* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 MongoDB, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// JSONTest.java
package com.mongodb.util;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBRef;
import org.bson.BSON;
import org.bson.BasicBSONObject;
import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;
import org.bson.types.Code;
import org.bson.types.CodeWScope;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.SimpleTimeZone;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
public class JSONTest extends com.mongodb.util.TestCase {
public void testSerializationMethods(){
// basic test of each of JSON class' serialization methods
String json = "{ \"x\" : \"basic test\"}";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Object obj = JSON.parse(json);
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(obj), json);
public void testNumbers(){
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 5 }")), "{ \"x\" : 5}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 5.0 }")), "{ \"x\" : 5.0}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 0 }")), "{ \"x\" : 0}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 0.0 }")), "{ \"x\" : 0.0}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 500 }")), "{ \"x\" : 500}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 500.0 }")), "{ \"x\" : 500.0}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 0.500 }")), "{ \"x\" : 0.5}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 5. }")), "{ \"x\" : 5.0}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 5.0e+1 }")), "{ \"x\" : 50.0}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : 5.0E-1 }")), "{ \"x\" : 0.5}");
public void testLongValues() {
Long bigVal = Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L;
String test = String.format("{ \"x\" : %d}", bigVal);
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse(test)), test);
Long smallVal = Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1L;
String test2 = String.format("{ \"x\" : %d}", smallVal);
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse(test2)), test2);
JSON.parse("{\"ReallyBigNumber\": 10000000000000000000 }");
fail("JSONParseException should have been thrown");
}catch(JSONParseException e) {
// fall through
public void testSimple() {
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : true}")), "{ \"csdf\" : true}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : false}")), "{ \"csdf\" : false}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : null}")), "{ \"csdf\" : null }");
public void testString() {
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : \"foo\"}")), "{ \"csdf\" : \"foo\"}") ;
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : \'foo\'}")), "{ \"csdf\" : \"foo\"}") ;
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : \"a\\\"b\"}")), "{ \"csdf\" : \"a\\\"b\"}");
"{ \"id\" : \"1689c12eb234c54a84ebd100\"}");
public void testArray() {
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : [\"foo\"]}")), "{ \"csdf\" : [ \"foo\"]}") ;
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : [3, 5, \'foo\', null]}")), "{ \"csdf\" : [ 3 , 5 , \"foo\" , null ]}") ;
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : [3.0, 5.0, \'foo\', null]}")), "{ \"csdf\" : [ 3.0 , 5.0 , \"foo\" , null ]}") ;
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : [[],[[]],false]}")), "{ \"csdf\" : [ [ ] , [ [ ]] , false]}");
public void testObject() {
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : {}}")), "{ \"csdf\" : { }}") ;
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : {\"foo\":\"bar\"}}")), "{ \"csdf\" : { \"foo\" : \"bar\"}}") ;
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'csdf' : {\'hi\':{\'hi\':[{}]}}}")), "{ \"csdf\" : { \"hi\" : { \"hi\" : [ { }]}}}");
public void testMulti() {
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{\'\' : \"\", \"34\" : -52.5}")), "{ \"\" : \"\" , \"34\" : -52.5}") ;
public void testUnicode() {
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{'x' : \"hi\\u0020\"}")),"{ \"x\" : \"hi \"}") ;
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{ \"x\" : \"\\u0E01\\u2702\\uF900\"}")), "{ \"x\" : \"\u0E01\u2702\uF900\"}");
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{ \"x\" : \"foo\\u0020bar\"}")), "{ \"x\" : \"foo bar\"}");
public void testBin() {
byte b[] = {'a', 'b', 0, 'd'};
DBObject obj = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("b", b).get();
assertEquals(JSON.serialize(obj), "{ \"b\" : <Binary Data>}");
public void testErrors(){
boolean threw = false;
try {
JSON.parse("{\"x\" : \"");
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, true);
threw = false;
try {
JSON.parse("{\"x\" : \"\\");
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, true);
threw = false;
try {
JSON.parse("{\"x\" : 5.2");
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, true);
threw = false;
try {
JSON.parse("{\"x\" : 5");
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, true);
threw = false;
try {
JSON.parse("{\"x\" : 5,");
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, true);
threw = false;
public void testBasic(){
assertEquals( JSON.serialize(JSON.parse("{}")), "{ }");
assertEquals( JSON.parse(""), null );
assertEquals( JSON.parse(" "), null);
assertEquals( JSON.parse(null), null);
boolean threw = false;
try {
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, true);
threw = false;
try {
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, true);
threw = false;
try {
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, true);
threw = false;
try {
catch(JSONParseException e) {
threw = true;
assertEquals(threw, false);
threw = false;
assertEquals( 4 , JSON.parse( "4" ) );
public void testNumbers2(){
DBObject x = new BasicDBObject( "x" , 123 );
assertEquals( x , JSON.parse( x.toString() ) );
x = new BasicDBObject( "x" , 123123123123L );
assertEquals( x , JSON.parse( x.toString() ) );
x = new BasicDBObject( "x" , 123123123 );
assertEquals( x , JSON.parse( x.toString() ) );
void _escapeChar( String s ){
String thingy = "va" + s + "lue";
DBObject x = new BasicDBObject( "name" , thingy );
x = (DBObject)JSON.parse( x.toString() );
assertEquals( thingy , x.get( "name" ) );
thingy = "va" + s + s + s + "lue" + s;
x = new BasicDBObject( "name" , thingy );
x = (DBObject)JSON.parse( x.toString() );
assertEquals( thingy , x.get( "name" ) );
public void testEscape1(){
String raw = "a\nb";
DBObject x = new BasicDBObject( "x" , raw );
assertEquals( "\"a\\nb\"" , JSON.serialize( raw ) );
assertEquals( x , JSON.parse( x.toString() ) );
assertEquals( raw , ((DBObject)JSON.parse( x.toString() ) ).get( "x" ) );
x = new BasicDBObject( "x" , "a\nb\bc\td\re" );
assertEquals( x , JSON.parse( x.toString() ) );
String thingy = "va\"lue";
x = new BasicDBObject( "name" , thingy );
x = (DBObject)JSON.parse( x.toString() );
assertEquals( thingy , x.get( "name" ) );
thingy = "va\\lue";
x = new BasicDBObject( "name" , thingy );
x = (DBObject)JSON.parse( x.toString() );
assertEquals( thingy , x.get( "name" ) );
assertEquals( "va/lue" , (String)JSON.parse("\"va\\/lue\"") );
assertEquals( "value" , (String)JSON.parse("\"va\\lue\"") );
assertEquals( "va\\lue" , (String)JSON.parse("\"va\\\\lue\"") );
_escapeChar( "\t" );
_escapeChar( "\b" );
_escapeChar( "\n" );
_escapeChar( "\r" );
_escapeChar( "\'" );
_escapeChar( "\"" );
_escapeChar( "\\" );
public void testPattern() {
String x = "^Hello$";
String serializedPattern =
"{ \"$regex\" : \"" + x + "\" , \"$options\" : \"" + "i\"}";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( x , Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
assertEquals( serializedPattern, JSON.serialize(pattern));
BasicDBObject a = new BasicDBObject( "x" , pattern );
assertEquals( "{ \"x\" : " + serializedPattern + "}" , a.toString() );
DBObject b = (DBObject)JSON.parse( a.toString() );
assertEquals( b.get("x").getClass(), Pattern.class );
assertEquals( a.toString() , b.toString() );
public void testRegexNoOptions() {
String x = "^Hello$";
String serializedPattern =
"{ \"$regex\" : \"" + x + "\"}";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( x );
assertEquals( serializedPattern, JSON.serialize(pattern));
BasicDBObject a = new BasicDBObject( "x" , pattern );
assertEquals( "{ \"x\" : " + serializedPattern + "}" , a.toString() );
DBObject b = (DBObject)JSON.parse( a.toString() );
assertEquals( b.get("x").getClass(), Pattern.class );
assertEquals( a.toString() , b.toString() );
public void testObjectId() {
ObjectId oid = new ObjectId(new Date());
String serialized = JSON.serialize(oid);
assertEquals("{ \"$oid\" : \"" + oid + "\"}", serialized);
ObjectId oid2 = (ObjectId)JSON.parse(serialized);
assertEquals(oid, oid2);
public void testDate() {
Date d = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
format.setCalendar(new GregorianCalendar(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")));
String formattedDate = format.format(d);
String serialized = JSON.serialize(d);
assertEquals("{ \"$date\" : \"" + formattedDate + "\"}", serialized);
Date d2 = (Date)JSON.parse(serialized);
assertEquals(d.toString(), d2.toString());
public void testJSONEncoding() throws ParseException {
String json = "{ 'str' : 'asdfasd' , 'long' : 123123123123 , 'int' : 5 , 'float' : 0.4 , 'bool' : false , 'date' : { '$date' : '2011-05-18T18:56:00Z'} , 'pat' : { '$regex' : '.*' , '$options' : ''} , 'oid' : { '$oid' : '4d83ab3ea39562db9c1ae2ae'} , 'ref' : { '$ref' : 'test.test' , '$id' : { '$oid' : '4d83ab59a39562db9c1ae2af'}} , 'code' : { '$code' : 'asdfdsa'} , 'codews' : { '$code' : 'ggggg' , '$scope' : { }} , 'ts' : { '$ts' : 1300474885 , '$inc' : 10} , 'null' : null, 'uuid' : { '$uuid' : '60f65152-6d4a-4f11-9c9b-590b575da7b5' }}";
BasicDBObject a = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(json);
assert (a.get("str").equals("asdfasd"));
assert (a.get("int").equals(5));
assert (a.get("long").equals(123123123123L));
assert (a.get("float").equals(0.4d));
assert (a.get("bool").equals(false));
SimpleDateFormat format =
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
format.setCalendar(new GregorianCalendar(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")));
assert (a.get("date").equals(format.parse("2011-05-18T18:56:00Z")));
Pattern pat = (Pattern) a.get("pat");
Pattern pat2 = Pattern.compile(".*", BSON.regexFlags(""));
assert (pat.pattern().equals(pat2.pattern()));
assert (pat.flags() == (pat2.flags()));
ObjectId oid = (ObjectId) a.get("oid");
assert (oid.equals(new ObjectId("4d83ab3ea39562db9c1ae2ae")));
DBRef ref = (DBRef) a.get("ref");
assert (ref.equals(new DBRef(null, "test.test", new ObjectId("4d83ab59a39562db9c1ae2af"))));
assert (a.get("code").equals(new Code("asdfdsa")));
assert (a.get("codews").equals(new CodeWScope("ggggg", new BasicBSONObject())));
assert (a.get("ts").equals(new BSONTimestamp(1300474885, 10)));
assert (a.get("uuid").equals(UUID.fromString("60f65152-6d4a-4f11-9c9b-590b575da7b5")));
String json2 = JSON.serialize(a);
BasicDBObject b = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(json2);
assert (a.equals(b));