package net.canarymod.commandsys.commands;
import net.canarymod.Canary;
import net.canarymod.Translator;
import net.canarymod.commandsys.NativeCommand;
import net.canarymod.hook.player.KickHook;
import net.visualillusionsent.utils.StringUtils;
* Command to kick a player from the server
* @author Brian (WWOL)
public class Kick implements NativeCommand {
public void execute(MessageReceiver caller, String[] parameters) {
Player target = Canary.getServer().matchPlayer(parameters[1]);
if (target != null) {
String reason = Translator.translateAndFormat("kick message", caller.getName());
if (parameters.length > 2) {
reason = StringUtils.joinString(parameters, " ", 2);
new KickHook(target, caller, reason).call(); // Call KickHook here to pass the caller that is actually doing the kicking
target.kickNoHook(reason); // Don't call the hook again
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("kick kicked", target.getName()));
else {
caller.notice(Translator.translate("kick failed") + " " + Translator.translateAndFormat("unknown player", parameters[1]));