package net.canarymod.permissionsystem;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import net.canarymod.Canary;
import net.canarymod.Translator;
import net.canarymod.backbone.PermissionDataAccess;
import net.canarymod.database.DataAccess;
import net.canarymod.database.Database;
import net.canarymod.database.exceptions.DatabaseReadException;
* A PermissionProvider implementation based on PermissionNode objects,
* with multiworld support
* @author Chris (damagefilter)
public class MultiworldPermissionProvider implements PermissionProvider {
private ArrayList<PermissionNode> permissions;
private HashMap<String, Boolean> permissionCache = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(35);
private boolean isPlayerProvider;
private String owner; // This can either be a player or group name
private String world;
private PermissionProvider parent = null;
* Constructs a new PermissionProvider that's valid for the given world
* @param world
public MultiworldPermissionProvider(String world, boolean isPlayer, String owner) { = world;
permissions = new ArrayList<PermissionNode>();
this.isPlayerProvider = isPlayer;
this.owner = owner;
if (world != null) {
// We need a parent then
if (isPlayer) {
this.parent = Canary.permissionManager().getPlayerProvider(owner, null);
else {
this.parent = Canary.permissionManager().getGroupsProvider(owner, null);
* Add a given permission to the permissions cache. The cache is limited and
* will prune itself if it gets too big.
* @param path
* @param value
private void addPermissionToCache(String path, boolean value) {
if (permissionCache.size() > 35) {
Iterator<Entry<String, Boolean>> it = permissionCache.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext() && permissionCache.size() > 10) {;
permissionCache.put(path, value);
* Check the permission cache if we have something already
* @param permission
* @return
private Boolean checkCached(String permission) {
return permissionCache.get(permission);
public ArrayList<PermissionNode> getChildNodes(PermissionNode node, ArrayList<PermissionNode> childs) {
if (node.hasChilds()) {
for (String key : node.getChilds().keySet()) {
getChildNodes(node.getChilds().get(key), childs);
return childs;
* get a node that must be directly in the permissions list
* @param name
* @return
private PermissionNode getRootNode(String name) {
for (PermissionNode n : permissions) {
if (n.getName().equals(name) || n.isAsterisk()) {
return n;
return null;
* Resolve a path when adding new stuff
* @param path
* @param value
* @return
private PermissionNode addPath(String[] path, boolean value) {
PermissionNode node = null;
boolean newPath = false;
for (int current = 0; current < path.length; current++) {
if (current == 0) {
node = getRootNode(path[current]);
if (node == null) {
newPath = true;
node = new PermissionNode(path[current], value);
if (newPath) {
PermissionNode n = new PermissionNode(path[current], value);
node = n;
else {
if (current + 1 < path.length) {
if (node.hasChildNode(path[current + 1])) {
node = node.getChildNode(path[current + 1]);
if (current + 1 == (path.length - 1)) { // This is the end of the path. Update the value
else {
PermissionNode n = new PermissionNode(path[current + 1], value);
node = n;
return node;
* Resolve the string path and return the result
* @param path
* @return
private boolean resolvePath(String[] path) {
PermissionNode node = getRootNode(path[0]);
boolean hasAsterisk = false, asteriskValue = false;
for (int current = 0; current < path.length; current++) {
if (node == null) {
return false;
if (node.isAsterisk()) {
// File the value only and continue with resolving
hasAsterisk = true;
asteriskValue = node.getValue();
if (node.hasChildNode("*")) {
// Register that we had an asterisk on the way, that's all we need to know!
hasAsterisk = true;
asteriskValue = node.getChildNode("*").getValue();
if (current + 1 < path.length) {
if (node.hasChildNode(path[current + 1])) {
node = node.getChildNode(path[current + 1]);
else {
if (hasAsterisk) { // No subsequent nodes, the asterisk value wins
return asteriskValue;
// No asterisk was before this point, so it's false
return false;
// Path was fully resolved, check if there was an asterisk on the way
if (hasAsterisk) {
// Only use asterisk if there's no overriding value behind it on the path
if (asteriskValue == node.getValue()) {
return asteriskValue;
// No asterisk or asterisk value is not the same.
// The overriding node will be used
return node.getValue();
* Checks if this permission provider actually has the given path loaded.
* @param path
* @return
private boolean hasPath(String[] path) {
PermissionNode node = getRootNode(path[0]);
for (int current = 0; current < path.length; current++) {
if (current == 0) {
node = getRootNode("*");
if (node == null) {
node = getRootNode(path[0]);
if (current + 1 < path.length) {
if (node == null) {
return false;
if (node.hasChildNode(path[current + 1])) {
node = node.getChildNode(path[current + 1]);
else if (node.hasChildNode("*")) {
node = node.getChildNode("*");
return node != null && (node.getName().equals(path[path.length - 1]) || node.isAsterisk());
public void addPermission(String path, boolean value, int id) {
String[] paths = path.split("\\.");
if (paths.length == 0) {
paths = new String[]{ path }; // we have only one node (root)
PermissionNode node = addPath(paths, value);
public void addPermission(String path, boolean value) {
addPermission(path, value, Canary.permissionManager().addPermission(path, value, owner, isPlayerProvider ? "player" : "group",;
// addPermission(path, value, permissions.size()); //Testing
public boolean queryPermission(String permission) {
if (permission.isEmpty() || permission.equals(" ")) {
return true;
Boolean b = checkCached(permission);
if (b != null) {
return b;
String[] path = permission.split("\\.");
if (!this.hasPath(path)) {
if (parent != null) {
return parent.queryPermission(permission);
boolean result = resolvePath(permission.split("\\."));
addPermissionToCache(permission, result);
return result;
public boolean pathExists(String permission) {
return permission.trim().isEmpty() || hasPath(permission.split("\\."));
public void flushCache() {
public void reload() {
if (isPlayerProvider) {
PermissionProvider p = Canary.permissionManager().getPlayerProvider(owner, world);
permissions = p.getPermissionMap();
else {
PermissionProvider p = Canary.permissionManager().getGroupsProvider(owner, world);
permissions = p.getPermissionMap();
public void setOwner(String owner) {
this.owner = owner;
public void setType(boolean isPlayerProvider) {
this.isPlayerProvider = isPlayerProvider;
public ArrayList<PermissionNode> getPermissionMap() {
return permissions;
public ArrayList<String> getPermissionsAsStringList() {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (PermissionNode node : permissions) {
return list;
public void printPermissionsToCaller(MessageReceiver caller) {
PermissionDataAccess data = new PermissionDataAccess(world);
ArrayList<DataAccess> list = new ArrayList<DataAccess>();
try {
Database.get().loadAll(data, list, new String[]{ "owner", "type" }, new Object[]{ this.owner, isPlayerProvider ? "player" : "group" });
catch (DatabaseReadException e) {
caller.notice(Translator.translate("no permissions"));
if (list.size() > 0) {
for (DataAccess da : list) {
PermissionDataAccess perm = (PermissionDataAccess) da;
if (perm.value) {
caller.message(Colors.LIGHT_GREEN + perm.path + ": true");
else {
caller.message(Colors.LIGHT_RED + perm.path + ": false");
else {
caller.notice(Translator.translate("no permissions"));
public String getWorld() {
return world;
public PermissionProvider getParent() {
return parent;