration parent )
Constructor<C> constructor = type.getConstructor( parent.getClass() );
return constructor.newInstance( parent );
catch( NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException exception )
throw new CascadingException( "unable to create copy of: " + type );
public static <C extends Configuration> C copyConfiguration( Map<Object, Object> srcProperties, C dstConfiguration )
Set<Object> keys = new HashSet<Object>( srcProperties.keySet() );
// keys will only be grabbed if both key/value are String, so keep orig keys
if( srcProperties instanceof Properties )
keys.addAll( ( (Properties) srcProperties ).stringPropertyNames() );
for( Object key : keys )
Object value = srcProperties.get( key );
if( value == null && srcProperties instanceof Properties && key instanceof String )
value = ( (Properties) srcProperties ).getProperty( (String) key );
if( value == null ) // don't stuff null values
// don't let these objects pass, even though toString is called below.
if( value instanceof Class || value instanceof JobConf )
dstConfiguration.set( key.toString(), value.toString() );
return dstConfiguration;
public static Map<Object, Object> createProperties( Configuration jobConf )
Map<Object, Object> properties = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
if( jobConf == null )
return properties;
for( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : jobConf )
properties.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
return properties;
public static Thread getHDFSShutdownHook()
Exception caughtException;
// we must init the FS so the finalizer is registered
FileSystem.getLocal( new JobConf() );
Field field = FileSystem.class.getDeclaredField( "clientFinalizer" );
field.setAccessible( true );
Thread finalizer = (Thread) field.get( null );
if( finalizer != null )
Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook( finalizer );
return finalizer;
catch( NoSuchFieldException exception )
caughtException = exception;
catch( IllegalAccessException exception )
caughtException = exception;
catch( IOException exception )
caughtException = exception;
LOG.debug( "unable to find and remove client hdfs shutdown hook, received exception: {}", caughtException.getClass().getName() );
return null;
public static String encodeBytes( byte[] bytes )
return new String( Base64.encodeBase64( bytes ), ENCODING );
catch( UnsupportedEncodingException exception )
throw new RuntimeException( exception );
public static byte[] decodeBytes( String string )
byte[] bytes = string.getBytes( ENCODING );
return Base64.decodeBase64( bytes );
catch( UnsupportedEncodingException exception )
throw new RuntimeException( exception );
public static <T> ObjectSerializer instantiateSerializer( Configuration conf, Class<T> type ) throws ClassNotFoundException
Class<ObjectSerializer> flowSerializerClass;
String serializerClassName = conf.get( ObjectSerializer.OBJECT_SERIALIZER_PROPERTY );
if( serializerClassName == null || serializerClassName.length() == 0 )
flowSerializerClass = (Class<ObjectSerializer>) DEFAULT_OBJECT_SERIALIZER;
flowSerializerClass = (Class<ObjectSerializer>) Class.forName( serializerClassName );
ObjectSerializer objectSerializer;
objectSerializer = flowSerializerClass.newInstance();
if( objectSerializer instanceof Configurable )
( (Configurable) objectSerializer ).setConf( conf );
catch( Exception exception )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to instantiate serializer \""
+ flowSerializerClass.getName()
+ "\" for class: "
+ type.getName() );
if( !objectSerializer.accepts( type ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( serializerClassName + " won't accept objects of class " + type.toString() );
return objectSerializer;
public static <T> String serializeBase64( T object, Configuration conf ) throws IOException
return serializeBase64( object, conf, true );
public static <T> String serializeBase64( T object, Configuration conf, boolean compress ) throws IOException
ObjectSerializer objectSerializer;
objectSerializer = instantiateSerializer( conf, object.getClass() );
catch( ClassNotFoundException exception )
throw new IOException( exception );
return encodeBytes( objectSerializer.serialize( object, compress ) );
* This method deserializes the Base64 encoded String into an Object instance.
* @param string
* @return an Object
public static <T> T deserializeBase64( String string, Configuration conf, Class<T> type ) throws IOException
return deserializeBase64( string, conf, type, true );
public static <T> T deserializeBase64( String string, Configuration conf, Class<T> type, boolean decompress ) throws IOException
if( string == null || string.length() == 0 )
return null;
ObjectSerializer objectSerializer;
objectSerializer = instantiateSerializer( conf, type );
catch( ClassNotFoundException exception )
throw new IOException( exception );
return objectSerializer.deserialize( decodeBytes( string ), type, decompress );
public static Class findMainClass( Class defaultType )
return Util.findMainClass( defaultType, "org.apache.hadoop" );
public static Map<String, String> getConfig( Configuration defaultConf, Configuration updatedConf )
Map<String, String> configs = new HashMap<String, String>();
for( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : updatedConf )
configs.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
for( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : defaultConf )
if( entry.getValue() == null )
String updatedValue = configs.get( entry.getKey() );
// if both null, lets purge from map to save space
if( updatedValue == null && entry.getValue() == null )
configs.remove( entry.getKey() );
// if the values are the same, lets also purge from map to save space
if( updatedValue != null && updatedValue.equals( entry.getValue() ) )
configs.remove( entry.getKey() );
configs.remove( "mapred.working.dir" );
configs.remove( "mapreduce.job.working.dir" ); // hadoop2
return configs;
public static JobConf[] getJobConfs( Configuration job, List<Map<String, String>> configs )
JobConf[] jobConfs = new JobConf[ configs.size() ];
for( int i = 0; i < jobConfs.length; i++ )
jobConfs[ i ] = (JobConf) mergeConf( job, configs.get( i ), false );
return jobConfs;
public static <J extends Configuration> J mergeConf( J job, Map<String, String> config, boolean directly )
Configuration currentConf = directly ? job : ( job instanceof JobConf ? copyJobConf( (JobConf) job ) : new Configuration( job ) );
for( String key : config.keySet() )
LOG.debug( "merging key: {} value: {}", key, config.get( key ) );
currentConf.set( key, config.get( key ) );
return (J) currentConf;
public static Configuration removePropertiesFrom( Configuration jobConf, String... keys )
Map<Object, Object> properties = createProperties( jobConf );
for( String key : keys )
properties.remove( key );
return copyConfiguration( properties, new JobConf() );
public static boolean removeStateFromDistCache( Configuration conf, String path ) throws IOException
return new Hfs( new TextLine(), path ).deleteResource( conf );
public static PlatformInfo getPlatformInfo()
if( platformInfo == null )
platformInfo = getPlatformInfoInternal();
return platformInfo;
private static PlatformInfo getPlatformInfoInternal()
URL url = JobConf.class.getResource( JobConf.class.getSimpleName() + ".class" );
if( url == null || !url.toString().startsWith( "jar" ) )
return new PlatformInfo( "Hadoop", null, null );
String path = url.toString();
String manifestPath = path.substring( 0, path.lastIndexOf( "!" ) + 1 ) + "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF";
Manifest manifest;
manifest = new Manifest( new URL( manifestPath ).openStream() );
catch( IOException exception )
LOG.warn( "unable to get manifest from {}", manifestPath, exception );
return new PlatformInfo( "Hadoop", null, null );
Attributes attributes = manifest.getAttributes( "org/apache/hadoop" );
if( attributes == null )
LOG.debug( "unable to get Hadoop manifest attributes" );
return new PlatformInfo( "Hadoop", null, null );
String vendor = attributes.getValue( "Implementation-Vendor" );
String version = attributes.getValue( "Implementation-Version" );
return new PlatformInfo( "Hadoop", vendor, version );
* Add to class path.
* @param config the config
* @param classpath the classpath
public static Map<Path, Path> addToClassPath( Configuration config, List<String> classpath )
if( classpath == null )
return null;
// given to fully qualified
Map<String, Path> localPaths = new HashMap<String, Path>();
Map<String, Path> remotePaths = new HashMap<String, Path>();
resolvePaths( config, classpath, null, localPaths, remotePaths );
LocalFileSystem localFS = getLocalFS( config );
for( String path : localPaths.keySet() )
// only add local if no remote
if( remotePaths.containsKey( path ) )
Path artifact = localPaths.get( path );
DistributedCache.addFileToClassPath( artifact.makeQualified( localFS ), config );
FileSystem defaultFS = getDefaultFS( config );
for( String path : remotePaths.keySet() )
// always add remote
Path artifact = remotePaths.get( path );
DistributedCache.addFileToClassPath( artifact.makeQualified( defaultFS ), config );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new FlowException( "unable to set distributed cache paths", exception );
return getCommonPaths( localPaths, remotePaths );
* Copies paths from one local path to a remote path. If syncTimes is true, both modification and access time are
* changed to match the local 'from' path.
* <p/>
* Returns a map of file-name to remote modification times if the remote time is different than the local time.
* @param config
* @param commonPaths
* @param syncTimes
public static Map<String, Long> syncPaths( Configuration config, Map<Path, Path> commonPaths, boolean syncTimes )
if( commonPaths == null )
return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, Long> timestampMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<Path, Path> copyPaths = getCopyPaths( config, commonPaths ); // tests remote file existence or if stale
LocalFileSystem localFS = getLocalFS( config );
FileSystem remoteFS = getDefaultFS( config );
for( Map.Entry<Path, Path> entry : copyPaths.entrySet() )
Path localPath = entry.getKey();
Path remotePath = entry.getValue();
LOG.info( "copying from: {}, to: {}", localPath, remotePath );
remoteFS.copyFromLocalFile( localPath, remotePath );
if( !syncTimes )
timestampMap.put( remotePath.getName(), remoteFS.getFileStatus( remotePath ).getModificationTime() );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new FlowException( "unable to copy local: " + localPath + " to remote: " + remotePath, exception );
FileStatus localFileStatus = null;
// sync the modified times so we can lazily upload jars to hdfs after job is started
// otherwise modified time will be local to hdfs
localFileStatus = localFS.getFileStatus( localPath );
remoteFS.setTimes( remotePath, localFileStatus.getModificationTime(), -1 ); // don't set the access time
catch( IOException exception )
LOG.info( "unable to set local modification time on remote file: {}, 'dfs.namenode.accesstime.precision' may be set to 0 on HDFS.", remotePath );
if( localFileStatus != null )
timestampMap.put( remotePath.getName(), localFileStatus.getModificationTime() );
return timestampMap;
public static Map<Path, Path> getCommonPaths( Map<String, Path> localPaths, Map<String, Path> remotePaths )
Map<Path, Path> commonPaths = new HashMap<Path, Path>();
for( Map.Entry<String, Path> entry : localPaths.entrySet() )
if( remotePaths.containsKey( entry.getKey() ) )
commonPaths.put( entry.getValue(), remotePaths.get( entry.getKey() ) );
return commonPaths;
private static Map<Path, Path> getCopyPaths( Configuration config, Map<Path, Path> commonPaths )
Map<Path, Path> copyPaths = new HashMap<Path, Path>();
FileSystem remoteFS = getDefaultFS( config );
FileSystem localFS = getLocalFS( config );
for( Map.Entry<Path, Path> entry : commonPaths.entrySet() )
Path localPath = entry.getKey();
Path remotePath = entry.getValue();
boolean localExists = localFS.exists( localPath );
boolean remoteExist = remoteFS.exists( remotePath );
if( localExists && !remoteExist )
copyPaths.put( localPath, remotePath );
else if( localExists )
long localModTime = localFS.getFileStatus( localPath ).getModificationTime();
long remoteModTime = remoteFS.getFileStatus( remotePath ).getModificationTime();
if( localModTime > remoteModTime )
copyPaths.put( localPath, remotePath );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new FlowException( "unable to get handle to underlying filesystem", exception );
return copyPaths;
public static void resolvePaths( Configuration config, List<String> classpath, String remoteRoot, Map<String, Path> localPaths, Map<String, Path> remotePaths )
FileSystem defaultFS = getDefaultFS( config );
FileSystem localFS = getLocalFS( config );
Path remoteRootPath = new Path( remoteRoot == null ? "./.staging" : remoteRoot );
remoteRootPath = defaultFS.makeQualified( remoteRootPath );
boolean defaultIsLocal = defaultFS.equals( localFS );
for( String stringPath : classpath )
Path path = new Path( stringPath );
URI uri = path.toUri();
if( uri.getScheme() == null && !defaultIsLocal ) // we want to sync
Path localPath = localFS.makeQualified( path );
if( !exists( localFS, localPath ) )
throw new FlowException( "path not found: " + localPath );
localPaths.put( localPath.getName(), localPath );
remotePaths.put( localPath.getName(), defaultFS.makeQualified( new Path( remoteRootPath, path.getName() ) ) );
else if( localFS.equals( getFileSystem( config, path ) ) )
if( !exists( localFS, path ) )
throw new FlowException( "path not found: " + path );
Path localPath = localFS.makeQualified( path );
localPaths.put( localPath.getName(), localPath );
if( !exists( defaultFS, path ) )
throw new FlowException( "path not found: " + path );
Path defaultPath = defaultFS.makeQualified( path );
remotePaths.put( defaultPath.getName(), defaultPath );
private static boolean exists( FileSystem fileSystem, Path path )
return fileSystem.exists( path );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new FlowException( "could not test file exists: " + path );
private static FileSystem getFileSystem( Configuration config, Path path )
return path.getFileSystem( config );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new FlowException( "unable to get handle to underlying filesystem", exception );
public static LocalFileSystem getLocalFS( Configuration config )
return FileSystem.getLocal( config );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new FlowException( "unable to get handle to underlying filesystem", exception );
public static FileSystem getDefaultFS( Configuration config )
return FileSystem.get( config );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new FlowException( "unable to get handle to underlying filesystem", exception );
public static boolean isLocal( Configuration conf )
// hadoop 1.0 and 2.0 use different properties to define local mode: we check the new YARN
// property first
String frameworkName = conf.get( "mapreduce.framework.name" );
// we are running on hadoop 2.0 (YARN)
if( frameworkName != null )
return frameworkName.equals( "local" );
// for Tez
String tezLocal = conf.get( "tez.local.mode" );
if( tezLocal != null )
return tezLocal.equals( "true" );
// hadoop 1.0: use the old property to determine the local mode
return conf.get( "mapred.job.tracker" ).equals( "local" );
public static void setLocal( Configuration conf )
// set both properties to local
conf.set( "mapred.job.tracker", "local" );
// yarn
conf.set( "mapreduce.framework.name", "local" );
// tez
conf.set( "tez.local.mode", "true" );
conf.set( "tez.runtime.optimize.local.fetch", "true" );
public static void addInputPath( Configuration conf, Path path )
Path workingDirectory = getWorkingDirectory( conf );
path = new Path( workingDirectory, path );
String dirStr = StringUtils.escapeString( path.toString() );
String dirs = conf.get( "mapred.input.dir" );
conf.set( "mapred.input.dir", dirs == null ? dirStr :
dirs + StringUtils.COMMA_STR + dirStr );
public static void setOutputPath( Configuration conf, Path path )
Path workingDirectory = getWorkingDirectory( conf );
path = new Path( workingDirectory, path );
conf.set( "mapred.output.dir", path.toString() );
private static Path getWorkingDirectory( Configuration conf )
String name = conf.get( "mapred.working.dir" );
if( name != null )
return new Path( name );
Path dir = FileSystem.get( conf ).getWorkingDirectory();
conf.set( "mapred.working.dir", dir.toString() );
return dir;
catch( IOException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public static Path getOutputPath( Configuration conf )
String name = conf.get( "mapred.output.dir" );
return name == null ? null : new Path( name );
public static String pack( Object object, Configuration conf )
if( object == null )
return "";
return serializeBase64( object, conf, true );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new FlowException( "unable to pack object: " + object.getClass().getCanonicalName(), exception );
public static void addComparators( Configuration conf, String property, Map<String, Fields> map, BaseFlowStep flowStep, Group group )
Iterator<Fields> fieldsIterator = map.values().iterator();
if( !fieldsIterator.hasNext() )
Fields fields = fieldsIterator.next();
if( fields.hasComparators() )
conf.set( property, pack( fields, conf ) );
// use resolved fields if there are no comparators.
Set<Scope> previousScopes = flowStep.getPreviousScopes( group );
fields = previousScopes.iterator().next().getOutValuesFields();
if( fields.size() != 0 ) // allows fields.UNKNOWN to be used
conf.setInt( property + ".size", fields.size() );