Package org.bson

Source Code of org.bson.LazyBSONObject$ReadOnlySet

* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 MongoDB, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.bson;

import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;
import org.bson.types.Code;
import org.bson.types.CodeWScope;
import org.bson.types.MaxKey;
import org.bson.types.MinKey;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.bson.types.Symbol;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

* An immutable {@code BSONObject} backed by a byte buffer that lazily provides keys and values on request. This is useful for transferring
* BSON documents between servers when you don't want to pay the performance penalty of encoding or decoding them fully.
public class LazyBSONObject implements BSONObject {

     * Construct an instance.
     * @param bytes the raw bytes
     * @param callback the callback to use to construct nested values
    public LazyBSONObject( byte[] bytes, LazyBSONCallback callback ){
        this( BSONByteBuffer.wrap( bytes ), callback );

     * Construct an instance.
     * @param bytes the raw bytes
     * @param offset the offset into the raw bytes representing the start of the document
     * @param callback the callback to use to construct nested values
    public LazyBSONObject( byte[] bytes, int offset, LazyBSONCallback callback ){
        this( BSONByteBuffer.wrap( bytes, offset, bytes.length - offset ), offset, callback );

     * @deprecated use {@link #LazyBSONObject(byte[], LazyBSONCallback)} instead
    public LazyBSONObject( BSONByteBuffer buffer, LazyBSONCallback callback ){
        this( buffer, 0, callback );

     * @deprecated use {@link #LazyBSONObject(byte[], int, LazyBSONCallback)} instead
    public LazyBSONObject( BSONByteBuffer buffer, int offset, LazyBSONCallback callback ){
        _callback = callback;
        _input = buffer;
        _doc_start_offset = offset;

    class ElementRecord {
        ElementRecord( final String name, final int offset ){
   = name;
            this.offset = offset;
            this.type = getElementType( offset - 1 );
            this.fieldNameSize = sizeCString( offset );
            this.valueOffset = offset + fieldNameSize;

        final String name;
         * The offset the record begins at.
        final byte type;
        final int fieldNameSize;
        final int valueOffset;
        final int offset;

    class LazyBSONKeyIterator implements Iterator<String> {

        public boolean hasNext(){
            return !isElementEmpty( offset );

        public String next(){
            int fieldSize = sizeCString( offset + 1);
            int elementSize = getElementBSONSize( offset );
            String key = _input.getCString( offset + 1);
            offset += fieldSize + elementSize + 1;
            return key;

        public void remove(){
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Read only" );

        int offset = _doc_start_offset + FIRST_ELMT_OFFSET;

     * @deprecated This class is NOT a part of public API and will be dropped in 3.x versions.
    public class LazyBSONKeySet extends ReadOnlySet<String> {

         * This method runs in time linear to the total size of all keys in the document.
         * @return the number of keys in the document
        public int size(){
            int size = 0;
            Iterator<String> iter = iterator();
            while(iter.hasNext()) {
            return size;

        public boolean isEmpty(){
            return LazyBSONObject.this.isEmpty();

        public boolean contains( Object o ){
            for ( String key : this ){
                if ( key.equals( o ) ){
                    return true;
            return false;

        public Iterator<String> iterator(){
            return new LazyBSONKeyIterator();

        public String[] toArray(){
            String[] a = new String[size()];
            return toArray(a);

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
            int size = size();

            T[] localArray = a.length >= size ? a :
                    (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), size);

            int i = 0;
            for ( String key : this ){
                localArray[i++] = (T) key;

            if (localArray.length > i) {
                localArray[i] = null;
            return localArray;

        public boolean add( String e ){
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not supported yet." );

        public boolean remove( Object o ){
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not supported yet." );

        public boolean containsAll( Collection<?> collection ){
            for ( Object item : collection ){
                if ( !contains( item ) ){
                    return false;
            return true;

    class LazyBSONEntryIterator implements Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> {

        public boolean hasNext(){
            return !isElementEmpty( offset );

        public Map.Entry<String, Object> next(){
            int fieldSize = sizeCString(offset + 1);
            int elementSize = getElementBSONSize(offset);
            String key = _input.getCString(offset + 1);
            final ElementRecord nextElementRecord = new ElementRecord(key, ++offset);
            offset += fieldSize + elementSize;
            return new Map.Entry<String, Object>() {
                public String getKey() {

                public Object getValue() {
                    return getElementValue(nextElementRecord);

                public Object setValue(Object value) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Read only");

                public boolean equals(Object o) {
                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                        return false;
                    Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) o;
                    return getKey().equals(e.getKey()) && getValue().equals(e.getValue());

                public int hashCode() {
                    return getKey().hashCode() ^ getValue().hashCode();

                public String toString() {
                    return getKey() + "=" + getValue();

        public void remove(){
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Read only" );

        int offset = _doc_start_offset + FIRST_ELMT_OFFSET;

    class LazyBSONEntrySet extends ReadOnlySet<Map.Entry<String, Object>>  {
        public int size() {
            return LazyBSONObject.this.keySet().size();

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return LazyBSONObject.this.isEmpty();

        public boolean contains(Object o) {
            Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> iter = iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                if ( {
                    return true;
            return false;

        public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
            for (Object cur : c) {
                if (!contains(cur)) {
                    return false;

            return true;

        public Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> iterator() {
            return new LazyBSONEntryIterator();

        public Object[] toArray() {
            Map.Entry[] array = new Map.Entry[size()];
            return toArray(array);

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
            int size = size();

            T[] localArray = a.length >= size ? a :
                    (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), size);

            Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> iter = iterator();
            int i = 0;
            while(iter.hasNext()) {
                localArray[i++] = (T);

            if (localArray.length > i) {
                localArray[i] = null;

            return localArray;

    // Base class that throws UnsupportedOperationException for any method that writes to the Set
    abstract class ReadOnlySet<E> implements Set<E> {

        public boolean add(E e) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only Set");

        public boolean remove(Object o) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only Set");

        public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only Set");

        public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only Set");

        public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only Set");

        public void clear() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only Set");

     * Always throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param key Name to set
     * @param v   Corresponding value
     * @return will not return normally
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
    public Object put( String key, Object v ){
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Object is read only" );

     * Always throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param o the object
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
    public void putAll( BSONObject o ){
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Object is read only" );

     * Always throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param m the map
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
    public void putAll( Map m ){
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Object is read only" );

    public Object get( String key ){
        //get element up to the key
        ElementRecord element = getElement(key);
        //no found if null/empty
        if (element == null) {
            return null;
        return getElementValue(element);
     * returns the ElementRecord for the given key, or null if not found
     * @param key the field/key to find
     * @return ElementRecord for key, or null
    ElementRecord getElement(String key){
        int offset = _doc_start_offset + FIRST_ELMT_OFFSET;
        while ( !isElementEmpty( offset ) ){
            int fieldSize = sizeCString( offset + 1 );
            int elementSize = getElementBSONSize( offset );
            String name = _input.getCString( ++offset);

            if (name.equals(key)) {
                return new ElementRecord( name, offset );
            offset += ( fieldSize + elementSize);

        return null;

     * returns all the ElementRecords in this document
     * @return list of ElementRecord
    List<ElementRecord> getElements(){
        int offset = _doc_start_offset + FIRST_ELMT_OFFSET;
        ArrayList<ElementRecord> elements = new ArrayList<LazyBSONObject.ElementRecord>();

        while ( !isElementEmpty( offset ) ){
            int fieldSize = sizeCString( offset + 1 );
            int elementSize = getElementBSONSize( offset );
            String name = _input.getCString( ++offset );
            ElementRecord rec = new ElementRecord( name, offset );
            elements.add( rec );
            offset += ( fieldSize + elementSize );

        return elements;

    public Map toMap(){
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not Supported" );

     * Always throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @param key The name of the field to remove
     * @return will not return normally
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
    public Object removeField( String key ){
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Object is read only" );

    public boolean containsKey( String s ){
        return containsField( s );

    public boolean containsField( String s ){
        return keySet().contains( s );

     * @return the set of all keys in the document
    public Set<String> keySet(){
        return new LazyBSONKeySet();

     * This method will be more efficient than using a combination of keySet() and get(String key)
     * @return the set of entries (key, value) in the document
    public Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet(){
        return new LazyBSONEntrySet();

     * @deprecated This method is NOT a part of public API and will be dropped in 3.x versions.
    protected boolean isElementEmpty( int offset ){
        return getElementType( offset ) == BSON.EOO;

     * Gets whether this is an empty {@code BSONObject}.
     * @return true if this has no keys
    public boolean isEmpty(){
        return isElementEmpty( _doc_start_offset + FIRST_ELMT_OFFSET );

    private int getBSONSize( final int offset ){
        return _input.getInt( offset );

     * Gets the size in bytes of the BSON document.
     * @return the size in bytes
    public int getBSONSize(){
        return getBSONSize( _doc_start_offset );

     * Pipe the raw bytes into the given output stream.
     * @param os the output stream
     * @return the number of bytes written
     * @throws IOException any IOException thrown by the output stream
    public int pipe(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
        os.write(_input.array(), _doc_start_offset, getBSONSize());
        return getBSONSize();

    private String getElementFieldName( final int offset ){
        return _input.getCString( offset );

     * @deprecated This method is NOT a part of public API and will be dropped in 3.x versions.
    protected byte getElementType( final int offset ){
        return _input.get( offset );

     * @deprecated This method is NOT a part of public API and will be dropped in 3.x versions.
    protected int getElementBSONSize( int offset ){
        int x = 0;
        byte type = getElementType( offset++ );
        int n = sizeCString( offset );
        int valueOffset = offset + n;
        switch ( type ){
            case BSON.EOO:
            case BSON.UNDEFINED:
            case BSON.NULL:
            case BSON.MAXKEY:
            case BSON.MINKEY:
            case BSON.BOOLEAN:
                x = 1;
            case BSON.NUMBER_INT:
                x = 4;
            case BSON.TIMESTAMP:
            case BSON.DATE:
            case BSON.NUMBER_LONG:
            case BSON.NUMBER:
                x = 8;
            case BSON.OID:
                x = 12;
            case BSON.SYMBOL:
            case BSON.CODE:
            case BSON.STRING:
                x = _input.getInt( valueOffset ) + 4;
            case BSON.CODE_W_SCOPE:
                x = _input.getInt( valueOffset );
            case BSON.REF:
                x = _input.getInt( valueOffset ) + 4 + 12;
            case BSON.OBJECT:
            case BSON.ARRAY:
                x = _input.getInt( valueOffset );
            case BSON.BINARY:
                x = _input.getInt( valueOffset ) + 4 + 1/*subtype*/;
            case BSON.REGEX:
                // 2 cstrs
                int part1 = sizeCString( valueOffset );
                int part2 = sizeCString( valueOffset + part1 );
                x = part1 + part2;
                throw new BSONException( "Invalid type " + type + " for field " + getElementFieldName( offset ) );
        return x;

     * Returns the size of the BSON cstring at the given offset in the buffer
     * @param offset the offset into the buffer
     * @return the size of the BSON cstring, including the null terminator
     * @deprecated This method is NOT a part of public API and will be dropped in 3.x versions.
    protected int sizeCString( int offset ){
        int end = offset;
        while ( true ){
            byte b = _input.get( end );
            if ( b == 0 )
        return end - offset + 1;

     * @deprecated This method is NOT a part of public API and will be dropped in 3.x versions.
    protected Object getElementValue( ElementRecord record ){
        switch ( record.type ){
            case BSON.EOO:
            case BSON.UNDEFINED:
            case BSON.NULL:
                return null;
            case BSON.MAXKEY:
                return new MaxKey();
            case BSON.MINKEY:
                return new MinKey();
            case BSON.BOOLEAN:
                return ( _input.get( record.valueOffset ) != 0 );
            case BSON.NUMBER_INT:
                return _input.getInt( record.valueOffset );
            case BSON.TIMESTAMP:
                int inc = _input.getInt( record.valueOffset );
                int time = _input.getInt( record.valueOffset + 4 );
                return new BSONTimestamp( time, inc );
            case BSON.DATE:
                return new Date( _input.getLong( record.valueOffset ) );
            case BSON.NUMBER_LONG:
                return _input.getLong( record.valueOffset );
            case BSON.NUMBER:
                return Double.longBitsToDouble( _input.getLong( record.valueOffset ) );
            case BSON.OID:
                return new ObjectId( _input.getIntBE( record.valueOffset ),
                                     _input.getIntBE( record.valueOffset + 4 ),
                                     _input.getIntBE( record.valueOffset + 8 ) );
            case BSON.SYMBOL:
                return new Symbol( _input.getUTF8String( record.valueOffset ) );
            case BSON.CODE:
                return new Code( _input.getUTF8String( record.valueOffset ) );
            case BSON.STRING:
                return _input.getUTF8String( record.valueOffset );
            case BSON.CODE_W_SCOPE:
                int strsize = _input.getInt( record.valueOffset + 4 );
                String code = _input.getUTF8String( record.valueOffset + 4 );
                BSONObject scope =
                        (BSONObject) _callback.createObject( _input.array(), record.valueOffset + 4 + 4 + strsize );
                return new CodeWScope( code, scope );
            case BSON.REF:
                int csize = _input.getInt( record.valueOffset );
                String ns = _input.getCString( record.valueOffset + 4 );
                int oidOffset = record.valueOffset + csize + 4;
                ObjectId oid = new ObjectId( _input.getIntBE( oidOffset ),
                                             _input.getIntBE( oidOffset + 4 ),
                                             _input.getIntBE( oidOffset + 8 ) );
                return _callback.createDBRef( ns, oid );
            case BSON.OBJECT:
                return _callback.createObject( _input.array(), record.valueOffset );
            case BSON.ARRAY:
                return _callback.createArray( _input.array(), record.valueOffset );
            case BSON.BINARY:
                return readBinary( record.valueOffset );
            case BSON.REGEX:
                int patternCStringSize = sizeCString( record.valueOffset );
                String pattern = _input.getCString( record.valueOffset );
                String flags = _input.getCString( record.valueOffset + patternCStringSize );
                return Pattern.compile( pattern, BSON.regexFlags( flags ) );
                throw new BSONException(
                        "Invalid type " + record.type + " for field " + getElementFieldName( record.offset ) );

    private Object readBinary( int valueOffset ){
        final int totalLen = _input.getInt( valueOffset );
        valueOffset += 4;
        final byte bType = _input.get( valueOffset );
        valueOffset += 1;

        byte[] bin;
        switch ( bType ){
            case BSON.B_GENERAL:{
                bin = new byte[totalLen];
                for ( int n = 0; n < totalLen; n++ ){
                    bin[n] = _input.get( valueOffset + n );
                return bin;
            case BSON.B_BINARY:
                final int len = _input.getInt( valueOffset );
                if ( len + 4 != totalLen )
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Bad Data Size; Binary Subtype 2.  { actual len: " + len + " expected totalLen: " + totalLen
                            + "}" );
                valueOffset += 4;
                bin = new byte[len];
                for ( int n = 0; n < len; n++ ){
                    bin[n] = _input.get( valueOffset + n );
                return bin;
            case BSON.B_UUID:
                if ( totalLen != 16 )
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Bad Data Size; Binary Subtype 3 (UUID). { total length: " + totalLen + " != 16" );

                long part1 = _input.getLong( valueOffset );
                valueOffset += 8;
                long part2 = _input.getLong( valueOffset );
                return new UUID( part1, part2 );

        bin = new byte[totalLen];
        for ( int n = 0; n < totalLen; n++ ){
            bin[n] = _input.get( valueOffset + n );
        return bin;

    protected int getOffset(){
        return _doc_start_offset;

    protected byte[] getBytes() {
        return _input.array();

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

        LazyBSONObject that = (LazyBSONObject) o;

        return Arrays.equals(this._input.array(), that._input.array());

    public int hashCode() {
        return Arrays.hashCode(_input.array());

     * Returns a JSON serialization of this object
     * @return JSON serialization
    public String toString(){
        return com.mongodb.util.JSON.serialize( this );

     * In a "normal" (aka not embedded) doc, this will be the offset of the first element.
     * In an embedded doc because we use ByteBuffers to avoid unecessary copying the offset must be manually set in
     * _doc_start_offset
    final static int FIRST_ELMT_OFFSET = 4;

     * @deprecated Please use {@link #getOffset()} instead.
    protected final int _doc_start_offset;

     *  @deprecated Please use {@link #getBytes()} to access underlying bytes.
    protected final BSONByteBuffer _input; // TODO - Guard this with synchronicity?
    // callback is kept to create sub-objects on the fly

     * @deprecated This field is NOT a part of public API and will be dropped in 3.x versions.
    protected final LazyBSONCallback _callback;
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( "org.bson.LazyBSONObject" );

Related Classes of org.bson.LazyBSONObject$ReadOnlySet

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