* Copyright (C) 2014 ZeroTurnaround <support@zeroturnaround.com>
* Contains fragments of code from Apache Commons Exec, rights owned
* by Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.zeroturnaround.exec;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import org.apache.commons.io.output.NullOutputStream;
import org.apache.commons.io.output.TeeOutputStream;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.close.ProcessCloser;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.close.StandardProcessCloser;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.close.TimeoutProcessCloser;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.listener.CompositeProcessListener;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.listener.DestroyerListenerAdapter;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.listener.ProcessDestroyer;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.listener.ProcessListener;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.listener.ShutdownHookProcessDestroyer;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stop.DestroyProcessStopper;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stop.NopProcessStopper;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stop.ProcessStopper;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stream.CallerLoggerUtil;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stream.ExecuteStreamHandler;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stream.PumpStreamHandler;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stream.slf4j.Slf4jDebugOutputStream;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stream.slf4j.Slf4jInfoOutputStream;
import org.zeroturnaround.exec.stream.slf4j.Slf4jStream;
* Helper for executing sub processes.
* <p>
* It's implemented as a wrapper of {@link ProcessBuilder} complementing it with additional features such as:
* <ul>
* <li>Handling process streams (copied from Commons Exec library).</li>
* <li>Destroying process on VM exit (copied from Commons Exec library).</li>
* <li>Checking process exit code.</li>
* <li>Setting a timeout for running the process and automatically stopping it in case of timeout.</li>
* <li>Either waiting for the process to finish ({@link #execute()}) or returning a {@link Future} ({@link #start()}.</li>
* <li>Reading the process output stream into a buffer ({@link #readOutput(boolean)}, {@link ProcessResult}).</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The default configuration for executing a process is following:
* <ul>
* <li>Process is not automatically destroyed on VM exit.</li>
* <li>Error stream is redirected to its output stream. Use {@link #redirectErrorStream(boolean)} to override it.</li>
* <li>Output stream is pumped to a {@link NullOutputStream}, Use {@link #streams(ExecuteStreamHandler)}, {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)},
* or any of the <code>redirectOutputAs*</code> methods.to override it.</li>
* <li>Any exit code is allowed. Use {@link #exitValues(Integer...)} to override it.</li>
* <li>In case of timeout or cancellation {@link Process#destroy()} is invoked.</li>
* </li>
* </p>
* @author Rein Raudjärv
* @see ProcessResult
public class ProcessExecutor {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProcessExecutor.class);
public static final Integer[] DEFAULT_EXIT_VALUES = null;
private static final Integer NORMAL_EXIT_VALUE = 0;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_REDIRECT_ERROR_STREAM = true;
* Process builder used by this executor.
private final ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder();
* Environment variables which are added (removed in case of <code>null</code> values) to the process being started.
private final Map<String, String> environment = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
* Set of accepted exit codes or <code>null</code> if all exit codes are allowed.
private Set<Integer> allowedExitValues;
* Timeout for running a process. If the process is running too long a {@link TimeoutException} is thrown and the process is destroyed.
private Long timeout;
private TimeUnit timeoutUnit;
* Helper for stopping the process in case of timeout or cancellation.
private ProcessStopper stopper;
* Process stream Handler (copied from Commons Exec library). If <code>null</code> streams are not handled.
private ExecuteStreamHandler streams;
* Timeout for closing process' standard streams. In case this timeout is reached we just log a warning but don't throw an error.
private Long closeTimeout;
private TimeUnit closeTimeoutUnit;
* <code>true</code> if the process output should be read to a buffer and returned by {@link ProcessResult#output()}.
private boolean readOutput;
* Process event handlers.
private final CompositeProcessListener listeners = new CompositeProcessListener();
* Helper for logging messages about starting and waiting for the processes.
private MessageLogger messageLogger = MessageLoggers.DEBUG;
// Run in case of any constructor
* Creates new {@link ProcessExecutor} instance.
public ProcessExecutor() {
* Creates new {@link ProcessExecutor} instance for the given program and its arguments.
* @param command The list containing the program and its arguments.
public ProcessExecutor(List<String> command) {
* Creates new {@link ProcessExecutor} instance for the given program and its arguments.
* @param command A string array containing the program and its arguments.
public ProcessExecutor(String... command) {
* Sets the program and its arguments which are being executed.
* @param command The list containing the program and its arguments.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor command(List<String> command) {
return this;
* Sets the program and its arguments which are being executed.
* @param command A string array containing the program and its arguments.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor command(String... command) {
return this;
* Splits string by spaces and passes it to {@link ProcessExecutor#command(String...)}<br>
* NB: this method do not handle whitespace escaping,
* <code>"mkdir new\ folder"</code> would be interpreted as
* <code>{"mkdir", "new\", "folder"}</code> command.
* @param commandWithArgs A string array containing the program and its arguments.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor commandSplit(String commandWithArgs) {
return this;
* Sets this working directory for the process being executed.
* The argument may be <code>null</code> -- this means to use the
* working directory of the current Java process, usually the
* directory named by the system property <code>user.dir</code>,
* as the working directory of the child process.</p>
* @param directory The new working directory
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor directory(File directory) {
return this;
* Adds additional environment variables for the process being executed.
* @param env environment variables added to the process being executed.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor environment(Map<String,String> env) {
return this;
* Adds a single additional environment variable for the process being executed.
* @param name name of the environment variable added to the process being executed.
* @param value value of the environment variable added to the process being executed.
* @return This process executor.
* @since 1.7
public ProcessExecutor environment(String name, String value) {
environment.put(name, value);
return this;
* Sets this process executor's <code>redirectErrorStream</code> property.
* <p>If this property is <code>true</code>, then any error output generated by subprocesses will be merged with the standard output.
* This makes it easier to correlate error messages with the corresponding output.
* The initial value is <code>true</code>.</p>
* @param redirectErrorStream The new property value
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor redirectErrorStream(boolean redirectErrorStream) {
return this;
* Allows any exit value for the process being executed.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor exitValueAny() {
return exitValues((Integer[]) null);
* Allows only <code>0</code> as the exit value for the process being executed.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor exitValueNormal() {
return exitValues(NORMAL_EXIT_VALUE);
* Sets the allowed exit value for the process being executed.
* @param exitValue single exit value or <code>null</code> if all exit values are allowed.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor exitValue(Integer exitValue) {
return exitValues(exitValue == null ? null : new Integer[] { exitValue } );
* Sets the allowed exit values for the process being executed.
* @param exitValues set of exit values or <code>null</code> if all exit values are allowed.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor exitValues(Integer... exitValues) {
allowedExitValues = exitValues == null ? null : new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(exitValues));
return this;
* Sets the allowed exit values for the process being executed.
* @param exitValues set of exit values or <code>null</code> if all exit values are allowed.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor exitValues(int[] exitValues) {
if (exitValues == null)
return exitValueAny();
// Convert int[] -> Integer[]
Integer[] array = new Integer[exitValues.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
array[i] = exitValues[i];
return exitValues(array);
* Sets a timeout for the process being executed. When this timeout is reached a {@link TimeoutException} is thrown and the process is destroyed.
* This only applies to <code>execute</code> methods not <code>start</code> methods.
* @param timeout timeout for running a process.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
this.timeout = timeout;
this.timeoutUnit = unit;
return this;
* Sets the helper for stopping the process in case of timeout or cancellation.
* <p>
* By default {@link DestroyProcessStopper} is used which just invokes {@link Process#destroy()}.
* @param stopper helper for stopping the process (<code>null</code> means {@link NopProcessStopper} - process is not stopped).
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor stopper(ProcessStopper stopper) {
if (stopper == null) {
stopper = NopProcessStopper.INSTANCE;
this.stopper = stopper;
return this;
* @return current stream handler for the process being executed.
public ExecuteStreamHandler streams() {
return streams;
* Sets a stream handler for the process being executed.
* This will overwrite any stream redirection that was previously set to use the provided handler.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor streams(ExecuteStreamHandler streams) {
validateStreams(streams, readOutput);
this.streams = streams;
return this;
* Sets a timeout for closing standard streams of the process being executed.
* When this timeout is reached we log a warning but consider that the process has finished.
* We also flush the streams so that all output read so far is available.
* <p>
* This can be used on Windows in case a process exits quickly but closing the streams blocks forever.
* </p>
* <p>
* Closing timeout must fit into the general execution timeout (see {@link #timeout(long, TimeUnit)}).
* By default there's no closing timeout.
* @param timeout timeout for closing streams of a process.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor closeTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
this.closeTimeout = timeout;
this.closeTimeoutUnit = unit;
return this;
* Sets the input stream to redirect to the process' input stream.
* If this method is invoked multiple times each call overwrites the previous.
* @param input input stream that will be written to the process input stream (<code>null</code> means nothing will be written to the process input stream).
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor redirectInput(InputStream input) {
PumpStreamHandler pumps = pumps();
// Only set the input stream handler, preserve the same output and error stream handler
return streams(new PumpStreamHandler(pumps == null ? null : pumps.getOut(), pumps == null ? null : pumps.getErr(), input));
* Redirects the process' output stream to given output stream.
* If this method is invoked multiple times each call overwrites the previous.
* Use {@link #redirectOutputAlsoTo(OutputStream)} if you want to redirect the output to multiple streams.
* @param output output stream where the process output is redirected to (<code>null</code> means {@link NullOutputStream} which acts like a <code>/dev/null</code>).
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor redirectOutput(OutputStream output) {
if (output == null)
output = NullOutputStream.NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM;
PumpStreamHandler pumps = pumps();
// Only set the output stream handler, preserve the same error stream handler
return streams(new PumpStreamHandler(output, pumps == null ? null : pumps.getErr(), pumps == null ? null : pumps.getInput()));
* Redirects the process' error stream to given output stream.
* If this method is invoked multiple times each call overwrites the previous.
* Use {@link #redirectErrorAlsoTo(OutputStream)} if you want to redirect the error to multiple streams.
* <p>
* Calling this method automatically disables merging the process error stream to its output stream.
* </p>
* @param output output stream where the process error is redirected to (<code>null</code> means {@link NullOutputStream} which acts like a <code>/dev/null</code>).
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor redirectError(OutputStream output) {
if (output == null)
output = NullOutputStream.NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM;
PumpStreamHandler pumps = pumps();
// Only set the error stream handler, preserve the same output stream handler
streams(new PumpStreamHandler(pumps == null ? null : pumps.getOut(), output, pumps == null ? null : pumps.getInput()));
return this;
* Redirects the process' output stream also to a given output stream.
* This method can be used to redirect output to multiple streams.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor redirectOutputAlsoTo(OutputStream output) {
return streams(redirectOutputAlsoTo(pumps(), output));
* Redirects the process' error stream also to a given output stream.
* This method can be used to redirect error to multiple streams.
* <p>
* Calling this method automatically disables merging the process error stream to its output stream.
* </p>
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor redirectErrorAlsoTo(OutputStream output) {
streams(redirectErrorAlsoTo(pumps(), output));
return this;
* @return current PumpStreamHandler (maybe <code>null</code>).
* @throws IllegalStateException if the current stream handler is not an instance of {@link PumpStreamHandler}.
* @see #streams()
public PumpStreamHandler pumps() {
if (streams == null)
return null;
if (!(streams instanceof PumpStreamHandler))
throw new IllegalStateException("Only PumpStreamHandler is supported.");
return (PumpStreamHandler) streams;
* Redirects the process' output stream also to a given output stream.
* @return new stream handler created.
private static PumpStreamHandler redirectOutputAlsoTo(PumpStreamHandler pumps, OutputStream output) {
if (output == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("OutputStream must be provided.");
OutputStream current = pumps.getOut();
if (current != null && !(current instanceof NullOutputStream)) {
output = new TeeOutputStream(current, output);
return new PumpStreamHandler(output, pumps.getErr(), pumps.getInput());
* Redirects the process' error stream also to a given output stream.
* @return new stream handler created.
private static PumpStreamHandler redirectErrorAlsoTo(PumpStreamHandler pumps, OutputStream output) {
if (output == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("OutputStream must be provided.");
OutputStream current = pumps.getErr();
if (current != null && !(current instanceof NullOutputStream)) {
output = new TeeOutputStream(current, output);
return new PumpStreamHandler(pumps.getOut(), output, pumps.getInput());
* Sets this process executor's <code>readOutput</code> property.
* <p>If this property is <code>true</code>,
* the process output should be read to a buffer and returned by {@link ProcessResult#output()}.
* The initial value is <code>false</code>.</p>
* @param readOutput The new property value
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor readOutput(boolean readOutput) {
validateStreams(streams, readOutput);
this.readOutput = readOutput;
return this;
* Validates that if <code>readOutput</code> is <code>true</code> the output could be read with the given {@link ExecuteStreamHandler} instance.
private void validateStreams(ExecuteStreamHandler streams, boolean readOutput) {
if (readOutput && !(streams instanceof PumpStreamHandler))
throw new IllegalStateException("Only PumpStreamHandler is supported if readOutput is true.");
* Logs the process' output to a given {@link Logger} with <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor info(Logger log) {
return redirectOutput(new Slf4jInfoOutputStream(log));
* Logs the process' output to a given {@link Logger} with <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor debug(Logger log) {
return redirectOutput(new Slf4jDebugOutputStream(log));
* Logs the process' output to a {@link Logger} with given name using <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor info(String name) {
return info(getCallerLogger(name));
* Logs the process' output to a {@link Logger} with given name using <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor debug(String name) {
return debug(getCallerLogger(name));
* Logs the process' output to a {@link Logger} of the caller class using <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor info() {
return info(getCallerLogger(null));
* Logs the process' output to a {@link Logger} of the caller class using <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor debug() {
return debug(getCallerLogger(null));
* Logs the process' output to a given {@link Logger} with <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectOutputAsInfo(Logger log) {
return redirectOutput(new Slf4jInfoOutputStream(log));
* Logs the process' output to a given {@link Logger} with <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectOutputAsDebug(Logger log) {
return redirectOutput(new Slf4jDebugOutputStream(log));
* Logs the process' output to a {@link Logger} with given name using <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectOutputAsInfo(String name) {
return redirectOutputAsInfo(getCallerLogger(name));
* Logs the process' output to a {@link Logger} with given name using <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectOutputAsDebug(String name) {
return redirectOutputAsDebug(getCallerLogger(name));
* Logs the process' output to a {@link Logger} of the caller class using <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectOutputAsInfo() {
return redirectOutputAsInfo(getCallerLogger(null));
* Logs the process' output to a {@link Logger} of the caller class using <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectOutput(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectOutputAsDebug() {
return redirectOutputAsDebug(getCallerLogger(null));
* Logs the process' error to a given {@link Logger} with <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectError(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectErrorAsInfo(Logger log) {
return redirectError(new Slf4jInfoOutputStream(log));
* Logs the process' error to a given {@link Logger} with <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectError(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectErrorAsDebug(Logger log) {
return redirectError(new Slf4jDebugOutputStream(log));
* Logs the process' error to a {@link Logger} with given name using <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectError(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectErrorAsInfo(String name) {
return redirectErrorAsInfo(getCallerLogger(name));
* Logs the process' error to a {@link Logger} with given name using <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectError(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectErrorAsDebug(String name) {
return redirectErrorAsDebug(getCallerLogger(name));
* Logs the process' error to a {@link Logger} of the caller class using <code>info</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectError(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectErrorAsInfo() {
return redirectErrorAsInfo(getCallerLogger(null));
* Logs the process' error to a {@link Logger} of the caller class using <code>debug</code> level.
* @return This process executor.
* @deprecated use {@link #redirectError(OutputStream)} and {@link Slf4jStream}
public ProcessExecutor redirectErrorAsDebug() {
return redirectErrorAsDebug(getCallerLogger(null));
* Creates a {@link Logger} for the {@link ProcessExecutor}'s caller class.
* @param name name of the logger.
* @return SLF4J Logger instance.
private Logger getCallerLogger(String name) {
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(CallerLoggerUtil.getName(name, 2));
* Adds a process destroyer to be notified when the process starts and stops.
* @param destroyer helper for destroying all processes on certain event such as VM exit (not <code>null</code>).
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor addDestroyer(ProcessDestroyer destroyer) {
return addListener(new DestroyerListenerAdapter(destroyer));
* Sets the process destroyer to be notified when the process starts and stops.
* <p>
* This methods always removes any other {@link ProcessDestroyer} registered. Use {@link #addDestroyer(ProcessDestroyer)} to keep the existing ones.
* @param destroyer helper for destroying all processes on certain event such as VM exit (maybe <code>null</code>).
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor destroyer(ProcessDestroyer destroyer) {
if (destroyer != null)
addListener(new DestroyerListenerAdapter(destroyer));
return this;
* Sets the started process to be destroyed on VM exit (shutdown hooks are executed).
* If this VM gets killed the started process may not get destroyed.
* <p>
* To undo this command call <code>destroyer(null)</code>.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor destroyOnExit() {
return destroyer(ShutdownHookProcessDestroyer.INSTANCE);
* Unregister all existing process event handlers and register new one.
* @param listener process event handler to be set (maybe <code>null</code>).
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor listener(ProcessListener listener) {
if (listener != null)
return this;
* Register new process event handler.
* @param listener process event handler to be added.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor addListener(ProcessListener listener) {
return this;
* Unregister existing process event handler.
* @param listener process event handler to be removed.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor removeListener(ProcessListener listener) {
return this;
* Unregister existing process event handlers of given type or its sub-types.
* @param listenerType process event handler type.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor removeListeners(Class<? extends ProcessListener> listenerType) {
return this;
* Unregister all existing process event handlers.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor clearListeners() {
return this;
* Changes how most common messages about starting and waiting for processes are actually logged.
* By default {@link MessageLoggers#DEBUG} is used.
* However if someone is executing a process every second {@link MessageLoggers#TRACE} may be used e.g.
* @param messageLogger message logger for certain level.
* @return This process executor.
public ProcessExecutor setMessageLogger(MessageLogger messageLogger) {
this.messageLogger = messageLogger;
return this;
* Executes the sub process. This method waits until the process exits, a timeout occurs or the caller thread gets interrupted.
* In the latter cases the process gets destroyed as well.
* @return exit code of the finished process.
* @throws IOException an error occurred when process was started or stopped.
* @throws InterruptedException this thread was interrupted.
* @throws TimeoutException timeout set by {@link #timeout(long, TimeUnit)} was reached.
* @throws InvalidExitValueException if invalid exit value was returned (@see {@link #exitValues(Integer...)}).
public ProcessResult execute() throws IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException, InvalidExitValueException {
return waitFor(startInternal());
* Executes the sub process. This method waits until the process exits.
* Value passed to {@link #timeout(long, TimeUnit)} is ignored (use {@link #execute()} for timeout).
* @return exit code of the finished process.
* @throws IOException an error occurred when process was started or stopped.
* @throws InterruptedException this thread was interrupted.
* @throws InvalidExitValueException if invalid exit value was returned (@see {@link #exitValues(Integer...)}).
public ProcessResult executeNoTimeout() throws IOException, InterruptedException, InvalidExitValueException {
return startInternal().call();
* Start the sub process. This method does not wait until the process exits.
* Value passed to {@link #timeout(long, TimeUnit)} is ignored.
* Use {@link Future#get()} to wait for the process to finish.
* Invoke <code>future.cancel(true);</code> to destroy the process.
* @return Future representing the exit value of the finished process.
* @throws IOException an error occurred when process was started.
public StartedProcess start() throws IOException {
WaitForProcess task = startInternal();
ExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
Future<ProcessResult> future = service.submit(task);
// Previously submitted tasks are executed but no new tasks will be accepted.
return new StartedProcess(task.getProcess(), future);
* Start the process and its stream handlers.
* @return process the started process.
* @throws IOException the process or its stream handlers couldn't start (in the latter case we also destroy the process).
private WaitForProcess startInternal() throws IOException {
// Invoke listeners - they can modify this executor
if (builder.command().isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Command has not been set.");
validateStreams(streams, readOutput);
messageLogger.message(log, getExecutingLogMessage());
Process process = invokeStart();
messageLogger.message(log, "Started {}", process);
ProcessAttributes attributes = new ProcessAttributes(
new ArrayList<String>(builder.command()),
new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(environment),
allowedExitValues == null ? null : new HashSet<Integer>(allowedExitValues));
if (readOutput) {
PumpStreamHandler pumps = (PumpStreamHandler) streams;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return startInternal(process, attributes, redirectOutputAlsoTo(pumps, out), out);
else {
return startInternal(process, attributes, streams, null);
private Process invokeStart() throws IOException {
try {
return builder.start();
catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Could not start process:", e);
if (e.getClass().equals(IOException.class)) {
throw new IOException(getExecutingErrorMessage(), e);
throw e;
catch (RuntimeException e) {
log.error("Could not start process:", e);
if (e.getClass().equals(IllegalArgumentException.class)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(getExecutingErrorMessage(), e);
throw e;
private String getExecutingLogMessage() {
return "Executing " + getExecutingMessageParams();
private String getExecutingErrorMessage() {
return "Could not execute " + getExecutingMessageParams();
private String getExecutingMessageParams() {
String result = "" + builder.command();
if (builder.directory() != null) {
result += " in " + builder.directory();
if (!environment.isEmpty()) {
result += " with environment " + environment;
result += ".";
return result;
private WaitForProcess startInternal(Process process, ProcessAttributes attributes, ExecuteStreamHandler streams, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException {
if (streams != null) {
try {
if (!builder.redirectErrorStream())
catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
ProcessCloser closer = newProcessCloser(streams);
WaitForProcess result = new WaitForProcess(process, attributes, stopper, closer, out, listeners.clone(), messageLogger);
// Invoke listeners - changing this executor does not affect the started process any more
listeners.afterStart(process, this);
return result;
private ProcessCloser newProcessCloser(ExecuteStreamHandler streams) {
if (closeTimeout == null) {
return new StandardProcessCloser(streams);
return new TimeoutProcessCloser(streams, closeTimeout, closeTimeoutUnit);
* Wait until the process stops, a timeout occurs and the caller thread gets interrupted.
* In the latter cases the process gets destroyed as well.
private ProcessResult waitFor(WaitForProcess task) throws IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
ProcessResult result;
if (timeout == null) {
// Use the current thread
result = task.call();
else {
// Fork another thread to invoke Process.waitFor()
// Use daemon thread as we don't want to postpone the shutdown
// If #destroyOnExit() is used we wait for the process to be destroyed anyway
final String name = "WaitForProcess-" + task.getProcess().toString();
ExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactory() {
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
Thread t = new Thread(r, name);
return t;
// Copy values to not conflict with further executions
long _timeout = timeout;
TimeUnit unit = timeoutUnit;
try {
result = service.submit(task).get(_timeout, unit);
catch (ExecutionException e) {
Throwable c = e.getCause();
if (c instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) c;
if (c instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw (InterruptedException) c;
if (c instanceof InvalidExitValueException) {
InvalidExitValueException i = (InvalidExitValueException) c;
throw new InvalidExitValueException(i.getMessage(), i.getResult());
throw new IllegalStateException("Error occured while waiting for process to finish:", c);
catch (TimeoutException e) {
messageLogger.message(log, "{} is running too long", task);
throw newTimeoutException(_timeout, unit, task);
finally {
// Interrupt the task if it's still running and release the ExecutorService's resources
return result;
private TimeoutException newTimeoutException(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, WaitForProcess task) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Process process = task.getProcess();
Integer exitValue = getExitCodeOrNull(process);
if (exitValue == null) {
sb.append("Timed out waiting for ").append(process).append(" to finish");
else {
sb.append("Timed out finishing ").append(process);
sb.append(", exit value: ").append(exitValue);
sb.append(", timeout: ").append(timeout).append(" ").append(getUnitsAsString(timeout, unit));
TimeoutException result = new TimeoutException(sb.toString());
if (exitValue != null) {
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = task.getStackTrace();
if (stackTrace != null) {
Exception cause = new Exception("Stack dump of worker thread.");
return result;
private static String getUnitsAsString(long d, TimeUnit unit) {
String result = unit.toString().toLowerCase();
if (d == 1) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
return result;
private static Integer getExitCodeOrNull(Process process) {
try {
return process.exitValue();
catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
return null;
private void applyEnvironment() {
if (environment.isEmpty()) {
return; // skip
Map<String, String> env = builder.environment();
for (Entry<String, String> e : environment.entrySet()) {
String key = e.getKey();
String value = e.getValue();
if (value == null) {
else {
env.put(key, value);