package com.googlecode.totallylazy;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.AllPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.AndPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.BetweenPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.CountTo;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.EqualsPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.GreaterThanOrEqualToPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.GreaterThanPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.InPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.InstanceOf;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.LessThanOrEqualToPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.LessThanPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.LogicalPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.Not;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.NotEqualsPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.NotNullPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.NullPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.OnlyOnce;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.OrPredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.WherePredicate;
import com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.WhileTrue;
import java.util.Collection;
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Functions.function;
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Sequences.sequence;
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.Sets.*;
import static com.googlecode.totallylazy.predicates.LogicalPredicate.logicalPredicate;
public class Predicates {
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> all() {
return new AllPredicate<T>();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> all(Class<T> aClass) {
return all();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> always(Class<T> aClass) {
return all();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> always() {
return all();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> never(Class<T> aClass) {
return never();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> never() {
return not(always());
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Collection<T>> contains(final T t) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Collection<T>>() {
public boolean matches(Collection<T> other) {
return other.contains(t);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>> exists(final Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>>() {
public boolean matches(Iterable<T> iterable) {
return sequence(iterable).exists(predicate);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>> forAll(final Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>>() {
public boolean matches(Iterable<T> iterable) {
return sequence(iterable).forAll(predicate);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>> subsetOf(final Iterable<? extends T> superset) {
return forAll(in(superset));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>> supersetOf(final Iterable<? extends T> subset) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>>() {
public boolean matches(Iterable<T> superset) {
return sequence(subset).forAll(in(superset));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>> setEqualityWith(final Iterable<? extends T> other) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>>() {
public boolean matches(Iterable<T> iterable) {
return set(iterable).equals(set(other));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> in(final T... values) {
return in(sequence(values));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> in(final Iterable<? extends T> values) {
return new InPredicate<T>(sequence(values));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> in(final Collection<? extends T> collection) {
return new LogicalPredicate<T>() {
public boolean matches(T other) {
return collection.contains(other);
public static LogicalPredicate<Either> isLeft() {
return new LogicalPredicate<Either>() {
public boolean matches(Either either) {
return either.isLeft();
public static LogicalPredicate<Either> isRight() {
return new LogicalPredicate<Either>() {
public boolean matches(Either either) {
return either.isRight();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> onlyOnce(final Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
return new OnlyOnce<T>(predicate);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> instanceOf(final Class<?> t) {
return new InstanceOf<T>(t);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> equalTo(final T t) {
return new EqualsPredicate<T>(t);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> is(final T t) {
return equalTo(t);
public static <S, T extends Predicate<S>> T is(final T t) {
return t;
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> and(final Predicate<? super T> first) {
return logicalPredicate(first);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> and(final Predicate<? super T> first, final Predicate<? super T> second) {
return and(Sequences.<Predicate<? super T>>sequence(first, second));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> and(final Predicate<? super T> first, final Predicate<? super T> second, final Predicate<? super T> third) {
return and(Sequences.<Predicate<? super T>>sequence(first, second, third));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> and(final Predicate<? super T> first, final Predicate<? super T> second, final Predicate<? super T> third, final Predicate<? super T> fourth) {
return and(Sequences.<Predicate<? super T>>sequence(first, second, third, fourth));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> and(final Predicate<? super T> first, final Predicate<? super T> second, final Predicate<? super T> third, final Predicate<? super T> fourth, final Predicate<? super T> fifth) {
return and(Sequences.<Predicate<? super T>>sequence(first, second, third, fourth, fifth));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> and(final Predicate<? super T>... predicates) {
return and(sequence(predicates)); }
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> and(final Iterable<? extends Predicate<? super T>> predicates) {
return AndPredicate.and(predicates);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> or(final Predicate<? super T> first) {
return logicalPredicate(first);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> or(final Predicate<? super T> first, final Predicate<? super T> second) {
return or(Sequences.<Predicate<? super T>>sequence(first, second));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> or(final Predicate<? super T> first, final Predicate<? super T> second, final Predicate<? super T> third) {
return or(Sequences.<Predicate<? super T>>sequence(first, second, third));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> or(final Predicate<? super T> first, final Predicate<? super T> second, final Predicate<? super T> third, final Predicate<? super T> fourth) {
return or(Sequences.<Predicate<? super T>>sequence(first, second, third, fourth));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> or(final Predicate<? super T> first, final Predicate<? super T> second, final Predicate<? super T> third, final Predicate<? super T> fourth, final Predicate<? super T> fifth) {
return or(Sequences.<Predicate<? super T>>sequence(first, second, third, fourth, fifth));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> or(final Predicate<? super T>... predicates) {
return or(sequence(predicates));
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> or(final Iterable<? extends Predicate<? super T>> predicates) {
return OrPredicate.or(predicates);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> not(final T t) {
return new NotEqualsPredicate<T>(t);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> not(final Predicate<? super T> t) {
return new Not<T>(t);
public static LogicalPredicate<Object> countTo(final Number count) {
return new CountTo(count);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> whileTrue(final Predicate<? super T> t) {
return new WhileTrue<T>(t);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> nullValue() {
return new NullPredicate<T>();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> nullValue(final Class<T> type) {
return nullValue();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> notNullValue() {
return new NotNullPredicate<T>();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> notNullValue(final Class<T> aClass) {
return notNullValue();
@Deprecated // will be removed after 950. Use flatMap instead.
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Option<T>> some(final Class<T> aClass) {
return some();
@Deprecated // will be removed after 950. Use flatMap instead.
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Option<T>> some() {
return new LogicalPredicate<Option<T>>() {
public final boolean matches(Option<T> other) {
return !other.isEmpty();
public static LogicalPredicate<Class<?>> assignableTo(final Object o) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Class<?>>() {
public boolean matches(Class<?> aClass) {
return isAssignableTo(o, aClass);
public static LogicalPredicate<Object> assignableTo(final Class<?> aClass) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Object>() {
public boolean matches(Object o) {
return isAssignableTo(o, aClass);
public static boolean isAssignableTo(Object o, Class<?> aClass) {
if (o == null) return false;
return aClass.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass());
public static LogicalPredicate<Class<?>> classAssignableTo(final Class<?> aClass) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Class<?>>() {
public boolean matches(Class<?> other) {
return aClass.isAssignableFrom(other);
public static <T, R> LogicalPredicate<T> where(final Callable1<? super T, ? extends R> callable, final Predicate<? super R> predicate) {
return WherePredicate.where(callable, predicate);
public static <T, R> LogicalPredicate<T> by(final Callable1<? super T, ? extends R> callable, final Predicate<? super R> predicate) {
return WherePredicate.where(callable, predicate);
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Predicate<T>> matches(final T instance) {
return new LogicalPredicate<Predicate<T>>() {
public boolean matches(Predicate<T> predicate) {
return predicate.matches(instance);
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> LogicalPredicate<T> greaterThan(final T comparable) {
return new GreaterThanPredicate<T>(comparable);
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> LogicalPredicate<T> greaterThanOrEqualTo(final T comparable) {
return new GreaterThanOrEqualToPredicate<T>(comparable);
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> LogicalPredicate<T> lessThan(final T comparable) {
return new LessThanPredicate<T>(comparable);
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> LogicalPredicate<T> lessThanOrEqualTo(final T comparable) {
return new LessThanOrEqualToPredicate<T>(comparable);
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> LogicalPredicate<T> between(final T lower, final T upper) {
return new BetweenPredicate<T>(lower, upper);
public static Predicate<Pair> equalTo() {
return new Predicate<Pair>() {
public boolean matches(Pair pair) {
return pair.first().equals(pair.second());
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>> empty() {
return new LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>>() {
public boolean matches(Iterable<T> other) {
return sequence(other).isEmpty();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<Iterable<T>> empty(Class<T> aClass) {
return empty();
public static <T> LogicalPredicate<T> predicate(final Callable1<T, Boolean> callable) {
return new LogicalPredicate<T>() {
public boolean matches(T other) {
Boolean result = function(callable).apply(other);
return result == null ? false : result;