package objectstructures;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import no.hal.jex.runtime.JExercise;
import objectstructures.Person;
@JExercise(description = "Tests objectstructures.Person")
public class PersonTest extends TestCase {
private Person hallvard;
private Person _init_hallvard() {
Person _person = new Person("Hallvard", 'M');
return _person;
private Person marit;
private Person _init_marit() {
Person _person = new Person("Marit", 'F');
return _person;
private Person jens;
private Person _init_jens() {
Person _person = new Person("Jens", 'M');
return _person;
private Person anne;
private Person _init_anne() {
Person _person = new Person("Anne", 'F');
return _person;
protected void setUp() {
hallvard = _init_hallvard();
marit = _init_marit();
jens = _init_jens();
anne = _init_anne();
private void testChildren(final Person person, final Collection<? extends Object> children) {
int _size = children.size();
int _childCount = person.getChildCount();
Assert.assertEquals(_size, _childCount);
int i = 0;
for (final Object child : children) {
Person _child = person.getChild(i);
Assert.assertEquals(child, _child);
int _plus = (i + 1);
i = _plus;
private void initial(final Person it) {
private void _test__initial_test(final Person it) {
Person _father = it.getFather();
assertEquals("father == null failed", null, _father);
Person _mother = it.getMother();
assertEquals("mother == null failed", null, _mother);
try {
this.testChildren(it, Collections.<Object>unmodifiableList(Lists.<Object>newArrayList()));
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("testChildren(#[]) failed: " + error.getMessage());
@JExercise(tests = "Person(String,char)", description = "<h3>Personer uten foreldre og barn</h3>Tests \n\t\tinitialization\n")
public void testConstructor() {
@JExercise(tests = "Person(String,char);void setFather(objectstructures.Person)", description = "<h3>Marit kan ikke v\u00E6re far</h3>Tests \n\t\tthe following sequence:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>jens.father = marit</li>\n\t\t<li>anne.father = marit</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n")
public void testFarskapIllegalArgumentException() {
try {
fail("IllegalArgumentException should be thrown after jens.father = marit");
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue("IllegalArgumentException should be thrown after jens.father = marit", e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
try {
fail("IllegalArgumentException should be thrown after anne.father = marit");
} catch (Exception e_1) {
assertTrue("IllegalArgumentException should be thrown after anne.father = marit", e_1 instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
@JExercise(tests = "Person(String,char);void setFather(objectstructures.Person)", description = "<h3>Hallvard er far til Jens og Anne</h3>Tests \n\t\tthe following sequence:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>jens.father = hallvard</li>\n\t\t<li>anne.father = hallvard</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n")
public void testFarskapSetFather() {
private void _test__constructor_transitions0_effect_state() {
private void _test__constructor_transitions0_effect_state_objectTests0_test(final Person it) {
try {
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("initial failed: " + error.getMessage());
private void _test__constructor_transitions0_effect_state_objectTests1_test(final Person it) {
try {
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("initial failed: " + error.getMessage());
private void _test__constructor_transitions0_effect_state_objectTests2_test(final Person it) {
try {
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("initial failed: " + error.getMessage());
private void _test__constructor_transitions0_effect_state_objectTests3_test(final Person it) {
try {
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("initial failed: " + error.getMessage());
private void _transition_exprAction__farskapIllegalArgumentException_transitions0_actions0() {
try {
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("jens.father = marit failed: " + error.getMessage());
private void _transition_exprAction__farskapIllegalArgumentException_transitions1_actions0() {
try {
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("anne.father = marit failed: " + error.getMessage());
private void _transition_exprAction__farskapSetFather_transitions0_actions0() {
try {
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("jens.father = hallvard failed: " + error.getMessage());
private void _test__farskapSetFather_transitions0_effect_state() {
private void _test__farskapSetFather_transitions0_effect_state_objectTests0_test(final Person it) {
Person _father = it.getFather();
assertEquals("father == null failed after jens.father = hallvard", null, _father);
Person _mother = it.getMother();
assertEquals("mother == null failed after jens.father = hallvard", null, _mother);
try {
this.testChildren(it, Collections.<Person>unmodifiableList(Lists.<Person>newArrayList(this.jens)));
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("testChildren(#[jens]) failed after jens.father = hallvard: " + error.getMessage());
private void _test__farskapSetFather_transitions0_effect_state_objectTests1_test(final Person it) {
Person _father = it.getFather();
assertEquals("father == hallvard failed after jens.father = hallvard", this.hallvard, _father);
Person _mother = it.getMother();
assertEquals("mother == null failed after jens.father = hallvard", null, _mother);
try {
this.testChildren(it, Collections.<Object>unmodifiableList(Lists.<Object>newArrayList()));
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("testChildren(#[]) failed after jens.father = hallvard: " + error.getMessage());
private void _transition_exprAction__farskapSetFather_transitions1_actions0() {
try {
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("anne.father = hallvard failed: " + error.getMessage());
private void _test__farskapSetFather_transitions1_effect_state() {
private void _test__farskapSetFather_transitions1_effect_state_objectTests0_test(final Person it) {
Person _father = it.getFather();
assertEquals("father == null failed after anne.father = hallvard", null, _father);
Person _mother = it.getMother();
assertEquals("mother == null failed after anne.father = hallvard", null, _mother);
try {
this.testChildren(it, Collections.<Person>unmodifiableList(Lists.<Person>newArrayList(this.jens, this.anne)));
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("testChildren(#[jens, anne]) failed after anne.father = hallvard: " + error.getMessage());
private void _test__farskapSetFather_transitions1_effect_state_objectTests1_test(final Person it) {
Person _father = it.getFather();
assertEquals("father == hallvard failed after anne.father = hallvard", this.hallvard, _father);
Person _mother = it.getMother();
assertEquals("mother == null failed after anne.father = hallvard", null, _mother);
try {
this.testChildren(it, Collections.<Object>unmodifiableList(Lists.<Object>newArrayList()));
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("testChildren(#[]) failed after anne.father = hallvard: " + error.getMessage());
private void _test__farskapSetFather_transitions1_effect_state_objectTests2_test(final Person it) {
Person _father = it.getFather();
assertEquals("father == hallvard failed after anne.father = hallvard", this.hallvard, _father);
Person _mother = it.getMother();
assertEquals("mother == null failed after anne.father = hallvard", null, _mother);
try {
this.testChildren(it, Collections.<Object>unmodifiableList(Lists.<Object>newArrayList()));
} catch (junit.framework.AssertionFailedError error) {
fail("testChildren(#[]) failed after anne.father = hallvard: " + error.getMessage());
public static void main(final String[] args) {