Package io.fabric8.git.internal

Source Code of io.fabric8.git.internal.CachingGitDataStoreTest

*  Copyright 2005-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
*  Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version
*  2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
*  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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*  permissions and limitations under the License.
package io.fabric8.git.internal;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import io.fabric8.api.Constants;
import io.fabric8.api.DataStoreTemplate;
import io.fabric8.api.RuntimeProperties;
import io.fabric8.api.scr.Configurer;
import io.fabric8.utils.Strings;
import io.fabric8.git.hawtio.FabricGitFacade;
import io.fabric8.zookeeper.spring.ZKServerFactoryBean;

import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework;
import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFrameworkFactory;
import org.apache.curator.retry.RetryOneTime;
import org.easymock.EasyMock;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.StoredConfig;
import org.gitective.core.RepositoryUtils;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;

@Ignore("[FABRIC-1110] Mocked test makes invalid assumption on the implementation")
public class CachingGitDataStoreTest {

     * Should we use the old way of importing data into Fabric
    protected boolean useOldImportFormat = true;

    private ZKServerFactoryBean sfb;
    private CuratorFramework curator;
    private Git git;
    private Git remote;
    protected GitDataStoreImpl dataStore;
    private String basedir;
    private RuntimeProperties runtimeProperties;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        sfb = new ZKServerFactoryBean();
        runtimeProperties = EasyMock.createMock(RuntimeProperties.class);

        CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder builder = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder().connectString("localhost:" + sfb.getClientPortAddress().getPort())
                .retryPolicy(new RetryOneTime(1000)).connectionTimeoutMs(360000);

        curator =;

        // setup a local and remote git repo
        basedir = System.getProperty("basedir", ".");
        File root = new File(basedir + "/target/git").getCanonicalFile();

        new File(root, "remote").mkdirs();
        remote = Git.init().setDirectory(new File(root, "remote")).call();
        remote.commit().setMessage("First Commit").setCommitter("fabric", "user@fabric").call();
        String remoteUrl = "file://" + new File(root, "remote").getCanonicalPath();

        new File(root, "local").mkdirs();
        git = Git.init().setDirectory(new File(root, "local")).call();
        git.commit().setMessage("First Commit").setCommitter("fabric", "user@fabric").call();
        StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig();
        config.setString("remote", "origin", "url", remoteUrl);
        config.setString("remote", "origin", "fetch", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*");;

        FabricGitServiceImpl gitService = new FabricGitServiceImpl();

        dataStore = new GitDataStoreImpl();
        dataStore.bindConfigurer(new Configurer() {

            public <T> Map<String, ?> configure(Map<String, ?> configuration, T target, String... ignorePrefix) throws Exception {
                return null;

            public <T> Map<String, ?> configure(Dictionary<String, ?> configuration, T target, String... ignorePrefix) throws Exception {
                return null;
        Map<String, Object> datastoreProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        // datastoreProperties.put(GitDataStoreImpl.GIT_REMOTE_URL, remoteUrl);

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
        // dataStore.deactivate();

    public void testDataStore() throws Exception {
        String defaultVersion = null; //dataStore.getDefaultVersion();
        assertEquals("defaultVersion", "1.0", defaultVersion);

        // now lets import some data - using the old non-git file layout...
        String importPath = basedir + "/../fabric8-karaf/src/main/resources/distro/fabric";
        if (useOldImportFormat) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //Ignore exception about missing url handlers. Not needed for this test anyway.
        } else {
            String prefix = importPath + "/fabric";
            String profileImport = prefix + "/configs/versions/1.0/profiles";

            // dataStore.importFromFileSystem(new File(profileImport), "fabric",
            // "1.0", true);

        String importedProfile = "example-dozer";
        String profile = importedProfile;
        assertProfileExists(defaultVersion, profile);

        // assertFolderExists("Should have imported an mq/ file!",
        // getLocalGitFile("fabric/profiles/mq/"));

        String version = "1.1";
        assertCreateVersion("1.0", version);

        assertProfileConfiguration(version, importedProfile, Constants.AGENT_PID, "attribute.parents", "feature-camel");
        assertProfileTextFileConfigurationContains(version, "example-camel-mq", "camel.xml", "");

         * List<String> fileNames = dataStore.getConfigurationFileNames(version,
         * "example-camel-mq"); assertNotNull("Should have some file names",
         * fileNames); assertTrue("Should have some file names",
         * fileNames.size() > 0); assertTrue("Should contain 'came",
         * fileNames.size() > 0);
         * assertCollectionContains("configurationFileNames", fileNames,
         * "camel.xml");

        // lets test the profile attributes
        Map<String, String> profileAttributes = Collections.emptyMap(); //dataStore.getProfileAttributes(version, importedProfile);
        String parent = profileAttributes.get("parents");
        assertEquals(importedProfile + ".profileAttributes[parent]", "feature-camel", parent);

        System.out.println("Profile attributes: " + profileAttributes);
        String profileAttributeKey = "myKey";
        String expectedProfileAttributeValue = "myValue";
        //dataStore.setProfileAttribute(version, importedProfile, profileAttributeKey, expectedProfileAttributeValue);
        //profileAttributes = dataStore.getProfileAttributes(version, importedProfile);
        System.out.println("Profile attributes: " + profileAttributes);
        assertMapContains("Profile attribute[" + profileAttributeKey + "]", profileAttributes, profileAttributeKey, expectedProfileAttributeValue);

        String hawtioRepoKey = "repository.hawtio";
        Map<String, String> hawtioAttrbutes = Collections.emptyMap(); //dataStore.getConfiguration(version, "hawtio", Constants.AGENT_PID);
        String currentHawtRepo = hawtioAttrbutes.get(hawtioRepoKey);
        System.out.println("Current repository.hawtio: " + currentHawtRepo);

        // now lets write via the hawtio API
        FabricGitFacade hawtio = new FabricGitFacade();
        /* String hawtioPropertyFile = "/fabric/profiles/" + dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory("hawtio") + "/" + Constants.AGENT_PID + ".properties";
        hawtio.write(version, hawtioPropertyFile, "My commit message", "me", "", "# new file\n" + hawtioRepoKey + " = "
                + "mvn\\:io.hawt/hawtio-karaf/myNewVersion/xml/features" + "\n");
        hawtioAttrbutes = Collections.emptyMap(); //dataStore.getConfiguration(version, "hawtio", Constants.AGENT_PID);
        String actual = hawtioAttrbutes.get(hawtioRepoKey);
        assertEquals("should have found the updated hawtio repo key", "mvn:io.hawt/hawtio-karaf/myNewVersion/xml/features", actual);

        // lets check that the file configurations recurses into folders
        //Map<String, byte[]> tomcatFileConfigurations = dataStore.getFileConfigurations("1.0", "controller-tomcat");
        //assertHasFileConfiguration(tomcatFileConfigurations, "tomcat/conf/server.xml.mvel");

        Collection<String> schemas = dataStore.listFiles("1.0", Arrays.asList("example-dozer"), "schemas");
        assertContainerEquals("schemas for example-dozer", Arrays.asList("invoice.xsd"), new ArrayList<String>(schemas));

        // check we don't accidentally create a profile
        String profileNotCreated = "shouldNotBeCreated";
        //assertEquals("Should not create profile: " + profileNotCreated, null, dataStore.getProfile(version, profileNotCreated, false));
        assertProfileNotExists(defaultVersion, profileNotCreated);
        // assertFolderNotExists(getLocalGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profileNotCreated)));

        // now lets create some profiles in this new version
        String newProfile = "myNewProfile";
        //dataStore.createProfile(version, newProfile);
        assertProfileExists(version, newProfile);

        // lazy create a profile
        String anotherNewProfile = "anotherNewProfile";
        //dataStore.getProfile(version, anotherNewProfile, true);
        assertProfileExists(version, anotherNewProfile);

        version = "1.2";
        assertCreateVersion("1.1", version);

        // check this version has the profile too
        assertProfileExists(version, newProfile);
        assertProfileExists(version, profile);

        // now lets delete a profile
        dataStore.deleteProfile(version, newProfile);
        assertProfileNotExists(version, newProfile);

        // lets check the remote repo

        assertProfileExists("1.1", profile);
        assertProfileExists("1.1", newProfile);
        // assertFolderExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profile)));
        // assertFolderExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(newProfile)));


        assertProfileExists("1.2", profile);
        assertProfileNotExists("1.2", newProfile);
        // assertFolderExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profile)));
        // assertFolderNotExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(newProfile)));

        // assertFolderExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profile)));
        // assertFolderNotExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(newProfile)));

        // delete version 1.2
        // dataStore.removeVersion("1.2");

        Collection<String> remoteBranches = RepositoryUtils.getBranches(remote.getRepository());
        System.out.println("Remote branches after delete: " + remoteBranches);

    public static void assertContainerEquals(String message, List<String> expected, List<String> actual) {
        assertEquals(message + "Size wrong for actual " + actual + " expected " + expected, expected.size(), actual.size());
        for (int i = 0, size = expected.size(); i < size; i++) {
            Object expectedItem = expected.get(i);
            Object actualItem = actual.get(i);
            assertEquals(message + " item " + i, expectedItem, actualItem);

    public static void assertHasFileConfiguration(Map<String, byte[]> fileConfigurations, String pid) {
        byte[] data = fileConfigurations.get(pid);
        assertNotNull("has no file config for " + pid, data);
        assertTrue("empty file config for " + pid, data.length > 0);
        System.out.println("" + pid + " has " + data.length + " bytes");

    protected void assertProfileTextFileConfigurationContains(String version, String profile, String fileName, String expectedContents) {
        byte[] bytes = null; //dataStore.getFileConfiguration(version, profile, fileName);
        String message = "file " + fileName + " in version " + version + " profile " + profile;
        assertNotNull("should have got data for " + message, bytes);
        assertTrue("empty file for file for " + message, bytes.length > 0);
        String text = new String(bytes);
        assertTrue("text file does not contain " + expectedContents + " was: " + text, text.contains(expectedContents));

    protected void assertProfileConfiguration(String version, String profile, String pid, String key, String expectedValue) {
        String file = pid + ".properties";
        byte[] fileConfiguration = null; //dataStore.getFileConfiguration(version, profile, file);
        assertNotNull("fileConfiguration", fileConfiguration);
        Map<String, byte[]> fileConfigurations = Collections.emptyMap(); //dataStore.getFileConfigurations(version, profile);
        assertNotNull("fileConfigurations", fileConfigurations);

        Map<String, String> configuration = Collections.emptyMap(); //dataStore.getConfiguration(version, profile, pid);
        assertNotNull("configuration", configuration);
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> configurations = Collections.emptyMap(); //dataStore.getConfigurations(version, profile);
        assertNotNull("configurations", configurations);

        System.out.println("Configurations: " + configurations);
        System.out.println(pid + " configuration: " + configuration);

        assertMapContains("configuration", configuration, key, expectedValue);
        assertFalse("configurations is empty!", configurations.isEmpty());
        assertFalse("fileConfigurations is empty!", fileConfigurations.isEmpty());

        Map<String, String> pidConfig = configurations.get(pid);
        assertNotNull("configurations should have an entry for pid " + pid, pidConfig);
        assertMapContains("configurations[" + pid + "]", pidConfig, key, expectedValue);

        byte[] pidBytes = fileConfigurations.get(file);
        assertNotNull("fileConfigurations should have an entry for file " + file, pidConfig);
        assertTrue("should have found some bytes for fileConfigurations entry for pid " + pid, pidBytes.length > 0);

        assertEquals("sizes of fileConfiguration.length and fileConfigurations[" + file + "].length", fileConfiguration.length, pidBytes.length);

    protected <T> void assertCollectionContains(String message, Collection<T> collection, T value) {
        assertTrue(message + ".contains(" + value + ")", collection.contains(value));

    protected void assertMapContains(String message, Map<String, String> map, String key, String expectedValue) {
        String value = map.get(key);
        assertEquals(message + "[" + key + "]", expectedValue, value);

    protected File getLocalGitFile(String path) {
        return new File(GitHelpers.getRootGitDirectory(git), path);

    protected File getRemoteGitFile(String path) {
        return new File(GitHelpers.getRootGitDirectory(remote), path);

    protected void assertProfileExists(String version, String profile) throws Exception {
        List<String> profiles = dataStore.getProfiles(version);
        assertTrue("Profile " + profile + " should exist but has: " + profiles + " for version " + version, profiles.contains(profile));
        // We can't directly access git as it gets locked.
        // git.checkout().setName(version).call();
        // assertFolderExists(getLocalGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profile)));

    protected void assertProfileNotExists(String version, String profile) {
        List<String> profiles = dataStore.getProfiles(version);
        assertFalse("Profile " + profile + " should not exist but has: " + profiles + " for version " + version, profiles.contains(profile));
        // We can't directly access git as it gets locked.
        // assertFolderNotExists(getLocalGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
        // dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profile)));

    protected void assertFolderExists(String path) {
        assertFolderExists(new File(path));

    protected void assertFolderExists(File path) {
        assertFolderExists("", path);

    protected void assertFolderExists(String message, File path) {
        assertTrue(messagePrefix(message) + "Cannot find folder: " + path, path.exists());

    private String messagePrefix(String message) {
        return message + (Strings.isNotBlank(message) ? ". " : "");

    protected void assertFolderNotExists(File path) {
        assertFolderNotExists("", path);

    protected void assertFolderNotExists(String message, File path) {
        assertFalse(messagePrefix(message) + "Should not have found folder: " + path, path.exists());

    protected void assertCreateVersion(String sourceId, String targetId) {
        dataStore.createVersion(sourceId, targetId, null);


        // we should now have a remote branch of this name too
        Collection<String> remoteBranches = RepositoryUtils.getBranches(remote.getRepository());
        System.out.println("Remote branches: " + remoteBranches);
        String remoteBranch = "refs/heads/" + targetId;
        assertTrue("Should contain " + remoteBranch + " but has remote branches " + remoteBranches, remoteBranches.contains(remoteBranch));

    protected void assertHasVersion(String version) {
        List<String> versions = dataStore.getVersionIds();
        System.out.println("Has versions: " + versions);

        assertNotNull("No version list returned!", versions);
        assertTrue("Should contain version", versions.contains(version));
        assertTrue("Should contain version", dataStore.hasVersion(version));

    protected void assertHasNotVersion(String version) {
        List<String> versions = dataStore.getVersionIds();
        System.out.println("Has versions: " + versions);

        assertNotNull("No version list returned!", versions);
        assertFalse("Should not contain version", versions.contains(version));
        assertFalse("Should not contain version", dataStore.hasVersion(version));

    private void delete(File file) throws IOException {
        if (file.isDirectory()) {
            File[] children = file.listFiles();
            if (children != null) {
                for (File child : children) {
        if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) {
            throw new IOException("Unable to delete file " + file);


Related Classes of io.fabric8.git.internal.CachingGitDataStoreTest

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