* Created on 18.mai.2005
* TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
package no.hal.jex.views;
import no.hal.jex.AbstractRequirement;
import no.hal.jex.Exercise;
import no.hal.jex.ExercisePart;
import no.hal.jex.JUnitTest;
import no.hal.jex.JUnitTestStatus;
import no.hal.jex.JavaElement;
import no.hal.jex.JavaRequirement;
import no.hal.jex.Requirement;
import no.hal.jex.impl.ExercisePartImpl;
import no.hal.jex.resource.JexResource;
import no.hal.jex.ui.JexUiPlugin;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages;
* @author hal
public class ExerciseViewLabelProvider extends LabelProvider {
private static String NO_EXERCISE_LABEL = "<no exercise>";
private static String NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR = " - ";
public String getText(Object obj) {
String text = (obj instanceof AbstractRequirement ? ((AbstractRequirement)obj).getText() : null);
if (obj == null) {
} else if (obj instanceof Resource) {
Resource res = (Resource) obj;
URI uri = res.getURI();
text = uri.lastSegment() + NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR + toPath(uri.trimSegments(1));
// Exercise ex = res.getExercise();
// text = (ex != null ? getText(ex) : res.getURI().toString());
} else if (obj instanceof Exercise) {
// JexResource res = JexUiPlugin.getPlugin().getExerciseManager().getExerciseResource((Exercise)obj);
// String exText = (res != null ? res.getURI().toString() : null);
// if (text != null && exText != null) {
// exText = exText + ": " + text;
// }
// text = exText;
} else if (obj instanceof ExercisePart) {
String partText = "Part " + ExercisePartImpl.getPartNumber((ExercisePart) obj);
if (text != null) {
partText = partText + ": " + text;
String pointsText = ExerciseView.refreshPoints((ExercisePart)obj, "{0} of {1}", null);
text = partText + " - " + pointsText;
} else if (obj instanceof JavaRequirement) {
JavaRequirement req = (JavaRequirement)obj;
JavaElement javaElement = req.getJavaElement();
if (text == null) {
text = javaElement.toString();
return (text != null ? text : "");
private String toPath(URI uri) {
String uriString = uri.toString();
return (uri.isPlatformResource() ? uriString.substring("platform:/resource".length()) : uriString);
public final static String PART_OK_IMAGE = "part_ok.png";
public final static String PART_OK_ERROR_IMAGE = "part_error.png";
public final static String REQUIREMENT_DEFAULT_IMAGE = "requirement_default";
public final static String REQUIREMENT_OK_IMAGE = "requirement_ok";
public final static String REQUIREMENT_OK_ERROR_IMAGE = "requirement_ok_error";
public final static String REQUIREMENT_OK_DEFAULT_IMAGE = "requirement_ok_default";
public final static String REQUIREMENT_ERROR_IMAGE = "requirement_error";
public final static String JUNIT_DEFAULT_IMAGE = "junit_default.jpg";
public final static String JUNIT_OK_IMAGE = "junit_ok.jpg";
public final static String JUNIT_FAILURE_IMAGE = "junit_failure.jpg";
public final static String JUNIT_ERROR_IMAGE = "junit_error.jpg";
public Image getImage(Object obj) {
String imageKey = ISharedImages.IMG_OBJ_ELEMENT;
Boolean childrenSatisfied = (obj instanceof AbstractRequirement ? ((AbstractRequirement)obj).getChildrenSatisfied() : null);
if (obj instanceof JexResource) {
JexResource res = (JexResource)obj;
Exercise ex = res.getExercise();
if (ex != null) {
return getImage(ex);
imageKey = ISharedImages.IMG_OBJ_FOLDER;
} else if (obj instanceof Exercise || obj instanceof ExercisePart) {
imageKey = (childrenSatisfied == null ? ISharedImages.IMG_OBJ_FOLDER : (childrenSatisfied.booleanValue() ? PART_OK_IMAGE : PART_OK_ERROR_IMAGE));
} else if (obj instanceof Requirement) {
Requirement req = (Requirement)obj;
Boolean satisfied = req.getSatisfied();
if (req instanceof JUnitTest) {
int testStatus = ((JUnitTest) req).getTestStatus();
if (testStatus == JUnitTestStatus.ERROR_VALUE || testStatus == JUnitTestStatus.FAILURE_VALUE) {
} else {
imageKey = (satisfied == null ? JUNIT_DEFAULT_IMAGE : (satisfied.booleanValue() ? JUNIT_OK_IMAGE : JUNIT_FAILURE_IMAGE));
} else if (satisfied == Boolean.TRUE) {
imageKey = (childrenSatisfied == null ? REQUIREMENT_OK_DEFAULT_IMAGE : (childrenSatisfied.booleanValue() ? REQUIREMENT_OK_IMAGE : REQUIREMENT_OK_ERROR_IMAGE));
} else {
imageKey = (satisfied == null ? REQUIREMENT_DEFAULT_IMAGE : (satisfied.booleanValue() ? REQUIREMENT_OK_IMAGE : REQUIREMENT_ERROR_IMAGE));
Object imageDescription = JexUiPlugin.getPlugin().getImage(imageKey);
// System.out.println(imageKey + " -> " + imageDescription);
return (imageDescription instanceof Image ? (Image)imageDescription : null);