package net.canarymod.commandsys.commands;
import net.canarymod.Canary;
import net.canarymod.Translator;
import net.canarymod.commandsys.CommandException;
import net.canarymod.commandsys.NativeCommand;
* Command to enable, disable or reload plugins
* @author Chris (damagefilter)
public class PluginCommand implements NativeCommand {
private boolean disable;
private boolean reload;
private boolean permanent = false;
public PluginCommand(boolean disable, boolean reload) {
this.reload = reload;
this.disable = reload ? false : disable;
public void execute(MessageReceiver caller, String[] parameters) {
String plugin = parameters[parameters.length - 1];
if (reload) {
reload(caller, plugin);
else {
if (disable) {
disable(caller, plugin, permanent);
else {
enable(caller, plugin);
private void reload(MessageReceiver caller, String plugin) {
if (Canary.loader().reloadPlugin(plugin)) {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("plugin reloaded", plugin));
else {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("plugin reloaded fail", plugin));
private void enable(MessageReceiver caller, String plugin) {
// TODO: Take into consideration the permanent value!
if (Canary.loader().enablePlugin(plugin)) {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("plugin enabled", plugin));
else {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("plugin enabled fail", plugin));
private void disable(MessageReceiver caller, String plugin, boolean permanent) {
if (Canary.loader().disablePlugin(plugin)) {
if (permanent) {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("plugin disabled", plugin));
else {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("plugin disabled fail", plugin));
* Check if we have a permanent disable/enable requests
* @param params
* @return
private boolean getPermanentParameter(String[] params) {
return params[params.length - 2].equalsIgnoreCase("-p");
* Analyze the command input and set the disable, permanent and reload booleans accordingly
* @param params
private void checkConditions(String[] params) {
if (params[0].toLowerCase().startsWith("plugin", 1)) {
if (params.length == 4) {
// we have a permanent condition (still check if the flag is right!)
this.permanent = getPermanentParameter(params);
if (params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("reload")) {
reload = true;
disable = false;
else if (params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("enable")) {
disable = false;
reload = false;
else {
disable = true;
reload = false;
else {
if (params.length == 3) {
// we have a permanent condition (still check if the flag is right!)
this.permanent = getPermanentParameter(params);
if (params[0].toLowerCase().contains("reloadplugin")) {
reload = true;
disable = false;
else if (params[0].toLowerCase().contains("enableplugin")) {
disable = false;
reload = false;
else if (params[0].toLowerCase().contains("disableplugin")) {
disable = true;
reload = false;
else {
throw new CommandException("Found invalid command structure! Should be a plugin command. But command is " + params[0]);