package grensesnitt;
import interfaces.Digit;
import no.hal.jex.runtime.JExercise;
import no.hal.jex.standalone.JexStandalone;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
description="Digit contains an _int_ value that can be incremented. The value starts as zero and wraps when reaching the *base* value (provided to the constructor).",
public class DigitTest extends TestCase {
private Digit digit;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
description="The value starts at zero.")
public void testDigit() {
digit = new Digit(10);
assertEquals(0, digit.toInt());
private void testIncrement(int base, boolean checkValue, boolean checkToString) {
digit = new Digit(base);
int i = 0;
String digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
while (i < base) {
if (checkValue) {
assertEquals(i % base, digit.toInt());
if (checkToString) {
assertEquals(String.valueOf(digits.charAt(i % base)), digit.toString().toUpperCase());
boolean overflow = digit.increment();
if (checkValue) {
assertEquals(i % base == 0, overflow);
assertEquals(i % base, digit.toInt());
if (checkToString) {
assertEquals(String.valueOf(digits.charAt(i % base)), digit.toString().toUpperCase());
private void testIncrement(boolean checkValue, boolean checkToString) {
for (int base = 2; base <= 16; base++) {
testIncrement(base, checkValue, checkToString);
tests="boolean increment()",
description="The *boolean increment()* method increments the value. If the value reaches the base (the argument passed to the constructor), the value is _reset to zero_ and *true* is returned, otherwise *false* is returned."
public void testIncrement() {
testIncrement(true, false);
tests="String toString()",
description="The *String toString()* method return the value as a digit (String) in the provided base. First it uses _0 through 9_, then _A to Z_."
public void testToString() {
testIncrement(false, true);
public static void main(String[] args) {