* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Concurrent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Project and contact information: http://www.cascading.org/
* This file is part of the Cascading project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cascading.flow.hadoop;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import cascading.CascadingException;
import cascading.flow.FlowException;
import cascading.flow.FlowNode;
import cascading.flow.FlowProcess;
import cascading.flow.FlowRuntimeProps;
import cascading.flow.hadoop.planner.HadoopFlowStepJob;
import cascading.flow.hadoop.util.HadoopMRUtil;
import cascading.flow.hadoop.util.HadoopUtil;
import cascading.flow.planner.BaseFlowStep;
import cascading.flow.planner.FlowStepJob;
import cascading.flow.planner.graph.ElementGraph;
import cascading.flow.planner.process.FlowNodeGraph;
import cascading.management.state.ClientState;
import cascading.tap.Tap;
import cascading.tap.hadoop.io.MultiInputFormat;
import cascading.tap.hadoop.util.Hadoop18TapUtil;
import cascading.tap.hadoop.util.TempHfs;
import cascading.tuple.Tuple;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.TupleSerialization;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.CoGroupingComparator;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.CoGroupingPartitioner;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.GroupingComparator;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.GroupingPartitioner;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.GroupingSortingComparator;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.GroupingSortingPartitioner;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.IndexTupleCoGroupingComparator;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.ReverseGroupingSortingComparator;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.ReverseTupleComparator;
import cascading.tuple.hadoop.util.TupleComparator;
import cascading.tuple.io.IndexTuple;
import cascading.tuple.io.TuplePair;
import cascading.util.Util;
import cascading.util.Version;
import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import static cascading.flow.hadoop.util.HadoopUtil.addComparators;
import static cascading.flow.hadoop.util.HadoopUtil.pack;
public class HadoopFlowStep extends BaseFlowStep<JobConf>
public HadoopFlowStep( ElementGraph elementGraph, FlowNodeGraph flowNodeGraph )
super( elementGraph, flowNodeGraph );
public JobConf createInitializedConfig( FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, JobConf parentConfig )
JobConf conf = parentConfig == null ? new JobConf() : HadoopUtil.copyJobConf( parentConfig );
// disable warning
conf.setBoolean( "mapred.used.genericoptionsparser", true );
conf.setJobName( getStepDisplayName( conf.getInt( "cascading.display.id.truncate", Util.ID_LENGTH ) ) );
conf.setOutputKeyClass( Tuple.class );
conf.setOutputValueClass( Tuple.class );
conf.setMapRunnerClass( FlowMapper.class );
conf.setReducerClass( FlowReducer.class );
// set for use by the shuffling phase
TupleSerialization.setSerializations( conf );
initFromSources( flowProcess, conf );
initFromSink( flowProcess, conf );
initFromTraps( flowProcess, conf );
initFromProcessConfigDef( conf );
int numSinkParts = getSink().getScheme().getNumSinkParts();
if( numSinkParts != 0 )
// if no reducer, set num map tasks to control parts
if( getGroup() != null )
conf.setNumReduceTasks( numSinkParts );
conf.setNumMapTasks( numSinkParts );
else if( getGroup() != null )
int gatherPartitions = conf.getNumReduceTasks();
if( gatherPartitions == 0 )
gatherPartitions = conf.getInt( FlowRuntimeProps.GATHER_PARTITIONS, 0 );
if( gatherPartitions == 0 )
throw new FlowException( getName(), "a default number of gather partitions must be set, see FlowRuntimeProps" );
conf.setNumReduceTasks( gatherPartitions );
conf.setOutputKeyComparatorClass( TupleComparator.class );
if( getGroup() == null )
conf.setNumReduceTasks( 0 ); // disable reducers
// must set map output defaults when performing a reduce
conf.setMapOutputKeyClass( Tuple.class );
conf.setMapOutputValueClass( Tuple.class );
conf.setPartitionerClass( GroupingPartitioner.class );
// handles the case the groupby sort should be reversed
if( getGroup().isSortReversed() )
conf.setOutputKeyComparatorClass( ReverseTupleComparator.class );
addComparators( conf, "cascading.group.comparator", getGroup().getKeySelectors(), this, getGroup() );
if( getGroup().isGroupBy() )
addComparators( conf, "cascading.sort.comparator", getGroup().getSortingSelectors(), this, getGroup() );
if( !getGroup().isGroupBy() )
conf.setPartitionerClass( CoGroupingPartitioner.class );
conf.setMapOutputKeyClass( IndexTuple.class ); // allows groups to be sorted by index
conf.setMapOutputValueClass( IndexTuple.class );
conf.setOutputKeyComparatorClass( IndexTupleCoGroupingComparator.class ); // sorts by group, then by index
conf.setOutputValueGroupingComparator( CoGroupingComparator.class );
if( getGroup().isSorted() )
conf.setPartitionerClass( GroupingSortingPartitioner.class );
conf.setMapOutputKeyClass( TuplePair.class );
if( getGroup().isSortReversed() )
conf.setOutputKeyComparatorClass( ReverseGroupingSortingComparator.class );
conf.setOutputKeyComparatorClass( GroupingSortingComparator.class );
// no need to supply a reverse comparator, only equality is checked
conf.setOutputValueGroupingComparator( GroupingComparator.class );
// perform last so init above will pass to tasks
String versionString = Version.getRelease();
if( versionString != null )
conf.set( "cascading.version", versionString );
conf.set( CASCADING_FLOW_STEP_ID, getID() );
conf.set( "cascading.flow.step.num", Integer.toString( getOrdinal() ) );
HadoopUtil.setIsInflow( conf );
Iterator<FlowNode> iterator = getFlowNodeGraph().getTopologicalIterator();
String mapState = pack( iterator.next(), conf );
String reduceState = pack( iterator.hasNext() ? iterator.next() : null, conf );
// hadoop 20.2 doesn't like dist cache when using local mode
int maxSize = Short.MAX_VALUE;
int length = mapState.length() + reduceState.length();
if( isHadoopLocalMode( conf ) || length < maxSize ) // seems safe
conf.set( "cascading.flow.step.node.map", mapState );
if( !Util.isEmpty( reduceState ) )
conf.set( "cascading.flow.step.node.reduce", reduceState );
conf.set( "cascading.flow.step.node.map.path", HadoopMRUtil.writeStateToDistCache( conf, getID(), "map", mapState ) );
if( !Util.isEmpty( reduceState ) )
conf.set( "cascading.flow.step.node.reduce.path", HadoopMRUtil.writeStateToDistCache( conf, getID(), "reduce", reduceState ) );
return conf;
public boolean isHadoopLocalMode( JobConf conf )
return HadoopUtil.isLocal( conf );
protected FlowStepJob<JobConf> createFlowStepJob( ClientState clientState, FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, JobConf initializedStepConfig )
return new HadoopFlowStepJob( clientState, this, initializedStepConfig );
* Method clean removes any temporary files used by this FlowStep instance. It will log any IOExceptions thrown.
* @param config of type JobConf
public void clean( JobConf config )
String stepStatePath = config.get( "cascading.flow.step.path" );
if( stepStatePath != null )
HadoopUtil.removeStateFromDistCache( config, stepStatePath );
catch( IOException exception )
logWarn( "unable to remove step state file: " + stepStatePath, exception );
if( tempSink != null )
tempSink.deleteResource( config );
catch( Exception exception )
// sink all exceptions, don't fail app
logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + tempSink, exception );
if( getSink().isTemporary() && ( getFlow().getFlowStats().isSuccessful() || getFlow().getRunID() == null ) )
getSink().deleteResource( config );
catch( Exception exception )
// sink all exceptions, don't fail app
logWarn( "unable to remove temporary file: " + getSink(), exception );
cleanTapMetaData( config, getSink() );
for( Tap tap : getTraps() )
cleanTapMetaData( config, tap );
private void cleanTapMetaData( JobConf jobConf, Tap tap )
Hadoop18TapUtil.cleanupTapMetaData( jobConf, tap );
catch( IOException exception )
// ignore exception
private void initFromTraps( FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, JobConf conf, Map<String, Tap> traps )
if( !traps.isEmpty() )
JobConf trapConf = HadoopUtil.copyJobConf( conf );
for( Tap tap : traps.values() )
tap.sinkConfInit( flowProcess, trapConf );
protected void initFromSources( FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, JobConf conf )
// handles case where same tap is used on multiple branches
// we do not want to init the same tap multiple times
Set<Tap> uniqueSources = getUniqueStreamedSources();
JobConf[] streamedJobs = new JobConf[ uniqueSources.size() ];
int i = 0;
for( Tap tap : uniqueSources )
if( tap.getIdentifier() == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "tap may not have null identifier: " + tap.toString() );
streamedJobs[ i ] = flowProcess.copyConfig( conf );
streamedJobs[ i ].set( "cascading.step.source", Tap.id( tap ) );
tap.sourceConfInit( flowProcess, streamedJobs[ i ] );
Set<Tap> accumulatedSources = getAllAccumulatedSources();
for( Tap tap : accumulatedSources )
JobConf accumulatedJob = flowProcess.copyConfig( conf );
tap.sourceConfInit( flowProcess, accumulatedJob );
Map<String, String> map = flowProcess.diffConfigIntoMap( conf, accumulatedJob );
conf.set( "cascading.node.accumulated.source.conf." + Tap.id( tap ), pack( map, conf ) );
if( DistributedCache.getCacheFiles( accumulatedJob ) != null )
DistributedCache.setCacheFiles( DistributedCache.getCacheFiles( accumulatedJob ), conf );
catch( IOException exception )
throw new CascadingException( exception );
MultiInputFormat.addInputFormat( conf, streamedJobs ); //must come last
private void initFromProcessConfigDef( final JobConf conf )
initConfFromProcessConfigDef( getElementGraph(), new ConfigurationSetter( conf ) );
* sources are specific to step, remove all known accumulated sources, if any
* @return
private Set<Tap> getUniqueStreamedSources()
Set<Tap> allAccumulatedSources = getAllAccumulatedSources();
HashSet<Tap> set = new HashSet<>( sources.keySet() );
set.removeAll( allAccumulatedSources );
return set;
protected void initFromSink( FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, JobConf conf )
// init sink first so tempSink can take precedence
if( getSink() != null )
getSink().sinkConfInit( flowProcess, conf );
if( FileOutputFormat.getOutputPath( conf ) == null )
tempSink = new TempHfs( conf, "tmp:/" + new Path( getSink().getIdentifier() ).toUri().getPath(), true );
// tempSink exists because sink is writeDirect
if( tempSink != null )
tempSink.sinkConfInit( flowProcess, conf );
protected void initFromTraps( FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, JobConf conf )
initFromTraps( flowProcess, conf, getTrapMap() );