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import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.VillagerRegistry;
import mantle.lib.client.MantleClientRegistry;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelSlime;
import net.minecraft.client.particle.*;
import net.minecraft.init.*;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import tconstruct.mechworks.model.CartRender;

public class TinkerWorldProxyClient extends TinkerWorldProxyCommon
    public void initialize ()

    void registerRenderer ()
        RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(new OreberryRender());
        RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(new BarricadeRender());
        RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(new RenderLandmine());
        RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(new PunjiRender());
        RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(new SlimeChannelRender());
        RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(new SlimePadRender());

        // Entities
        RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(BlueSlime.class, new SlimeRender(new ModelSlime(16), new ModelSlime(0), 0.25F));
        RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(CartEntity.class, new CartRender());

        VillagerRegistry.instance().registerVillagerSkin(78943, new ResourceLocation("tinker", "textures/mob/villagertools.png"));

    void registerManualIcons ()


    void registerManualRecipes ()
        ItemStack netherrack = new ItemStack(Blocks.netherrack);
        ItemStack coal = new ItemStack(Items.coal);
        ItemStack log = new ItemStack(Blocks.log, 1, 0);

        ItemStack graveyardsoil = new ItemStack(TinkerTools.craftedSoil, 1, 3);
        ItemStack consecratedsoil = new ItemStack(TinkerTools.craftedSoil, 1, 4);

        MantleClientRegistry.registerManualSmallRecipe("slimechannel", new ItemStack(TinkerWorld.slimeChannel, 1, 0), new ItemStack(TinkerWorld.slimeGel, 1, 0), new ItemStack(, null, null);
        MantleClientRegistry.registerManualSmallRecipe("bouncepad", new ItemStack(TinkerWorld.slimePad, 1, 0), new ItemStack(TinkerWorld.slimeChannel), new ItemStack(Items.slime_ball), null, null);

        MantleClientRegistry.registerManualSmallRecipe("graveyardsoil", graveyardsoil, new ItemStack(Blocks.dirt), new ItemStack(Items.rotten_flesh), new ItemStack(Items.dye, 1, 15), null);
        MantleClientRegistry.registerManualFurnaceRecipe("consecratedsoil", consecratedsoil, graveyardsoil);

        // Traps
        ItemStack reed = new ItemStack(Items.reeds);
        MantleClientRegistry.registerManualLargeRecipe("punji", new ItemStack(TinkerWorld.punji, 5), reed, null, reed, null, reed, null, reed, null, reed);
        MantleClientRegistry.registerManualSmallRecipe("barricade", new ItemStack(TinkerWorld.barricadeOak), null, log, null, log);


    Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();

    public void spawnParticle (String particle, double xPos, double yPos, double zPos, double velX, double velY, double velZ)
        this.doSpawnParticle(particle, xPos, yPos, zPos, velX, velY, velZ);

    public EntityFX doSpawnParticle (String par1Str, double par2, double par4, double par6, double par8, double par10, double par12)
        if ( == null)
   = Minecraft.getMinecraft();

        if ( != null && != null)
            int i =;

            if (i == 1 && mc.theWorld.rand.nextInt(3) == 0)
                i = 2;

            double d6 = - par2;
            double d7 = - par4;
            double d8 = - par6;
            EntityFX entityfx = null;

            if (par1Str.equals("hugeexplosion"))
       = new EntityHugeExplodeFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12));
            else if (par1Str.equals("largeexplode"))
       = new EntityLargeExplodeFX(mc.renderEngine, mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12));
            else if (par1Str.equals("fireworksSpark"))
       = new EntityFireworkSparkFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12,;

            if (entityfx != null)
                return (EntityFX) entityfx;
                double d9 = 16.0D;

                if (d6 * d6 + d7 * d7 + d8 * d8 > d9 * d9)
                    return null;
                else if (i > 1)
                    return null;
                    if (par1Str.equals("bubble"))
                        entityfx = new EntityBubbleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("suspended"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySuspendFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("depthsuspend"))
                        entityfx = new EntityAuraFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("townaura"))
                        entityfx = new EntityAuraFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("crit"))
                        entityfx = new EntityCritFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("smoke"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySmokeFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("mobSpell"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySpellParticleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
                        ((EntityFX) entityfx).setRBGColorF((float) par8, (float) par10, (float) par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("mobSpellAmbient"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySpellParticleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
                        ((EntityFX) entityfx).setAlphaF(0.15F);
                        ((EntityFX) entityfx).setRBGColorF((float) par8, (float) par10, (float) par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("spell"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySpellParticleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("instantSpell"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySpellParticleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                        ((EntitySpellParticleFX) entityfx).setBaseSpellTextureIndex(144);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("witchMagic"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySpellParticleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                        ((EntitySpellParticleFX) entityfx).setBaseSpellTextureIndex(144);
                        float f = mc.theWorld.rand.nextFloat() * 0.5F + 0.35F;
                        ((EntityFX) entityfx).setRBGColorF(1.0F * f, 0.0F * f, 1.0F * f);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("note"))
                        entityfx = new EntityNoteFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("portal"))
                        entityfx = new EntityPortalFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("enchantmenttable"))
                        entityfx = new EntityEnchantmentTableParticleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("explode"))
                        entityfx = new EntityExplodeFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("flame"))
                        entityfx = new EntityFlameFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("lava"))
                        entityfx = new EntityLavaFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("footstep"))
                        entityfx = new EntityFootStepFX(mc.renderEngine, mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("splash"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySplashFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("largesmoke"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySmokeFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12, 2.5F);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("cloud"))
                        entityfx = new EntityCloudFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("reddust"))
                        entityfx = new EntityReddustFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, (float) par8, (float) par10, (float) par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("snowballpoof"))
                        entityfx = new EntityBreakingFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, Items.snowball);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("dripWater"))
                        entityfx = new EntityDropParticleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, Material.water);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("dripLava"))
                        entityfx = new EntityDropParticleFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, Material.lava);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("snowshovel"))
                        entityfx = new EntitySnowShovelFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("blueslime"))
                        entityfx = new EntityBreakingFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, TinkerWorld.strangeFood);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("heart"))
                        entityfx = new EntityHeartFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("angryVillager"))
                        entityfx = new EntityHeartFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4 + 0.5D, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                        ((EntityFX) entityfx).setParticleTextureIndex(81);
                        ((EntityFX) entityfx).setRBGColorF(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
                    else if (par1Str.equals("happyVillager"))
                        entityfx = new EntityAuraFX(mc.theWorld, par2, par4, par6, par8, par10, par12);
                        ((EntityFX) entityfx).setParticleTextureIndex(82);
                        ((EntityFX) entityfx).setRBGColorF(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);

                    if (entityfx != null)

                    return (EntityFX) entityfx;
            return null;

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